Allahabad High Court (Single Judge)

MATTERS UNDER ARTICLE 227, 3078 of 2015, Judgment Date: Jul 10, 2015

Case :- MATTERS UNDER ARTICLE 227 No. - 3078 of 2015
Petitioner :- Jagpal Singh
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And Another
Counsel for Petitioner :- Sanjay Singh
Counsel for Respondent :- Govt.Advocate
Hon'ble Manoj Kumar Gupta,J.
Counsel for the petitioner has made a statement that the petitioner
is ready and willing to pay maintenance at the rate awarded by
the court below i.e. Rs.4000/- per month from the date of order of
the learned Magistrate dated 5.2.2013.
Let this matter be placed as a fresh case again on 15 July 2015, on
which date, counsel for the petitioner shall produce before the
Court, a demand draft for such amount drawn in favour of the
second respondent.
(Manoj Kumar Gupta, J.)
Order Date :- 10.7.2015