Supreme Court of India (Full Bench (FB)- Three Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 7019 of 2005, Judgment Date: Jan 28, 2016

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 7019 OF 2005

BHARAT ALUMINIUM COMPANY                                 ...  APPELLANT (S)


SERVICES INC.                                            ... RESPONDENT (S)


                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 3678 OF 2007

                           J  U  D  G  M  E  N  T


The residue of the Constitution Bench Judgment in Bharat  Aluminium  Company
v. Kaiser Aluminium Technical Services Inc.[1] is the subject matter of  the
present appeal. At the instance of the appellant,  the  Bench  resolved  the
conflicting, if not, confusing views on  the  applicability  of  Part  I  of
Arbitration  and  Conciliation  Act,  1996  (hereinafter  referred   to   as
‘Arbitration Act’) and held that  “…  Part  I  of  the  Arbitration  Act  is
applicable only  to  all  the  arbitrations  which  take  place  within  the
territory of India”, overruling a three-Judge Bench decision of  this  Court
in Bhatia International v. Bulk Trading S.A. and another[2]. Exercising  its
the power under Article 142 of the Constitution of India,  the  Constitution
Bench however,  held  that  the  law  declared  by  it  would  only  operate
prospectively. In other words, all agreements executed prior  to  06.09.2012
were to be governed by the decision in Bhatia International (supra).

In Bhatia  International  (supra),  it  was  held  that  even  in  cases  of
international commercial arbitrations held out of India, provisions of  Part
I would apply unless the parties by agreement express or  implied,  excluded
all or any of its provisions. To quote paragraph-32:

“32. To conclude, we hold that the provisions of Part I would apply  to  all
arbitrations  and  to  all  proceedings   relating   thereto.   Where   such
arbitration is held in India the provisions of  Part  I  would  compulsorily
apply and parties are free to deviate only to the extent  permitted  by  the
derogable provisions  of  Part  I.  In  cases  of  international  commercial
arbitrations held out of India provisions of Part I would apply  unless  the
parties by agreement,  express  or  implied,  exclude  all  or  any  of  its
provisions. In that case the laws or  rules  chosen  by  the  parties  would
prevail. Any provision, in Part I, which is contrary to or excluded by  that
law or rules will not apply.”

 Therefore, the  simple  question  before  us  is  whether  the  parties  by
agreement, express or implied, have excluded wholly or  partly,  Part  I  of
the Arbitration Act.

The bare necessary facts of the case are that an agreement dated  22.04.1993
was executed between the appellant  and  the  respondent  with  relation  to
supply of equipment, and modernization and up-gradation  of  the  production
facilities of the appellant at Korba in the state of  Chhattisgarh.  Certain
disputes  arose  between  the  parties  and  the  same  were   referred   to
arbitration. The arbitration  proceedings  were  held  in  England  and  the
arbitral tribunal  made  two  awards  in  favour  of  the  respondent  dated
10.11.2002 and 12.11.2002. The appellant filed applications,  under  Section
34 of the Arbitration Act before the District Judge,  Bilaspur,  which  were
dismissed. Aggrieved, the appellant filed appeals before the High  Court  of
Chhattisgarh. The High Court dismissed the appeals.

Party autonomy being the brooding and guiding  spirit  in  arbitration,  the
parties are free to agree on application of three different  laws  governing
their entire contract – (1) proper  law  of  contract,  (2)  proper  law  of
arbitration agreement and (3) proper law  of  the  conduct  of  arbitration,
which is  popularly  and  in  legal  parlance  known  as  curial  law.   The
interplay and application of these different  laws  to  an  arbitration  has
been succinctly  explained  by  this  Court  in  Sumitomo  Heavy  Industries
Limited v. ONGC  Limited  and  others[3],  which  is  one  of  the  earliest
decisions in that direction and which has been consistently followed in  all
the subsequent decisions including the recent  Reliance  Industries  Limited
and another v. Union of India[4].

In order to ascertain the applicable laws, we have  to  certainly  refer  to
the relevant clauses of the arbitration  agreement,  viz.,  Article  17  and
Article 22, which read as follows:

                          “Article 17 - ARBITRATION

17.1: Any dispute or claim arising out of  or  relating  to  this  agreement
shall be  in  the  first  instance  endeavour  to  be  settled  amicably  by
negotiation between the parties hereto and failing which the  same  will  be
settled  by  arbitration  pursuant  to  the  English  Arbitration  Law   and
subsequent amendment thereto.

Article  17.2:  The  arbitration  proceedings  shall  be  carried   by   two
arbitrators, one appointed by the Petitioner and one  by  Respondent  chosen
freely and without any bias. The Court of arbitration  shall  be  wholly  in
London, England and shall use the English language in the  proceedings.  The
finding and award of the Court of Arbitration shall be final and binding.

Article 17.3: Before entering upon  the  arbitration,  the  two  Arbitrators
shall appoint an Umpire. If the two arbitrators are not  able  to  reach  an
agreement on the selection of an Umpire, the Umpire shall  be  nominated  by
the International Chamber of Paris.


This agreement will be governed by the prevailing law of India and  in  case
of Arbitration, the English Law shall apply.”

  In order to coherently analyse the  situation,  we  shall  first  see  the
proper law of contract, the law  governing  the  arbitration  agreement  and
finally the law governing the  procedure.  Article  22  of  the  Arbitration
Agreement leaves no room for any doubt, and it has also not  been  disputed,
that the proper law of contract is  Indian  law.  Therefore,  crossing  that
gate, we shall now proceed to the door on the Arbitration Agreement.

Article 17 is solely on arbitration. Article 17.1  clearly  stipulates  that
the disputes or claims arising out of or relating to the agreements, if  not
amicably  settled  by  negotiation,  will  be  settled  by  the  arbitration
pursuant to the English Arbitration Law and subsequent  amendments  thereto.
The  expression  “pursuant  to”,  according  to   Concise   Oxford   English
Dictionary means “in accordance with”. The New Oxford Dictionary of  English
has also given the same  meaning  to  the  expression.  Words  and  Phrases,
Permanent Edition, Volume 35A, explains the  expression  as  “in  conformity
with”. “The expressions “pursuant to or in pursuance of” have a  restrictive
interpretation and have  been  regarded  as  equivalent  to  “in  conformity
with”, and imply that what is done is in accordance with an  instruction  or
direction”.[5] In Aircraft Employees’ Housing  Cooperative  Society  Limited
v. Secretary, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, Government of  Karnataka,
Bangalore and others[6], though in  the  context  of  the  pre-amended  Land
Acquisition Act, this court has dealt with the  meaning  of  the  expression
“in pursuance of”.  It has been held –

“4…..“In pursuance of” would mean under the authority of or by virtue of  or
in the course of carrying out in accordance  with  the  scheme  or  plan  or
direction  or  order  or  anything  in  consequence  or  conformable  to  or
according to; act of pursuing, carrying out and performance, prosecution.”

Therefore, it is clear that the parties have agreed in expressed terms  that
the law of arbitration would be English Arbitration Law.

Article 22 has in fact two parts. In the first part of that Article,  it  is
agreed between the parties that the proper  law  of  the  contract  will  be
governed by the prevailing law of India, and in  the  case  of  arbitration,
English Law would apply. In other words, the agreement as a whole  would  be
governed by Indian Law, and in case of arbitration,  the  English  Law  will
apply. No doubt, one should not strain too much to  interpret  an  agreement
between two parties as in  the  case  of  a  statutory  interpretation.  The
approach in analysing the terms of agreement should be  straight  and  plain
but at the same time cohesive and logical.

In the matter of interpretation, the court has to make different  approaches
depending  upon  the  instrument  falling  for  interpretation.  Legislative
drafting is made by experts  and  is  subjected  to  scrutiny  at  different
stages before it takes final shape of an Act, Rule or Regulation.  There  is
another  category  of  drafting  by  lawmen  or  document  writers  who  are
professionally qualified and experienced in the field like  drafting  deeds,
treaties, settlements in court, etc. And then there is  the  third  category
of documents made by laymen who have no knowledge of  law  or  expertise  in
the field. The legal quality or perfection of the document is  comparatively
low in the third category, high in second and higher in first. No doubt,  in
the process of interpretation in the first category, the courts do  make  an
attempt to gather the purpose of the legislation, its context and  text.  In
the second category also, the text as  well  as  the  purpose  is  certainly
important, and in the third category of documents like wills, it  is  simply
intention alone of the executor that is relevant. In  the  case  before  us,
being a contract executed between the two parties, the  court  cannot  adopt
an approach for interpreting a statute. The terms of the contract will  have
to be understood in the way the parties wanted and intended them to  be.  In
that  context,  particularly  in  agreements  of  arbitration,  where  party
autonomy is the grundnorm, how the parties worked out the agreement, is  one
of the indicators to  decipher  the  intention,  apart  from  the  plain  or
grammatical meaning of the expressions and the use  of  the  expressions  at
the proper places in the agreement. Contextually, it may be  noted  that  in
the present case, the respondent had invoked the provisions of  English  law
for the purpose of the initiation of the unsettled disputes. It  has  hence,
while interpreting an agreement, to  be  kept  in  mind  that  the  parties,
intended to avoid impracticable and inconvenient  processes  and  procedures
in working out the agreement.  Potter  J.  made  a  similar  observation  in
Cargill  International  S.A.  v.  Bangladesh  Sugar  and   Food   Industries

“As Lord Goff observed  in  another  context  in  Palm  Shipping  v.  Kuwait
Petroleum [1988] 1 Lloyds Rep 500 at 502: “It is not  a  permissible  method
of construction to propound a general or generally  accepted  principal  ...
(and) ... then to seek to force the provisions of  the  ...  (the  contract)
... into the straightjacket of that principle.” On the  other  hand,  modern
principles  of  construction  require  the  court  to  have  regard  to  the
commercial background, the context of the contract and the circumstances  of
the parties and to consider whether, against that  background  and  in  that
context, to give the words a particular or restricted meaning would lead  to
an apparently unreasonable and unfair result.”

A close perusal of the terms between the parties  would  clearly  show  that
the first part of Article 22 is on the law governing  the  contract  and  in
the second part the parties intended to lay down the law applicable  to  the
arbitration  agreement,  viz.,  the  proper  law   of   the   agreement   of
arbitration.  It  is  unnecessary  that  after  already  agreeing   on   the
procedural law governing  the  arbitration  in  Article  17.1,  the  parties
intended to state the same again  in  a  separate  clause  within  the  same
contract in Article 22. Therefore, the intention of  the  parties  to  apply
English Law to the arbitration agreement  also  and  not  limit  it  to  the
conduct of the arbitration is fairly clear from Article 22.

Sumitomo (supra) is of no avail  to  the  appellant.  In  Sumitomo  (supra),
there was no specific choice on the law of arbitration  agreement  and  this
court held that in absence of such choice, the law of arbitration  agreement
would be determined by the substantive law of the contract. That is not  the
case in this agreement.

It is clear that the law applicable to arbitration agreement in the  present
case  is  English  Law.  Once  it  is  found  that  the  law  governing  the
arbitration agreement is English Law, Part I of the Indian  Arbitration  Act
stands impliedly excluded. This has been a long  settled  position  and  the
latest judgment in Union  of  India   v.  Reliance  Industries  Limited  and
others[8] reaffirms the same. In the words of R.F. Nariman J.,

“20. The last paragraph of Bharat Aluminium's judgment has now  to  be  read
with two caveats, both emanating from paragraph 32 of  Bhatia  International
itself-that where the Court comes to  a  determination  that  the  juridical
seat is outside India or  where  law  other  than  Indian  law  governs  the
arbitration  agreement,  Part-I  of  the  Arbitration  Act,  1996  would  be
excluded by necessary implication. Therefore, even in the cases governed  by
the Bhatia principle, it is only those cases in which  agreements  stipulate
that the seat of the arbitration is in India or on whose  facts  a  judgment
cannot be reached on the seat of the  arbitration  as  being  outside  India
that would continue to be governed by the  Bhatia  principle.  Also,  it  is
only those agreements which stipulate or can be read to stipulate  that  the
law governing the arbitration agreement is Indian law which  would  continue
to be governed by the Bhatia rule.”

We are hence unable to be persuaded by the persuasive argument  advanced  by
Shri Sundaram, learned Senior Counsel appearing for the appellant  that  the
arbitration agreement is to be governed by the Indian Law.

Accordingly, we find no error in the view taken by the High Court  that  the
applications filed by the appellant under Section 34 of the Indian  Act  are
not maintainable  against  the  two  foreign  awards  dated  10.11.2002  and
12.11.2002 between the appellant and the respondent.

The appeals are accordingly dismissed. There shall be no order as to costs.

                                                              (Anil R. Dave)

                                                             (Kurian Joseph)

                                                               (Amitava Roy)

New Delhi;
January 28, 2016
[1]    (2012) 9 SCC 552.
[2]    (2002) 4 SCC 105.
[3]    (1998) 1 SCC 305.
[4]    (2014) 7 SCC 603.
[5]    Words and Phrases, Permanent Edition, Volume 35A, page 337, citing
Fabianich v. Hart, D. C. Mun App., 31A.2d 881, 883.
[6]    (1996) 11 SCC 475
[7]    [1998] 1 W.L.R. 461 CA.
[8]    2015 (10) SCALE 149.



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