Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 4476 of 2016, Judgment Date: Apr 27, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.4476 OF 2016
                  [Arising out of SLP(C) No.34858 of 2014]

ASHOK KUMAR GIRI                                                  …APPELLANT


GOVT. OF INDIA AND ORS.                                         …RESPONDENTS

                                  O R D E R

Leave granted.

      Heard learned counsel for the appellant and  Mr.  N.K.  Kaul,  learned
Additional Solicitor General of India for the respondents.

      By the impugned order, the Division Bench of the High Court of  Patna,
while taking note of the fact, namely, the number of  vacancies  which  were
sought to be filled up at the instance of Respondent Nos.2 and 3,  took  the
view that based on the vacancies notified when the 3%  reservation  provided
for under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal  Opportunity,  Protection  of
Rights and Full Protection) Act, 1995, since it  worked  out  to  0.27  post
there was no scope to reserve any post under the said  category.  With  that
view, the Division Bench declined to grant any relief to  the  appellant  to
claim reservation as a disabled person falling under the definition  of  the
said Act. At the time, when this special leave  petition  was  moved  before
us, taking note of the  legal  position,  namely,  3%  reservation  for  the
disabled persons can only be at the first instance ascertained based on  the
cadre strength and not based on the  vacancies,  while  issuing  notice,  we
directed  the  parties  to  examine  the  said  legal  position.  In   fact,
subsequently, Mr. Kaul,  himself,  when  he  appeared  on  16.12.2015,  came
forward to examine the legal position in  the  light  of  Three-Judge  Bench
decision of this Court in Union of India and Another v. National  Federation
of the Blind and Others, reported in (2013) 10 SCC 772.

      Today, when this appeal was heard, the  learned  Additional  Solicitor
General fairly pointed out the ratio laid down by this Court as set  out  in
paragraph 30, which reads as under:-

“30. The question for determination raised  in  this  case  is  whether  the
reservation provided for the disabled persons under Section 33  of  the  Act
is dependent upon the identification of posts as stipulated by  Section  32.
In Ravi Prakash case, the Government of India sought to contend  that  since
they have conducted  the  exercise  of  identification  of  posts  in  civil
services in terms of Section 32 only in the year 2005, the  reservation  has
to be computed and applied only with reference to the  vacancies  filled  up
from 2005 onwards and not from 1996 when  the  Act  came  into  force.  This
Court, after examining the inter-dependence of  Sections  32  and  33  viz.,
identification of  posts  and  the  scheme  of  reservation,  rejected  this
contention and held as follows:-

“25. …The submission made on behalf of the  Union  of  India  regarding  the
implementation of the provisions of Section  33  of  the  Disabilities  Act,
1995, only after identification of  posts  suitable  for  such  appointment,
under Section 32 thereof, runs counter to the legislative intent with  which
the Act was enacted. To accept such a submission would amount  to  accepting
a situation where the provisions of Section 33 of the  aforesaid  Act  could
be kept deferred indefinitely by bureaucratic inaction. Such a  stand  taken
by the petitioners before the High Court was rightly rejected.  Accordingly,
the submission made on behalf of the Union of India that  identification  of
Groups A and B posts in the I.A.S. was undertaken after  the  year  2005  is
not of much substance.

26. As has been pointed out by  the  High  Court,  neither  Section  32  nor
Section 33 of the aforesaid Act makes any distinction with regard to  Groups
A, B, C and D posts. They only speak of identification  and  reservation  of
posts for people with disabilities, though the proviso to  Section  33  does
empower the appropriate Government to  exempt  any  establishment  from  the
provisions of the said Section, having regard to the type  of  work  carried
on in any department or establishment. No such exemption  has  been  pleaded
or brought to our notice on behalf of the petitioners.

27. It is only logical that, as provided in  Section  32  of  the  aforesaid
Act, posts have to be identified for reservation for the purpose of  Section
33, but such identification was meant to be simultaneously  undertaken  with
the coming into operation of the Act, to give effect to  the  provisions  of
Section 33. The legislature never intended the provisions of Section  32  of
the Act to be used as a tool to deny the benefits of  Section  33  to  these
categories of disabled persons indicated therein. Such a submission  strikes
at the foundation of the provisions relating  to  the  duty  cast  upon  the
appropriate Government to make appointments in every establishment.

      Xxx   xxx

29. While it cannot be denied that  unless  posts  are  identified  for  the
purposes of Section 33 of  the  aforesaid  Act,  no  appointments  from  the
reserved categories contained therein can be made, and that to  such  extent
the provisions of Section 33 are dependent on Section  32  of  the  Act,  as
submitted by the learned ASG, but the extent of  such  dependence  would  be
for the purpose of making appointments and not for  the  purpose  of  making
reservation. In other words, reservation under Section 33 of the Act is  not
dependent on identification, as urged on  behalf  of  the  Union  of  India,
though a duty  has  been  cast  upon  the  appropriate  Government  to  make
appointments in the number  of  posts  reserved  for  the  three  categories
mentioned in Section 33 of the Act in respect of persons suffering from  the
disabilities spelt out therein. In fact, a situation has also  been  noticed
where on account of non-availability of  candidates  some  of  the  reserved
posts could remain vacant in a given year. For meeting  such  eventualities,
provision was made to carry forward  such  vacancies  for  two  years  after
which they would lapse. Since in the instant case such a situation  did  not
arise and posts were not reserved under Section 33 of the Disabilities  Act,
1995, the question of carrying forward of vacancies or lapse  thereof,  does
not arise.

      Xxx   xxx  xxx

31. We, therefore, see no reason to interfere with the judgment of the  High
Court  impugned  in  the  Special  Leave  Petition  which  is,  accordingly,
dismissed with costs. All interim orders are vacated.  The  petitioners  are
given eight weeks’ time from today to give effect to the directions  of  the
High Court.”

      Having regard to the said authoritative pronouncement  by  this  Court
that 3% reservation for differently abled persons will have to  be  computed
on the basis of total vacancies of the cadre and not on  the  basis  of  the
vacancies  available  in  the  identified  post,  namely,  at  the  time  of
notification calling for  applications  to  fill  up  the  available  vacant
vacancies, it is imperative for the High Court to examine the said  position
by applying the various deliberations  and  reasoning  drawn  in  the  above
decision of this Court and also by calling upon the parties, in  particular,
the respondents herein to furnish the details as regards the cadre  strength
and the available vacancies, if any, to be provided for  in  the  respective
reserved posts. In the light of above judgment,  based  on  such  additional
information to be furnished by the respondents as well  as  any  information
to be furnished on behalf of the appellant, it will be appropriate  for  the
Division Bench to  come  to  a  definite  conclusion,  whether  or  not  the
appellant will be entitled  for  any  relief  to  be  granted  in  the  writ

      Therefore, while setting aside the impugned judgment, remit  the  case
back to the High Court for deciding the writ petition afresh, in  the  light
of the judgment of this Court referred to above.

       With  the  above  observations  and  directions,  the  appeal  stands
disposed of.

                                          [Fakkir Mohamed Ibrahim Kalifulla]

                                                                [S.A. Bobde]
New Delhi;
April 27, 2016

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