Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 1653 of 2016, Judgment Date: Feb 23, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                    CIVIL APPEAL NO.   1653       OF 2016
                (Arising out of S.L.P. (C) No.31265 of 2010)

Hemant Vimalnath Narichania and another                       ….. Appellants


Anand Darshan C.H.S. Ltd. and others                          …..Respondents


                    CIVIL APPEAL NO.    1654      OF 2016
                (Arising out of S.L.P. (C) No.32678 of 2010)

                               J U D G M E N T

Uday Umesh Lalit, J.

1.    Leave granted.

2.     These  appeals  challenge  the  common  Judgment  and   Order   dated
02.08.2010 passed by  the  High  Court  of  Judicature  at  Bombay  in  Writ
Petition Nos.8194 of 2009 and 2980 of 2010.

3.    The subject of division of an existing  Co-operative  society  in  the
State of  Maharashtra is dealt with by Section 18  of  the  Maharashtra  Co-
operative Societies Act, 1960 (hereinafter referred to as “the  Act”)  which
Section is to the following effect:-
(1)   Where the Registrar is satisfied that it is essential  in  the  public
interest, or in the  interest  of  the  cooperative  movement,  or  for  the
purpose of securing the proper management of any society, that two  or  more
societies should amalgamate or any society should be divided to form two  or
more societies  or  should  be  reorganised  then  notwithstanding  anything
contained  in  the  last  proceeding  section  but  public  subject  to  the
provisions of  this  section,  the  Registrar  may,  after  consulting  such
federal society as  may  be  notified  by  the  State  Government  by  order
notified in the Official Gazette, provide for the amalgamation, division  or
reorganisation of those societies into a single society, or  into  societies
with such constitution, property, rights,  interests  and  authorities,  and
such liabilities, duties and obligations, as may be specified in the  order.

      No order shall be made under this section, unless—

(a) a copy of the proposed order has been sent in draft to  the  society  or
each of the societies concerned;

(b) the Registrar has considered and made such modifications  in  the  draft
order as may seem to him desirable in  the  light  of  any  suggestions  and
objections which may be received by him within such period (not  being  less
than two months from the date on which the copy of the  order  as  aforesaid
was received by the society) as  the  Registrar  may  fix  in  that  behalf,
either from the society or from any member or class of members  thereof,  or
from any creditor or class of creditors.

(3)   The order referred to in sub-section (1) may contain such  incidental,
consequential and supplemental provisions as may,  in  the  opinion  of  the
Registrar, be necessary to give effect  to  the  amalgamation,  division  or

(4)   Every member or creditor of or other person  interested  in,  each  of
the societies to be amalgamated, divided or reorganised,  who  has  objected
to the scheme  of  amalgamation,  division  or  reorganisation,  within  the
period specified, shall be entitled to receive, on the issue  of  the  order
of amalgamation, division or reorganisation his share or interest, if he  be
a member, and the amount in satisfaction of his dues if he be a creditor.

(5)   On the issue of an order under sub-section (1). the provisions in sub-
sections (2), (3) and (4) of section 17 shall  apply  to  the  societies  so
amalgamated, divided or reorganised as if they were amalgamated, divided  or
reorganised under that section, and to the society amalgamated,  divided  or

(6)   Nothing contained in this section shall apply for the amalgamation  of
two or more co-operative banks or two or more  primary  agricultural  credit

 The procedure in that behalf is detailed in  Rule  17  of  the  Maharashtra
Cooperative Societies Rules, 1961 (hereinafter referred to  as  “the  Rules)
which is as under:-
“17. Direction by Registrar for amalgamation,  division  and  reorganisation
of societies:-

(1)    Before  issuing  any  order  under  sub-section  (I)  of  Section  18
providing for the amalgamation, division or reorganisation  of  any  society
or societies, the Registrar shall prepare a draft scheme in respect of  such
amalgamation, division or reorganisation stating in  particular  the  manner
in which the new committee  or  committees,  of  the  society  or  societies
resulting from such amalgamation,  conversion  or  reorganisation  shall  be
constituted and the by-laws which such society or  societies  shall  follow.
The Registrar shall then consult such federal society as may be notified  by
the State Government in the Official  Gazette,  and  after  considering  the
suggestions, if any, that will be made by such federal society,  shall  send
a copy of the draft of the order proposed to be issued  by  him  under  sub-
section (1) of  Section  18,  to  the  society  or  each  of  the  societies
concerned calling upon it or them to invite objections or  suggestions  from
any member or class of members thereof or from  any  creditor  or  class  of
creditors and to submit such objections and suggestions  together  with  its
own or their own suggestions and objections within  a  period  of  not  less
than two months from the date on which the copy of the draft  aforesaid  was
received by it or them.

(2)   The Registrar shall consider all such suggestions and  objections  and
make such modifications in the draft order as may seem to him  desirable  in
the light of those suggestions or objections and then issue  a  final  order
under sub-section (I) of Section 18.

(3)   Any member or creditor of each of the  societies  to  be  amalgamated,
divided or reorganised, who has objected  to  the  scheme  of  amalgamation,
division or reorganisation within the period specified in sub-rule (i),  may
apply to the Registrar for payment of his share or  interest,  if  he  be  a
member, and the amount in satisfaction of his dues, if  he  be  a  creditor.
Such application shall be  separate  and  distinct  from  the  objection  or
suggestion which he may have submitted  to  the  society  or  the  Registrar
under clause (b) of sub-section (2) of Section 18.  It  shall  be  competent
for the Registrar to nominate an officer not below  the  rank  of  a  Deputy
Registrar to investigate such applications and  to  determine  the  payments
required to be made to the members or creditors, as the case may be.

(4)   Subject to the provisions of the Act, the rules and the  by-laws,  the
Registrar may by order require the society concerned  to  meet  in  full  or
satisfy otherwise all due claims of the members and creditors and  thereupon
the society shall be bound to meet in full  or  satisfy  otherwise  all  due
claims of the members and creditors within such time as may be specified  by
the Registrar in the order.”

4.    The facts leading to the filing of the present appeals are as under:

(a)    Respondent  No.1  herein  i.e.  Anand  Darshan  Co-operative  Housing
Society Ltd. (registered under the provisions of the Act)  consists  of  two
buildings.  The first building has one wing namely “A  Wing”  consisting  of
16 apartments, a bank and two garages while  the  second  building  has  two
Wings namely B and C Wings with 41 apartments and nine garages.

(b)   On 24.05.2007, 12 members from A  Wing  of  Respondent  No.1  -Society
moved Application No.1 of 2007 before Deputy  Registrar,  “D”  Ward,  Mumbai
for division of Respondent No.1 - Society by  division  of  its  assets  and

(c)   A scheme for division as contemplated  under  Rule  17  was  therefore
prepared  on  16.07.2007.    After  setting  out  the  areas  of  both   the
buildings, it was stated  that  ‘A’  Wing  Building  had  41.68%  share  and
interest in the property/open space of Respondent No.1 - Society  while  the
other Building having ‘B’ and ‘C’  Wings  had  58.32%  share  and  that  the
right/title and interest in the property/land including additional FSI  that
might be available in future in respect of these buildings would also be  in
same proportion.  A plan was  enclosed  detailing  proposed  division  while
certain areas and facilities were to be enjoyed in common.

(d)   On 19.07.2007 the scheme was forwarded under a  covering  letter  from
the office of Deputy Registrar, D Ward, Mumbai to Respondent  No.1  -Society
and also to Maharashtra District Housing  Federation  Limited,  namely,  the
Federal Society.

(e)   A draft order was prepared on 05.09.2007 by the office of  the  Deputy
Registrar detailing out the scheme  for  division  and  other  consequential
matters.  This draft order was then sent to  Respondent  No.1  -Society  and
the Federal  Society.   This  was  followed  by  second  draft  order  dated
18.03.2008 to similar effect which was marked to  Respondent  No.1  -Society
and the Federal Society.

(f)   On 09.05.2008 following resolution was passed by the Federal Society:
“Under the said proposal  of  Division,  there  are  3  Wings  of  a  single
building and the division  is  to  be  made  wing-wise  (But)  if  wing-wise
division is made in one building then it is  possible  that  a  dispute  may
again arise among the Members regarding  the  use  of  the  building’s  open
space.  In view thereof, it is resolved that the  said  division  cannot  be
recommended by the Federation.”

(g)   In response to the aforesaid  resolution,  a  detailed  representation
was made on 02.06.2008 stating inter alia that as a  matter  of  fact  three
Wings of Respondent No.1 - Society were not located in one  single  building
but were in two different buildings, A Wing of  the  Society  being  in  one
separate building while the other two Wings – B and C in  another  building.
Draft building plans, photographs and other  materials  were  also  annexed.
This led to communication dated 19.07.2008 addressed by the Federal  Society
to the Deputy Registrar acknowledging the receipt of material  stating  that
A, B, C Wings of the Society were not in a single building and that  A  Wing
of the  Society  was  in  an  independent  building.   Further,  the  letter
requested the Deputy  Registrar  to  take  a  decision  about  the  division
accordingly.  Around this time the Federal Society  wrote  to  the  proposed
Society of A Wing that it had by letter  dated  19.07.2002  written  to  the
Deputy Registrar recommending proposal of division.

(h)   Thereafter the draft order was circulated by the Deputy  Registrar  on
22.08.2008  seeking  comments  regarding  proposed  division  and  he  fixed
15.09.2008 as the date for hearing objections, etc.  This  draft  order  was
again marked to Respondent No.1 -Society.  According  to  the  draft  order,
Respondent No.1 - Society would be divided in two societies:-
(a) The Respondent No.1 -Society  would,  upon  bifurcation,  continue  with
only two existing Wings namely, B and  C  Wings  with  41  apartments,  nine
garages, one Office Meeting Room and one Pump House while
(b) New  Society  namely  New  Anand  Darshan  Cooperative  Housing  Society
Limited would comprise of 16 apartments from the  existing  A  Wing  with  a
Bank, two Garages, Security Office and a Meter Room.
(c) And certain facilities would continue to be enjoyed in  common  by  both
these Societies.

(i)   Thereafter  on  03.11.2008  final  order  directing  division  of  the
existing Society i.e. Respondent No.1 – Society was  passed.   The  relevant
portion of the Order reads as under:-
“In exercise of the powers conferred on me  under  Section  18  (1)  of  the
Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 and Rule 17 (2)  thereunder  I,
Rajkumar Patil, Deputy Registrar,  Co-operative  Societies  D-Ward,  Mumbai,
divided (the Society viz.) the Anand Darshan  Co-operative  Housing  Society
Limited.,  C.S.No.744, 13-Dr. G.D. Deshmukh Marg, Mumbai – 400 026 into  two
independent Societies  and  cancel/revoke  the  registration  of  the  Anand
Darshan Co-op. Housing Society Limited. Regn.No.B-3126/1961 dated  28.4.1961
which has been divided under Section 21 and Rule 16(7) thereunder.

After the division the building having “A” Wing and “B” and “C”  Wings  have
to  be  given  two  (separate)  registrations  under  Section  9(1)  of  the
Maharashtra Co-op. Societies Act, 1960 and  the  Rules  thereunder  for  the
purpose of the flats in the said Wings for the purpose I register the below-
mentioned new societies under the  Registration  Numbers  mentioned  against

|1    |New Anand Darshan Co-operative|BOM/W.D./Hsg./T.C./8874/|
|     |Housing Society Ltd.,         |2008-09 dated 3.11.2008 |
|     |C.S.No.744, 13-Dr. G.D.       |                        |
|     |Deshmukh Marg, Mumbai – 400   |                        |
|     |026                           |                        |
|2.   |Pedder Road Anand Darshan     |BOM/W.D./Hsg./T.C./8873/|
|     |Co-op. Hsg. Society           |2008-09 dated 3.11.2008 |
|     |Ltd.C.S.No.744, 13-Dr.G.D.    |                        |
|     |Deshmukh Marg, Mumbai – 400   |                        |
|     |026                           |                        |

Members in the building having “B” and  “C”  Wings  are  hereby  ordered  to
submit to  this  office,  the  Registration  Case  Papers  in  the  relevant
prescribed Form to register the new Society of their Building.  Further,  as
mentioned in the attached Proforma “A” Two Independent  Managing  Committees
are created in respect of the Two Independent Societies…..”

(j)   This order of the Deputy Registrar regarding division  was  challenged
by way of Appeal  No.250  of  2008  by  Respondent  No.1  -  Society  before
Divisional Joint Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Mumbai Division,  Mumbai,
who dismissed this appeal by his order dated 16.04.2009.  This  led  to  the
filing of Revision  Application  No.231  of  2009  which  also  came  to  be
dismissed by the Revisional Authority vide order dated 26.08.2009.

(k)   Respondent No.1 – Society  challenged  these  orders  by  filing  Writ
Petition No.8194 of 2009 in the High Court  of  Judicature  at  Bombay.   17
Members of B and C Wings of Respondent No.1  -Society  also  preferred  Writ
Petition No.2980 of 2010 in the High Court claiming similar reliefs.

(l)   Said writ petitions came to be allowed by the High Court  by  Judgment
and Order under appeal setting aside the  concurrent  view  taken  by  three
authorities in the matter.  It was observed by the High court  that  Section
18(2) of the Act obliges the Registrar to prepare a  draft  order  and  send
the same to the Society inviting  suggestions  and  objections,  that  after
receipt of such suggestions and objections the Registrar  was  further  duty
bound to consult the Federal Society and  only  thereafter  an  order  under
Section 18 dividing the Society could be  passed.   Since  the  final  draft
order  was  never  sent  to  the   Federal   Society   for   obtaining   its
recommendations, according to the High Court, there was  infraction  on  the
part of the Deputy Registrar.  The High Court  therefore  allowed  the  said
writ petitions and remanded the matter back to the Deputy Registrar to  take
fresh decision after following the procedure under Section  18  of  the  Act
and under Rule 17 of the Rules.

5.    In these appeals arising out of the common judgment and order   passed
by the High Court,  we have heard Mr. Shyam Diwan, learned  Senior  Advocate
for the appellants  and  Mr.  Shekhar  Naphade,  learned  Sr.  Advocate  for
Respondent No.  1  –  Society  and  Mr.  Venkata  Krishna  Kunduru,  learned
Advocate for the State.

6.    Section 18(1) of the Act and Rule 17 of the  Rules  deal  with,  inter
alia, division of an existing Society.  The power  under  Section  18(1)  of
the Act can be exercised if the Registrar is satisfied  with  the  essential
requirements mentioned in the said sub-section (1).   The Section,  however,
obliges the Registrar to exercise such power after consulting  such  Federal
Society as may be notified in the Official Gazette.     Sub-section  (2)  of
Section 18 imposes two more conditions and states  that  (a)  no  order  for
division be made unless a copy of the proposed order has been sent in  draft
to  the  concerned  Society  and  (b)  the  Registrar  shall  consider   the
suggestions and objections, if any, either from the Society or from  any  of
its members and may make such modifications in the  draft order as may  seem
desirable to him.    Rule  17(1)  of  the  Rules  while  detailing  out  the
procedure to be followed, lays down that  before  issuing  any  order  under
Section 18(1) providing for division of an existing Society,  the  Registrar
shall prepare  a  draft  scheme.   The  Rule  further  lays  down  that  the
Registrar shall then consult the Federal Society and after  considering  the
suggestions, if any, made by such Federal Society, shall send a copy of  the
draft  order proposed to be issued by him  to  the  Society.    The  Society
would also be called upon to invite the objections or suggestions  from  any
member or class of members of the Society.  Said sub-rule (2)   then  states
that the Registrar shall consider all such suggestions  and  objections  and
make such  modifications in the draft order as may  seem  desirable  to  him
and shall then issue a final order under sub-section (1)  of Section 18.

7.    Thus as regards division  of  an  existing  Society,  following  steps
emerge from the reading of these provisions.

The Registrar shall first prepare a draft scheme.

b.    He shall then consult the Federal  Society.  As  part  of  process  of
consultation, the Registrar would naturally be obliged  to  send  the  draft
scheme to the Federal Society.

c.    The suggestions, if any, made by the Federal  Society  would  then  be
considered and  the  Registrar  shall  thereafter  prepare  a  draft  order,
proposed to be issued by him.    This draft order shall then be sent to  the
concerned Society calling upon the said  Society  to  invite  objections  or
suggestions from any of its members.

d.    If any suggestions or objections are made  to  the  draft  order,  the
Registrar shall consider if any modifications  seem  desirable  and  in  the
light of such suggestions or objections he shall then issue a final order.

8.    These provisions make it very clear that the  stage  for  consultation
with the Federal Society is when the draft scheme  is  contemplated.   After
the stage of consultation with the Federal Society is over, the  next  stage
arises for preparing draft order which is then circulated for  inviting  the
objections or suggestions.  The provisions  nowhere  contemplate  the  draft
order to be again sent  to  the  Federal  Society  as  part  of  process  of
consultation. The assessment made by  the  High  Court  in  that  behalf  is
completely incorrect.   In the present case, at the stage  of  draft  scheme
the Federal Society was consulted in the matter and thereafter  draft  order
was prepared in respect of which objections  or  suggestions  were  invited.
The High Court was not, therefore,  justified  in  holding  that  there  was
infraction on part of the Deputy Registrar in the present  matter.   In  our
view, the exercise of power  by  the  Deputy  Registrar  and  the  procedure
adopted by him were perfectly in tune with Section 18 of the  Act  and  Rule
17 of the Rules.

9.    We, therefore, allow these appeals and  set  aside  the  judgment  and
order under appeal.   The  order  dated  03.11.2008  passed  by  the  Deputy
Registrar accepting the proposal for division of Respondent No.1  -  Society
as confirmed by the Appellate and Revisional Authorities is  restored.   The
matter  shall  now  be  taken  up  by  the  Deputy  Registrar  for   passing
consequential directions, if any.

10.   The appeals are allowed  in  aforementioned  terms.  No  order  as  to

                                                            (V.GOPALA GOWDA)

                                                          (UDAY UMESH LALIT)
New Delhi
February 23, 2016

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