Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 3609 of 2017, Judgment Date: Apr 06, 2017

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.3609 OF 2017

DEEPA E.V.                                                     APPELLANT(S)


UNION OF INDIA AND ORS.                                       RESPONDENT(S)

                               J U D G M E N T


1.    This appeal arises out of the judgment of the  Kerala  High  Court  in
Writ Appeal No.827 of 2015  dated  20.07.2015  whereby  the  Division  Bench
affirmed the order passed by the learned Single Judge.
2.    The appellant applied for the post of Laboratory  Assistant  Grade  II
in Export Inspection Council of India  functioning  under  the  Ministry  of
Commerce and Industry, Government  of  India.   The  appellant  belongs   to
Dheevara community which is one of the “Other Backward  Class”.   Since  the
appellant was aged 26 years, she got age relaxation, as was granted  to  OBC
category candidates.  The appellant was one of the  eleven  candidates  from
OBC who were called for interview.  The appellant secured 82 marks  (in  the
list of candidates from OBC category).   One Ms. Serena  Joseph  (OBC),  who
secured 93 marks was selected and appointed.
3.    Insofar as  the  general  category  is  concerned,  no  candidate  has
secured the  minimum  cut  off  marks  i.e.  70  marks.   Stating  that  the
appellant has to be accommodated in the general category, she filed  a  Writ
Petition before the High Court, which the learned Single Judge dismissed  by
judgment dated 16.1.2015.  Being aggrieved,  the  appellant  challenged  the
same in Writ Appeal No.827 of 2015, which came to  be  dismissed,  which  is
impugned in this appeal.
4.    The appellant, who has applied under  OBC  Category  by  availing  age
relaxation and also attending the interview under the 'OBC Category'  cannot
claim right to be appointed under the General Category.
5.    The recruitment by the Export Inspection Council  of  India  which  is
functioning under the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India is  governed
by the Export Inspection Agency (Recruitment) Rules, 1980.  As per  Rule  9,
the Rules regarding relaxation of age limits and other  concessions  are  to
be governed by  the  Rules  and  also  the  orders  issued  by  the  Central
Government from time to time in this regard.  Rule 9 reads as under:-

      “9. Saving:
      Nothing in these rules affect reservations, relaxation  of  age  limit
and other concessions required to  be  provided  for  the  Scheduled  Caste,
Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance  with
the orders issued by the Central  Government  from  time  to  time  in  this

6.    Department of Personnel  and  Training  had  issued  proceedings  O.M.
No.36012/13/88-Estt.  (SCT),  dated  22.5.1989  and  OM  No.36011/1/98-Estt.
(Res.), dated 1.7.1998  laying  down  stipulation  to  be  followed  by  the
various Ministries/Department for recruitment to  various  posts  under  the
Central Government  and  the  reservation  for  SC/ST/OBC  candidates.   The
proceedings reads as under:-

“G.I. Dept.  of  Per.  &  Trg.,  O.M.  No.  36012/13/88-Estt.  (SCT),  dated
22.5.1989 and OM No.36011/1/98-Estt. (Res.), dated 1.7.1998

“Subject:- Reserved vacancies to be filled up by candidates lower  in  merit
or even by released standards- candidates selected on their own  merits  not
to be adjusted against reserved quota.

      As part of measure to increase the  representation  of  SC/ST  in  the
services under the Central Government,  the  Government  have  reviewed  the
procedure for implementation the policy  of  reservation  while  filling  up
reserved share of vacancies for Scheduled Castes  and  Scheduled  Tribes  by
direct recruitment.  The practice presently  being  followed  is  to  adjust
SC/ST candidates selected  for  direct  recruitment  without  relaxation  of
students against the reserved share of vacancies.  The position of  such  SC
and ST candidates in the final  select  list,  however,  was  determined  by
their relative merit as assigned to them in  the  selection  process.   When
sufficient  number  of  suitable  Scheduled  Caste   and   Scheduled   Tribe
candidates were  not  available  to  fill  up  all  the  reserved  share  of
vacancies, SC/ST candidates were selected by relaxed standards.
2.    It has now been  decided  that  in  cases  of  direct  recruitment  to
vacancies in posts under the Central Government, the SC  and  ST  candidates
who are selected on their own merit, without relaxed  standards  along  with
candidates belonging to the other communities, will not be adjusted  against
the reserved share of vacancies.  The reserved vacancies will be  filled  up
separately from amongst the eligible SC and ST candidates  which  will  thus
comprise SC and  ST  candidates  who  are  lower  in  merit  than  the  last
candidate on the merit list but otherwise  found  suitable  for  appointment
even by relaxed standards, if necessary.
3.     All  Ministries/Departments  will  immediately  review  the   various
Recruitment Rules/Examination Rules to  ensure  that  if  any  provision  is
contrary to the decision contained  in  previous  paragraph  exist  in  such
rules, they are immediately suitably modified or deleted.
4.    These instructions shall take immediate effect in  respect  of  direct
recruitment made hereafter.  These  will  also  apply  to  selections  where
though the recruitment process has started, the result  have  not  yet  been
announced  unless  in  the   Examination/Recruitment   Rules   or   in   the
advertisement  notified  earlier  there  is  a  specific  provision  to  the
contrary and the manner in which the SC/ST vacancies  could  be  filled  has
been indicated.
      Clarification:- The instructions contained in the above  OM  apply  in
all types of direct recruitment whether by written  test  alone  or  written
test followed by the interview alone.
2. The above OM  and  the  O.M.  No.36012/2/96-Estt.(Res.),  dated  2.7.1997
provide that in cases of direct recruitment, the  SC/ST/OBC  candidates  who
are selected on their own  merit  will  not  be  adjusted  against  reserved
vacancies.   3.   In  this  connection,  it  is  clarified  that  only  such
SC/ST/OBC candidates who are selected on the same standards  as  applied  to
general candidates shall not be adjusted  against  reserved  vacancies.   In
other words, when a relaxed standard is applied in  selecting  an  SC/ST/OBC
candidates,  for  example  in  the  age-limit,  experience,   qualification,
permitted number  of  chances  in  written  examination,  extended  zone  of
consideration larger than what is provided for general category  candidates,
etc.,  the  SC/ST/OBC  candidates  are  to  be  counted   against   reserved
vacancies.   Such  candidates   would   be   deemed   as   unavailable   for
consideration against unreserved vacancies.”
                                  (Underlining added)

7.    On a combined reading of Rule  9  of  the   Export  Inspection  Agency
(Recruitment) Rules, 1980 and also the proceedings dated 1.7.1998,  we  find
that there is an express bar for the candidates belonging to  SC/ST/OBC  who
have  availed  relaxation  for  being  considered   for   General   Category
8.    Learned counsel for the appellant mainly relied upon the  judgment  of
this Court in Jitendra Kumar Singh and Another v.  State  of  Uttar  Pradesh
and Others, reported in (2010) 3 SCC 119, which deals with the  U.P.  Public
Services (Reservation for  Scheduled  Castes,  Scheduled  Tribes  and  Other
Backward Classes) Act, 1994 and Government  order  dated  25.3.1994.   On  a
perusal of the above judgment, we find that there is no express bar  in  the
said U.P. Act for the candidates  of  SC/ST/OBC  being  considered  for  the
posts under General Category.  In such facts and circumstances of  the  said
case, this Court has taken the view  that  the  relaxation  granted  to  the
reserved category candidates will operate a a level playing  field.  In  the
light of the express bar provided under the proceedings dated  1.7.1998  the
principle laid down in Jitendra Kumar Singh (supra)  cannot  be  applied  to
the case in hand.
9.    Learned senior counsel appearing for the respondents  has  also  drawn
our attention to paragraph Nos.65 and 72 in Jitendra Kumar Singh (supra)  to
contend that principle in Jitendra Kumar Singh (supra) are  in  the  context
of interpretation of U.P. Act 1994 and in the particular  factual  situation
of the said case.  Paragraphs 65 and 72, read as under:-

“65.  In any event the entire issue in  the  present  appeals  need  not  be
decided on the general principles of law laid down in various  judgments  as
noticed above.  In these matters, we are concerned with  the  interpretation
of the 1994 Act,  the  Instructions  dated  25.3.1994  and  the  G.O.  dated
26.2.1999.  The controversy herein centres around the limited  issue  as  to
whether an OBC who has applied exercising his option as a reserved  category
candidate, thus becoming  eligible  to  be  considered  against  a  reserved
vacancy, can also be considered against  an  unreserved  vacancy  if  he/she
secures more marks than the last candidate in the general category.

72.    Soon after the enforcement of the  1994  Act  the  Government  issued
instructions dated 25.3.1994 on the subject  of  reservation  for  Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward  groups  in  the  Uttar  Pradesh
Public Services.  These instructions, inter alia, provide as under:-
      "4. If any person belonging to reserved categories is selected on  the
basis of merits in open            competition along with  general  category
candidates,  then  he  will  not  be  adjusted  towards  reserved  category,
    that is, he shall  be deemed to have been              adjusted  against
the unreserved vacancies. It shall be immaterial that  he  has  availed  any
facility or relaxation (like relaxation in age limit)              available
to reserved category."
      From the above it becomes quite apparent that the  relaxation  in  age
limit is merely to enable the reserved category candidate  to  compete  with
the general category candidate, all other things being equal. The State  has
not treated the relaxation in age and fee as relaxation in the standard  for
selection, based on the merit of the candidate in the  selection  test  i.e.
Main Written Test followed by Interview. Therefore, such relaxations  cannot
deprive a reserved category candidate of the right to be   considered  as  a
general category  candidate  on  the  basis  of  merit  in  the  competitive
examination.    Sub-section  (2)  of   Section  8  further   provides   that
Government Orders in force on the commencement of the Act in respect of  the
concessions and relaxations including relaxation in upper  age  limit  which
are not inconsistent with the Act continue to
be applicable till they are modified or revoked.”

10.  Having regard to the observations in  paragraphs  65  and  72,  in  our
view, the principles laid down in Jitendra Kumar  Singh  (supra)  cannot  be
applied to the case in hand. As rightly pointed out by the High  Court  that
judgment in  Jitendra  Kumar  Singh  (supra)  was  based  on  the  statutory
interpretation of the U.P. Act, 1994 and Government  order  dated  25.3.1994
which provides for entirely a different scheme.
11.   Be it noted, in the instant case, the  appellant  has  not  challenged
the constitutional validity of the  proceedings  dated  1.7.1998  read  with
Rule 9 of the  Export Inspection Agency (Recruitment)  Rules,  1980.   On  a
perusal of the prayer made in the writ petition we find that  the  appellant
has only sought  for  a  declaration  that  Exhibit  P5  (proceedings  dated
1.7.1998) is not binding  on  the  appellant.   No  argument  was  canvassed
challenging the  constitutional  validity  of  the  proceedings  before  the
learned Single Judge or before the Division Bench of the High Court.
12.   We do not find any  merit  in  this  appeal,  which  is,  accordingly,
13.   Pending applications, if any, shall stand disposed of.
14.   There shall be no orders as to costs.

                                                              [R. BANUMATHI]

                                                           [A.M. KHANWILKAR]
      NEW DELHI;
      APRIL 06, 2017.

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