Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Crl.), 2224 of 2011, Judgment Date: Mar 11, 2015

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                      CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 2224 OF 2011

ASHOK                                                          ...APPELLANT

STATE OF MAHARASHTRA                                          ...RESPONDENT

                               J U D G M E N T

Pinaki Chandra Ghose, J.
This criminal appeal arises from final order and judgment dated 13  December
2010 of the High Court of Bombay, Nagpur Bench in Criminal  Appeal  No.  296
of 2010 whereby the High Court has upheld the  conviction  and  sentence  of
the accused-appellant. The accused-appellant was convicted by  the  Sessions
Judge, Gadchiroli for offences under Sections 302, 201 and  498A  of  Indian
Penal Code, 1960, for the murder of his wife  Shubhangi  and  two  daughters
being  Namrata  and  Janhavi.  He  was  sentenced,  inter  alia,  for   life
imprisonment and a fine of Rs.1 lakh, and in default  of  payment  of  fine,
rigorous imprisonment of five years, for offence under Section  302  of  the
Indian Penal Code. Sentences for offence under  Sections  201  and  498A  of
Indian Penal Code were to run concurrently.

The facts of the case are that Ashok, the appellant herein was  the  husband
of Shubhangi, (deceased herein) and they  had  two  daughters,  Janhavi  (5
years old)  and  Namrata  (3   years  old),  both  deceased.  The  accused-
appellant and Shubhangi were married on 4th May, 2001 according to  customs.
The two were related to each other prior to marriage as first  cousins  from
the side of the Shubhangi's mother. At the time  of  their  engagement,  the
accused-appellant was pursuing D.Ed. Education and  for completing the  said
course, Rs.50,000/- was given along with a 5 gm gold  ring  and  one  15  gm
gold chain. In addition, Rs.1 lakh was spent on  the  marriage  arrangement.
Thereafter, in 2004 Ashok finished D.Ed. and got a job of  'shikshan  sevak'
at Arer Navargaon. Till now Shubhangi was staying at  her  matrimonial  home
but after the accused-appellant got a job, they both started  staying  at  a
rented house in Arer Navargaon. Admittedly, they had cordial  relations  for
6 years of marriage but they got strained after 6 years. It is alleged  that
once they shifted to Arer Navargaon the  parents  of  the  accused-appellant
used to visit them on festivals. On their visits, it is alleged, the  father
of the accused-appellant and the accused-appellant  used  to  talk  secretly
and the accused-appellant would not sleep  with  Shubhangi.  It  is  further
alleged that the father of the accused-appellant used to taunt that his  son
could have got a better earning lady as his wife  and  also  that  Shubhangi
had a squint in her one eye.

On the fateful day, i.e. 26  August  2008,  as  accused-appellant  puts  the
story is that he took half day's leave from his school to visit to Wadsa,  a
nearby village, with his wife and 2  daughters  to  buy  clothes  and  other
things. On his way back, the fuel in his bike exhausted and,  therefore,  he
dropped his wife and two daughters at the H.P. Gas station where  there  was
a hotel also. He went to get the fuel and returned in  15-20  minutes.  When
he reached back, he found Shubhangi, Namrata and Janhavi  missing  from  the
place where he had dropped them. He has stated that after looking around  he
thought they might have left for village so he headed  towards  the  village
but he could not find them. He lodged a missing report next day at  9.30  am
and also informed the family of Shubhangi that  she,  along  with  both  the
daughters, was missing. The father  and  mother  of  Shubhangi  visited  the
accused-appellant at the place of  Haribhau,  accused's  friend,  where  the
accused was at that time. But, allegedly the accused did  not  talk  to  the
parents of Shubhangi  properly  and  left  in  search  of  his  wife  and  2

They could not find the missing persons for three days  until  29th  August,
2008 when a  dead  body  was  recovered  from  Sioni  Ghat  from  the  river
Vainganga. The body was identified  to  be  of  Namrata  and  it  was  in  a
decomposed state, so the post mortem was conducted on the  spot  itself.  It
was revealed that the death was caused by throttling. Further it  was  found
that death must have occurred within 4 hours of eating last meal.  The  last
rituals were conducted at the site where the body was  found.  On  the  next
day the body of Shubhangi was found in the same state  as  that  of  Namrata
and the post mortem revealed same medical evidence.
The evidence of one Pradip (PW-6) was also taken. He is a colleague  of  the
accused-appellant in school. He  deposed  that  on  26th  August  2008,  the
accused-appellant took half day leave from  the  school  and  while  leaving
asked him to prepare dinner as  he  would  get  late  while  returning  from
Wadsa. PW-6 further deposed that once the dinner  was  prepared,  he  called
accused-appellant but he did not respond.  When  accused-appellant  returned
at around 7.45  pm,  the  accused-appellant  informed  him  of  his  missing

The  Trial  Court  after  appreciating  the  evidence  of  PW-1  (father  of
Shubhangi),  PW-4  (mother  of  Shubhangi),  PW-5  (sister  of  PW-4),  PW-6
(Pradip, colleague of the accused) and PW-7 (Investigating  Officer),  found
the appellant guilty. PWs 2 and 3 were formal  witnesses.  The  Trial  Court
noted that the case is based on circumstantial evidence as there was no  eye
witness. The motive attributed to the accused in this case  was  that  PW-5,
aunt of Shubhangi had around Rs. 2 lakhs  in  her  bank  account  which  she
received as proceeds from the sale of her agricultural land. Since PW-5  was
issueless, she had nominated Shubhangi as her heir. Allegedly, the  accused-
appellant had made demands of this  amount  through  Shubhangi  earlier  and
Shubhangi had refused to ask her aunt (PW-5) for the money. The case of  the
prosecution is that the accused-appellant murdered Shubhangi for that  money
which PW-5 had in her account. The Trial Court's reasoning in  handing  down
the conviction was that admittedly,  the  accused-appellant  was  last  seen
together with the three deceased  and  according  to  the  learned  Sessions
Judge the motive was strong. In these circumstances, the burden of proof  to
explain the suspicious circumstances  surrounding the death of the  deceased
persons was on the accused. It was found that there  was  unusual  delay  in
lodging a missing report to the police as it was lodged  after  whole  night
had passed. Also, the accused-appellant failed to prove  his  case  that  he
had gone to Wadsa to buy clothes, oil etc. as he did not furnish  any  bills
to prove the story. The accused also  failed  to  furnish  the  receipt  for
petrol which he allegedly went to fill  dropping  his  family  on  the  way.
Also, the Trial Court found that it was improbable that somebody would  drop
his wife and two daughters on the road while going to  the  petrol  pump  to
fill the fuel when the distance was walkable. In  these  circumstances,  the
learned Sessions Judge held that  onus  of  proof  was  on  the  accused  to
explain and prove his case due to admission of last seen together.

The High Court concurred with the reasoning of the  Trial  Court  and  found
that Section 106 of the Evidence Act, 1872  stood  attracted  and  that  the
accused-appellant had not explained the circumstances. Therefore,  the  High
Court upheld the conviction and sentence of the appellant.

We have heard the learned counsel for both the  sides.  The  main  point  of
consideration that arises in this  case  is  whether  the  burden  of  proof
shifts on the accused to explain the death of the deceased  persons  due  to
'last  seen  together'  rule?  However,  before  venturing  to  answer  that
question, it may be relevant to keep in mind following few points:
(i)   There is an unexplained delay of almost one month in filing  the  FIR.
The dead bodies of Namrata  and  Shubhangi  were  found  on  29th  and  30th
August, 2008 respectively while the FIR was filed on 27th September, 2008.
(ii)  The prosecution has not put forth any story or any version of its  own
as to how was the murder of three persons committed by the accused.
(iii) There is no question asked  even  in  Section  313  statement  of  the
accused as to whether he killed the deceased persons.

The "last seen together"  theory  has  been  elucidated  by  this  Court  in
Trimukh Marotiu Kirkan v. State of Maharashtra, (2006)10 SCC  106,   in  the
following words:
"Where an accused is alleged to have committed the murder of  his  wife  and
the prosecution succeeds in leading evidence to  show  that  shortly  before
the commission of crime they were seen together or the offence  takes  place
in the dwelling home where the husband also normally resided,  it  has  been
consistently held that if the accused does not  offer  any  explanation  how
the wife received injuries or offers an explanation which  is  found  to  be
false, it is a strong circumstance which indicates that  he  is  responsible
for commission of the crime.  Thus,  the  doctrine  of  last  seen  together
shifts the burden of proof on the accused, requiring him to explain how  the
incident had occurred. Failure on the part of the  accused  to  furnish  any
explanation in this regard, would give rise to  a  very  strong  presumption
against him."

In Ram Gulab Chaudhary v. State of Bihar, (2001)  8  SCC  311,  the  accused
after brutally assaulting a boy carried him away and thereafter the boy  was
not seen alive nor his body was found.  The  accused,  however,  offered  no
explanation as to what they did after they took away the boy.  It  was  held
that for absence of any explanation from the side of the accused  about  the
boy, there was every justification for drawing an inference  that  they  had
murdered the boy.

In Nika Ram v. State of H.P., (1972) 2 SCC 80,  it  was  observed  that  the
fact that the accused alone was with his wife in  the  house  when  she  was
murdered with a "Khukhri" and the fact that the  relations  of  the  accused
with her were strained would, in the absence of any  cogent  explanation  by
him, point to his guilt.

The latest judgment on the point is Kanhaiya  Lal  v.  State  of  Rajasthan,
(2014) 4 SCC 715. In this case this Court has held that the circumstance  of
last seen together does not by itself and necessarily lead to the  inference
that it was the accused who committed the crime.  There  must  be  something
more establishing the connectivity between the accused and the  crime.  Mere
non-explanation on the part of the accused by  itself  cannot  lead  to  the
proof of guilt against the accused.

From the study of above stated judgments and many others delivered  by  this
Court over a period of years,  the  rule  can  be  summarized  as  that  the
initial burden of proof  is on the prosecution to bring sufficient  evidence
pointing towards guilt of accused. However, in case of last  seen  together,
the prosecution is exempted to prove exact happening of the incident as  the
accused himself would have special  knowledge  of  the  incident  and  thus,
would have burden of proof as  per  Section  106  of  Indian  Evidence  Act.
Therefore, last seen together itself is not a  conclusive  proof  but  along
with other circumstances surrounding the incident,  like  relations  between
the accused and the deceased,  enmity  between  them,  previous  history  of
hostility, recovery of weapon from  the  accused  etc.,  non-explanation  of
death of the deceased, may lead to a presumption of guilt.

Here another judgment in Harivadan  Babubhai  Patel  v.  State  of  Gujarat,
(2013) 7 SCC 45, would be relevant. In this case, this Court found that  the
time gap between the death of the deceased and the time  when  he  was  last
seen with the accused may  also  be  relevant.  In  the  present  case,  the
Sessions Judge found following incriminating evidence against the accused :
Taking half day casual leave on 26th August 2008.
Last seen when all the deceased were in the company of accused-appellant.
Mysterious disappearance  of  the  three  deceased  persons  from  the  said
Conduct of the accused appellant:
requiring the colleague to prepare the dinner;
reporting to police about the missing on the next day;
attitude of the accused appellant  in  presence  of  the  relatives  of  the
leaving of 2 daughters and wife at H.P. Gas Agency.
falsity in defence
disliking towards the deceased.
Demand of amount which was kept in the name of Shubhangi by Shalinibai.
Post-mortem Report.

Now, it may be noted that following lackings  in  the  case  of  prosecution
cannot be overlooked:
The FIR was lodged after a delay of one month and no  explanation  has  been
given for such delay.
There has been no previous incident of any  physical  cruelty  committed  by
the accused against the any of the deceased.
The motive as alleged by the prosecution, even if accepted does not  explain
how will the accused  get  the  money  which  is  in  the  bank  account  of
Shailinibai by killing Shubhangi. Shubhangi was merely  a  nominee  in  that
account and did not own the money. Her death would not have made  accused  a
rightful claimant of that money. In any  case,  this  motive  is  completely
irrelevant for explaining the death of the daughters.
The prosecution has not given its own story at  all  with  respect  to  what
things transpired on 26th August 2008.

Keeping the above points in mind, we are of the opinion that in the  present
case the prosecution has failed to  discharge  its  initial  burden  itself.
Therefore, the question of burden  of  proof  shifting  to  the  accused  to
explain the happening of incidents does not arise.  First and foremost,  the
delay of one month in filing FIR at the very face of  it  makes  the  entire
case of the prosecution as  concocted  and  an  afterthought.  There  is  no
explanation as to why did the parents of Shubhangi not  make  any  complaint
or FIR immediately after the recovery of her dead  body.  It  is  surprising
that nowhere in the case of the prosecution this delay has been explained.

Secondly, the accused had put a very consistent story at all stages  of  the
case starting from the missing report to the Section 313  statement  without
any inconsistency. He states that on 26th August 2008 while  returning  from
Wadsa, he exhausted fuel in the bike so dropped his wife and  two  daughters
at HP Gas Agency to go back to get  fuel  from  the  petrol  pump.  When  he
returned  in  15-20  minutes,  there  was  no  sign  of  Shubhangi  and  two
daughters. This, to us, sounds a plausible story and  prosecution  has  done
nothing to really counter this version. The Sessions Judge found  that  this
story was unreliable as the accused had failed to put  on  record  the  bill
for the fuel which he went to fill  in  the  bike.  However,  we  find  this
reasoning far from the reality as it is well known that not to  many  people
would ask for receipts when  refueling  their  vehicles  in  India  and  the
accused may not have expected to do so.

With respect to the shifting of burden of proof on the  accused  to  explain
the happening of 26 August 2008, the prosecution has relied  on  the  motive
that accused-appellant was hoping to get Rs.2 lakhs from Shalinibai. But  as
we have already noted above, it is  logically  flawed  since  the  death  of
Shubhangi would not make  accused-appellant  a  rightful  claimant  of  that
amount. Moreover, this motive  does  not  explain  the  murder  of  the  two
daughters. Lack of justified motive would adversely affect the case  of  the
prosecution as the present case is solely based on circumstantial evidence.

Further, we find no merit in the Trial  Court's  reasoning  in  finding  the
facts that accused asked his colleague to  prepare  dinner,  filing  missing
report on the next morning and leaving  the  family  at  HP  Gas  Agency  as
incriminating pieces of evidence. The accused could have  asked  his  friend
and colleague to prepare dinner in normal course as he would have  got  late
in returning from Wadsa. Further, it was but  natural  for  the  accused  to
search and try to find out his  family  even  before  he  would  go  to  the
police. We do not find it was unnatural to have registered a missing  report
the very next morning.  Also, leaving wife  and  two  daughters  at  HP  Gas
Agency is not so unusual and  would  depend  from  person  to  person.  With
respect to previous incidents, all that is proved is demand of dowry by  the
in-laws and the accused-appellant. The allegation  that  husband  would  not
sleep with the deceased wife when his  parents  would  visit,  is  the  only
allegation against the accused-appellant.

From the above discussion, we conclude that the prosecution has not  brought
any clinching evidence in support of last seen  together  theory  so  as  to
shift the burden of proof on the accused-appellant. In light  of  this,  the
prosecution has  evidently  failed  to  prove  the  guilt  of  the  accused-
appellant beyond doubt. Therefore, the appeal is allowed  and  the  judgment
and order passed by the High Court as  also  by  the  Trial  Court  are  set
aside. The appellant is directed to be released forthwith  if  not  required
in connection with any other case.

                                              (Pinaki Chandra  Ghose)

                                              (N.V. Ramana)

New Delhi;
March 11, 2015.

ITEM NO.1B               COURT NO.12               SECTION IIA
(For judgment)
               S U P R E M E  C O U R T  O F  I N D I A
                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

                     Criminal Appeal  No(s).  2224/2011

ASHOK                                              Appellant(s)


STATE OF MAHARASHTRA                               Respondent(s)

Date : 11/03/2015      This appeal was called on for pronouncement of
            judgment today.

For Appellant(s)       Mr. Gaurav Agrawal, Adv.

For Respondent(s)      Mr. Shankar Chillarge, Adv.
                       Mr. Aniruddha P. Mayee, Adv.

      Hon'ble Mr. Justice Pinaki Chandra  Ghose  pronounced  the  reportable
judgment of the Bench comprising His Lordship and Hon'ble Mr.  Justice  N.V.
      The appeal is allowed and the judgment and order passed  by  the  High
Court as also by the Trial Court are set aside.  The appellant  is  directed
to be released forthwith if not required in connection with any  other  case
in terms of the signed reportable judgment.

      (R.NATARAJAN)                                 (SNEH LATA SHARMA)
       Court Master                                    Court Master
            (Signed reportable judgment is placed on the file)

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