Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 258 of 2016, Judgment Date: Jan 05, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA


                         CIVIL APPEAL NO.258 OF 2016
                (Arising out of SLP(C)No.21406 of 2007)

   JAGDISH PRASAD VERMA (D) BY LRS. & ORS.                  ... APPELLANT(S)


   STATE OF M.P. & ORS.                                    ... RESPONDENT(S)

                       J U D G M E N T


1.    Leave granted.
2.    Heard the learned counsel.
3.    Upon perusal of the record, we find that the  amount  of  compensation
awarded to the respondents is  Rs.20/-  per  square  feet,  which  has  been
further reduced by 1/3rd .
4.    The afore-stated amount appears to be on much lesser  side  as  circle
rate is much higher than the amount which has been awarded.
5.    Upon perusal of the record, we  are  of  the  view  that  Rs.40/-  per
square feet would be reasonable amount which should be awarded, without  any
deduction therefrom.
6.    Needless to say that in  addition  to  the  afore-stated  amount,  all
statutory benefits would also be paid to the land owners.  The amount  shall
be paid preferably within four months from today.
7.    The appeal is disposed of as  allowed  with  no  order  as  to  costs.
Pending application, if any, stands disposed of.

                                                              [ANIL R. DAVE]

                                                         [ADARSH KUMAR GOEL]
New Delhi;
5th January, 2016.

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