Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 7131-7132 of 2010, Judgment Date: Apr 20, 2017


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                     CIVIL APPEAL NOS.7131-7132 OF 2010

FARHAT SHEIKH                                                   APPELLANT(S)

JAVED ZAKI & ORS.                                              RESPONDENT(S)

C.A NOS.7134-7135 OF 2010

                        J U D G M E N T


      Applications for impleadment are allowed.
      These appeals have  been  pending  before  this  Court  for  almost  a
decade. Several attempts have been made by this Court  to  see  whether  the
disputes could be otherwise settled out of  the  Court  and  the  Court  did
succeeded, to some extent, when the  parties  were  not  able  to  reach  an
agreement on certain issues.
      In that background on 01.02.2017, this Court requested Mr. R.  Basant,
learned Senior Counsel, whether he could assist the parties to arrive  at  a
settlement on the remaining issues.
      Thanks to the efforts taken by the learned Senior Counsel  on  several
days and also in view of the subsequent orders passed by this Court, we  are
informed that the parties have been able to arrive at a settlement.
      The terms of settlement have been reduced to  writing  and  have  been
duly signed by all the parties in  the  form  of  Family  Settlement  Terms.
Settlement Terms have been filed along with I.A. Nos.21-22 of 2017  &  15-16
of 2017 in both sets of appeals. Settlement  Terms  filed  today  are
taken on  record.  The  parties  have  also  filed  joint  applications  for
recording  the compromise  among  the  parties  and  for  disposing  of  the
appeals in terms of the settlement in both sets of appeals.
      The two family companies involved in the  two  appeals  are  Detinners
Pvt. Ltd. and Esemen Metalo Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., who were under the  control
of one SK. Md. Naqi, since  deceased,  the  predecessor  of  the  individual
parties herein. After his death, the shares of the two  companies  were  and
still are in the control of the parties herein, the descendants of the  said
deceased and members of the same family. Disputes arose with regard  to  the
control and management of the said two companies and  their  properties.  In
settling the said disputes, the family members being the individual  parties
herein, through the able and effective mediation of Mr.  Basant  R.,  Senior
Advocate, Supreme Court, have settled all issues. Keeping in mind the  well-
being of the family and equitable distribution of the realisable  assets  by
and between family members, the Appellant, the  Respondents  and  the  added
Respondents have agreed to the settlement terms which is duly signed by  all
the parties and their Advocates and filed in court.
      The I.A. Nos.21 and 22 of  2017  are  allowed  by  adding  Ruby  Zaki,
Kausar Zaki, Anisa Zaki and Detinners P. Ltd. in Civil Appeal  Nos.7134-7135
of 2010. The newly added parties are appearing through their  advocates  and
they waive service of notice.
      We direct all the parties to act accordingly. We make  it  clear  that
in case of violation of any of the terms referred to in  paragraphs  16,  18
and 19 of Family Settlement, the parties shall approach only this Court.
      We record our  appreciation  for  the  services  rendered  by  Mr.  R.
Basant, Senior Advocate who was ably assisted by Mr. A. Karthik, Advocate.
      Mr. R. Basant submits that this settlement  has  been

arrived at between the parties by the  assistance  rendered  by  Mr.  D.  N.
Mitra, Advocate, and he also needs to  be  appreciated  since  he  had  been
working not only as a counsel for one side, but  has  made  sincere  efforts
for settlement. We thus record our appreciation for the assistance  rendered
by Mr. D. N. Mitra, Advocate.
      Despite the persuasive request of the Court, Mr.  R.  Basant  and  his
associate Mr. A. Karthik have declined to accept any  remuneration  for  the
wonderful assistance, though we are convinced  that  they  are  entitled  to
receive the same.
      However, parties on both the sides submit that  they  will  make  some
substantial  contribution  to  the  Tata  Memorial   Cancer   Hospital.   We
appreciate the gesture shown by the parties.
      Appeals are, accordingly, disposed of.
      Pending application(s), if any, stands disposed of.

                                                            (KURIAN JOSEPH)

                                                             (R. BANUMATHI)
APRIL 20, 2017


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