Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 2142 of 2007, Judgment Date: Jan 07, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.2142 OF 2007

BHARAT MATRIMONY.COM                                              APPELLANT


PEOPLE INTERACTIVE (I)                                           RESPONDENT

                               J U D G M E N T

          KURIAN, J.

1.    It has been brought to our  notice  that  the  parties  have  amicably
settled the disputes. The Joint Memo  of  Settlement  dated  10.11.2014  has
been filed before this Court on 18.11.2014.  The terms  of  Settlement  read
as follows:
“(a) Appellant shall use the certificate granted to it by the Limca  Records
as defined in the certificate and shall not make any contrary statement.
(b)  The  Appellant  agrees  to  use  the   following   statement   in   its
website/marketing communications:
      “Featured  in  the  Limca  Book  of  Records,  for  record  number  of
documented marriages online”
(c) That the parties herein shall file the above terms of settlement  before
the Hon'ble Supreme Court and shall request the  court  hearing  the  Appeal
bearing C.A.No.2142/2007 to dispose of the  appeal  in  terms  of  the  said
consent terms.
(d) The Respondent shall close/withdraw complaint bearing complaint No.  UTP
10/2007  filed  against  the  Appellant  before  the  MRTP  Commission  (now
Competition Commission of India)
(e) The parties agree that they shall have no claim against each  other  now
or in future, on the same ground mentioned in the present Appeal and or  the

Complaint NO.10/2007.
(f) The parties shall bear their own costs.”

2.  The appeal is disposed of in terms of the  Settlement   entered  between
the parties. No costs.

                                                               (KURIAN JOSEPH)

                                                       (ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN)
      New Delhi;
      January 07, 2016

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