Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 10024 of 2014, Judgment Date: Nov 07, 2014


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                      CIVIL APPEAL No. 10024  OF 2014

                (Arising out of S.L.P.(c) No. 24317 of 2013)

      Dr. Balwant Singh                                          Appellant(s)


Commissioner of Police & Ors.                                  Respondent(s)

                               J U D G M E N T

Abhay Manohar Sapre, J.

      1.    Leave granted

2.    This appeal arises out of an order  dated  21.05.2013  passed  by  the

Division Bench of  the High Court of  Judicature  for  Rajasthan  at  Jaipur

Bench, Jaipur in D.B. Civil Special Appeal (Writ)  No.  378  of  2013  which

arises out of an order dated 25.02.2013 passed by the learned  Single  Judge

in  S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 2273 of 2013.

3.    By impugned order, the Division Bench disposed of the appeal filed  by

the appellant herein in the light of the assurance given  by  the  State  to

settle the controversy raised by the appellant in the writ  petition/appeal.

4.    Dissatisfied with the impugned order, the  appellant  has  filed  this

appeal by way of special leave before this Court.

5.    This Court issued notice to the respondents. On being served,  learned

counsel for the  respondents  filed  counter  affidavit  on  behalf  of  the


6.    Heard learned counsel for the parties.

7.    In order to appreciate the  issue  involved  in  this  appeal,  it  is

necessary to mention the facts in brief.

8.     The  appellant  (writ  petitioner)  is   the   resident   of   Jaipur

(Rajasthan). He retired as Director General of  Police  in  March  1995.  To

settle  after  retirement,  the  appellant  constructed  his  house   in   a

residential colony opposite to Vidhyut  Bhawan  in  Jyoti  Nagar  in  Jaipur

city. The locality and, in  particular,  the  location  of  the  appellant's

house is very near to “Vidhan Sabha" (State Assembly Building).

9.     The  appellant  to  his  misfortune  noticed  that  very  frequently,

thousand/hundreds of people  belonging  to  political/non-political  parties

would gather on the road approaching to Vidhan Sabha, which is in  front  of

his house, with agitated mood and would undertake their “Protests March”  or

"Dharna" or "Procession" for ventilating their  grievances.  The  protestors

then would use indiscriminately loudspeakers by erecting temporary stage  on

the road and go on delivering speeches one after the  other  throughout  the

day which sometimes used to continue for  indefinite  period  regardless  of

time. Since there used to be a gathering  of  thousand/hundreds  of  people,

the demonstrators would indiscriminately make use of the compound  walls  of

nearby houses including that of the appellant’s  house  to  ease  themselves

frequently at any time.

10.   In order to regulate  such  events  and  to  maintain  law  and  order

situation, the State and Police Administration used to  put  barricades  and

depute hundreds of  police  personnel  to  see  that  no  untoward  incident

occurs. These barricades used to be installed just in front of the gates  of

the houses of the residents including  the  appellant's  house.  The  police

personnel like others would also use the walls  of  the  residential  houses

including that of the  appellant's  house  to  ease  and  nobody  was  in  a

position to tell them not to do such activities in front  of  their  houses.

The appellant also noticed that these  activities  had  gained  considerable

momentum making living of  the  residents  of  that  area  a  miserable  one

because neither they were in a position to stay comfortably  and  peacefully

inside the house or do any work due to constant noise pollution nor were  in

a position to come out of their house due to  constant  fear  of  insecurity

and restrictions put by the State.

11.   The appellant was one of the most affected  persons  whose  living  in

his house had become impossible due  to  these  activities  and  finding  no

solution  to  the  problem  faced,  compelled  him  to  first  approach  the

Commissioner of Police and make  an  oral  complaint  but  finding  that  no

action was taken, filed a written complaint on 21.11.2011 (Annexure P-1).

12.    In  the  complaint,  the  appellant   narrated   the   aforementioned

grievances in detail and  requested  the  Commissioner  of  Police  to  take

immediate effective remedial steps to prevent such events.

13.   Since the Commissioner of Police  did  not  take  any  action  on  the

complaint, the appellant,  on  06.03.2012,  filed  a  complaint  before  the

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), New Delhi under the  provisions  of

the Human Rights Commission Act,  2005  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  “the

Act”). The NHRC forwarded the appellant's complaint to the  Rajasthan  State

Human Rights Commission (RSHRC) for taking appropriate action in  accordance

with law. The RSHRC, on receipt  of  the  complaint,   registered  the  same

being Petition No. 12/17/1720 and by order dated 24.09.2012  partly  allowed

the appellant's petition and  directed  the  Additional  Home  Secretary  to

order the concerned officials to  effectively  stop  interference  with  the

right of the appellant herein to lead an independent and peaceful  life  and

ensure that :

“1.    The crowd of demonstrators does not assemble, on both roads  opposite

to the petitioner’s house during the assembly sessions.

2.    The demonstrators are not allowed to  use  high  powered  loudspeakers

during day and night.

The road is not closed  after  stopping  traffic  and  traffic  movement  is

maintained in a sustained and orderly manner.

The policemen are stopped from urinating in the proximity  of  the  wall  of

the petitioner’s house from the side of  the  M.L.A.’s  complex  during  the

Assembly Sessions.

No barricading is done on the road opposite to, and near, the house  of  the


14.   Despite issuance of the aforementioned directions, the State  did  not

ensure its compliance and on the other hand, some  miscreants  attacked  the

appellant’s house and hence out of disgust, the appellant was  compelled  to

file writ petition being S.B.Civil Writ Petition No.  2273  of  2013  before

the High Court of Rajasthan Bench at Jaipur, seeking appropriate reliefs  by

issuance  of  writ  of  prohibition/mandamus  against  the  State  and   its

authorities to protect the interest of the appellant, his property  and  his

peaceful living.

15.   Learned single Judge,  by  order  dated  25.02.2013  disposed  of  the

appellant's writ petition observing that since the State has  already  taken

all necessary steps in the light of the directions given  by  the  RSHRC  in

their order dated 24.09.2012 and hence no more orders are called for in  the

writ petition.

16.   Learned Single Judge, in the concluding part of  his  order,  observed

as under:

“……..I am of the considered view that no order on the reliefs prayed for  by

the petitioner be passed as the  State  Government  has  already  taken  all

requisite action within its powers to ensure that the  peace  and  quiet  of

the petitioner living in his residential house at Jyoti  Nagar  locality  in

proximity to Vidhan Sabha is not unduly disturbed.   It  would  be  expected

that  measures  detailed  by  the  Additional  Advocate   General   in   his

submissions before this Court would be implemented strictly.”

17.   The appellant, felt aggrieved, filed intra  court  appeal  before  the

Division Bench of the High Court  out  of  which  this  appeal  arises.  The

Division Bench, by impugned order, more or less on the same lines  on  which

the learned Single Judge had disposed of  the  writ  petition,  decided  the

appellant's appeal.

18.   The Division Bench in the concluding part of their order  observed  as


       “In  view  of  that  assurance  extended  on  behalf  of  the   State

Government, the learned single Judge  has  already  reached  the  conclusion

that the directions issued by the Human Rights Commission, Rajasthan in  its

order dated 24.9.2012, have  substantially  been  complied  with.   At  this

stage, the Division Bench of this Court cannot  give  further  direction  in

the appeal.  The State Government obviously  shall  also  comply  with  such

order and act in conformity with assurance given  before  the  single  Bench

and take special care to ensure that peace  and  quiet  of  the  petitioner,

living in his residential house at Jyoti  Nagar  locality  in  proximity  to

Vidhan Sabha is not unduly disturbed.”

It is against the aforementioned order of the Division Bench, the  appellant

(writ petitioner) has filed this appeal.

19.   The respondents have filed their  counter  affidavit.  The  State,  on

affidavit, has stated that it is their duty to ensure that no harm,  injury,

damage or inconvenience/nuisance of any nature is caused  to  the  life  and

property of any citizen on account of any action  and  activities  of  other

person(s) or/and State  authorities  and  all  personal/fundamental/property

rights guaranteed and recognized in law to every citizen  are  protected  to

enable him to lead a meaningful life with dignity  and  peace  and  to  also

enjoy his property.  It is further stated that in compliance  to  the  order

passed  by  RSHRC,  the  State  has  issued  directions  for  ensuring   its

compliance which are as under:

      “a. Deputy Commissioner of Police has been put in charge of  the  area

in order to ensure law  and  order  in  and  around  the  residence  of  the


  b.  Barricading  at  appropriate  distance  from  the  residence  of   the

petitioner so that  the  movement  of  the  residents  as  well  as  of  the

petitioner is not restricted as such and also because of  the  demonstration

in specific. When the legislative assembly  is  in  session  barricading  is

done at least 60 feet away from the residence of the petitioner. 

 c. Mobile public toilets (two vehicles) have been placed by  the  Rajasthan

Municipal Corporation in the concerned area so that  hygiene  is  maintained

in and around the area which has been  affected  by  regular  demonstration.

Further all cautions have been taken that the public  uses  such  facilities

and neither police personnel on duty nor  the  demonstrator  may  spoil  the

walls of the petitioner by  urinating.

d. Prior permission as per the Rules  are  being  given  by  the  office  of

Deputy Commissioner of Police, Jaipur  (South)  to   the  demonstrators  and

District Collector is directed to ensure that while  giving  permission  for

demonstration it may also check that no instruments are allowed  which  may 

violate the Rules or cause noise pollution.”

20.   It is with this background, the question  arises  as  to  whether  the

directions issued so far need any further modification and if  so,  to  what


21.   The law on  nuisance  is  well  settled.   Nuisance  in  any  form  as

recognized in the law of Torts - whether private,  public  or  common  which

results in affecting anyone's personal or/and property rights  gives  him  a

cause of action/right to seek remedial measures  in  Court  of  law  against

those who caused such nuisance to him and  further  gives  him  a  right  to

obtain necessary reliefs both  in  the  form  of  preventing  committing  of

nuisance and appropriate damages/compensation for the loss, if sustained  by

him, due to causing of such nuisance. (See - Ratanlal  Dhirajlal  -  Law  of

Torts by G.P.Singh - 26th Edition pages-621,637,640).

22.   We may, at this stage, consider apposite to  take  note  of  law  laid

down by this Court in Noise Pollution(V), In  Re  -  Implementation  of  the

Laws for restricting use of loudspeakers and  high  volume  producing  sound

systems, (2005) 5 SCC 733, as in our considered  view,  it  has  a  material

bearing over the issue, which is the subject matter of this appeal.

23.   This Court while  entertaining  the  PIL  filed  by  one  Organization

called "Forum, Prevention of environmental  and  sound  pollution"  had  the

occasion to examine the issue in relation to  nuisance  of  noise  pollution

caused to the people at large due to  use  of  equipments/apparatus/articles

etc.  The  noise  pollution  caused  generates  different  kinds  of  sounds

thereby constantly creates irritation and disturbance to the  people.  Since

it was a continuing wrong all over the country and  hence,  this  Court,  in

great detail, examined the  issue  in  the  light  of  the  citizens  rights

guaranteed under Articles 19(1), 21 and 25 of  the  Constitution  of  India,

read with all laws/rules/regulations relating to pollution, including  penal

laws governing this issue.

24.   Chief Justice R.C. Lahoti (as His Lordship  then  was),  speaking  for

the Bench in concluding para of the order,  issued  directions  to  all  the

States directing them to ensure that noise pollution caused due  to  use  of

various apparatus/ articles/ activities must be  curbed  and  controlled  by

resorting to  methods  and  modes  specified  in  several  rules/regulations

dealing the subject.   These directions are extracted herein below:

“XII. Directions

It is hereby directed as under:

(i) Firecrackers

174. 1. On a comparison of the  two  systems  i.e.  the  present  system  of

evaluating firecrackers on the basis of noise levels, and  the  other  where

the firecrackers shall be evaluated on the basis  of  chemical  composition,

we feel that the latter method is more  practical  and  workable  in  Indian

circumstances. It shall be followed unless and until replaced  by  a  better


2. The Department of Explosives (DOE)  shall  undertake  necessary  research

activity for the purpose and come out with the chemical  formulae  for  each

type  or  category  or  class  of  firecrackers.  DOE  shall   specify   the

proportion/composition as well as the maximum permissible  weight  of  every

chemical used in manufacturing firecrackers.

[pic]3. The Department of Explosives may divide the  firecrackers  into  two

categories— (i) sound-emitting firecrackers, and (ii)  colour/light-emitting


4. There shall be a complete ban  on  bursting  sound-emitting  firecrackers

between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. It is not necessary to impose restrictions as  to

time on bursting of colour/light-emitting firecrackers.

5. Every manufacturer shall on the box of each firecracker  mention  details

of its chemical contents and that it satisfies the requirement as laid  down

by DOE. In case of a failure on the part of the manufacturer to mention  the

details or in cases where the contents of the box do not match the  chemical

formulae as stated on the box, the manufacturer may be held liable.

6. Firecrackers for the  purpose  of  export  may  be  manufactured  bearing

higher  noise  levels  subject  to  the  following   conditions:   (i)   the

manufacturer should be permitted to do so only when he has an  export  order

with him and not otherwise; (ii) the noise  levels  for  these  firecrackers

should conform to the noise standards prescribed in  the  country  to  which

they are intended to be exported  as  per  the  export  order;  (iii)  these

firecrackers should have a different colour packing, from those intended  to

be sold in India;  (iv)  they  must  carry  a  declaration  printed  thereon

something like “not for sale in India” or “only for export  to  country  AB”

and so on.

(ii) Loudspeakers

175. 1. The  noise  level  at  the  boundary  of  the  public  place,  where

loudspeaker or public address system or any  other  noise  source  is  being

used shall not exceed 10 dB(A) above the ambient  noise  standards  for  the

area or 75 dB(A) whichever is lower.

2. No one shall beat a drum or tom-tom or blow a trumpet or  beat  or  sound

any instrument or use any sound amplifier at night (between 10.00  p.m.  and

6 a.m.) except in public emergencies.

3. The peripheral noise level of  privately-owned  sound  system  shall  not

exceed by more than 5 dB(A) than the ambient air-quality standard  specified

for the area in which it is used, at the boundary of the private place.

(iii) Vehicular noise

176. No horn should be allowed to be used at night (between 10  p.m.  and  6

a.m.) in residential area except in exceptional circumstances.

(iv) Awareness

177. 1.  There  is  a  need  for  creating  general  awareness  towards  the

hazardous effects of noise pollution. Suitable chapters may be added in  the

textbooks which  teach  civic  sense  to  the  children  and  youth  at  the

initial/early-level of education. Special talks and  lectures  be  organised

in the [pic]schools to highlight the menace of noise pollution and the  role

of the children and younger generation in preventing it.  Police  and  civil

administration should be trained to understand the various methods  to  curb

the problem and also the laws on the subject.

2. The State must play an active role  in  this  process.  Resident  Welfare

Associations, service  clubs  and  societies  engaged  in  preventing  noise

pollution as a part of their projects need to  be  encouraged  and  actively

involved by the local administration.

3. Special public awareness campaigns in anticipation of  festivals,  events

and ceremonial occasions whereat firecrackers are likely to  be  used,  need

to be carried out.

The abovesaid guidelines are issued in exercise of power conferred  on  this

Court under Articles 141 and 142 of the Constitution. These would remain  in

force  until  modified  by  this  Court  or  superseded  by  an  appropriate


(v) Generally

178. 1. The States shall make provision  for  seizure  and  confiscation  of

loudspeakers, amplifiers and  such  other  equipment  as  are  found  to  be

creating noise beyond the permissible limits.

2. Rule 3 of the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000  makes

provision for specifying ambient air-quality standards in respect  of  noise

for different areas/zones, categorisation of the areas for  the  purpose  of

implementation  of  noise  standards,  authorising   the   authorities   for

enforcement  and  achievement  of   laid   down   standards.   The   Central

Government/State  Governments  shall  take  steps  for  laying   down   such

standards and notifying the  authorities  where  it  has  not  already  been


25.   We note with concern that though the aforesaid directions were  issued

by this Court on 18.07.2005 for ensuring compliance by all  the  States  but

it  seems  that  these  directions  were  not  taken  note  of   much   less

implemented, at least, by the State of Rajasthan in letter and  spirit  with

the result that the residents of Jaipur city had to suffer the  nuisance  of

noise pollution apart from other related peculiar issues mentioned above  so

far as the appellant's case is concerned.

26.   Needless to reiterate that once this Court decides  any  question  and

declares the law and issues necessary directions then it is the duty of  all

concerned to follow the law laid down and comply the  directions  issued  in

letter and spirit by virtue of mandate  contained  in  Article  141  of  the


27.    In  our  considered  view,  in  the  light   of   the   authoritative

pronouncement rendered by this Court on the issue of noise pollution in  the

case of Noise Pollution (V), In Re (supra), it is  not  necessary  for  this

Court to again  deal  with  the  same  issue  except  to  issue  appropriate

directions for its compliance.

28.   We, accordingly, direct the respondents to  ensure  strict  compliance

of the directions contained in Para 174 to  178  of  the  judgment  of  this

Court  in  Noise  Pollution  (V),  In  Re  (supra),  and  for  ensuring  its

compliance, whatever remedial steps which are required to be  taken  by  the

State and their concerned department(s), the same be taken at  the  earliest

to  prevent/check  the  noise  pollution  as  directed  in   the   aforesaid


29.    Now  so  far  as  the  disturbance  created   by   the   police/state

officials/people at large in the appellant’s peaceful living  in  his  house

is concerned, in our considered view, they do result in adversely  affecting

 the appellant’s rights guaranteed under Article 21 of the  Constitution  as

held by this Court in  Noise Pollution  (V),  In  Re  (supra)  and  also  in

Ramlila Maidan Incident in Re, (2012) 5 SCC  1.   The  RSHRC  and  the  writ

Court were, therefore, justified in entertaining  the  complaint  under  the

Act and the writ petition under Article 226 of  the  Constitution  of  India

and in consequence justified  in  giving  appropriate  directions  mentioned

above while disposing the appellant's complaint/writ petition.

30.   We, however, note that the State  was  right  on  their  part  in  not

contesting   the   appellant's   complaint/writ    petition    by    raising

technical/legal grounds  finding  the  appellant's  grievance  made  in  his

complaint to be genuine and then rightly came out with remedial  suggestions

to deal with the situation arising in the case.

31.   Indeed, this reminds us of the subtle  observations  made  by  Justice

M.C. Chagla, Chief Justice of Bombay High Court in Firm Kaluram Sitaram  Vs.

The Dominion of India, AIR 1954 Bombay 50, wherein while deciding  the  case

between the  citizen on the one hand and State on  the  other,  the  learned

Chief Justice in his distinctive style of  writing  reminded  the  State  of

their duty towards the citizens while contesting his rights  qua  State  and

made the following observations.

“….we have often had occasion to say  that  when  the  State  deals  with  a

citizen it should not ordinarily rely on technicalities, and  if  the  State

is satisfied that the case of the citizen is a just one, even  though  legal

defences may be open to it, it  must  act,  as  has  been  said  by  eminent

judges, as an honest person……….”

32.   We are in complete agreement with the aforementioned statement of  law

laid down in Firm Kaluram Sitaram (supra) as far back as  in  1954.  In  our

considered view, the Constitution, inter alia, casts a  duty  on  the  State

and their authorities  to  ensure  that  every  citizen's  cherished  rights

guaranteed to him under the Constitution are respected  and  preserved,  and

he/she   is   allowed  to  enjoy  them  in  letter  and  spirit  subject  to

reasonable restrictions put on  them,  as  dreamt  by  the  framers  of  the

Constitution.  Intervention of the Court is called for at  the  instance  of

citizen when these rights are violated by fellow citizens or  by  any  State


33.   We have perused the steps suggested by  the  State  in  their  counter

affidavit and find that if the steps suggested by the State are  implemented

in letter and spirit and further  the  implementation  is  observed  in  its

proper perspective by the State  and  its  authorities  from  time  to  time

coupled with any other good suggestions, if noticed, while implementing  the

suggestions, then  most  of  the  problems  presently  being  faced  by  the

appellant and many others  like  him  in  the  concerned  area(s)  would  be

reduced to a large extent.

34.   We, accordingly, direct the respondents to  ensure  strict  compliance

of the conditions/steps mentioned in Paras 5  (a)  to  (d)  of  the  Counter

Affidavit  extracted  above  and  while  ensuring  its  compliance,  if  the

respondents consider that it needs some  amendment(s)  for  ensuring  better

implementation then in such eventuality, the same  be  done  in  the  larger

interest of the  residents  of  the  concerned  area  and  equally  for  the

benefits of the residents of different parts in the State. Needless to  say,

while implementing the directions, its objective should always be to  ensure

that the rights of the citizens are not affected adversely by  any  kind  of

nuisance as mentioned above.

35.   In view of the  foregoing  discussion  and  the  directions  contained

above, the appeal succeeds and is allowed in  part.  Impugned  order  stands

modified to the extent mentioned above.


                                          [FAKKIR MOHAMED IBRAHIM KALIFULLA]


                                                       [ABHAY MANOHAR SAPRE]

New Delhi;

November 07, 2014.




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