Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Crl.), 621 of 2013, Judgment Date: Apr 13, 2015


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA


                       CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 621 OF 2013

C. CHANDRASEKARAIAH                                            .... Appellant


STATE OF KARNATAKA                                            .... Respondent

                                   J U D G M E N T

Uday Umesh Lalit, J.

1.      This appeal by special  leave  challenges  the  judgment  and  order
dated 13.05.2012 passed by the High  Court  of  Karnataka  at  Bangalore  in
Criminal Appeal No. 1501 of 2007 setting aside  the  judgment  of  acquittal
rendered by the trial court and convicting the appellant under  Sections  7,
13(1)(d) read with Section 13(2) of the Prevention of Corruption  Act,  1988
(the Act, for short) and sentencing him  to  undergo  rigorous  imprisonment
for a period of 1 year on each of the aforesaid two counts and also  to  pay
fine  of  Rs.5,000/-  and  Rs.10,000/-   on   the   aforesaid   two   counts
respectively, in default whereof to undergo further simple imprisonment  for
periods of 2 months and 3 months respectively.  The sentences  were  ordered
to run concurrently.

2.          This matter arises out of complaint Ext. P  -8  lodged  by  PW-3
Basavraju at 3:00 p.m. on 3.12.2005 with Lokayukta Police  Station.   It  is
the case of the prosecution that  the  Complainant  and  three  others  were
granted anticipatory bail by the Additional Sessions Judge,  Mandya  and  in
connection therewith he had gone to  Malavalli   Rural  Police  Station  for
executing the bail  bond.   The  appellant  who  was  then  working  as  Sub
Inspector of  Police  allegedly  demanded  Rs.1,000/-  from  each  of  those
persons in order to permit them  to  sign  the  bail  bonds  and  avail  the
facility.  It was alleged that said  Complainant  had  gone  to  the  Police
Station along with surety Siddaraju and met the appellant but the  appellant
refused to permit him to execute  the  bail  bond.   On  1.12.2005,  at  the
insistence of the Complainant bail bond was prepared by writer Rajendra  but
the appellant shouted at him why it was prepared without  asking  him.   The
Complainant thereafter approached Circle Police Inspector  Ganagadhar  Swami
and sought his assistance but was told to take necessary steps open to  him,
whereafter the complainant lodged complaint Ext. P-8.

3.    After recording the  complaint,  PW-6  D.  Jairamu,  Police  Inspector
working in Mysore Lokayukta Police Station took necessary steps to  lay  the
trap.  Two independent witnesses namely PW-1 K.L. Umashankar and  PW-2  B.K.
Nagaraju both working in the office of the Joint Director  of  Horticulture,
Mandya, were associated with the trap proceedings as Panchas.  After  giving
necessary instructions, two currency notes of Rs.500/-  each  given  by  the
complainant were applied Phenolphthalein powder and their numbers were  also
noted.   The  party  then  proceeded  to  Malavalli  Rural  Police  Station.
However, since the appellant was not in the Police Station, the  proceedings
were deferred.   The  next  day  being  a  holiday,  the  concerned  persons
assembled in Lokayukta office on 5.12.2005 at 8:00 a.m. The  Currency  Notes
were again checked and powder was applied.  PW-3  Complainant  was  given  a
Micro Phone Recorder and was instructed to switch it on as  he  would  enter
the Police Station.    PW-3  Complainant  was  to  be  accompanied  by  PW-1
Umashankar while the other Panch PW-2 Nagaraju was to be  with  the  raiding

4.    PW-3 Complainant and PW-1 Umashankar entered the  Police  Station  and
found the appellant sitting there.  It is the case of the  prosecution  that
pursuant to the demand made by the appellant,  PW-3  complainant  made  over
those two currency notes  of  Rs.500-  each.   The  appellant  received  the
Currency Notes in his right hand and kept the same in the hip pocket of  his
trouser.  PW 3 Complainant and  PW-1  Umashankar  came  out  of  the  Police
Station and gave requisite signal whereafter the raiding party  came  inside
and apprehended the appellant.  Upon chemical examination,  his  right  hand
turned pink.  The money was recovered from the possession of  the  appellant
under a panchnama.  The appellant on being asked, gave  his  explanation  in
writing Ext. P-3 to the effect that the money was  thrust  into  his  pocket
forcibly.   After  due  investigation,  the  appellant  was  tried  for  the
offences punishable under Section 7 and 13(1)d read with 13(2) of the Act.

5.    The prosecution examined seven witnesses including two Panchas as  PW-
1 and PW-2, the complainant as PW-3 and the investigating officer  as  PW-6.
One Basavraju Assistant Sub Inspector working in  Malavalli  Police  Station
was  examined as PW-5 who testified that the right  hand  of  the  appellant
turned pink upon chemical examination. During the trial  the  appellant  did
not stand by the statement given in his explanation Ext. P-3  and  chose  to
remain silent and pleaded false implication. No evidence was led by  him  by
way of examining any defence witnesses.

6.          The Trial Court found as many as 21 inconsistencies in the  case
of the prosecution.  It was observed that the signatures of the  complainant
as well as his surety Sidharajau were obtained in the Bail Bond Register  on
1.12.2005 itself and therefore no work pertaining to  PW-3  Complainant  was
pending with the appellant and as such there was no scope  or  occasion  for
the appellant to demand or to  accept  illegal  gratification.   It  further
held that there was no corroboration on material particulars  and  therefore
it would not be proper to proceed with the presumption under Section  20  of
the Act. Finding the alleged demand  on  3.12.2005  or  at  any  time  after
1.12.2005 being doubtful, it extended the benefit  of  doubt  and  acquitted
the appellant of the charges leveled against him.

7.        The State being aggrieved preferred Crl. Appeal No. 1501  of  2007
before the High Court. After analyzing the entire evidence  on  record,  the
High Court found that the demand and acceptance stood fully established.  It
also noted that the initial theory as set out in explanation  Ext.  P-3  was
not established at all.   The High Court further found that the  prosecution
had established the case beyond any doubt and that the trial court  had  not
considered the evidence of material  witness  in  proper  perspective.   The
High Court therefore allowed the  appeal  and  convicted  the  appellant  as
stated above.  The appellant  being  aggrieved  has  preferred  the  instant
appeal by Special Leave. It may be noted that because of  medical  condition
the appellant was granted exemption  from  surrender  by  this  court  which
order has continued during the pendency of the appeal.

8.    Mr. P. Vishwanath  Shetty, learned Senior Advocate appearing  for  the
appellant submitted that  the  Trial  Court  had  detailed  out  21  reasons
pointing  out  inconsistencies  and  contradictions  in  the  case  of   the
prosecution,  that  pre  trap  proceedings  were  vitiated,  that  the  tape
recorder which was with PW-3 complainant was not produced  on  record,  that
there were inconsistencies between the versions of PW-3 complainant and  PW-
1 Umashankar as regards the alleged demand made by the appellant, that  both
the Panchas were from Govt.  office  and  thus  amenable  to  pressure  from
Lokayukta police.  It was further submitted  that  the  view  taken  by  the
Trial Court was a plausible view and as such the High  Court  in  an  appeal
against acquittal ought not to have interfered  in  the  matter.   Appearing
for the State  Ms.  Anitha  Shenoy,  learned  advocate  submitted  that  the
alleged inconsistencies between the versions of PW-1 and PW-3  were  not  on
material  aspects,  that  the  demand   and   acceptance   were   completely
established in the matter, that the theory of thrusting  of  currency  notes
into the hip pocket of the complainant as stated  in  Ext.P-3  was  given  a
complete go  by  and  there  was  no  evidence  which  could  point  against
invocation of  presumption under Section 20 of the Act.

9.    We have considered the rival submissions and  have  gone  through  the
record. The signature of surety Sidharaju was  obtained  in  the  Bail  Bond
Register on 1.12.2005 but that of PW-3 complainant was  not  allowed  to  be
taken.  Such signature was taken only after the exchange of money as  stated
by PW-3 and PW-1.   Moreover, no entry was made in the Station Diary Ext. P-
5 as stated by PW-6 Investigating Officer as well as  PW-5  Basavraju.   The
Trial Court was therefore not justified in concluding that everything  stood
completed on 1.12.2005 itself. We have also  scanned  the  evidence  of  the
relevant witnesses and found the following:-
Though there is variation in their version  as  regards  the   actual  words
uttered by the appellant,  both PWs  1  and  3   are  consistent  that  such
demand was made ,

Both are again consistent that money  was  made  over  by  PW-3  complainant
which was received in right hand by the appellant,
that the money was kept by the appellant in the hip pocket of the trouser,

that thereafter the Bail Bond Register was placed by the appellant in  front
of PW-3 complainant,

that thereafter the complainant signed in the Bail Bond Register,

that thereafter they came out of the Police Station
and the requisite signal was given by them,
that they again entered the Police Station along with raiding party.

and that the right hand of the appellant upon being dipped in  the  solution
turned pink, whereas his left hand did not.

As regards these  facets  of  the  matter,  there  is  complete  consistency
between PW-1 Umashankar and PW-3 complainant and as regards  other  features
of the matter i.e. after the raiding party had entered the  Police  Station,
they also stand corroborated by the other witnesses.

10.   The immediate explanation offered by the appellant was that the  money
was thrust into his pocket but this was given up and the appellant  remained
silent. In the absence of any evidence offered by the appellant  to  explain
the circumstances, the presumption under Section 20 of the Act  was  not  in
any way rebutted and the prosecution case stood completely established.

11.         The High Court was conscious that it was considering the  appeal
against acquittal but it was justified in  interfering  in  the  matter  and
reversing the acquittal.    We find no infirmity in the view  taken  by  the
High Court.  The appeal thus being devoid of merit  is  dismissed.   We  are
alive to the fact that the appellant has medical  condition,  but  since  he
has been given the minimum sentence,  no  variation  is  permissible.    We,
therefore,  dismiss  the  appeal  and  direct  the  appellant  to  surrender
immediately to undergo the sentence awarded to him.

                                                           (Madan B. Lokur)

                                                         (Uday Umesh Lalit)
New Delhi,
April 13, 2015

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