Tags Murder

Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Crl.), 1624-1625 of 2013, Judgment Date: Oct 20, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA


                  CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS.1624-1625   OF  2013

      HARBEER  SINGH                    …               APPELLANT(S)


      SHEESHPAL  & ORS.                 …              RESPONDENT(S)


                   CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS.217-218   OF  2013

      STATE OF RAJASTHAN                …              APPELLANT(S)


      SHEESHPAL  & ORS.                 …             RESPONDENT(S)

                               J U D G M E N T

      Pinaki Chandra Ghose, J.

   1. These appeals, by special leave, are directed against the judgment and
      order  dated  25th  November,  2011,  passed  by  the  High  Court  of
      Judicature for Rajasthan,  Jaipur  Bench,  Jaipur,  in  D.B.  Criminal
      Appeal No.290/1995 and D.B. Criminal Appeal No.375/1995,  whereby  the
      High Court has quashed and set aside the  conviction  of  the  accused
      respondents. Criminal Appeal Nos.1624-1625 of 2013 are  filed  by  the
      son of the deceased and Criminal Appeal Nos.217-218 of 2013 are  filed
      by the State of Rajasthan challenging the acquittal  order  passed  by
      the High Court.

   2. The brief facts of the case as unfolded  by  the  prosecution  are  as
      follows: On 21.12.1993, at 7.55 P.M., Bhagwara Ram (PW-8), the brother
      of the deceased Balbir Singh, gave a written report  at  P.S.  Kotwali
      Sikar, stating that on 21.12.1993 in the evening at about  6.00  P.M.,
      when his younger brother Balbir (deceased) was returning to his house,
      two men were standing near the Dhaba of Shankar and he started talking
      to them. In the meantime, Sheeshpal (son of Khuba Ram) came  from  the
      side of Sikar driving his Jeep and with  an  intention  to  kill,  hit
      Balbir and dragged him upto the Dhaba of Suresh as a result  of  which
      Balbir died on the spot. The owner of the Dhaba – Suresh Kumar  chased
      them on his motorcycle.  It  was  further  stated  that  the  act  was
      committed by Sheeshpal in furtherance of his old enmity with Balbir in
      connivance with Bhanwarlal, Dhanvir, Mangal (sons of  Khuba  Ram)  and
      Bhanwarlal’s brother-in-law Nemichand  and  Shiv  Bhagwan  of  Village
      Gothura Tagalan. It is also mentioned in the written  report  that  at
      the  time  of  the  incident,  Sheeshpal  was  driving  the  jeep  and
      Nemichand, Shiv Bhagwan, Rajendra and Prakash were  with  him  in  the
      Jeep and it is not mentioned that Bhanwarwal was present in  the  jeep
      or at the place of occurrence. The names of Dhanvir  and  Mangal  were
      dropped later on.

   3. The Police registered a case under Section 302  of  the  Indian  Penal
      Code and began investigation. Formal  FIR  was  registered,  place  of
      occurrence was inspected, site plan was prepared, post-mortem  of  the
      dead body was done, Panchnama of the dead body was  prepared  and  the
      vehicle used in the crime along with number plate of the  vehicle  and
      broken parts was seized. Statements of the witnesses were recorded and
      during investigation accused persons were taken  into  custody.  After
      completion of the investigation,  accused  Bhanwar  Lal  was  declared
      absconding. Charge sheet was filed against the accused persons  before
      the learned Magistrate and the case  was  committed  to  the  Sessions
      Court for  trial.  On  Bhanwar  Lal’s  presence,  his  case  was  also
      committed as above and both  the  cases  were  amalgamated  and  trial
      commenced. Charges under Sections 149,  302,  120B  of  the  IPC  were
      framed against all the accused persons except  Bhanwar  Lal.   Accused
      Bhanwar Lal was charged under Sections  302,  120B  of  IPC.  All  the
      accused persons pleaded ‘not guilty’ and hence they were tried by  the
      Court of Sessions. The Trial Court convicted the accused  persons  and
      sentenced them to  life  imprisonment  under  Section  302  read  with
      Section 149 of the IPC.  They  were  also  sentenced  severally  under
      various sections.

   4. Aggrieved by the judgment and order dated 17.06.1995,  passed  by  the
      Trial Court, the accused persons filed appeals before the  High  Court
      of Judicature for Rajasthan, Jaipur  Bench,  Jaipur.  The  High  Court
      allowed the appeals, set aside the judgment and order  passed  by  the
      Trial Court and  acquitted  all  the  accused  persons.  Hence,  these
      appeals, by special leave, are filed before this Court.

   5. We have heard the learned counsel appearing for the Appellant as  also
      the learned counsel appearing for the Respondents and perused the oral
      and documentary evidence on record.

   6. The Trial Court convicted the  accused  relying  upon  the  successful
      establishment of the following facts by the prosecution:

        a) Death of the deceased due to unnatural reasons vide the evidence
           of PW4 (medical jurist who  conducted  the  post-mortem  of  the
           deceased),   Ext.   P-12   (post-mortem   report),   Ext.   P-15
           (Panchnama), and the evidence of PW8 (complainant);

        b) Hatching of criminal conspiracy to  commit  the  murder  of  the
           deceased by accused Bhanwar Lal along with Sheespal, Nemi Chand,
           Shiv Bhagwan and Rajendra Kumar vide the  evidence  of  PW3  and

        c) Existence of enmity between accused persons and the deceased;

        d) Formation of an unlawful  assembly  by  the  accused  Sheeshpal,
           Nemichand, Shiv Bhagwan, Rajendra Kumar and Prakash  having  the
           common object of committing the murder of the deceased vide  the
           evidence of PW8, PW1, PW5, PW6 and PW11;

        e) Use of force and violence in furtherance of the common object by
           using vehicle RJ–23-C-0203 of Sheeshpal and  commission  of  the
           offence defined under Section 300, fourthly, of IPC.

   7. However, the High Court gave the benefit of doubt to  the  Respondents
      and acquitted them on the ground that the prosecution was not able  to
      prove its case beyond all reasonable  doubt  since  the  eye-witnesses
      were interested in the complainant and hence  unreliable,  while  most
      other prosecution witnesses were chance witnesses. The evidence of the
      eye-witnesses both as to the fact of the alleged  conspiracy  and  the
      murder of  the  deceased,  did  not  inspire  confidence;  there  were
      inconsistencies and improvements in the deposition of the  prosecution
      witnesses made  over  their  statements  recorded  under  Section  161
      Cr.P.C. Further, there was unexplained delay in recording the evidence
      of certain prosecution witnesses as well as many important  and  basic
      lapses in investigation that made the prosecution case suspicious.

   8. Before proceeding with an analysis of various  contentions  raised  by
      the parties or expressing opinion on the appreciation and findings  of
      fact and law recorded by the Courts below, we wish  to  reiterate  the
      scope of interference by this  Court  in  a  criminal  appeal  against
      acquittal under Article 136 of the Constitution of India.

   9. In Himachal Pradesh Administration Vs. Shri Om Prakash, (1972)  1  SCC
      249, it was held by this Court:

           “In appeals against acquittal  by  special  leave  under Article
           136, this Court  has  undoubted  power  to  interfere  with  the
           findings of  fact, no distinction being made  between  judgments
           of acquittal and conviction, though in the case of acquittals it
           will not ordinarily interfere with the appreciation of  evidence
           or on findings of fact unless the High Court ‘acts perversely or
           otherwise improperly’.”

  10. The above principle has been reiterated by this Court in a  number  of
      judicial decisions and  the  position  of  law  that  emerges  from  a
      comprehensive survey of these cases is that in an appeal under Article
      136 of the Constitution of India, this Court will not  interfere  with
      the judgment of the High Court unless the same is clearly unreasonable
      or perverse or manifestly illegal or grossly  unjust.  The  mere  fact
      that another view could also have been taken on the evidence on record
      is not a ground for reversing an order of  acquittal.  [See  State  of
      U.P. Vs. Harihar Bux Singh & Anr., (1975) 3 SCC 167;  State  of  Uttar
      Pradesh Vs. Ashok Kumar & Anr., (1979) 3 SCC 1; State of U.P. Vs. Gopi
      & Ors., (1980) Supp. SCC 160; State of Karnataka Vs. Amajappa &  Ors.,
      (2003) 9 SCC 468; State of Uttar Pradesh Vs. Banne @ Baijnath &  Ors.,
      (2009) 4 SCC 271; State of U.P. Vs. Gurucharan & Ors.,  (2010)  3  SCC
      721; State of Haryana Vs. Shakuntla & Ors., (2012) 5 SCC 171 and Hamza
      Vs. Muhammadkutty @ Mani & Ors., (2013) 11 SCC 150].

  11. It is a cardinal principle of criminal jurisprudence that the guilt of
      the accused must be proved beyond all reasonable doubt. The burden  of
      proving its case beyond all reasonable doubt lies on  the  prosecution
      and it never shifts. Another golden thread which runs through the  web
      of the administration of justice in criminal  cases  is  that  if  two
      views are possible on the evidence adduced in the case,  one  pointing
      to the guilt of the accused and the other to his innocence,  the  view
      which is favourable to the accused should be adopted. [Vide  Kali  Ram
      Vs. State of Himachal Pradesh, (1973) 2 SCC 808;  State  of  Rajasthan
      Vs. Raja Ram, (2003) 8  SCC  180;  Chandrappa  &  Ors.  vs.  State  of
      Karnataka, (2007) 4 SCC 415; Upendra  Pradhan  Vs.  State  of  Orissa,
      (2015) 11 SCC 124 and Golbar Hussain & Ors. Vs.  State  of  Assam  and
      Anr., (2015) 11 SCC 242].

  12. Keeping in mind the aforesaid position of law, we  shall  examine  the
      arguments advanced by  the  parties  as  also  the  evidence  and  the
      materials on record and see whether in view of the nature  of  offence
      alleged to have been committed by the  Respondents,  the  findings  of
      fact by the  High  Court  call  for  interference  in  the  facts  and
      circumstances of the case.

  13. It has been submitted by the learned counsel for  the  Appellant  that
      the High Court had erred in ignoring the  prosecution  evidence  which
      conclusively proved the guilt of the accused persons who had conspired
      to kill the deceased in a garb of accident. Further,  the  High  Court
      had also erred in reversing the  conviction  of  the  accused  persons
      despite presence of sufficient evidence which indicated involvement of
      all  the  accused  persons  and  a  complete  chain  of  incriminating
      circumstances proved by the prosecution.

  14. Per contra, the learned counsel  for  the  Respondents  has  primarily
      reiterated the reasons that  found  favour  with  the  High  Court  in
      recording an order of acquittal in  favour  of  the  Respondents  viz.
      failure of prosecution to  prove  beyond  reasonable  doubt  that  the
      accused persons Bhanwarlal,  Sheeshpal,  Nemichand  and  Shiv  Bhagwan
      hatched criminal conspiracy at the Dhani of Sheeshpal  at  around  7-8
      p.m. on  19.12.1993  and  that  the  prosecution  case  suffered  from
      contradictions, discrepancies and inconsistencies and, in  particular,
      that the testimony of eye witnesses did not inspire confidence due  to
      the reasons recorded by the High Court.

  15. We have given careful consideration to the  submissions  made  by  the
      parties and we are inclined to agree with the observations of the High
      Court that PW3 and PW9 were not witnesses to  the  alleged  conspiracy
      between the  accused  persons  since  not  only  the  details  of  the
      conversation given by these two prosecution witnesses  were  different
      but also their presence at the alleged spot at the relevant time seems
      unnatural in view of the physical condition of PW9 and the distance of
      Sheeshpal’s Dhani from Sikar road. Besides, it appears that there have
      been improvements in the statements of PW3. The Explanation to Section
      162 Cr.P.C. provides that an omission to state a fact or  circumstance
      in the statement recorded  by  a  police  officer  under  Section  161
      Cr.P.C., may amount  to  contradiction  if  the  same  appears  to  be
      significant and otherwise relevant having regard  to  the  context  in
      which such omission occurs and  whether  any  omission  amounts  to  a
      contradiction in the particular context shall be a question  of  fact.
      Thus, while it is true that every improvement  is  not  fatal  to  the
      prosecution case, in cases where  an  improvement  creates  a  serious
      doubt about the truthfulness or credibility of a witness, the  defence
      may take advantage of the same. [See Ashok Vishnu Davare Vs. State  Of
      Maharashtra, (2004) 9 SCC 431; Radha Kumar Vs.  State  of  Bihar  (now
      Jharkhand), (2005) 10 SCC 216; Sunil Kumar Sambhudayal Gupta  (Dr.)  &
      Ors. Vs. State of Maharashtra, (2010) 13 SCC 657 and Baldev Singh  Vs.
      State of Punjab, (2014) 12 SCC 473].  In our view, the High Court  had
      rightly considered these omissions as material omissions amounting  to
      contradictions covered by  the  Explanation  to  Section  162  Cr.P.C.
      Moreover, it has also come in evidence that there was a delay of 15-16
      days from the date of the incident in recording the statements of  PW3
      and PW9 and the same was sought  to  be  unconvincingly  explained  by
      reference to the fact that the family had to sit  for  shock  meetings
      for 12 to 13 days. Needless to say,  we  are  not  impressed  by  this
      explanation and feel that the High Court  was  right  in  entertaining
      doubt in this regard.

  16. As regards the incident of murder of the deceased, the prosecution has
      produced six eye-witnesses to the same. The  argument  raised  against
      the reliance upon the testimony of these  witnesses  pertains  to  the
      delay in the recording of their statements by the police under Section
      161 of Cr.P.C. In  the  present  case,  the  date  of  occurrence  was
      21.12.1993 but the statements of PW1 and PW5 were recorded  after  two
      days of incident,  i.e.,  on  23.12.1993.  The  evidence  of  PW6  was
      recorded on 26.12.1993 while the evidence of PW11 was  recorded  after
      10 days of incident, i.e., on 31.12.1993. Further, it is  well-settled
      law that delay in recording the statement of the  witnesses  does  not
      necessarily discredit their testimony. The  Court  may  rely  on  such
      testimony if they are cogent and credible and the delay  is  explained
      to the  satisfaction  of  the  Court.  [See  Ganeshlal  Vs.  State  of
      Mahrashtra, (1992) 3 SCC 106; Mohd. Khalid Vs. State of W.B., (2002) 7
      SCC 334; Prithvi (Minor) Vs. Mam Raj & Ors., (2004)  13  SCC  279  and
      Sidhartha Vashisht @ Manu Sharma vs. State (NCT of  Delhi),  (2010)  6
      SCC 1].

  17. However, Ganesh Bhavan Patel Vs. State Of Maharashtra,  (1978)  4  SCC
      371, is an authority for the proposition that delay  in  recording  of
      statements of the prosecution witnesses  under  Section  161  Cr.P.C.,
      although those witnesses were or could be  available  for  examination
      when the Investigating Officer visited the scene of occurrence or soon
      thereafter, would cast a doubt upon the prosecution  case.  [See  also
      Balakrushna Swain Vs. State Of Orissa, (1971) 3 SCC 192;  Maruti  Rama
      Naik Vs. State of Mahrashtra, (2003) 10 SCC 670 and Jagjit  Singh  Vs.
      State of Punjab, (2005) 3 SCC 68]. Thus, we see no reason to interfere
      with the observations of the High Court on the point of delay and  its
      corresponding impact on the prosecution case.

  18. Further, the High Court has also concluded that these  witnesses  were
      interested witnesses and their  testimony  were  not  corroborated  by
      independent witnesses. We are fully  in  agreement  with  the  reasons
      recorded by the High Court in coming to this conclusion.

  19. In Darya Singh Vs. State of Punjab, AIR 1965 SC 328  =  1964  (7)  SCR
      397, this Court was of  the  opinion  that  a  related  or  interested
      witness may not be hostile to the assailant, but if he  is,  then  his
      evidence must be examined very carefully and all the infirmities  must
      be taken into account. This is what this Court said:

           “There can be no doubt that in a murder case  when  evidence  is
           given by near relatives of the victim and the murder is  alleged
           to have been committed by the  enemy  of  the  family,  criminal
           courts must examine the evidence of  the  interested  witnesses,
           like the relatives  of  the  victim,  very  carefully........But
           where the witness is a close relation of the victim and is shown
           to share the victim’s hostility to his assailant, that naturally
           makes it necessary for the criminal courts examine the  evidence
           given by such witness very  carefully  and  scrutinise  all  the
           infirmities in that evidence before deciding to act upon it.  In
           dealing with such evidence,  Courts  naturally  begin  with  the
           enquiry as to whether the said witnesses were  chance  witnesses
           or whether  they  were  really  present  on  the  scene  of  the
           offence.…..If the criminal Court is satisfied that  the  witness
           who is related to the victim was not a chance-witness, then  his
           evidence  has  to  be  examined  from  the  point  of  view   of
           probabilities and the account given by him as to the assault has
           to be carefully scrutinised.” 

  20. However, we do  not  wish  to  emphasise  that  the  corroboration  by
      independent witnesses is an indispensable  rule  in  cases  where  the
      prosecution is primarily based on the evidence of seemingly interested
      witnesses. It is well settled that it is the quality of  the  evidence
      and not the quantity of the evidence which is required to be judged by
      the Court to place credence on the statement. 

  21. Further, in Raghubir Singh Vs. State of U.P., (1972) 3 SCC 79, it  has
      been held that the  prosecution  is  not  bound  to  produce  all  the
      witnesses  said  to  have  seen  the  occurrence.  Material  witnesses
      considered necessary by the prosecution for unfolding the  prosecution
      story  alone  need  be  produced  without  unnecessary  and  redundant
      multiplication of witnesses. In this connection general reluctance  of
      an average villager to appear as a witness and get himself involved in
      cases of rival village factions when spirits on both sides are running
      high has to be borne in mind.

  22. The High Court has further noted  that  there  were  chance  witnesses
      whose statements should not have been relied upon. Learned counsel for
      the Respondents has specifically submitted that PW5 and PW6 are chance
      witnesses whose presence at the place of occurrence was not natural.

  23. The defining attributes  of  a  ‘chance  witness’  were  explained  by
      Mahajan, J., in the case of Puran Vs. The State of Punjab, AIR 1953 SC
      459.  It was held that such witnesses  have  the  habit  of  appearing
      suddenly  on  the  scene  when  something  is   happening   and   then
      disappearing after noticing the occurrence about which they are called
      later on to give evidence.

  24. In Mousam Singha Roy and Ors. Vs. State of W.B., (2003)  12  SCC  377,
      this Court discarded the evidence of chance witnesses while  observing
      that certain glaring contradictions/omissions in the evidence  of  PW2
      and PW3 and the absence of their  names  in  the  FIR  has  been  very
      lightly discarded by the Courts below. Similarly, Shankarlal Vs. State
      of Rajastahan, (2004) 10 SCC 632, and Jarnail Singh & Ors.  Vs.  State
      of Punjab, (2009) 9 SCC 719, are authorities for the proposition  that
      deposition of a  chance  witness,  whose  presence  at  the  place  of
      incident remains doubtful, ought to be discarded. Therefore,  for  the
      reasons recorded by the High Court we  hold  that  PW5  and  PW6  were
      chance witnesses and their statements have been rightly discarded.

  25. In the light of the above and  other  reasons  recorded  by  the  High
      Court, we hold that the evidence of the eye witnesses is not truthful,
      reliable  and  trustworthy  and  hence  cannot  form  the   basis   of
      conviction. Their presence at the scene of occurrence at the  time  of
      the incident is highly unnatural as also their ability to individually
      and correctly  identify  each  of  the  accused  from  a  considerable
      distance, especially  when  it  was  dark  at  the  alleged  place  of
      occurrence, is itself suspect.

  26. Besides these, the prosecution has also been  unable  to  convincingly
      connect the jeep of the accused Sheeshpal  with  the  incident  beyond
      reasonable doubt. Further, owing to other lapses in investigation,  as
      recorded by the High Court, we are convinced that the prosecution  has
      been unable to prove its case beyond all reasonable  doubt.  The  view
      taken by the High Court in the facts and  circumstances  of  the  case
      appears to be a reasonably plausible one.

  27. Thus, in the light of the above discussion, we are of  the  view  that
      the present appeals are devoid of merits, and we  find  no  ground  to
      interfere with the judgment passed by the High Court. The appeals are,
      accordingly, dismissed.

                                                (Pinaki Chandra  Ghose)

                                                          (Amitava Roy)
      New Delhi;
      October 20, 2016.

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