Supreme Court of India (Full Bench (FB)- Three Judge)

INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION, .86 of 2014, Judgment Date: Oct 14, 2014

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                         CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION

                   INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION NO.86 OF 2014


                      WRIT PETITION(C) NO. 435 OF 2012

Goa Foundation                                                        ….Petitioner


Union of India and others                                            ….Respondents

And in the matter of:

M/s Bandekar Brothers Private Limited                                  ….Applicant

                                  O R D E R

1.    Through  the  instant  interlocutory  application,  the  applicant-M/s

Bandekar Brothers  Private  Limited  has  prayed  for  a  direction  to  the

concerned  authorities  for  restraining  them  from  auctioning  the  mined

mineral ore produced by  the  applicant  prior  to  22.11.2007,  through  e-

auction. This prayer is premised on the  foundation,  that  the  applicant's

above stated mined mineral ore cannot be sold, under the  orders  passed  by

this Court. In this behalf, it was the contention  of  the  learned  counsel

for the applicant, that the applicant had mined 67,285 metric tons  of  iron

ore (Grade 63.19% Fe approximately) prior to 22.11.2007, and therefore,  the

applicant should be released the aforesaid  iron  ore,  with  the  right  to

dispose of the same.  A similar submission was made  by  the  applicant  for

the  disposal  of  1,00,000  metric  tons  of  old  dump  (grade  46.15%  Fe


2.    According to the learned counsel for the applicant,  the  mineral  ore

mined prior to 22.11.2007, cannot be treated as having  been  illegitimately

mined, and as such, the applicant as also all other similarly placed  mining

lease holders, should be released the same  with liberty to sell the same.

3.    Mr. A.D.N. Rao,  Advocate,  learned  amicus,  vehemently  opposes  the

prayer made on behalf of the applicant. While doing so, he  placed  reliance

on the decision rendered by this Court in Goa  Foundation  versus  Union  of

India (2014) 5  SCALE  364.   Our  pointed  attention  was  invited  to  the

following observations recorded therein:

“67.  As we have held that the deemed mining leases of the  lessees  in  Goa

expired on 22.11.1987 and the maximum period (20 years) of  renewal  of  the

deemed mining leases in Goa has also expired on 22.11.2007,  mining  by  the

lessees in Goa  after  22.11.2007  was  illegal.   Hence,  the  order  dated

10.09.2012 of the Government of Goa  suspending  mining  operations  in  the

State of Goa and the order dated  14.09.2012  of  the  MoEF,  Government  of

India, suspending the environmental clearance granted to the  mines  in  the

State of Goa, which have been impugned in the writ petitions in  the  Bombay

High  Court,  Goa  Bench  (transferred  to  this  Court  and  registered  as

transferred cases) cannot  be  quashed  by  this  Court.   The  order  dated

10.09.2012 of the Government of Goa and the order dated  14.09.2012  of  the

MoEF will have to continue till decisions are taken by the State  Government

to grant fresh leases and decisions are taken by the  MoEF  to  grant  fresh

environmental clearances for mining projects.

68.   On 05.10.2012, this Court while issuing notice in  Writ  Petition  (C)

No.435 of 2012 (Goa Foundation vs. Union of  India  &  Others)  also  passed

orders that all mining operations in the leases identified in the report  of

the Justice Shah Commission and transportation of  iron  ore  and  manganese

ore from those leases, whether lying at the mine-head or  stockyards,  shall

remain suspended.  Thereafter on 11.11.2013,  this  Court  passed  an  order

that the inventory of the excavated mineral ores lying  in  different  mines

stockyards/jetties/ports in the State of  Goa  made  by  the  Department  of

Mines and Geology of the Government of Goa be verified  and  thereafter  the

whole of the inventorised mineral ores be sold by  e-auction  and  the  sale

proceeds (less taxes and royalty) be retained  in  separate  fixed  deposits

(lease-wise) by the State of Goa till this Court delivers judgment in  these

matters on the legality of the leases  from  which  the  mineral  ores  were

extracted.  In our order passed on 11.11.2013, we  had  also  directed  that

this entire process of verification of the inventory e-auction  and  deposit

of sale proceeds be monitored by a Monitoring  Committee  appointed  by  the

Court.  The Monitoring  Committee  comprising  Dr.  U.V.  Singh  (Additional

Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Karnataka),  Shri  Shaikh  Naimuddin

(former Member of Central Board of Direct Taxes) and  Parimal  Rai  (Nominee

of Govt. of Goa) have in the meanwhile monitored the e-auction.  We  extract

hereinbelow the relevant portion of the interim report dated  12.03.2014  of

the Monitoring Committee :

“After the two e-auctions, the total ore auctioned is about 1.62 million  MT

and the total value realized is 260.68 crores  approximately.   As  directed

by this Hon'ble Court, the State Government has been requested  to  maintain

separate accounts, lease wise and keep the sale proceeds as  fixed  deposits

in Nationalzed Banks.

The process of transportation of ore for export has not yet  been  initiated

because of the storage charges being demanded from the successful bidder  by

the Marmagoa Port Trust (MPT).  As a result, the  process  of  e-auction  is

likely to slow down.  The extent of  storage  charges  demanded  is  as  per

Annexure MC III.”

69.   As we have held that renewal of all the deemed mining  leases  in  the

State of Goa had expired on 22.11.2007,  the  mining  lessees  will  not  be

entitled to the sale value of the ores sold in  caution  but  they  will  be

entitled to the approximate cost (not actual cost) of the extraction of  the


                                  (emphasis is ours)

Based on the aforesaid observations, it was the vehement  assertion  of  the

learned amicus, that an inventory of all the mined  mineral  ores  lying  in

different mines/stockyards/jetties/ports in the State of Goa was ordered  to

be prepared by the Monitoring Committee (appointed by this Court).   It  was

further  directed,  that  the  entire  mined  mineral  ores  (of  which  the

inventory was prepared) was to be sold by way of e-auction.  It was  pointed

out, that this Court had clearly expressed, that the holders of  the  mining

leases were not to be entitled to the proceeds  thereof.   In  other  words,

the mining lease holders could  not  claim  the  sale  value  of  the  mined

mineral ores sold by way of e-auction.  This Court  in  its  directions  had

explicitly held that they would be entitled only  to  the  approximate  cost

(not actual cost) incurred by  them  during  the  extraction  of  the  mined

mineral ores. In view of the above directions of this Court, learned  amicus

submitted,  that  the  prayers  made  in  the   application   were   clearly


4.    In addition to the aforesaid submission, it was  also  the  contention

of the learned amicus, that the prayer made  by  the  applicant  was  wholly

unjustified in view of the provisions of the Mineral Concession Rules,  1960

(hereinafter referred to as the 'Mineral Rules').  Insofar  as  the  instant

aspect of the matter  is  concerned,  reliance  was  first  placed  on  Rule

27(2)(la) of the Mineral Rules.  The same is extracted hereunder:

“27. Conditions – (1) Every mining lease shall be subject to  the  following


(a) to (u)  xxx        xxx        xxx

(2)   A mining  lease  may  contain  such  other  conditions  as  the  State

Government may deem necessary in regard to the following, namely, :-

(a) to (l)  xxx        xxx        xxx

(la) the time limit for removal of mineral, ore, plant, machinery and  other

properties  from  the   leasehold   area   after   expiration,   or   sooner

determination or surrender or abandonment of the mining lease.”

(m) to (o)       xxx        xxx        xxx”

A perusal of the above Rule leaves no room for any doubt,  that  the  State,

while granting a mining lease, had the discretion to fix the time limit  for

removal of the mined mineral ore etc. from the lease hold  area.   In  order

to demonstrate that such a period was provided for, our attention was  drawn

to Rule 31 of the Mineral Rules.  Rule 31 is being extracted hereunder:

“31.  Lease to be executed within six months.- (1) Where, on an  application

for the grant of a mining lease, an order has been made  for  the  grant  of

such lease, a lease deed in  Form  K  or  in  a  form  as  near  thereto  as

circumstances of each case may require, shall be executed within six  months

of the order or within such further  period  as  the  State  Government  may

allow in this behalf, and if no such lease deed is executed within the  said

period due  to  any  default  on  the  part  of  the  applicant,  the  State

Government may revoke the order granting the lease and  in  that  event  the

application fee shall be forfeited to the State Government.

(2)   The date of the commencement of the period for which  a  mining  lease

is granted shall be the date on which a duly executed  deed  under  sub-rule

(1) is registered.”

A perusal of the aforesaid Rule reveals, that a lease  deed  in  Form  K  is

mandatorily required to be  executed within  six  months  of  the  order  of

grant of such lease (or within such further period as the  State  Government

may allow).  Our attention was then invited to Form K (mining  lease  deed),

and more particularly, to paragraphs 5  and  6  of  Part  IX  thereof.   The

aforesaid paragraphs are being extracted hereunder:

5.    the lessee/lessees having first  paid  discharged  rents,  rates,  and

royalties payable by virtue of these  presents  may  at  the  expiration  or

sooner determination  of  the  said  term  or  within  six  calendar  months

thereafter (unless the lease shall be determined under clauses 1  and  2  of

this part and in that case at any time not less than three  calender  months

nor ore than six calendar months after such  determination)  take  down  and

remove for his/their own benefits all or any ore  mineral  excavated  during

the currency of lease  engines,  machinery,  plant,  buildings,  structures,

tramways, railways and other works, erections  and  conveniences  which  may

have been erected, set up or placed by the lessee/lessees  in  or  upon  the

said lands and which the lessee/lessees is/are not bound to deliver  to  the

State Government under clause 20 of Part VII of the Schedule and  which  the

State Government shall not desire to purchase.

6.    If at the end of six calendar months after the  expiration  or  sooner

determination of the said terms under the provisions contained in  clause  4

of Part VIII of this Schedule become effective  there  shall  remain  in  or

upon the  said  land  any  ore  or  engines,  machinery,  plant,  buildings,

structures, tramways, railways and other works, erections  and  conveniences

or  other  property  which  are  not  required  by  the  lessee/lessees   in

connection with operations in any other lands held  by  him  by  them  under

prospecting licence or mining lease, the same shall if  not  be  removed  by

the lessee/lessees  within  one  calender  month  after  notice  in  writing

requiring their removal has  been  given  to  lessee/lessees  by  the  State

Government be deemed to become the property of the State Government and  may

be sold or disposed of in such manner as the  State  Government  shall  deem

fit without  liability  to  pay  any  compensation  or  to  account  to  the

lessee/lessees in the respect thereof.”

                                                  (emphasis is ours)

A perusal of the terms and conditions expressed in the lease required to  be

executed by a mining lease holders, leaves no room for any doubt,  that  the

mineral ore extracted by the lessee, has to be removed within  six  calendar

months from the date of expiration of the mining lease.  And  further  more,

if at the end of the above six calendar months, the  excavated  mineral  ore

is not removed, then within one calender month after a notice in writing  is

issued to the lessee/lessees, the extracted mineral ore is deemed to  become

the property of the State Government.  Accordingly, relying  on  the  afore-

stated statutory provisions, it was the submission of  the  learned  amicus,

that the ore which had remained unremoved after the expiration of the  above

period of  six  months,  would  be  deemed  to  have  vested  in  the  State


5.    In support of the above submission, learned amicus again  invited  our

attention  to  Goa  Foundation's  case  (supra),  wherein  this  Court   had

permitted, that the entire stock of extracted mineral  ores  would  vest  in

the State Government. In  this  behalf,  our  attention  was  drawn  to  the

following observations:

“70.  The entire sale value of the stock of mineral ores sold  by  e-auction

less the average cost of excavation, 50% of the  wages  and  allowances  and

50% of the storage  charges  to  be  paid  to  MPT  is  thus  due  to  State

Government which is the owner of the mineral ores which have been sold by e-

auction.  The State Government will set-aside 10%  of  this  balance  amount

for the Goan  Iron  Ore  Permanent  Fund  for  the  purpose  of  sustainable

development  and  inter-generational  equity.   This  entire   exercise   of

calculating the average cost of extraction of ores to be paid to the  mining

lessees, 50% of the basic wages and dearness allowance to  be  paid  to  the

workers, 10% of the balance amount towards the Goan Iron Ore Permanent  Fund

and the balance amount to be appropriated by the State  Government  will  be

done by the Director of Mines and Geology,  Government  of  Goa,  under  the

supervision of the Monitoring Committee.  Till this  exercise  is  over  and

the report of the Monitoring Committee will continue and their members  will

be paid their  remuneration  allowances  as  directed  in  the  order  dated


                                             (emphasis is ours)

6.    Learned counsel for the applicant, could not invite our  attention  to

any favourable observations made by this  Court  in  Goa  Foundation's  case

(supra), nor could learned counsel for the applicant  invite  our  attention

to any statutory provisions from the Mineral Rules, which would counter  the

submissions advanced at the hands of the  learned  amicus.  The  submissions

advanced on behalf of the applicant were premised merely on  the  assertion,

that the mineral ore which the applicant was  claiming  a  right  over,  had

been legitimately mined before 22.11.2007, and therefore, the applicant  had

an absolute and legitimate ownership over the same. We may  note,  that  the

above position was emphasised, stressed and persistently reiterated to  make

the stand absolutely crystal clear.

7.    Based on the directions issued by this Court in Goa Foundation's  case

(supra), as also, the provisions of the Mineral Rules, it  is  not  possible

for us to accept the prayers made by the learned counsel for the  applicant.

 We are of  the  firm  view,  that  this  Court  clearly  and  categorically

directed the preparation of an  inventory  of  all  the  existing  extracted

mineral  ore  available  as  on  11.11.2013.   Accordingly,  the  Monitoring

Committee prepared an inventory of  all  the  extracted  mineral  ore.   The

inventory included the ore, whether lying at the mine-head or stockyards  or

jetties or ports in the State of Goa. This Court further directed  the  sale

of the entire  extracted ore included in the above inventory was to be  made

by way of e-auction. It was further directed, that the mining lease  holders

would not be entitled to the proceeds of  the  e-auction,  but  only  to  an

approximate cost (not actual cost) of extraction of the mined mineral  ores,

and nothing more.  As such, the prayer  made  in  the  instant  application,

that the State Government be restrained from selling the  extracted  mineral

ore, and further that, the applicant be permitted to dispose of the same  by

itself, cannot be accepted.

8.    Additionally, the provisions of the Mineral  Rules  mandate  that  the

excavated mineral ore is liable to be removed by the lessee within a  period

of six months, failing which, after the  issuance  of  a  notice,  the  same

would stand forfeited to the State Government.  On the issue of  forfeiture,

this Court clearly directed in Goa Foundation's case (supra), that  all  the

extracted mineral ore contained in the inventory prepared by the  Monitoring

Committee, would vest in the State  Government.    The  directions  of  this

Court, satisfy the vesting of the  extracted  mineral  ore  with  the  State

Government, thus negating the requirement of  the  issuance  of  any  formal

notice to the mining lease holders. It is, therefore, difficult  for  us  to

accept, the prayers made by the applicant, either for  the  release  of  the

extracted mineral ore to the applicant, or the liberty to sell the  same  at

its own.

9.    In recording  our  above  conclusion,  we  have  also  taken  note  of

consideration of an unequivocal determination by this  Court,  that  without

renewal of the mining leases,  all  the  leases  would  be  deemed  to  have

expired on 22.11.2007.  The State of Goa passed an  order  dated  10.09.2012

suspending mining operations in the State of Goa.  By  another  order  dated

14.09.2012, the Ministry of Environment and Forests,  Government  of  India,

suspended the environmental clearances granted to  mines  in  the  State  of

Goa.  It is, therefore, apparent that no mining activity was  being  carried

out in the State of Goa after  10/14.09.2012.  In  the  above  view  of  the

matter, the instant application filed on 12.08.2014 is wholly  misconceived,

and merits outright rejection.

10.   For the reasons recorded hereinabove, we find no merit in the  prayers

made in interlocutory application No. 86 of 2014  in  Writ  Petition(C)  No.

435 of 2012. The same is accordingly dismissed.


                                             [JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR]


                                             [J. CHELAMESWAR]

NEW DELHI;                                   …........................J.

OCTOBER 14, 2014.                            [A.K. SIKRI]


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