Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 12072 of 2016, Judgment Date: Dec 14, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 12072 OF 2016
               [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) NO. 36617 OF 2016
            [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C).....CC NO.23707 OF 2016



      RADHA NAGPAL & ORS.                           RESPONDENT(S)

                               J U D G M E N T


1.    Delay condoned.
2.    Leave granted.
3.    The learned counsel for the appellant submits  that  the  award  could
not be passed on account of the operation of stay.  Apparently, there is  no
stay after 2010.  If that be so, there is no merit in the  contention  taken
by the appellant that the stay order granted  by  the  Court  prevented  the
award being passed within the time permitted under Section 11A of  the  Land
Acquisition Act, 1894.
4.    Therefore, this appeal is dismissed.
      No costs.
                                                       [ KURIAN JOSEPH ]

                                               [ ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN ]

      New Delhi;
      December 14, 2016.

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