Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 1975 of 2010, Judgment Date: Mar 29, 2017


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 1975 OF 2010

CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA                                           Appellant(s)


M. SETHUMADHAVAN & ORS.                                        Respondent(s)

                            C.A. No. 8810 OF 2012


                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4616 OF 2017
             [ @ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) NO. 28329 OF 2012 ]


                      CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4617-44 OF 2017
          [ @ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) NO. 30323-30350 OF 2012 ]

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4645 OF 2017
              [ @ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) NO. 6468 OF 2014 ]


                      CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4646-75 OF 2017
          [ @ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) NO. 28332-28362 OF 2012 ]


                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4676 OF 2017
             [ @ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) No. 26473 OF 2012 ]

                               J U D G M E N T

1.    Leave is granted in SLP(C) No. 28329 of 2012, SLP(C)  No.  30323-30350
of 2012, SLP(C) No. 6468 of 2014, SLP(C) No. 28332-28362 of 2012 and  SLP(C)
No. 26473 of 2012.

2.    The  appellants,  which  are  the  Nationalised  Banks  and  also  the
Association of Banks, are aggrieved since  some  of  the  High  Courts  have
declined to uphold the Regulations provided by them, to be precise,  Proviso
2 to Regulation 46, Clause 2.  The said Regulation reads as follows :-
“46(2)  The amount of Gratuity payable to an officer shall  be  one  month's
pay for every completed year of service, subject to a maximum of 15  month's
      Provided that where an officer has completed more  than  30  years  of
service, he shall be eligible by way of Gratuity for  an  additional  amount
at the rate of one half of a month's pay for each completed year of  service
beyond 30 years.
      Provided further that pay for the purpose of Gratuity for  an  officer
who ceased to be in service during the period 1.7.1993 to  31.10.1994  shall
be with regard to scale  of  pay  as  specified  in  sub-regulation  (1)  of
Regulation 4.”

3.    The dispute is on the  question  as  to  whether  the  appellants  are
justified in fixation of cut-off date for the payment of gratuity.  The  pay
had been revised with effect from 01.07.1993.  However,  in  the  matter  of
gratuity, it is stipulated that the benefit of revised pay for  the  purpose
of calculation of gratuity will be available  only  in  the  case  of  those
retired after 31.10.1994.  In other words, in the case of those who  retired
prior to 31.10.1994, the calculation of gratuity will be  on  the  basis  of
the pre-revised pay.  It is the case  of  the  appellants,  since  they  are
offering better terms, in the sense that gratuity is calculated at the  rate
of one month's pay as against 15 days' pay under  the  Payment  of  Gratuity
Act, 1972, they are also justified in fixing the cut-off date.

4.    Umpteen number  of  judgments  have  been  cited  before  us  for  the
justification  and  rationale  behind  fixation  of  a  cut-off  date.   The
celebrated Constitution Bench Judgment in D. S. Nakara Vs. Union  of  India,
reported in (1983) 1 SCC 305 has been cited to finally contend that  in  any
case, the  appellants  are  not  bound  to  pay  the  arrears  even  if  the
calculation goes in favour of the respondents.

5.    We find that during the pendency of the matters before this  Court,  a
Full Bench of the High Court of  Kerala,  having  regard  to  the  divergent
views taken by Division Benches of  the  said  Court,  has  considered  this
issue, leading to the Judgment dated 03.03.2016 in O.P. No.  20427  of  1997
(F) along with O.P. No. 3489 of 1997 and it has been held that  fixation  of
cut-off date for extending the benefit of gratuity from a different date  as
compared to revision of pay-scale can  neither  be  said  to  be  arbitrary,
discriminatory or violative of Articles 14 and 16  of  the  Constitution  of
India.  The Full Bench has also placed reliance on  the  decisions  of  this
Court in State Government Pensioners' Association  and  Ors.  Vs.  State  of
Andhra  Pradesh,  reported  in  (1986)  3  SCC  501,  State  of   A.P.   Vs.
A.P.Pensioners' Association, reported in (2005) 13  SCC  161  and  State  of
Bihar Vs. Bihar Petitioners' Samaj, reported in (2006) 5 SCC 65.

6.    We also find that the High Court  of  Gujarat  and  Madras  also  have
taken a similar view.  However, the High Court  of  Karnataka  has  taken  a
different view in the Judgment dated 25.05.2012  in  Writ  Appeal  Nos.1758-
1785 of 2003 (S-RES) & other connected matters.   The  High  Court,  in  the
said Judgment, has taken the view that the  classification  adopted  by  the
appellants will not stand the test of Article 14 and hence, a direction  has
been issued for disbursing the benefits with 6% interest  with  effect  from
7.    Having heard Mr. Jaideep Gupta, Mr. Dhruv Mehta and Mr.  Adarsh  Dial,
learned  senior  counsel  and  other  learned  counsel  on  behalf  of   the
appellants as well as Mr. M.K.S. Menon, learned  senior  counsel  and  other
learned counsel appearing for the retired employees in other cases,  we  are
of the view that having regard to the long drawn  litigation  for  almost  a
quarter of century, the issue  should  be  given  a  quietus,  settling  the
question of law but protecting  the  interest  of  the  litigants  in  these

8.    Fixing of cut-off date has been a well accepted principle  and  we  do
not find that the same needs to be supported by any Judgment  since  it  has
been the consistent view taken by this Court.  In State  of  Punjab  &  Ors.
Vs. Amar Nath Goyal &  Ors.  (2005)   6  SCC  754,  which  was  subsequently
followed in Government of Andhra Pradesh & Ors. Vs. N. Subbarayudu  &  Ors.,
reported in (2008) 14 SCC 702, this Court has referred to all the  judgments
in that regard.  In the peculiar facts of this case, having  regard  to  the
background of the regularisation making process, we are  of  the  view  that
the cut-off date fixed by the  appellants  in  the  regularisation  was  not
arbitrary, unjust or unfair.
9.    However, having regard to the fact that the retired  employees  before
this Court have been fighting for around quarter of  a  century  and  taking
note of the fact that they are only a few in number,  we  are  of  the  view
that this is a fit case to invoke our jurisdiction under Article 142 of  the
Constitution of India.  We, therefore,  direct  that  the  appellants  Banks
shall pay an amount of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs) in full  and  final
settlement of all their  claims  including  the  expenses  which  they  have
incurred for litigation for more than two decades.  The  amount,  as  above,
shall be paid within eight weeks from today.

10.   We make it clear that as far as the civil appeals arising out of  Writ
Appeal Nos.  1758-1785  of  2003  (S-RES)  &  other  connected  matters  are
concerned, the benefit, as above, shall be limited  to  those  persons,  who
were in the party-array before the High Court and whose  names  had  already
been furnished  to  the  High  Court  when  the  writ  petition(s)  was/were
considered by the High Court, and a certificate from the  High  Court  shall
be obtained for that purpose.

11.    With  the  above  observations  and  directions,  these  appeals  are
disposed of.
                                                           [ KURIAN JOSEPH ]

                                                            [ R. BANUMATHI ]

      New Delhi;
      March 29, 2017.

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