Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Crl.), 65 of 2012, Judgment Date: Mar 10, 2015

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA


                        CRIMINAL APPEAL No.65 OF 2012

Deepak                                                       Appellant(s)


State of Haryana                                            Respondent(s)

                               J U D G M E N T

Abhay Manohar Sapre, J.
1.    This criminal appeal  is  filed  by  the  accused  against  the  final
order/judgment dated 15.03.2010 passed by  the  High  Court  of  Punjab  and
Haryana at Chandigarh in Criminal Appeal No.2109-SB  of  2009  which  arises
out of judgment/order dated 18.08.2009/20.08.2009 passed by  the  Additional
Sessions Judge, Panipat in Misc. Sessions Case No. 31 of 2007.
2.    By impugned judgment/order, the High Court upheld the  conviction  and
sentence of the appellant awarded by the  Sessions  Court  for  the  offence
punishable under Section 376 of the Indian  Penal  Code,  1860  (hereinafter
referred to as "IPC") and sentenced him  to  undergo  rigorous  imprisonment
for 7 years and a fine of Rs.5000/- and in default of  payment  of  fine  to
undergo rigorous imprisonment for another six months.
3.    In order to appreciate the issue involved in the appeal, few  relevant
facts need mention infra,
4.    The prosecutrix (name withheld by us) was a young girl aged around  16
years 3 months at the relevant time.  She  had  no  educational  background.
She was the resident of Vidya Nand Colony, Panipat and was living  with  her
parents and two younger sisters and three brothers. Her father, Abid  was  a
labourer in one factory and her mother was running a small grocery  shop  in
their house.      The appellant-accused, a young boy  in  his  twenties  was
also residing with his family as their neighbour.  He was also  running  his
own grocery shop in his house.
5.    On 02.04.2007,  Sub  Inspector  (SI)-Prithvi  Raj  of  Police  Station
Chandni  Bagh  received  information  about  the  sexual  assault   on   the
prosecutrix, who was taken to the General Hospital, Panipat.  After  receipt
of the information, SI rushed to the General Hospital, Panipat to  find  out
the details.  He was told that the  prosecutrix  was  not  admitted  to  the
hospital but was got examined by the doctors.  He then collected  parcel  of
slides, swab of the prosecutrix, samples of tests done  on  the  prosecutrix
and a copy of the MLR and then went to the prosecutrix's residence  and  met
her mother, Ruksana on 04.04.2007.
6.    Ruksana-the mother of prosecutrix then gave her statement saying  that
she has three daughters - the eldest being the prosecutrix  aged  around  14
years.  Her husband was working as labourer and  she  was  running  a  small
grocery shop. She  said  that  the  appellant  (accused),  their  neighbour,
entered in their house a few days back in night and when  she  saw  him,  he
slipped away. She had complained about this behavior  of  appellant  to  his
parents but his parents did not pay any heed to  her  complaint.   She  then
said that after some days, in their absence, Sajida-wife of Salim,  who  was
living as their tenant in the same house, came to their  house  and  enticed
the prosecutrix on the pretext that she  should  talk  with  the  appellant-
accused regarding her love otherwise he would  end  his  life  by  consuming
poison.   Ruksana further narrated that a fortnight  back,  on  hearing  the
noise, she woke up and saw that  her  daughter  was  coming  down  from  the
staircase.  On being asked, the prosecutrix did not give  any  response  and
avoided to give answer.  However, later on, she told  Ruksana  (her  mother)
that the appellant had  raped  her  in  the  night  forcefully  without  her
consent and threatened her not to disclose this incident to her  parents  or
to anyone else she will have to face the dire consequences.
7.    This disclosure made by Ruksana led to registration of  FIR  No.   144
dated 04.04.2007 in the Police Station Chandni  Bagh,  Panipat  against  the
appellant-accused and Sajida, who as mentioned above, was living  as  tenant
of the  prosecutrix's  father  in  the  next  room.  The  statement  of  the
prosecutrix under Section 164  of  the  Code  of  Criminal  Procedure,  1973
(hereinafter referred to as "the Code") was recorded. Her ossification  test
was also got done. The statements of  other  witnesses  were  recorded.  The
appellant and Sajida were arrested. The appellant  was  medically  examined.
After completing the investigation and collecting the necessary evidence,  a
charge-sheet was filed against  the  appellant  and  Sajida  under  Sections
376/506/120-B of IPC.
8.    On their appearance, the accused were supplied with all the  documents
relied on by the prosecution. The case was then committed to  the  Court  of
Sessions where the court framed the charges. So far  as  the  appellant  and
Sajida were concerned, both were charged for the  offence  punishable  under
Section 120-B IPC. So far as  the  appellant  was  concerned,  he  was  also
charged for the offence punishable under Section 376 IPC.  Both the  accused
pleaded not guilty and claimed trial.
9.    With a view to connect the appellant and Sajida with  the  crime,  the
prosecution examined 14 witnesses namely,  Ruksana,  the  Complainant(PW-1),
the prosecutrix (PW-2), Dr. Rahul Diwan (PW-3), Dr. Shashi Garg (PW-4),  Dr.
Nidhi Kharab (PW-5), Dr. Ashwani Kumar (PW-6), Ghansham  Dass,  ASI  (PW-7),
Rajbir Singh, ASI (PW-8), Constable  Jagbir  Singh  (PW-9),  Head  Constable
Dharam Pal (PW-10), Constable Joginder  (PW-11),  Head  Constable  Dharampal
(PW-12), Prithvi  Raj,  Inspector  (PW-13)  and  ASI  Rajbir  Singh  (PW-14)
whereas the defence examined four  witnesses,  namely,  Hawa  Singh,  Clerk,
Death and Birth, Municipal Council, Panipat as  DW-1,  Ashok  Kumar  Bathla,
Senior Supervisor, BSNL, Panipat as DW-2, Salim as DW-3 and  Head  Constable
Kuleep as DW-4.
10.   The Sessions Judge by judgment/order dated 18.08.2009/20.08.2009  held
that no case of conspiracy was proved against the appellant  and  Sajida  of
any nature and since involvement of Sajida was  not  proved  in  this  case,
therefore,   both of them were acquitted of the charge  of  conspiracy.   So
far as the appellant-accused (Deepak) was concerned, it was  held  that  the
prosecution was able to prove the commission  of  offence  of  rape  on  the
prosecutrix by the appellant  and  accordingly  he  was  convicted  for  the
offence punishable under Section 376 IPC and  was  sentenced  to  undergo  7
years' RI with a fine amount of Rs.5000/- and in default to undergo  further
RI for 6 months.
11.   Feeling aggrieved by the  said  order/judgment,  the  appellant  filed
appeal before the High Court. By impugned  judgment/order,  the  High  Court
dismissed the appeal and upheld the conviction and sentence awarded  to  the
appellant by the Sessions Court. It  is  against  this  judgment/order,  the
accused-Deepak has filed this appeal by way of special leave.
12.   Learned Counsel for the appellant mainly urged three  submissions.  In
the first place, he urged that since there was inordinate  delay  in  filing
the FIR of the incident of alleged rape by  the  victim  or/and  her  family
members, the conviction of the appellant becomes unsustainable  in  law  and
was, therefore, liable to be set aside. Secondly,  he  made  his  submission
based on the age of the  prosecutrix.  According  to  the  learned  counsel,
since the age of the prosecutrix was above  sixteen,  it  should  have  been
held to be a case of consent given voluntarily by the prosecutrix  rendering
the appellant's conviction bad in law and lastly, the  ingredients  of  rape
were not proved against the appellant, no case of rape  within  the  meaning
of Section  376  of  IPC  was  made  out.  It  is  essentially  these  three
submissions, which were elaborated by the learned counsel in  his  arguments
by referring to the contents of the FIR and the evidence on record.
13.   In contra, learned counsel  for  the  respondent-State  supported  the
reasoning and the conclusion of the courts  below  and  contended  that  the
appeal being wholly devoid of merit, the same deserves dismissal.
14.   Having heard the learned counsel for the parties  and  on  perusal  of
the record of the case, we find no merit in any of the  submissions  of  the
learned counsel for the appellant.
15.   Coming to the first submission relating to the lodging of the FIR  for
the commission of the offence  is  concerned,  in  our  considered  opinion,
there was no delay in the lodging of the FIR either and if at all there  was
some  delay,  the  same  has  not  only  been  properly  explained  by   the
prosecution but also considering the facts and circumstances  of  the  case,
it was natural.
16.   The Courts cannot overlook the fact that in sexual  offences  and,  in
particular, the offence of rape and that too on  a  young  illiterate  girl,
the delay in lodging the FIR can occur due to various reasons.  One  of  the
reasons is the reluctance of the prosecutrix or her family members to go  to
the police station and  to  make  a  complaint  about  the  incident,  which
concerns the reputation of the prosecutrix and  the  honour  of  the  entire
family. In such cases, after giving very cool thought  and  considering  all
pros and cons arising out of an unfortunate incident, a complaint of  sexual
offence is generally lodged either  by  victim  or  by  any  member  of  her
family.  Indeed, this has been the consistent view  of  this  Court  as  has
been held in State of Punjab vs. Gurmit Singh & Ors.[ (1996) 2 SCC 384)].
17.   Keeping this well settled principle in mind, we find that the  FIR  in
this case was lodged on 04.04.2007 when the  prosecutrix  disclosed  to  her
mother of the incident first time as to what had happened  with  her  hardly
two  weeks  before  the  date  of  disclosure  and  the  mother,  in   turn,
immediately made a complaint to the police station and disclosed to the  SI,
who visited  her  place  on  coming  to  know  of  the  incident.  The  late
disclosure of the offence by the prosecutrix was also well justified by  her
in her statement recorded under Section 164 of the  Code  and  also  in  her
evidence wherein she said that the appellant had taken her  photographs  and
had also recorded her talks with him on mobile. The accused was, as per  her
version, threatening her from raising any kind of  alarm  with  the  use  of
such evidence in his possession.
18.   The conduct of the prosecutrix, in this regard, therefore, appears  to
us to be most natural.  She did not inform the incident immediately  to  the
parents and waited for two weeks to eventually disclose to her  mother.   It
was for the  reason  that  the  appellant  was  all  along  threatening  the
prosecutrix of the dire consequences with the use of the evidence, which  he
was having with him against her.
19.   We do not agree with the submission of the  learned  counsel  for  the
appellant when  he  contended  that  since  no  efforts  were  made  by  the
prosecution to file the photographs and the  recorded  conversation  of  the
prosecutrix with the appellant and, therefore,  the  prosecutrix's   version
should not be relied on.
20.   We cannot overlook the situation in which  a  young  illiterate  girl,
who had just crossed her 16th year and who was subjected to sexual  violence
against her will would immediately react. Again, in our considered view,  if
the Investigating Officer did not conduct the investigation properly in  not
being able to seize the photographs and recorded conversation then it  could
not have been made  a  ground  to  discredit  the  sworn  testimony  of  the
prosecutrix, which was otherwise found to be trustworthy and consistent.
21.   No one can dispute that  the  prosecutrix  had  no  control  over  the
investigating agency and nor the lapse on  the  part  of  the  investigating
agency could in any manner affect the creditability of the statement of  the
22.   In our  considered  opinion,  the  courts  below,  therefore,  rightly
placed reliance on the sworn testimony of the prosecutrix on this issue  and
came to a just and proper conclusion that having regard  to  the  facts  and
circumstances of  the  case  coupled  with  the  explanation  given  by  the
prosecutrix, there was no delay in lodging the FIR by her  mother  and  even
if there was  some  delay  then,  in  our  considered  view,  the  same  was
satisfactorily explained.
23.   This takes us to the next two submissions of the learned  counsel  for
the appellant. The courts below have held that the age  of  the  prosecutrix
on the date of commission of the offence was around 16 years and  3  months.
Assuming this finding to be proper, we are of the  considered  opinion  that
these submissions have no merit in the light of  the  statutory  presumption
contained in Section 114-A of the Evidence Act, 1872 against the  appellant,
which in our opinion remain unrebutted at the instance of the appellant.
24.   Section 114-A of the Indian Evidence Act was brought on  statute  book
with effect from 25.12.1983 by the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act,  1983.   It
reads as under:
"114-A. Presumption as to absence of consent  in  certain  prosecutions  for
rape - In a prosecution for rape under clause (a) or clause  (b)  or  clause
(c) or clause (d) or clause (e) or clause (g) of sub-section (2) of  Section
376 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), where sexual intercourse  by  the
accused is proved and the question is whether it was without the consent  of
the woman alleged to have been raped and she states in her  evidence  before
the Court that she did not consent, the Court shall  presume  that  she  did
not consent."

25.   In order to enable the court  to  draw  presumption  as  contained  in
Section 114-A against the accused,  it  is  necessary  to  first  prove  the
commission of sexual intercourse by  the  accused  on  the  prosecutrix  and
second, it should be proved that it was done  without  the  consent  of  the
prosecutrix.  Once the prosecutrix states in her evidence that she  did  not
consent to act of sexual intercourse done by the accused on  her  which,  as
per her statement,  was committed by the accused against her  will  and  the
accused failed to give any satisfactory explanation in his defence  evidence
on this issue, the court will be entitled  to  draw  the  presumption  under
Section 114-A of the Indian Evidence Act against the  accused  holding  that
he committed the act of sexual intercourse on the  prosecutrix  against  her
will and without her  consent.   The  question  as  to  whether  the  sexual
intercourse was done with or without consent being a question  of  fact  has
to be proved by the evidence in every case before  invoking  the  rigour  of
Section 114-A of the Indian Evidence Act.
26.   Coming now to the case in hand, we find that the prosecutrix,  in  her
sworn testimony, in clear terms has said that she did not give  her  consent
for commission of the act to the appellant and that he committed the act  of
sexual violence on her against her will. The appellant was not able to  give
any satisfactory explanation in his statement recorded under Section 313  of
the Code nor was he able  to  adduce  any  defence  evidence  to  rebut  the
presumption contained in Section 114-A of  the  Indian  Evidence  Act,  1872
against him.  So far as commission of sexual intercourse  is  concerned,  it
is proved with the medical evidence that it was performed by  the  appellant
with the prosecutrix.
27.   We are alive to the law laid down by this Court wherein  it  is  ruled
that in a case of rape, no self- respecting woman would  ever  come  forward
in a court just to make a humiliating statement against her honour  such  as
is involved in  the  commission  of  rape  on  her.  The  testimony  of  the
prosecutrix in such cases is vital and unless there are compelling  reasons,
which necessitate looking for corroboration of her statement or where  there
are  compelling  reasons  for  rejecting  of  her  testimony,  there  is  no
justification on the part of the court to reject her testimony.
28.   In the instant case, our careful analysis  of  the  statement  of  the
prosecutrix has created an impression on our minds that she  is  a  reliable
and truthful witness and her  testimony  suffers  no  infirmity  or  blemish
whatsoever.  That apart,  as  observed  supra,  even  the  medical  evidence
supports the commission of sexual violence on her and we need not  elaborate
on this issue any more in the light of  concurrent  finding  of  the  courts
below having been recorded against the  appellant  holding  in  clear  terms
that sign of commission of rape on her by  the  appellant  stood  proved  by
medical evidence beyond reasonable doubt.  Indeed, even  the  appellant  had
not disputed the factum of commission of sexual intercourse by  him  on  the
prosecutrix because as taken note of, the appellant's only defence was  that
since the prosecutrix had consented to the commission of the sexual act,  no
offence of rape was made out against him.  This  argument  we  have  already
29.   In the light of this, we have no hesitation in invoking the  statutory
presumption contemplated under Section 114-A of  the  Evidence  Act  against
the appellant rendering him liable to suffer the  conviction  under  Section
376 of IPC  for commission of offence of rape on the prosecutrix.
30.   In the light  of  foregoing  discussion,  we  uphold  the  finding  of
commission of rape by the appellant on the prosecutrix, which in  our  view,
was rightly recorded by the two courts below.
31.   The last submission of learned counsel  for  the  appellant  was  that
looking to the young age of the appellant and further  he  being  the  first
offender and lastly, the fact that he has already undergone 3 years 1  month
in jail, this Court should take some lenient view in the matter of  awarding
of the sentence to him.
32.   We find no merit in this submission for the  simple  reason  that  the
appellant has been awarded minimum mandatory sentence of 7 years.  In  other
words, once the offence under Section 376 IPC is  proved  then  the  minimum
sentence is 7 years, which may extend  to  imprisonment  for  life  and  the
fine.  Therefore, the appellant should feel fortunate that  he  was  awarded
only 7 years' sentence else it could have been even more.
33.   Since the State has not filed any appeal for enhancement of  sentence,
we need not go into this question except to reject the submissions urged  by
the learned counsel for the appellant being totally devoid of substance.
34.   Learned counsel for the appellant had placed reliance on the  decision
of this Court in Uday vs. State of Karnataka [(2003) 4 SCC  46]  in  support
of his submissions. We have gone through the facts of  this  case  and  find
that in the light of what we have held on appreciation of  the  evidence  of
this case, the decision relied upon may  not  help  the  appellant.  In  our
opinion, it is distinguishable on facts.
35.   In the light of  foregoing  discussion,  we  find  no  merit  in  this
appeal, which fails and is accordingly dismissed. Since the appellant is  on
bail by the order passed by this Court on 06.01.2012, his bail  bonds  stand
cancelled and he is  directed  to  surrender  forthwith  to  serve  out  the
remaining period of his sentence.


                       [ABHAY MANOHAR SAPRE]

      New Delhi;
      March 10, 2015.


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