Supreme Court of India

Appeal (Civil), 288-289 of 2016, Judgment Date: Jan 18, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                      CIVIL APPEAL NOS.288-289 OF 2016
             (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) Nos.33583-33584 OF 2012)

Chairman, Odisha Joint Entrance                                 Appellant(s)


Jasobanta Nayak and Others                                     Respondent(s)

                                  O R D E R

            Leave granted.

2.          The present  appeals  are  directed  by  way  of  special  leave
petitions against the judgement and order dated        17th  October,  2012,
passed in W.P.(C) No.14456 of 2012, by the High Court of Orissa at Cuttack.

3.          The respondent No.1 herein had  appeared  in  the  Odisha  Joint
Entrance Examination 2012 for admission  into  engineering  course.  He  was
assigned the rank at Sl. No.16871 in the  general  category  and  placed  at
No.80 under the  physically  challenged  category  for  admission  into  the
engineering course.  As the respondent No.1 was physically  handicapped,  he
had filed a certificate issued from the  District  Head  Quarters  Hospital,
Balasore, Odisha, which had mentioned that he was visually disabled by  40%.
  Needless  to  say,  visual  40%  disability  enables  a  candidate  to  be
considered in the physically handicapped category.

4.          It is submitted by Mr. Milind Kumar, learned  counsel  appearing
for the appellant that the order passed  by  the  High  Court  suffers  from
grave illegality inasmuch as it has observed that the  respondent  No.1  was
directed to produce  the  physically  handicapped  certificate,  though  the
prospectus clearly prohibits for filing of such certificate.   It  is  urged
by him  that  the  Board  that  was  constituted  as  per  the  stipulations
prescribed in the prospectus, had found that the  respondent  No.1  had  20%
visual disability and not 40% and, in such a case,  the  High  Court  should
not have placed reliance on the certificate  issued  by  the  District  Head
Quarters  Hospital,  Balasore,  by  opining  that  there  is  no  reason  to
disbelieve the same.

5.          Ms. Nidhi, learned counsel appearing for  the  respondent  No.1,
has supported the order passed by the High Court.

6.          To appreciate the controversy,  we  may  with  profit  refer  to
Clause 2.1.4. of the prospectus, which reads as follows:

“2.1.4.     3% of seats are reserved for  Physically  Challenged  candidates
for admission to B. Tech/B. Arch / MBA / MCA / PGDM / PGCM /  PGDM  (Exe)  /
B. Pharm courses.  the candidates with 40% disabilities in  consonance  with
section  –  39  of  the  Persons  with  Disabilities  (Equal  opportunities,
Protection of Rights and Full participation) Act, 1995, are eligible  to  be
considered under Physically Challenged Category for admission to B.  Tech  /
B. Arch / MBA / PGDM / PGCM / PGDM (Exe) / B. Pharm courses.

            3% of total MBBS and BDS seats are  reserved  for  persons  with
disabilities and they have  to  meet  the  medical  standard  of  Locomotory
disability of lower limbs between 50  to  70%  (%  of  disability  may  vary
subject to the decision of the Hon'ble Apex Court).

            The medical standard of PC category candidates will  be  decided
by a medical board specifically constituted with Senior  Professors  of  the
premier medical college and hospital : SCB  Medical  College,  Cuttack,  and
Chairman, OJE –  2012  or  his  representative  under  the  Chairmanship  of
Principal, SCB Medical College or his nominee, that they are eligible to  be
categorized as Physically Challenged candidates and  capable  of  undergoing
each part of the requirements for B. Tech / B. Arch / MBBS /  BDS  /  MBA  /
MCA / PGDM / PGCM (Exe) / B. Pharm.  The decision  of  this  Board  will  be
final and binding.   They  SHOULD  NOT  therefore,  submit  along  with  the
application form any  medical  certificate  to  the  effect  that  they  are
physically challenged.

             Further,  for  MBBS/BDS   stream,   the   candidates   claiming
locomotory disability of lower limbs are only  eligible  for  consideration.
Visually handicapped and hearing disabled candidates  are  not  eligible  as
stipulated by Medical Council of India.”

                                                         [Emphasis supplied]

7.          On a perusal of the aforesaid clause,  it  is  perceivable  that
the candidates should not submit along with application  form,  any  medical
certificate to the effect that they are  physically  challenged.   The  High
Court, as we find from the order impugned, has stated, as a matter of  fact,
that the candidates were directed  to  produce  the  physically  handicapped
certificate.  The said finding, being contrary  to  the  postulates  in  the
prospectus is absolutely unsupportable.

8.          It needs no special emphasis to state  that  the  percentage  of
disability has to be determined by the Medical Board, which is  specifically
mentioned  in  the  prospectus.   The  said  Board  consisting  of  Dean   &
Principal, S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack, and  two  Assistant  Professors,
Department of Ophthalmology, S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack,  has  assessed
the disability of vision of the respondent No.1 on 16th June, 2012,  at  20%
and issued the certificate.  Be it noted, the  certificate  granted  by  the
District Head Quarters Hospital, Balasore, was 40%.  A Court  cannot  assess
the percentage of disability.  As per the prospectus, the Medical Board  has
to be constituted consisting of senior  Professors  of  the  S.C.B.  Medical
College, Cuttack and Chairman, OJEE – 2012 or his representative  under  the
Chairmanship of Principal, S.C.B.  Medical  College  or  his  nominee.   The
Medical Board has been constituted as per the norms  of  prospectus  and  it
has clearly recorded its opinion as regards the disability of vision of  the
respondent.  In such a situation, we are constrained to hold that  the  High
Court was not  justified  in  interfering  with  the  selection  process  in
exercise  of  writ  jurisdiction  and  declaring  the  disability   of   the
respondent No.1 at  40%  and  to  consider  his  case  in  the  category  of
physically handicapped persons. The approach being erroneous, the  order  is
wholly untenable.

9.          Resultantly, the appeals are allowed and  the  order  passed  by
the High Court is set aside.  There shall be no order as to costs.

                                                               (Dipak Misra)

                                                               (N.V. Ramana)

New Delhi;
January 18, 2016.

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