Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 879-883 of 2016, Judgment Date: Feb 02, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                      CIVIL APPEAL NOs. 879-883 OF 2016
              [@SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 28317-28321 OF 2010]

DY.DIRECTOR, SOCIAL FORESTRY DIVN.& ANR                        Appellant (s)


LAKSHMI CHANDRA                                                Respondent(s)


                      CIVIL APPEAL NOs. 884-85 OF 2016
            [ @ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 27593-27594 OF 2010 ]


               SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26571-26572 OF 2010

               SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26664-26665 OF 2010

               SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 27506-27507 OF 2010

               SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 27578-27579 OF 2010

                   SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 1340 OF 2011

                   SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 1342 OF 2011

                   SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 1343 OF 2011

                               J U D G M E N T

Civil Appeal Nos. 884-85 of 2016 [@ SLP (C) 27593-27594 of 2010]

1.    Leave granted.
2.    The appellants are before this Court,  aggrieved  by  the  proceedings
for contempt initiated against them. The  disputes  herein  are  in  a  very
narrow compass, regarding the payment of minimum of  the  pay-scale  to  the
daily wagers working in the Forest Department in Group-D posts.
3.    In the contempt application, being Civil Misc. Contempt  Petition  No.
2465 of  2004,  by  order  dated  01.07.2010,  the  High  Court  passed  the
following order:-
"It is not the case of the opposite parties  that  the  applicants  are  not
working in the Forest Department at different places after the judgments  of
this Court and the Apex Court.  It  is  admitted  that  the  applicants  are
working as daily wagers.  Thus, once this Court  had  issued  directions  to
pay all the daily rated workers the minium of  the  pay  scale  but  without
allowances and other benefits, the applicants would be entitled  to  minimum
of the pay scale so long they continue to work as  daily  rated  workers  in
the Forest Department.  The opposite parties by not paying  the  minimum  of
the pay scale  to  all  the  daily  rated  workers  working  in  the  Forest
Department on the cut off date and thereafter have  thus  violated/disobeyed
the directions of this Court contained  in  the  judgments  of  the  learned
Single Judge and the Division Bench in the case of Putti  Lal  (supra).   In
view of discussions made above, the Court  is  prima  facie  satisfied  that
there has been wilful and deliberate  disobedience  /non-compliance  on  the
part of the opposite parties of the directions of this  Court  as  contained
in the judgments of the learned Single Judge and the Division Bench of  this
Court in the case of Putti Lal (supra), as modified by the Apex Court."

4.    The High Court had, in fact, directed  the  payment  in  terms  of  an
order passed  by  this  Court  in  Civil  Appeal  No.  3634  of  1998  dated
21.02.2002 titled as State of U.P. & Ors. Vs. Putti Lal reported  in  (2006)
9 SCC 337, in which this Court had held :-
"In several cases, this Court applying the principle of equal pay for  equal
work has held that a daily wager, if he is discharging  the  similar  duties
as those in the regular employment of the Government,  should  at  least  be
entitled to receive the minimum of the pay scale  though  he  might  not  be
entitled to any increment or any other allowance that is permissible to  his
counter part in the Government.  In our opinion that would  be  the  correct
position  and  we,  therefore,  direct  that  these  daily-wagers  would  be
entitled to draw at the minimum of the pay scale  being  received  by  their
counter part in the Government and  would  not  be  entitled  to  any  other
allowances or increment so long  as  they  continue  as  daily  wager.   The
question of their  regular  absorption  will  obviously  be  dealt  with  in
accordance with the statutory rule already referred to."

5.    It is seen  from  the  records  of  the  contempt  petition  that  the
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests of the State had filed  an  affidavit
before the High Court to the effect that  necessary  instructions  had  been
issued to all the officers concerned to implement  the  directions  referred
to above with regard to payment of minimum of the  pay-scale  to  the  daily

6.    We direct the Principal Secretary to the Department of  Forests,  U.P.
and the Principal Chief  Conservator  of  Forests,  U.P.  to  file  separate
affidavits before the  High  Court  on  the  implementation  of  the  orders
referred to above.  In case, the workmen have not been paid the  amounts  as
per the orders, they shall see that wages are paid in terms  of  the  orders
within a period of one month from today and the  affidavit  in  that  regard
shall be filed before the High Court within two weeks thereafter.
7.    In case, the orders are not implemented, the  Principal  Secretary  to
the Department of Forests and the Principal  Chief  Conservator  of  Forests
shall not be eligible to draw their salaries from the month of April,  2016,
without permission from the High Court.
8.    Subject to the above directions, these civil appeals are  disposed  of
with no orders as to costs.  Pending  interlocutory  applications,  if  any,
are disposed of.

Civil Appeal Nos. 879-883 of 2016 [@ Special Leave Petition (C) Nos.  28317-
28321 of 2010]
1.    Leave granted.
2.    The dispute essentially pertains to the regularisation  of  the  daily
wagers in the Forest Department of the State of U.P. and payment of  minimum
of the pay-scale being received by  their  counterparts  in  the  Government
without any other allowances or increment so long as the  workmen  continued
as daily wagers.  In the decision  rendered  by  this  Court  in  Putti  Lal
(supra), this Court gave a quietus to both the disputes  by  permitting  the
State to take up the case of the daily wagers for  regularisation  in  terms
of the rules framed by the State viz.  "The  U.P.  Regularisation  of  Daily
Wages (Appointment on Group D Posts) Rules, 2001".  As far  as  the  payment
of minimum of pay-scale also, this Court held that the daily  wagers  should
be paid the minimum of the pay-scale being received  by  their  counterparts
in the Government, without any other allowances or  increment,  so  long  as
they continued as daily wagers.
3.     The  respondent  approached  the  High  Court  complaining  that   no
meaningful steps have been taken for regularisation in terms  of  the  rules
referred to above despite the High Court issuing a direction in Civil  Misc.
Writ Petition No. 43443 of 2004, decided on 23.10.2008.
4.    The learned Single Judge, taking cognizance of the fact  that  despite
the direction issued by this Court and the High Court, the State  and  their
machinery had not been putting the house in  order,  directed  the  officers
concerned  to  be  present  before  the  Court  to  explain  the   position.
Accordingly, on 03.12.2009, the Principal Secretary, Department  of  Forests
and the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, who were present before  the
learned Single Judge, submitted  that  steps  would  be  taken  to  draw  an
accurate eligibility and seniority list in all the  Divisions  in  terms  of
the Rules referred to above for  the  purpose  of  regularisation.   Despite
such an undertaking given before the Court in person  and  recorded  by  the
Court, apparantly no meaningful steps were taken and  therefore,  the  Court
proceeded to the next stage of framing charges.  The matter was taken in  an
intra-court appeal, which was also dismissed and thus, they are before  this
5.    The learned counsel appearing for the appellants  has  submitted  that
during the pendency of these proceedings  before  the  Court  and  the  High
Court, in all the 70 Divisions of the  Forest  Department,  the  eligibility
and seniority list has been prepared and submitted before  the  High  Court.
Mr. Prashant Bhushan, learned counsel appearing for  some  of  the  workmen,
has submitted that the lists which were  submitted,  were  not  prepared  in
accordance with the Rules and quite a few bogus names were also inserted  in
the list.  We do not think it fit for us to go into all these aspects.   Now
that the lists have  been  prepared  and  presented  before  the  Court,  we
request the High  Court  to  take  into  consideration  all  the  subsequent
developments and proceed accordingly so as to reach a logical conclusion  in
terms of the orders passed by this Court and the High Court with  regard  to
regularisation as well as the payment of minium of pay-scale  to  the  daily
6.    The needful may be done expeditiously and at  any  rate  within  three
months from today.  The  parties  will  appear  before  the  High  Court  on
17.02.2016.  Needless to say, the steps proposed in the impugned  order  for
framing charges will be deferred and reconsidered.
7.    The Registry is directed to forward a copy of  this  Judgment  to  the
Registrar General of the High Court forthwith for posting of the case.
8.    In view of the above, these civil appeals  are  disposed  of  with  no
order  as  to  costs.   Pending  interlocutory  applications,  if  any,  are
disposed of.

Special Leave Petition (C) 26571-26572 OF 2010, Special Leave  Petition  (C)
26664-26665 OF  2010,  Special  Leave  Petition  (C)  27506-27507  OF  2010,
Special Leave Petition (C) 27578-27579 OF 2010, Special Leave  Petition  (C)
1340 OF 2011, Special  Leave  Petition  (C)  1342  OF  2011,  Special  Leave
Petition (C) 1343 OF 2011
1.    In view of the Judgment passed in Civil Appeal Nos.  879-883  of  2016
(@SLP (C) Nos. 28317-28321 of 2010), no further orders are  required  to  be
passed in these Special Leave Petitions and these are also  disposed  of  in
terms of the directions issued above.
2.    Pending interlocutory applications, if any, are disposed of.
                                                           [ KURIAN JOSEPH ]

                                                   [ ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN ]

      New Delhi;
      February 02, 2016.

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