Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 10856 of 2010, Judgment Date: Nov 27, 2014


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.10856 OF 2010

CIMCO BIRLA LTD.                                         .........APPELLANT


ROWENA LEWIS                                             .........RESPONDENT

                               J U D G M E N T


 The appellant-employer has  questioned  the  correctness  of  the  impugned

judgment and order dated 29.1.2010 passed by the Division Bench of the  High

Court in Letters Patent Appeal  No.28316 of 2009 in affirming  the  judgment

and order dated 15.6.2009  passed  by  the  learned  single  Judge  in  Writ

Petition (C) No.3135 of 2009 whereby the learned single Judge dismissed  the

Writ Petition. The writ petition was filed by the appellant-employer  herein

against the order dated 16.4.2007 passed by the Industrial Court, Mumbai  in

complaint (ULP) No.588 of 1996 filed by the respondent-workman.

2.    The brief facts of the case in nutshell are stated as under :-

 The respondent-workman filed the complaint (ULP) No.  339  of  1987  before

the  Labour  Court,  Mumbai  under  the  provisions   of   the   Maharashtra

Recognition of Trade Unions and Prevention of Unfair Labour  Practices  Act,

1971 ("the Act" in short) questioning the  legality  of  the  order  of  his

termination from service and alleging that it amounts to  an  unfair  labour

practice by the appellant and prayed for setting aside the same and  passing

an award of reinstatement and continuity of service with full back wages.

3.    The Labour Court vide its award dated 25.3.1996  found  the  appellant

guilty of unfair labour practice under Items  1(a),  (b),  (d)  and  (f)  of

Schedule IV of the  Act,  and  allowed  the  said  complaint  directing  the

appellant to reinstate the respondent with full back  wages  and  continuity

of service.

4.    Against the said award, the appellant filed Revision  Application  No.

72 of 1996 before the Industrial Court which was rejected vide  order  dated


5.    Being aggrieved of the said award, the appellant filed  Writ  Petition

(C) No. 6064 of 1996 before the High Court and the  same  was  dismissed  by

the High Court on 2.4.2004 for default.

6.    For  restoration  of  the  Writ  Petition  (C)  No.6064  of  1996  the

appellant filed Civil Application NO. 1104 of 2009 and  the  same  was  also

dismissed vide order dated 23.6.2010.

7.    The said order not being challenged by the appellant the  award  dated

25.3.1996 passed by the Labour Court in complaint (ULP) No. 339 of 1987  has

attained finality.

8.    The said award passed in the complaint having  not  been  implemented,

the second inning was  initiated  by  the  respondent-workman  by  filing  a

Complaint No. (ULP) 588 of 1996 before  the  Industrial  Court  seeking  for

implementation of the award dated 25.3.1996 passed by the  Labour  Court  in

the Complaint (ULP) No. 339 of 1987.

9.    The Industrial Court vide order dated 16.4.2007 allowed the  Complaint

(ULP) No. 588 of 1996 and directed the appellant to comply with award  dated

25.3.1996 of the Labour Court.

10.   The appellant being aggrieved by the said order, filed  Writ  Petition

(C) No. 3135 of 2009 against the said order before  the  High  Court  urging

various grounds.

11.   The learned single Judge vide order dated  15.6.2009   dismissed  Writ

Petition (C) No. 3135 of 2009  after adverting to the  factual  aspects  and

legal contentions  urged on behalf of the parties and rightly  rejected  the

plea of alleged closure  of  appellant's  Bombay  Office  by  recording  its

reasons which order was affirmed by the  High  Court  in  the  earlier  writ

petition proceedings, thereby the plea that Bombay Office of  the  appellant

was closed was not accepted and the same was concluded in the earlier  round

of litigation between the parties.

12.   Being aggrieved by the order  dated  15.6.2009,  the  appellant  filed

Letters Patent Appeal No.28316 of 2009 before the  Division  Bench  of  High

Court. The Division Bench dismissed the said appeal  vide  its  order  dated

29.1.2010, after giving valid and cogent reasons at paragraph No. 4, of  the

impugned judgment. The relevant portion of  paragraph  No.  4  is  extracted

hereunder :-

"4......The learned single Judge while dismissing  the  petition  has  found

that the Industrial Court has given cogent and sound reasons  for  rejecting

the application for amendment  of  written  statement.  It  is  concurrently

found that though an opportunity was  available  for  raising  the  plea  at

earlier stage, the application for amendment was sought to be  made  at  the

fag end of the complaint filed by the respondent for implementation  of  the

order passed in the earlier complaint. In any case,  the  issue  before  the

learned Industrial Court in complaint(ULP) No. 588 of  1996  was  only  with

regard to the implementation of  the  order  dated  25.3.1996  in  Complaint

(ULP) No. 339 of 1987 passed by the Labour Court."

13.   Aggrieved by the order dated 29.1.2010 passed in  the  Letters  Patent

Appeal, this appeal is filed by the appellant urging various legal grounds.

14.   Having heard the learned counsel on behalf of  both  the  parties,  we

are of the view that the concluded lis between the parties  with  regard  to

the wrongful termination of the respondent  from  services  in  the  earlier

round of litigation  and passing of an  award  of  reinstatement  with  full

back wages and continuity of service from the date of termination  till  the

date of reinstatement since the said award was not deliberately  implemented

by the appellant, therefore, the respondent-workman rightly  approached  the

Industrial Court by filing a complaint in the  second  round  of  litigation

seeking for implementation of the same.  The award passed in favour  of  the

respondent by the Labour Court has attained finality,  hence,  the  judgment

and orders passed by the learned single Judge and the Division Bench of  the

High Court in not interfering with the order passed by the Industrial  Court

dated 16.4.2007 in the complaint filed by the respondent for  implementation

of the award by way of execution of the award do not call  for  interference

by this Court in exercise of its appellate jurisdiction.

15.   This Court  while  granting  leave  in  the  said  appeal  passed  the

following order on 6.12.2010 :-

"....Hearing expedited.

We have been informed that the respondent  has  since  been  reinstated.  In

that view of the matter only direction with regard to the  payment  of  back

wages shall remain stayed, subject to appellant's depositing in  this  Court

the balance amount of back wages within two months. As and  when,  the  said

deposit is made, the same be put  in  a  fixed  deposit,  initially,  for  a

period of one year."

In pursuant to the said interim  order,  it  is  stated  on  behalf  of  the

appellant that the amount is deposited in this Court and the  same  is  kept

in fixed deposit initially for a period of one year  and  that  came  to  be

extended from time to time. The respondent is at  liberty  to  withdraw  the

said amount including the interest earned thereon. The receipt of  the  said

back wages deposited shall be adjusted towards the  back  wages  awarded  by

the Industrial Court in its  award  and  order  dated  16.4.2007  passed  in

Complaint  (ULP)  No.  588/1996  wherein  the  appellant  was  directed   to

pay/deposit  back  wages  with  all  attendant  benefits  up  to  date  upon

deducting Rs.2,98,213/-, and to pay interest at the rate of  12%  per  annum

in case of non compliance of the order within one month.

16.    The  appellant-employer  has  filed  this  appeal   questioning   the

correctness of the order dated 16.4.2007 passed in Complaint (ULP)  No.  588

of 1996. The award passed by the Labour Court in  the  Complaint  (ULP)  No.

339 of 1987 has attained finality as the writ  petition  filed  came  to  be

dismissed on 2.4.2004 for default and  restoration  of  the  aforesaid  writ

petition also came to be dismissed vide order dated  23.6.2010  thereby  the

award has attained finality.

17.   The appellant-employer has been litigating and  dragging  the  workman

from one court to another from 1987 till  date  which  is  nearly  about  27

years. In this process  the  legitimate  right  of  receiving  the  monetary

benefits awarded in  favour  of  the  respondent  is  being  denied  by  the

appellant by taking untenable contentions thereby  the  respondent  and  her

family members have been put to great hardship and mental agony.  Therefore,

it is a fit case for awarding the costs towards  engaging  the  lawyers  and

hardship which has been facing by the workman from 1987.

18.   In view of the aforesaid reasons, we pass the following order :

(i)   The appeal is devoid of merit  as  none  of  the  grounds,  urged  are

tenable in law hence  the  same  is  dismissed  with  costs  of  Rs.50,000/-

payable to the workman;

(ii)  The appellant is directed to comply with the  terms and conditions  of

the order dated 16.4.2007 passed by the Industrial Court in Complaint  (ULP)

No. 588 of 1996 within four weeks from the date of receipt of  the  copy  of

this order.

19.   Interlocutory Application No. 1 filed in this appeal is disposed of.


.                                   [V. GOPALA GOWDA]


                                      [C. NAGAPPAN]

New Delhi,                                 
November 27, 2014

ITEM NO.1A-For Judgment    COURT NO.9               SECTION XV

               S U P R E M E  C O U R T  O F  I N D I A

                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

Civil Appeal  No(s).  10856/2010

CIMCO  BIRLA LTD.                                  Appellant(s)


ROWENA LEWIS                                       Respondent(s)

Date : 27/11/2014 This appeal was called on for JUDGMENT today.

For Appellant(s)

                     Mr. Shiv Khorana,Adv.

For Respondent(s)   Mr. Nirnimesh Dube,Adv.

            Hon'ble Mr. Justice V.Gopala Gowda pronounced  the  judgment  of

the Bench comprising His Lordship and Hon'ble Mr. Justice C.Nagappan.

            The appeal is dismissed in terms of the signed order.

    (VINOD KUMAR)                               (MALA KUMARI SHARMA)

COURT MASTER                                 COURT MASTER

      (Signed Non-Reportable judgment is placed on the file)


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