Supreme Court of India (Full Bench (FB)- Three Judge)

INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION, 4-7 of 2015, Judgment Date: Feb 19, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                  INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION NOS.4-7 OF 2015


                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.9220 OF 2014

KATHURIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS & ORS.                                  …APPELLANTS


UNION OF INDIA & ORS.                                        ...RESPONDENTS

                             J U D G M E N T


1.          These applications have been filed  in  decided  appeal  arising
out of order of the High Court of Delhi dated 27th March, 2014 in  W.P.  (C)
No.2009 of 2014.

2.          The issue in the appeal  involved  validity  of  acquisition  of
land and consequent handing over of possession.  Notification under  Section
4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (‘the Act’) was issued on 23rd  January,
1965  after  which  the  appellant  claims  to  have  purchased  the   land.
Declaration under Section 6 was issued on 26th December,  1968.   Award  for
compensation was made by the Collector on 30th March,  1981.  The  appellant
filed a writ  petition  challenging  the  acquisition  being  Writ  Petition
(Civil) No.586 of 1981 before the Delhi High Court which  was  dismissed  on
14th December, 1995 which order was affirmed by the Division  Bench  against
which special leave petition was dismissed by this Court  on  1st  November,
1996.  Thereafter, the appellant made a representation and also  filed  Writ
Petition (Civil) No.233 of 1997 before the Delhi High  Court  for  direction
to consider the representation for release  of  the  land.   The  said  writ
petition was dismissed on 9th November, 2011.  The review  petition  against
the said order was dismissed on 2nd December, 2011.  Special leave  petition
filed against the said  order  was  dismissed  on  9th  December,  2011  but
subject to the filing of an  undertaking  to  deliver  vacant  and  peaceful
possession on or before April 30,  2013,  status  quo  was  directed  to  be
maintained  in  respect  of  nature,  title  and  possession  of  the  land.
Accordingly, the appellant  filed  an  undertaking  on  6th  January,  2012.
However, the appellant did  not  vacate  the  land  in  spite  of  the  said
undertaking which led to filing of a contempt  petition  before  this  Court
being  Contempt  Petition  (Civil)  Nos.281-282  of  2014   by   the   Delhi
Development Authority (DDA).  On 1st August,   2014,  this  Court  permitted
DDA to take possession of the acquired land except the land on which  school
premises was situated and area abutting the school  which  was  required  as
play ground.  This Court appointed Shri Rakesh K.  Khanna,  senior  advocate
to supervise the functioning of the school.  He was to be overall in  charge
of the administration.  On 17th  September,  2014,  the  contempt  petitions
were disposed of by accepting apology of the contemnor, namely,  Shri  Sunil
Kathuria, for not vacating the premises in spite of the  undertaking.   This
Court recorded his statement to the effect that possession of  the  land  in
question including the construction thereon, was deemed to have  been  taken
over on 30th April, 2013 in terms of the  undertaking  dated  9th  December,
2011.  It may also be noted that  the  appellant  had  filed  Writ  Petition
(Civil) No.2009 of 2014 before the Delhi High Court for a  declaration  that
acquisition in respect of 13.3. acres of land situated in  village  Rangpuri
@ Malikpur Kohi, Tehsil  Kapashera,  Mehrauli,  Delhi  had  lapsed  and  for
restraining the authorities from taking over  physical  possession  thereof.
The said writ petition was dismissed against  which  the  above  appeal  was
filed.  The said appeal was disposed of vide  order  dated  17th  September,
2014 by recording that since possession of land has already been taken  over
and contempt matter  disposed  of,  the  High  Court  may  decide  the  writ
petition of the appellants afresh.

3.          It is in the above  background  that  the  present  applications
have been filed.  I.A. No.4 seeks extension of time for running  the  school
in spite of possession having been deemed to have been  taken  over  by  the
DDA.  I.A. Nos.5 and 6 have been filed  by  the  Government  of  NCT,  Delhi
seeking direction to the Administrator appointed by the  Court/DDA  to  hand
over possession of the land and the school building so that the  school  can
be run as a Government school.   I.A. No.7 has been filed by the  appellants
with a prayer to take into account exclusion of 9 bighas of land  in  Khasra
No.1877, while passing orders for handing over possession of  the  remaining
land to the persons this Court deems fit.

4.          We have heard learned counsel for the parties.

5.          It is clear from the facts already noticed that  the  possession
of the entire land stands handed over to the DDA as  on  30th  April,  2013.
Nothing stands excluded.  The school was taken over  by  the  Administrator.
Only further direction required is that the Delhi Government may  take  over
the school from the Administrator  in  accordance  with  law  on  which  the
Administrator appointed by the Court will stand discharged.

6.          I.A. Nos.4 to 6 stand disposed  of  accordingly.   There  is  no
merit in I.A. No.7 which will stand dismissed.


                                                              (ANIL R. DAVE)

                                                         (SHIVA KIRTI SINGH)


                                                         (ADARSH KUMAR GOEL)


FEBRUARY 19, 2016.

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