Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

585 of 2016, Judgment Date: Jan 28, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                          CIVIL APPEAL NO.585  2016
                  [Arising out of SLP [C] No.18910 of 2010]

Bihar State Electricity Board & Ors.                           … Appellants


M/s. Bhola Ram Steel Pvt. Ltd. & Ors.                         … Respondents

                               J U D G M E N T


1.    Leave granted.

2.    The appeal has been preferred aggrieved  by  the  judgment  and  order
passed by the High Court of Judicature at Patna in  the  writ  petition  and
the appeal, thereby quashing the demand raised  by  the  appellant  for  the
year 1999-2000. M/s. Bhola Ram Steel Pvt.  Ltd.  filed  a  writ  application
that it was an industrial unit to manufacture iron and steel  structure  and
section like bar roll, place angle, channel, square, tor and round,  general
fabrication and annulling of sheets  it  applied  as  HTIS  consumer  for  a
connected load of 500 KVA. The competent authority  sanctioned   a  load  of
500 KVA vide  letter  dated  24.2.1998.  The  respondent-industry  commenced
production w.e.f. 28.3.1998. The appellant averred  that  on  23.1.1999  the
premises of the respondent were inspected. Connected load was  found  to  be
495 HP. Appellant submitted that  as  per  the  Industrial  Policy  of  1995
announced by the State Government, Resolution dated 3.9.1996 was  passed  by
the Energy Department of  the  State  Government  to  grant  exemption  from
payment  of  minimum  guarantee  charges  to  the  industrial  unit   having
connected load of 500  KVA  and  accordingly  in  exercise  of  power  under
section 78 of the Electricity Supply Act,  1948  issued  directives  to  the
Electricity Board  for  grant  of  such  incentives.  The  industrial  units
commencing production between 1.4.1993 and 31.8.2000  were  to  be  exempted
from payment of minimum guarantee charges for a period of 5 years  from  the
date of commencement of production.

3.    The maximum demand indicator in the Trivector meter had wrongly  shown
more than the contracted demand of 500  KVA.  The  industry  also  submitted
that the meter stopped functioning in the month of  January,  2000.  It  was
replaced on 9.2.2000, again the meter was  found  to  be  faulty  and  again
replaced on 21.3.2000. Thus the readings of the meter could  not  be  relied

4.    The impugned bill was served on the respondent in May, 2000 which  had
been questioned in the writ application filed by the industry.

5.    It was contended on behalf of the Electricity Board that an  agreement
entered into on 2.3.1988  for  a  contract  demand  of  500  KVA.  Appellant
installed transformer of 750 KVA. During the financial year  1999-2000  i.e.
from April, 1999 to  March,  2000  maximum  demand  of  the  respondent  has
exceeded the contract demand of 500 KVA in as many as  six  months.  In  the
month of March, 2000, maximum demand reached all time high  of  621.06  KVA.
Since it was more than 110% of the existing contract demand of 500  KVA  the
contract demand  as  per  clause  16.5  of  the  tariff  notification  dated
21.6.1993 has been taken to be 621.06 KVA.

6.    The maximum demand which is the actual  demand  of  the  consumer  can
never be more than the connected load when expressed in terms  of  the  KVA.
The industry has increased its connected load  without  information  to  the
Board. Thus it has crossed the maximum limit of connected load i.e. 500  KVA
and could not be said to be entitled for exemption from payment  of  minimum

7.    It was also contended by the Board that on 29.9.1999  meter  test  was
conducted and it was found to be correct and  maximum  demand  recorded  was
found to be 508.20 KVA. It was again checked on  8.12.1999.  Maximum  demand
in the month of December, 1999 was recorded as  616.20  KVA  which  was  not
disputed by the industry.

8.    The Single Bench quashed the demand on the ground that on  account  of
consumption of electricity in excess  of  contract  demand,  connected  load
automatically gets altered, has not  been  established  by  the  Board.  The
benefit of exemption from annual minimum  guarantee  charges  could  not  be
denied to the industry. It  was  not  established  by  the  Board  that  the
connected load was more than 500 KVA. The Division Bench  has  affirmed  the
order on the ground  that  greater  consumption  of  power  will  result  in
economic development, generation of employment and income and it  is  better
for the State of Bihar. If the industry has exceeded the connected  load  or
has consumed electricity in excess, it could not be deprived of the  benefit
of power incentives. It also opined that no  evidence  on  record  indicated
that the consumption was beyond the connected load. Aggrieved  thereby,  the
Bihar State Electricity Board is in appeal before us.

9.    It was submitted on behalf  of  the  Electricity  Board  that  maximum
demand indicator has recorded the actual consumption.  The  High  Court  has
erred in quashing the demand. Reliance has been placed upon Clause  16.5  of
the notification of 1993 issued under section 49 of the  Indian  Electricity
Act, 1948. It was submitted on behalf of the  industry  that  there  was  no
correlation between the connected load and contract demand and  the  maximum
demand recorded by the indicator. At the time of  inspection  the  connected
load was found to be 495 KVA. Thus as per  the  industrial  policy  of  1995
when connected load of 500 KVA has not exceeded at any point  of  time,  the
High Court has rightly quashed the demand which was raised.

10.   The fact is not in dispute that the  contract  demand  sanctioned  was
500 KVA as is apparent from the agreement entered into between the parties.

11.   The basis of claim is notification  dated  11.10.1996  issued  by  the
Bihar State Electricity Board pursuant to Industrial  Policy  of  the  State
Government of 1993 and 1995, relevant portion is extracted hereunder:-

“The industrial  units  which  commence  production  or  engage  in  defined
expansion/diversification in between the  period  01.04.1993  to  31.08.2000
and whose connected electricity load is upto 500 KVA will be  exempted  from
payment of minimum guarantee (minimum base charges) for  a  period  of  five
years from the date of connection.”

12.   Before dilating further it is appropriate to take note of clause  16.5
of the statutory notification of 21.06.1993 issued under section 49  of  the
Indian Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948. Clause 16.5 is extracted hereunder :

“If during any month in a financial year (April  to  March  next  year)  the
actual maximum demand of a consumer exceeds  110  percent  of  the  contract
demand then the highest demand so recorded shall be treated as the  contract
demand for that financial  year  and  the  minimum  base  charges,  both  in
respect of maximum demand  and  energy  charge  shall  be  payable  on  that

13.   The installed load means a sum of the rated inputs of  the  electrical
apparatus installed on the consumer’s premises. Connected  load  means  that
part of the  load  of  consumer  supplied  by  the  Supply  Undertaking  and
contract demand means demand fixed by the agreement that  the  consumer  may
not exceed except according to the conditions of the tariff.

14.   It  is  not  in  dispute  that  the  maximum  demand  indicator  meter
hereinafter referred to as MDI meter was installed  which  is  a  device  to
measure the maximum demand at a particular half an hour cycle of running  of
the machinery in the  factory;  meaning  thereby  it  measures  the  maximum
demand of the electrical energy in the cycle of half an  hour  in  a  month.
The electricity actually consumed is recorded in the MDI meter.  The  demand
in the instant case has been raised by the Electricity Board  on  the  basis
of  reading recorded by the MDI  meter.  The  MDI  meter  has  recorded  the
consumption of energy in excess of the  contracted  load  on  the  basis  of
which demand has been raised. There was excess drawal of  electrical  energy
than the actual permitted load. The  MDI  meter  is  also  called  Trivector
meter. As per the readings recorded by the MDI meter  it  is  apparent  that
consumer has availed and drawn electricity in excess of the contracted  load
in contravention of the agreement with the Electricity  Board.  The  reading
of MDI meter is indicator of total connected loads, the total load  demanded
and availed of during the course of actual consumption  of  energy.  In  the
facts of instant case it is apparent that for six months in the  year  1999-
2000 the MDI meter has recorded excess load. Thus  we  find  that  the  High
Court has erred in the facts of the instant case in holding that it has  not
been established in the instant case that the connected load was  more  than
500 KVA.

15.   This Court in Orissa State Electricity Board & Anr. v. IPI Steel  Ltd.
& Ors. (1995) 4 SCC 320 has noted how a trivector meter works  and  efficacy
of MDI meters. It has been followed by this  Court  in  Bhilai  Rerollers  &
Ors. v. M.P. Electricity Board & Ors.  (2003)  7  SCC  185.  This  Court  in
Bhilai Rerollers (supra) has referred to MDI  meters  and  the  decision  of
Orissa State Electricity Board  (supra).  Relevant  portions  are  extracted
hereunder :

 “16. We have carefully considered the submissions on behalf of  parties  on
either side. This Court, in the decision reported in Orissa SEB case  (1995)
4 SCC 320 though in dealing with the rights of  the  Electricity  Board  for
enforcing payment of maximum demand  charges  and  minimum  monthly  charges
noticed about the utility of MDI meter also  called  “trivector  meter”  and
observed as hereunder at para 10: (SCC pp. 326-27)

“Every such consumer  is  provided  with  two  meters.  One  is  called  the
‘trivector meter’ and the other is the normal meter which records the  total
quantity of energy consumed over a given period  —  which  is  ordinarily  a
month.  The  meter  which  records  the  total   consumption   requires   no
explanation or elaboration since we are all aware of it.  It  is  the  other
meter which requires some explanation. Now every large-scale consumer  knows
the amount of energy required by him and requests for it from the Board.  If
the Board agrees to supply that or any other particular  amount  of  energy,
it makes necessary arrangements therefor by laying the lines to  the  extent
necessary and installing other requisite equipment. It is obvious that if  a
factory uses energy at a particular level/load and for a particular  period,
it consumes a particular quantity of energy.  The  trivector  meter  records
the highest level/load at which the energy is drawn over  any  thirty-minute
period in a month while the other meter records  the  total  consumption  of
energy in units in the month. Let us take the  case  of  the  respondent  to
illustrate the point. The maximum demand in  his  case  is  up  to  but  not
exceeding 7778 KVA. That is his requirement. In  the  normal  times,  he  is
entitled to draw energy at that  level/load.  That  is  his  maximum  demand
under the agreement. But he may not always do so. Say, in a given month,  he
draws energy at 6000 KVA level only, even then he has  to  pay  the  minimum
charges as stipulated in the agreement. But if he draws and consumes  energy
exceeding eighty per cent of the energy, he pays demand and  energy  charges
for what he utilises. Now, let us notice how the trivector  meter  i.e.  the
meter which records the maximum demand works; the meter is so designed  that
it only records the maximum load/level at which energy  is  drawn  over  any
thirty-minute period in a month. It only goes forward but  never  goes  back
until it is put back manually. To be more precise,  suppose  the  respondent
has drawn energy at 7770 KVA for a thirty-minute period on the first day  of
the month, the meter will record that figure and will  stay  there  even  if
the respondent consumes at 7000 or lesser KVA level during the rest  of  the
month. From this circumstance, however, one cannot jump  to  the  conclusion
that it is an arbitrary way of levying consumption charges.”

17. The provisions contained in sub-section (7) of Section 26 of the  Indian
Electricity Act, 1910 envisage the installation  of  additional  meters  and
checking apparatus, in addition to the meter for ascertaining the amount  of
energy supplied and quantity consumed. By and large it seems to be that  the
utility of MDI meter to record  effectively  and  correctly  the  drawal  of
power at a continuous block period of 30 minutes in a month  by  a  consumer
has come to stay as a  reasonably  safe  method  with  due  credibility  and
recognition in the field and appears to be  in  vogue  even  at  the  global
level. The question as to whether it can also safely be relied upon  as  the
basis for investigating and determining the excess quantity of load said  to
have been availed of by a consumer over and above  the  contracted  load  as
per the agreement is concerned, in our view admits of no doubt and we  could
find no reasonable or tenable and valid objection to exist  so  far  as  its
relevance, utility and  purpose  of  determination  are  concerned.  If  the
reading by  such  a  device  installed  could  provide  a  sound  basis  and
yardstick as accepted by this  Court  in  the  decision  noticed  supra  for
adjudging liability  to  pay  the  maximum  demand  charges/minimum  monthly
charge, it should in our view be considered to be  equally  efficacious  for
the purpose on hand also in adjudging the issue as to whether  the  consumer
has at any given point of time, in contravention of the agreement  with  the
Board, availed and drawn electricity in excess of the contracted load.

18. Electrical motors are designed to run up to  a  stipulated  capacity  of
horse power. At the same time  as  disclosed  from  the  communication  from
Bhilai Steel Plant (an undertaking  of  the  Steel  Authority  of  India:  a
Government of India enterprise) brought on record,  so  far  as  the  motors
used in rolling mills are concerned, they  are  said  to  have  an  overload
capacity in the range of 2 to 2.5 times their rated capacity  and  at  times
even about 3 times, but only for a very short duration and at any rate  such
a situation cannot be sustained like that continuously for a duration of  30
minutes. Hence, it is stated that an MDI meter which measures the demand  in
KW and integrating over a  period  of  30  minutes  should/will  register  a
demand value in KW which is either less than or  equal  to  the  motor-rated
KW. Therefore, if in these cases, MDI meter disclosed such  higher  rate  of
demand, it would be futile for the appellants to contend that there  was  no
overdrawal in excess of  the  contracted  load,  since  such  excess  drawal
stands substantiated by the actual overdrawal in excess  from  the  readings
of MDI meter and the motor-rated KW as claimed by  the  appellants  are  not
either genuine or correct. The object of the appellant in  making  reference
to lock rotor test also does not seem to be relevant  since  the  said  test
could, it appears, only help to determine the capacity of the motor and  not
of the total connected load or  the  total  load  demanded  and  availed  of
during the course of actual consumption of energy.”

16.   This Court has in Bhilai Rerollers (supra) held that  the  reading  of
the MDI meter could provide a sound  basis  and  yardstick  to  pay  maximum
demand charges and for adjudging the issue as to  whether  the  consumer  at
any given point of time of  the  agreement  has  availed  and  drawn  excess
electricity. This Court has also indicated that lock rotor test is  normally
held to determine the capacity of the meter  and  not  the  total  connected
load or the total load demanded and availed of during the course  of  actual
consumption of energy. Merely in an  inspection  in  January,  1999  if  the
connected load was found  to  be  of  495  HP  when  for  six  months  in  a
subsequent  period  of  April,  1999  to  March,  2000  maximum  demand  has
increased beyond the contracted load of 500 KVA and it is not disputed  that
it was more than 110% of the contract load. Thus as per clause 16.5  of  the
notification dated 21.06.1993 issued under the Electricity Supply Act,  1949
in our opinion the Electricity Board was well within its rights  to  realize
the amount as per tariff notification. We  find  that  the  High  Court  has
erred in holding in the facts of the case that there can be  no  correlation
with the maximum demand and the connected load.  Similarly  the  High  Court
has proceeded  on  irrelevant  consideration  while  it  has  observed  that
entrepreneur has stepped  up  production,  which  will  result  in  economic
development, generation of employment and income and higher  consumption  is
better for the State of Bihar. This was not a question to be  gone  into  by
the High Court. The High Court was required to consider the  reliability  of
the MDI meter and frequent violation  of  contract  demand  and  the  tariff
notification dated 21.6.1993. There is material on  record  indicating  that
the connected load has been exceeded as reflected in the meter  reading.  It
could not be due to wrong recording of meter or short circuit  etc.  as  MDI
meter records excess capacity drawn over a continuous period of 30  minutes’
duration during a month. The MDI  meter’s  method  is  well  recognized  and
widely accepted one. The plea taken that there was defect in the  meter  and
they were changed in January, 2000 and again in March, 2000 has no  legs  to
stand. However MDI meter readings for earlier periods too  indicated  demand
exceeding 500 KVA and in the month of November 1999, the meter was found  to
be in order and maximum demand exceeded contract demand. Once  maximum  load
drawn had exceeded the contracted load, in the fact  of  the  case,  it  can
safely be held that there is violation of the  permissible  connected  load.
The recording in MDI meter is more credible and reliable than the  stand  of
the industry that the meter was faulty, set  up  just  to  escape  from  the

17.   In the circumstances we  have  no  hesitation  in  setting  aside  the
orders passed by the Single Bench and Division Bench of the High Court.  The
impugned demand is held to be legal and valid. Let  the  outstanding  amount
calculated as on today, be paid as per norms of the Board  within  a  period
of six weeks from today. The appeal is allowed. The  impugned  judgment  and
orders are set aside and writ petition is dismissed.  Parties to bear  their
own costs.

                                                                (M.Y. Eqbal)

New Delhi;                                                     ………………………..J.
January 28, 2016.                                             (Arun Mishra)

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