Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 2981 of 2016, Judgment Date: Mar 15, 2016



                         IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL  APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                         CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2981 OF 2016
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.35188 of 2012)

|DATTATRAYA BABURAO WALAWALKAR AND OTHERS                 |Appellant(s)         |


|SIDDHIVINAYAK CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE LIMITED               |Respondent(s)        |
|AND OTHERS                                               |                     |

                            W I T H

                CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2983 OF 2016
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.36789 of 2012)

RAUNAK CORPORATION                                 Appellant(s)



               CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2984 OF 2016
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.36790 of 2012)

RAUNAK CORPORATION                                Appellant(s)


SANJAY MANOHAR KASTUR AND OTHERS             Respondent(s)

                CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2985 OF 2016
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.38155 of 2012)

VIKAS MOTIRAM DESAI AND OTHERS               Appellant(s)



                CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2986 OF 2016
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.38297 of 2012)

VIKAS MOTIRAM DESAI AND OTHERS               Appellant(s)


SANJAY MANOHAR KASTUR AND OTHERS             Respondent(s)

                 J U D G M E N T


1.    We  have  heard learned counsel for the parties.

2.    These appeals are against a  final  judgment  of  the  High  Court  of
Judicature at Bombay dated 18th October, 2012 by which  the  Division  Bench
of the Bombay High Court dismissed the letters patent appeal being  LPA  No.
103 of 2012 in Writ Petition No. 11070 of 2011.

3.     We  are  concerned  here  with  Trust  property  admeasuring  3343.53
sq.meters in the Girgaun area of Mumbai.   Under  the  Bombay  Public  Trust
Act, 1950, the Charity Commissioner’s sanction  has  first  to  be  obtained
before the trust property can be  sold  and  for  reasons  given  under  the
statute.  The present Trustees of the Late Rao Bahadur Anant  Shivaji  Desai
Topiwalla Charity had resolved to sell the aforesaid  property  inasmuch  as
they found  that  it  was  largely  tenanted  and  very  meager  rents  were
obtained.  The protection afforded to the tenants under the Bombay Rent  Act
and the consequent rent that was being paid therefore, formed the  necessity
that was felt by the trustees to sell  the  aforesaid  property.   The  said
sale was mooted by the trustees under  the  Development  Control  Regulation
33(7) under which re-development of cessed  buildings in the Island City  of
Bombay can be undertaken, provided they are constructed prior  to  1940,  at
F.S.I. i.e. Floor Space Index at 3 being given as incentive to  rehabilitate
the existing tenants on the gross plot area.  Appendix III, which has to  be
read with Regulation 33(7), specifically stipulates in paragraph 1(a),  that
the new building may be permitted to  be  constructed  in  pursuance  of  an
irrevocable written consent by not less than 70% of  the  occupiers  of  the
old building.

4.    The said trustees, after obtaining  a  valuation  report,  which  they
produced before the Charity Commissioner, therefore  resolved  to  sell  the
aforesaid property to M/s. Raunak Corporation.

5.    The Charity Commissioner, by his  order  dated  2nd  September,  2011,
granted permission to sell the aforesaid trust property in favour of  Raunak
Corporation  for  a  monetory  consideration  of  Rs.6  crores  along   with
developed area of 4000 sq.ft. built up to be given to  the  trust,  free  of
cost, and a minimum of 460  sq.ft.  usable  carpet  area  to  each  occupier
including flower beds etc., free of cost, in  terms  of  the  Memorandum  of
understanding dated 23rd May, 2011.   The  ultimate  order  of  the  Charity
Commissioner reads thus :-
“1.   Application is allowed.

2.    Sanction is hereby accorded to the trustees of “The Late  Rao  Bahadur
Anand Shivaji Desai Topiwalla Charity, Mumbai”, P.T.R. No. A/751/Mumbai  for
development cum sale of the trust property, viz. CTS No.  145A,  1A,  145-4,
145B, C, D, E, F, G, bearing  C.S.  No.  1443  admeasuring  3999  sq.  yards
equivalent to 3343.57 meters. Or thereabout together with  structures  known
as 'Kudaldeshkar Brahmin Niwas', in favour  of  M/s  Raunak  Corporation,  a
registered partnership firm at Laxmi  Narayan  Residency,  Unnathi  Garadens
III, Opp. Ma Niketan, Pokhran Road, No. 2, Thane (West) – 400  610  for  the
monetary consideration of Rs.6,00,00,000/- (rupees six  crores  only)  along
with developed area of 4000 sq.ft. Built up to be given to the  trust,  free
of cost, and minimum 460 sq. ft. useable carpet area including flower  beds,
niches and service ducts to the tenants, free  of  cost,  in  terms  of  the
Memorandum of Understanding dated 23.5.2011 and on the following  additional
terms and conditions :-

      a.    The deed for development cum sale of the     trust  property  is
to be executed within a period    of  six  months  from  the  date  of  this

      b.    All expenses for stamp duty  and  registration      charges  and
other incidental expenses shall be     borne by the developer.

      c.    The amount  of  monetary  consideration  of      Rs.6.00  crores
shall form part of the corpus of  trust, which shall remain invested in  any
of the      Nationalized Banks/Approved Securities in long   term   deposits
and should  not  be  withdrawn        without  prior    permission  of  this
Authority.       Trustees shall be at liberty to use only the       interest
amount,  which  will  be   accrued   on   a   sum         invested   towards
accomplishment   of the objects   of the trust.

      d.    This permission shall be subject to all the       relevant  laws
and rules applicable to the       development     cum sale  transaction  and
property    all well.

      e.    Trustees of the trust to report the  change   under  section  22
after completion of the     development      cum  sale  transaction  to  the
concerned    Assistant/Deputy   Charity     Commissioner,   Greater   Mumbai

6.    In a writ petition filed by Sidhivinayak Construction Private  Limited
and others, inter alia, against  the  trust/trustees  and  the  said  Raunak
Corporation, the learned single Judge of the Bombay  High  Court  set  aside
the Charity Commissioner’s order  and  ultimately  moulded  the  reliefs  by
stating as under:
“33.  The need for alienation by redevelopment  and  ultimate  sale  of  the
properties of the trust is established.  I  am  therefore  inclined  to  set
aside the impugned  order  partly  to  the  extent  it  grants  sanction  to
alienate the property in favour  of  the  Respondent  No.9  and  remand  the
application back.  The Charity  Commissioner  shall  thereafter  direct  the
trustees to publish an advertisement in reputed  newspapers  like  Times  of
India, Maharashtra Times, Indian Express and Loksatta and invite  bids  from
the developers for the redevelopment and sale of the property of the  trust.
 The bid submitted by the Respondent No.9 which has  been  accepted  by  the
Charity  Commissioner  should   form   the   reserve   price.    Thus,   the
advertisement will indicate that any bidder who desires to bid must  fulfill
the following minimum criteria :

      a.    Monetary consideration of Rs.6 crores to the trust;

      b.    Developed area of 4000 sq. ft. built up  (3418  sq.  ft.  carpet
area) to be given free of costs to the trust;

      c.    usable  carpet  area  of  460  sq.  ft.  to  individual  tenants
including flower bed, niches and service ducts.

      d.    Corpus fund for the tenant  society  of  such  sum,  as  may  be
determined by the Charity Commissioner.

      e.    24 Bank Guarantees of Rs.50 lakhs each as offered by  Respondent

      f.    Additional consideration of crore to the  trust  in  case
FSI is enhanced from 2.5 to 3.”

      The learned Single Judge then directed that  sanction  for  alienation
of the trust property shall be granted in favour of the highest bidder.”

7.    A letters patent appeal filed before the Division Bench of the  Bombay
High Court led to the impugned judgment dated 18th October,  2012  by  which
the judgment and order of the learned single Judge was upheld.  That is  how
the present special leave petitions are before this Court.

8.    Leave granted.

9.    After hearing learned counsel for the  parties  for  some  time,  this
Court by its order dated 5th February, 2016 stated as under :-
            “Without prejudice to the contentions available to the  parties,
Shivaji Desai Topiwala, Charity, Bombay-Trust is directed to issue  a  fresh
advertisement regarding the re-development of the properties as directed  by
the learned Single Judge at paragraph 33 of the judgment dated  29th  March,
2012 in Writ Petition No. 11070 of  2011  with  the  required  modifications
that sub para (a) will be read as “7 crores”, sub para (e) will be  read  as
“24 Bank Guarantees” and sub para (f) will stand deleted.

            The advertisement shall be issued within a period  of  one  week
from  today  indicating  time  of   two   weeks.    After   processing   the
applications, report shall be filed within one week thereafter.

            Post on 08.03.2016.”

10.   Pursuant to the said order of this Court, an advertisement was  issued
on 12th February, 2016 in  four  daily  Newspapers.   In  response  thereto,
initially 9 persons came forward, but ultimately,  on  or  before  the  time
stipulated in the advertisement, only two offers were received by the  Trust
– one from Ramee Construction Private Limited and the other  from  the  same
developer - M/s Raunak Corporation. In a report of the Trustees of the  said
Trust given to this Court, paragraph 9 set out the relevant  merits  of  the
aforesaid two offers/bids as follows :

|No.|                         |PRIVATE LIMITED           |CORPORATION       |
|1. |Monetary consideration   |     Rs.7 crores          |Rs. 8 crores and  |
|   |payable to the Trust     |                          |one               |
|2. |Constructed area to be   |     4,921.3 sq.ft.       |5,040 sq.ft.      |
|   |allotted to the Trust,   |                          |                  |
|   |free of cost             |                          |                  |
|3. |Constructed/Rehabilitated|     67,332.16 sq.ft.     |69,166.53 dq.ft.  |
|   |area to be offered to the|(Excluding parking area)  |(Parking will be  |
|   |tenants/ occupants, free |                          |made available to |
|   |of cost                  |                          |the tenants as per|
|   |                         |                          |D.C. Regulations) |
|4. |Monthly rent per sq.foot |Rs.55/- per sq.foot of    |Rentals offered at|
|   |offered to               |carpet area computed @ 460|rates ranging from|
|   |tenants/occupants for    |sq.ft. For residential    |Rs.17,500/- per   |
|   |availing of transit      |tenants                   |tenement to       |
|   |accommodation during the |                          |Rs.25,000/- per   |
|   |period of redevelopment  |Rs.155/- per sq. foot of  |tenement based on |
|   |                         |carpet area for           |the areas of the  |
|   |                         |non-residential tenants   |existing          |
|   |                         |                          |tenements.        |
|   |                         |                          |                  |
|   |                         |                          |Rs.100/- per      |
|   |                         |                          |sq.foot of carpet |
|   |                         |                          |area for          |
|   |                         |                          |non-residential   |
|   |                         |                          |tenants           |
|   |                         |                          |                  |
|   |                         |                          |Also offered to   |
|   |                         |                          |pay higher rentals|
|   |                         |                          |if the prevailing |
|   |                         |                          |rates at the      |
|   |                         |                          |relevant time are |
|   |                         |                          |higher;           |
|   |                         |                          |alternatively,    |
|   |                         |                          |have also offered |
|   |                         |                          |to provide transit|
|   |                         |                          |accommodation.    |
|5. |Frequency of increases in|      10% annually        |10% every 11      |
|   |monthly rent together    |                          |months            |
|   |with the percentage of   |                          |                  |
|   |such increase            |                          |                  |
|6. |Brokerage                |1 month's rent            |1 month's rent    |
|7. |Transportation/ Shifting |Rs.15,000/-               |Rs.20,000/-       |
|   |Charges                  |                          |                  |
|8. |Corpus fund to be paid to|Rs.7 crores and 90 lacs   |Rs. 8 crores and  |
|   |the tenants/occupants    |                          |one               |
|9. |Amount of Bank Guarantee |Rs.12 crores              |Rs.12 crores      |
|   |offered                  |                          |                  |
|10.|Schedule for release of  |No schedule furnished     |Schedule depicting|
|   |Bank Guarantee           |                          |phase wise release|
|   |                         |Bank Guarantee to be      |of Bank Guarantees|
|   |                         |furnished within 11 months|furnished.        |
|   |                         |from Development Agreement|                  |
|   |                         |                          |Bank Guarantee to |
|   |                         |                          |be furnished upon |
|   |                         |                          |receipt of IOD    |
|   |                         |                          |i.e. municipal    |
|   |                         |                          |sanctions         |
|11.|Period of validity of    |Renewable upto completion |Initially for 3   |
|   |Bank Guarantee           |                          |years and         |
|   |                         |                          |renewable upto    |
|   |                         |                          |possession        |
|12.|Background               |Copies of Occupation      |Copies of         |
|   |                         |Certificates furnished in |Occupation        |
|   |Projects of 2 lakh       |respect of 2 commercial   |Certificates      |
|   |sq.feet or more completed|buildings in Mumbai and 1 |furnished in      |
|   |in the last 5 (five)     |Hotel Building in Pune    |respect of 51     |
|   |years together with      |                          |residential       |
|   |copies of Occupation     |                          |buildings in      |
|   |certificates.            |                          |Thane, Kandivli   |
|   |                         |                          |and Kalyan        |
|   |                         |                          |aggregating to    |
|   |                         |                          |approx. 21.93 lacs|
|   |                         |                          |sq.ft.            |

11.   We have been informed today by learned senior counsel, Mr. Sanjiv  Sen
appearing on  behalf  of  Ramee  Constructions  Private  Limited,  that  his
clients have been instructed to go up to Rs.8.20  crores  in  place  of  the
Rs.7 crore offer made by it.  He, however, has, on  instructions,  increased
the offer of Rs.7 crores to Rs.10 crores today.

12.   The reason that this Court passed its order dated 5th  February,  2016
was only to ascertain as to whether the offer of Rs.6  crores  made  by  M/s
Raunak Corporation was indeed a fair offer at the time it was made.   Having
regard to the fact that 9  persons  initially  came  forward  but  they  all
petered  out  and  ultimately  left  only  Raunak  Corporation   and   Ramee
Constructions  Private  Limited  in  the   fray,   the   fact   that   Ramee
Constructions Private Limited was the only other bidder which offered a  sum
of Rs.7 crores about 5 years after the said offer of Raunak  Corporation  of
Rs.6 crores (which improved its offer to Rs.7  crores  before  the  Division
Bench of the Bombay  High  Court)  shows  that  the  offer  made  by  Raunak
Corporation appears to be a reasonable one.  We must also remember that  the
sale-cum-development agreement has been entered into under Regulation  33(7)
of the Development Control Regulations for Greater Mumbai,  1991,  and   has
necessarily to fulfil one condition without which  the  sale-cum-development
agreement cannot go forward at all – it has to  contain  a  minimum  of  70%
irrevocable written consent of the occupiers of the old structure.  We  have
been informed that out of 105 tenancies of the Trust, 65 consents have  been
obtained, and another 11 consents have also been  obtained  which,  however,
have subsequently been revoked. If we  were  to  add  these  11  to  65,  as
consents once given are irrevocable, the mathematics of the situation  would
yield a figure of roughly 74% of the occupiers of the old building.

13.   We find that the initial offer itself was a fair offer  in  the  facts
and circumstances stated above.  However, we record the  statement  made  by
Mr. C.U.Singh, learned senior counsel, that his client  was  willing  to  up
that offer from Rs.8 crores that had been offered by him before  this  Court
to 8.25 crores, all other conditions mentioned in paragraph 9 of the  report
of the Trustees remaining the same.   In  the  facts  and  circumstances  of
these cases, we find that it would be for the benefit of the  Trust  if  the
said  offer  is  accepted  by  the  Trustees,  which  acceptance   has,   on
instructions, been given by  Shri  C.A.  Sundaram,  learned  senior  counsel
appearing on their behalf.  We, therefore, deem it fit to allow the  present
appeals in the aforesaid terms and set  aside  the  order  of  the  Division
Bench of the Bombay High Court.

14.   The appeals are, accordingly, disposed of as above with no  orders  as
to costs.

15.   The application for impleadment is allowed.
16.   Pending applications, if any, stand disposed of.

                                                               (KURIAN JOSEPH)

                                                       (ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN)

New Delhi,
March 15, 2016
ITEM NO.61               COURT NO.11               SECTION IX

               S U P R E M E  C O U R T  O F  I N D I A
                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (C)  No(s).  35188/2012

(Arising out of impugned final judgment and order dated  18/10/2012 in LPA
No. 103/2012 18/10/2012 in WP No. 11070/2011 passed by the High Court Of

DATTATRAYA BABURAO WALAWALKAR & ORS.               Petitioner(s)



(with appln. (s) for exemption from filing c/c of the impugned judgment)
(For final disposal)

SLP(C) No. 36789/2012
(With appln.(s) for impleadment and Interim Relief and Office Report)

SLP(C) No. 36790/2012
(With appln.(s) for impleadment and Interim Relief and Office Report)

SLP(C) No. 38155/2012
(With appln.(s) for impleadment and Interim Relief and Office Report)

SLP(C) No. 38297/2012
(With appln.(s) for impleadment and appln.(s) for modification of court's
order and Office Report)

Date : 15/03/2016 These petitions were called on for hearing today.


For Petitioner(s)
                     Ms. Abha R. Sharma,Adv.

                        Mr. C.U. Singh, Sr.Adv.
                        Mr. Santosh Paul, Adv.
                        Mr. Arvind Gupta, Adv.
                        Mr. Vishwas M. Kulkarni, Adv.
                        Mr. Raghav Shekhar, Adv.
                     Ms. Arti Singh,Adv.

                     Mr. C.A. Sundaram, Sr.Adv.
                        Mr. Mahesh Agarwal, Adv.
                        Mr. Ankur Saigal, Adv.
                        Mr. Rishabh Parikh, Adv.
                        Mr. E. C. Agrawala,Adv.
For Respondent(s)
                     Mr. Gaurav Agrawal,Adv.

                     Ms. Arti Singh,Adv.

                     Mr. Shivaji M. Jadhav,Adv.
                        Mr. Prashant G. Karande, Adv.
                        Mr. Anshuman Animesh, Adv.

State of Maharashtra Mr. Rajshri Ashutosh Dubey, Adv.
                        Mr. Nishant R. Katneshwarkar, Adv.

For applicant           Mr. Sanjiv Sen, Sr.Adv.
Ramee Construction      Mr. Sumit Goel, Adv.
                        Ms. Sanjana Rama Chandran,Adv.
                        Ms. Akaanksha Mehra, Adv.

          UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the following
                             O R D E R


                         IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL  APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                         CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2981 OF 2016
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.35188 of 2012)

|DATTATRAYA BABURAO WALAWALKAR AND OTHERS                 |Appellant(s)         |


|SIDDHIVINAYAK CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE LIMITED               |Respondent(s)        |
|AND OTHERS                                               |                     |

                            W I T H

                CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2983 OF 2016
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.36789 of 2012)

RAUNAK CORPORATION                                 Appellant(s)



               CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2984 OF 2016
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.36790 of 2012)

RAUNAK CORPORATION                                Appellant(s)


SANJAY MANOHAR KASTUR AND OTHERS             Respondent(s)

                CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2985 OF 2016
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.38155 of 2012)

VIKAS MOTIRAM DESAI AND OTHERS               Appellant(s)



                CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2986 OF 2016
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.38297 of 2012)

VIKAS MOTIRAM DESAI AND OTHERS               Appellant(s)


SANJAY MANOHAR KASTUR AND OTHERS             Respondent(s)

                 J U D G M E N T


1.    We  have  heard learned counsel for the parties.

2.    These appeals are against a  final  judgment  of  the  High  Court  of
Judicature at Bombay dated 18th October, 2012 by which  the  Division  Bench
of the Bombay High Court dismissed the letters patent appeal being  LPA  No.
103 of 2012 in Writ Petition No. 11070 of 2011.

3.     We  are  concerned  here  with  Trust  property  admeasuring  3343.53
sq.meters in the Girgaun area of Mumbai.   Under  the  Bombay  Public  Trust
Act, 1950, the Charity Commissioner’s sanction  has  first  to  be  obtained
before the trust property can be  sold  and  for  reasons  given  under  the
statute.  The present Trustees of the Late Rao Bahadur Anant  Shivaji  Desai
Topiwalla Charity had resolved to sell the aforesaid  property  inasmuch  as
they found  that  it  was  largely  tenanted  and  very  meager  rents  were
obtained.  The protection afforded to the tenants under the Bombay Rent  Act
and the consequent rent that was being paid therefore, formed the  necessity
that was felt by the trustees to sell  the  aforesaid  property.   The  said
sale was mooted by the trustees under  the  Development  Control  Regulation
33(7) under which re-development of cessed  buildings in the Island City  of
Bombay can be undertaken, provided they are constructed prior  to  1940,  at
F.S.I. i.e. Floor Space Index at 3 being given as incentive to  rehabilitate
the existing tenants on the gross plot area.  Appendix III, which has to  be
read with Regulation 33(7), specifically stipulates in paragraph 1(a),  that
the new building may be permitted to  be  constructed  in  pursuance  of  an
irrevocable written consent by not less than 70% of  the  occupiers  of  the
old building.

4.    The said trustees, after obtaining  a  valuation  report,  which  they
produced before the Charity Commissioner, therefore  resolved  to  sell  the
aforesaid property to M/s. Raunak Corporation.

5.    The Charity Commissioner, by his  order  dated  2nd  September,  2011,
granted permission to sell the aforesaid trust property in favour of  Raunak
Corporation  for  a  monetory  consideration  of  Rs.6  crores  along   with
developed area of 4000 sq.ft. built up to be given to  the  trust,  free  of
cost, and a minimum of 460  sq.ft.  usable  carpet  area  to  each  occupier
including flower beds etc., free of cost, in  terms  of  the  Memorandum  of
understanding dated 23rd May, 2011.   The  ultimate  order  of  the  Charity
Commissioner reads thus :-
“1.   Application is allowed.

2.    Sanction is hereby accorded to the trustees of “The Late  Rao  Bahadur
Anand Shivaji Desai Topiwalla Charity, Mumbai”, P.T.R. No. A/751/Mumbai  for
development cum sale of the trust property, viz. CTS No.  145A,  1A,  145-4,
145B, C, D, E, F, G, bearing  C.S.  No.  1443  admeasuring  3999  sq.  yards
equivalent to 3343.57 meters. Or thereabout together with  structures  known
as 'Kudaldeshkar Brahmin Niwas', in favour  of  M/s  Raunak  Corporation,  a
registered partnership firm at Laxmi  Narayan  Residency,  Unnathi  Garadens
III, Opp. Ma Niketan, Pokhran Road, No. 2, Thane (West) – 400  610  for  the
monetary consideration of Rs.6,00,00,000/- (rupees six  crores  only)  along
with developed area of 4000 sq.ft. Built up to be given to the  trust,  free
of cost, and minimum 460 sq. ft. useable carpet area including flower  beds,
niches and service ducts to the tenants, free  of  cost,  in  terms  of  the
Memorandum of Understanding dated 23.5.2011 and on the following  additional
terms and conditions :-

      a.    The deed for development cum sale of the     trust  property  is
to be executed within a period    of  six  months  from  the  date  of  this

      b.    All expenses for stamp duty  and  registration      charges  and
other incidental expenses shall be     borne by the developer.

      c.    The amount  of  monetary  consideration  of      Rs.6.00  crores
shall form part of the corpus of  trust, which shall remain invested in  any
of the      Nationalized Banks/Approved Securities in long   term   deposits
and should  not  be  withdrawn        without  prior    permission  of  this
Authority.       Trustees shall be at liberty to use only the       interest
amount,  which  will  be   accrued   on   a   sum         invested   towards
accomplishment   of the objects   of the trust.

      d.    This permission shall be subject to all the       relevant  laws
and rules applicable to the       development     cum sale  transaction  and
property    all well.

      e.    Trustees of the trust to report the  change   under  section  22
after completion of the     development      cum  sale  transaction  to  the
concerned    Assistant/Deputy   Charity     Commissioner,   Greater   Mumbai

6.    In a writ petition filed by Sidhivinayak Construction Private  Limited
and others, inter alia, against  the  trust/trustees  and  the  said  Raunak
Corporation, the learned single Judge of the Bombay  High  Court  set  aside
the Charity Commissioner’s order  and  ultimately  moulded  the  reliefs  by
stating as under:
“33.  The need for alienation by redevelopment  and  ultimate  sale  of  the
properties of the trust is established.  I  am  therefore  inclined  to  set
aside the impugned  order  partly  to  the  extent  it  grants  sanction  to
alienate the property in favour  of  the  Respondent  No.9  and  remand  the
application back.  The Charity  Commissioner  shall  thereafter  direct  the
trustees to publish an advertisement in reputed  newspapers  like  Times  of
India, Maharashtra Times, Indian Express and Loksatta and invite  bids  from
the developers for the redevelopment and sale of the property of the  trust.
 The bid submitted by the Respondent No.9 which has  been  accepted  by  the
Charity  Commissioner  should   form   the   reserve   price.    Thus,   the
advertisement will indicate that any bidder who desires to bid must  fulfill
the following minimum criteria :

      a.    Monetary consideration of Rs.6 crores to the trust;

      b.    Developed area of 4000 sq. ft. built up  (3418  sq.  ft.  carpet
area) to be given free of costs to the trust;

      c.    usable  carpet  area  of  460  sq.  ft.  to  individual  tenants
including flower bed, niches and service ducts.

      d.    Corpus fund for the tenant  society  of  such  sum,  as  may  be
determined by the Charity Commissioner.

      e.    24 Bank Guarantees of Rs.50 lakhs each as offered by  Respondent

      f.    Additional consideration of crore to the  trust  in  case
FSI is enhanced from 2.5 to 3.”

      The learned Single Judge then directed that  sanction  for  alienation
of the trust property shall be granted in favour of the highest bidder.”

7.    A letters patent appeal filed before the Division Bench of the  Bombay
High Court led to the impugned judgment dated 18th October,  2012  by  which
the judgment and order of the learned single Judge was upheld.  That is  how
the present special leave petitions are before this Court.

8.    Leave granted.

9.    After hearing learned counsel for the  parties  for  some  time,  this
Court by its order dated 5th February, 2016 stated as under :-
            “Without prejudice to the contentions available to the  parties,
Shivaji Desai Topiwala, Charity, Bombay-Trust is directed to issue  a  fresh
advertisement regarding the re-development of the properties as directed  by
the learned Single Judge at paragraph 33 of the judgment dated  29th  March,
2012 in Writ Petition No. 11070 of  2011  with  the  required  modifications
that sub para (a) will be read as “7 crores”, sub para (e) will be  read  as
“24 Bank Guarantees” and sub para (f) will stand deleted.

            The advertisement shall be issued within a period  of  one  week
from  today  indicating  time  of   two   weeks.    After   processing   the
applications, report shall be filed within one week thereafter.

            Post on 08.03.2016.”

10.   Pursuant to the said order of this Court, an advertisement was  issued
on 12th February, 2016 in  four  daily  Newspapers.   In  response  thereto,
initially 9 persons came forward, but ultimately,  on  or  before  the  time
stipulated in the advertisement, only two offers were received by the  Trust
– one from Ramee Construction Private Limited and the other  from  the  same
developer - M/s Raunak Corporation. In a report of the Trustees of the  said
Trust given to this Court, paragraph 9 set out the relevant  merits  of  the
aforesaid two offers/bids as follows :

|No.|                         |PRIVATE LIMITED           |CORPORATION       |
|1. |Monetary consideration   |     Rs.7 crores          |Rs. 8 crores and  |
|   |payable to the Trust     |                          |one               |
|2. |Constructed area to be   |     4,921.3 sq.ft.       |5,040 sq.ft.      |
|   |allotted to the Trust,   |                          |                  |
|   |free of cost             |                          |                  |
|3. |Constructed/Rehabilitated|     67,332.16 sq.ft.     |69,166.53 dq.ft.  |
|   |area to be offered to the|(Excluding parking area)  |(Parking will be  |
|   |tenants/ occupants, free |                          |made available to |
|   |of cost                  |                          |the tenants as per|
|   |                         |                          |D.C. Regulations) |
|4. |Monthly rent per sq.foot |Rs.55/- per sq.foot of    |Rentals offered at|
|   |offered to               |carpet area computed @ 460|rates ranging from|
|   |tenants/occupants for    |sq.ft. For residential    |Rs.17,500/- per   |
|   |availing of transit      |tenants                   |tenement to       |
|   |accommodation during the |                          |Rs.25,000/- per   |
|   |period of redevelopment  |Rs.155/- per sq. foot of  |tenement based on |
|   |                         |carpet area for           |the areas of the  |
|   |                         |non-residential tenants   |existing          |
|   |                         |                          |tenements.        |
|   |                         |                          |                  |
|   |                         |                          |Rs.100/- per      |
|   |                         |                          |sq.foot of carpet |
|   |                         |                          |area for          |
|   |                         |                          |non-residential   |
|   |                         |                          |tenants           |
|   |                         |                          |                  |
|   |                         |                          |Also offered to   |
|   |                         |                          |pay higher rentals|
|   |                         |                          |if the prevailing |
|   |                         |                          |rates at the      |
|   |                         |                          |relevant time are |
|   |                         |                          |higher;           |
|   |                         |                          |alternatively,    |
|   |                         |                          |have also offered |
|   |                         |                          |to provide transit|
|   |                         |                          |accommodation.    |
|5. |Frequency of increases in|      10% annually        |10% every 11      |
|   |monthly rent together    |                          |months            |
|   |with the percentage of   |                          |                  |
|   |such increase            |                          |                  |
|6. |Brokerage                |1 month's rent            |1 month's rent    |
|7. |Transportation/ Shifting |Rs.15,000/-               |Rs.20,000/-       |
|   |Charges                  |                          |                  |
|8. |Corpus fund to be paid to|Rs.7 crores and 90 lacs   |Rs. 8 crores and  |
|   |the tenants/occupants    |                          |one               |
|9. |Amount of Bank Guarantee |Rs.12 crores              |Rs.12 crores      |
|   |offered                  |                          |                  |
|10.|Schedule for release of  |No schedule furnished     |Schedule depicting|
|   |Bank Guarantee           |                          |phase wise release|
|   |                         |Bank Guarantee to be      |of Bank Guarantees|
|   |                         |furnished within 11 months|furnished.        |
|   |                         |from Development Agreement|                  |
|   |                         |                          |Bank Guarantee to |
|   |                         |                          |be furnished upon |
|   |                         |                          |receipt of IOD    |
|   |                         |                          |i.e. municipal    |
|   |                         |                          |sanctions         |
|11.|Period of validity of    |Renewable upto completion |Initially for 3   |
|   |Bank Guarantee           |                          |years and         |
|   |                         |                          |renewable upto    |
|   |                         |                          |possession        |
|12.|Background               |Copies of Occupation      |Copies of         |
|   |                         |Certificates furnished in |Occupation        |
|   |Projects of 2 lakh       |respect of 2 commercial   |Certificates      |
|   |sq.feet or more completed|buildings in Mumbai and 1 |furnished in      |
|   |in the last 5 (five)     |Hotel Building in Pune    |respect of 51     |
|   |years together with      |                          |residential       |
|   |copies of Occupation     |                          |buildings in      |
|   |certificates.            |                          |Thane, Kandivli   |
|   |                         |                          |and Kalyan        |
|   |                         |                          |aggregating to    |
|   |                         |                          |approx. 21.93 lacs|
|   |                         |                          |sq.ft.            |

11.   We have been informed today by learned senior counsel, Mr. Sanjiv  Sen
appearing on  behalf  of  Ramee  Constructions  Private  Limited,  that  his
clients have been instructed to go up to Rs.8.20  crores  in  place  of  the
Rs.7 crore offer made by it.  He, however, has, on  instructions,  increased
the offer of Rs.7 crores to Rs.10 crores today.

12.   The reason that this Court passed its order dated 5th  February,  2016
was only to ascertain as to whether the offer of Rs.6  crores  made  by  M/s
Raunak Corporation was indeed a fair offer at the time it was made.   Having
regard to the fact that 9  persons  initially  came  forward  but  they  all
petered  out  and  ultimately  left  only  Raunak  Corporation   and   Ramee
Constructions  Private  Limited  in  the   fray,   the   fact   that   Ramee
Constructions Private Limited was the only other bidder which offered a  sum
of Rs.7 crores about 5 years after the said offer of Raunak  Corporation  of
Rs.6 crores (which improved its offer to Rs.7  crores  before  the  Division
Bench of the Bombay  High  Court)  shows  that  the  offer  made  by  Raunak
Corporation appears to be a reasonable one.  We must also remember that  the
sale-cum-development agreement has been entered into under Regulation  33(7)
of the Development Control Regulations for Greater Mumbai,  1991,  and   has
necessarily to fulfil one condition without which  the  sale-cum-development
agreement cannot go forward at all – it has to  contain  a  minimum  of  70%
irrevocable written consent of the occupiers of the old structure.  We  have
been informed that out of 105 tenancies of the Trust, 65 consents have  been
obtained, and another 11 consents have also been  obtained  which,  however,
have subsequently been revoked. If we  were  to  add  these  11  to  65,  as
consents once given are irrevocable, the mathematics of the situation  would
yield a figure of roughly 74% of the occupiers of the old building.

13.   We find that the initial offer itself was a fair offer  in  the  facts
and circumstances stated above.  However, we record the  statement  made  by
Mr. C.U.Singh, learned senior counsel, that his client  was  willing  to  up
that offer from Rs.8 crores that had been offered by him before  this  Court
to 8.25 crores, all other conditions mentioned in paragraph 9 of the  report
of the Trustees remaining the same.   In  the  facts  and  circumstances  of
these cases, we find that it would be for the benefit of the  Trust  if  the
said  offer  is  accepted  by  the  Trustees,  which  acceptance   has,   on
instructions, been given by  Shri  C.A.  Sundaram,  learned  senior  counsel
appearing on their behalf.  We, therefore, deem it fit to allow the  present
appeals in the aforesaid terms and set  aside  the  order  of  the  Division
Bench of the Bombay High Court.

14.   The appeals are, accordingly, disposed of as above with no  orders  as
to costs.

15.   The application for impleadment is allowed.
16.   Pending applications, if any, stand disposed of.

                                                               (KURIAN JOSEPH)

                                                       (ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN)

New Delhi,
March 15, 2016
ITEM NO.61               COURT NO.11               SECTION IX

               S U P R E M E  C O U R T  O F  I N D I A
                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (C)  No(s).  35188/2012

(Arising out of impugned final judgment and order dated  18/10/2012 in LPA
No. 103/2012 18/10/2012 in WP No. 11070/2011 passed by the High Court Of

DATTATRAYA BABURAO WALAWALKAR & ORS.               Petitioner(s)



(with appln. (s) for exemption from filing c/c of the impugned judgment)
(For final disposal)

SLP(C) No. 36789/2012
(With appln.(s) for impleadment and Interim Relief and Office Report)

SLP(C) No. 36790/2012
(With appln.(s) for impleadment and Interim Relief and Office Report)

SLP(C) No. 38155/2012
(With appln.(s) for impleadment and Interim Relief and Office Report)

SLP(C) No. 38297/2012
(With appln.(s) for impleadment and appln.(s) for modification of court's
order and Office Report)

Date : 15/03/2016 These petitions were called on for hearing today.


For Petitioner(s)
                     Ms. Abha R. Sharma,Adv.

                        Mr. C.U. Singh, Sr.Adv.
                        Mr. Santosh Paul, Adv.
                        Mr. Arvind Gupta, Adv.
                        Mr. Vishwas M. Kulkarni, Adv.
                        Mr. Raghav Shekhar, Adv.
                     Ms. Arti Singh,Adv.

                     Mr. C.A. Sundaram, Sr.Adv.
                        Mr. Mahesh Agarwal, Adv.
                        Mr. Ankur Saigal, Adv.
                        Mr. Rishabh Parikh, Adv.
                        Mr. E. C. Agrawala,Adv.
For Respondent(s)
                     Mr. Gaurav Agrawal,Adv.

                     Ms. Arti Singh,Adv.

                     Mr. Shivaji M. Jadhav,Adv.
                        Mr. Prashant G. Karande, Adv.
                        Mr. Anshuman Animesh, Adv.

State of Maharashtra Mr. Rajshri Ashutosh Dubey, Adv.
                        Mr. Nishant R. Katneshwarkar, Adv.

For applicant           Mr. Sanjiv Sen, Sr.Adv.
Ramee Construction      Mr. Sumit Goel, Adv.
                        Ms. Sanjana Rama Chandran,Adv.
                        Ms. Akaanksha Mehra, Adv.

          UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the following
                             O R D E R

            Leave granted.
            The appeals are disposed of with no orders as to costs in  terms
of the signed reportable judgment.
            The application for impleadment is allowed.
            Pending applications, if any, stand disposed of.

  [RENU DIWAN]                        [SUKHBIR PAUL KAUR]
  COURT MASTER                            A.R.-CUM-P.S.
            (Signed reportable judgment is placed on the file)



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