Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 2714-2721 of 2012, Judgment Date: Feb 18, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                     CIVIL APPEAL NO(S). 2714-2721/2012

ASHOK KUMAR & ANR. ETC.                                       Appellants(s)


STATE OF HARYANA                                              Respondent(s)


                         CIVIL APPEAL NO. 1527/2016
               (Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 12495/2015)

                               J U D G M E N T


Leave granted in Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 12495 of 2015

 Around 46.93 acres of  Land  was  acquired  by  the  respondent-  State  of
Haryana initiating the proceedings by Notification dated  19.09.1983  issued
under  Section  4  of  the  Land  Acquisition  Act,  1894.  The  purpose  of
acquisition is residential and  commercial  for  Panchkula,  Sector-21.  The
acquired  property  is  in  Village  Fatehpur.  In  respect  of   the   same
development, we have seen that this  court  in  many  cases  has  based  the
fixation of the land value based on  acquisition  proceedings  initiated  in
1981 in Village Judian. Those properties in village  Judian  had  access  to
State Highway and the value fixed by this Court  is  Rs.  250/-  per  square
yard. In respect of properties situated in  the  adjoining  village  of  the
appellants namely, Devi Nagar, we have fixed land value at the rate  of  Rs.
250/- per square yard that was the acquisition initiated in  the  year  1987
and that property had extensive national highway frontage.

Learned counsel for the appellants  submitted  that  in  all  the  adjoining
villages for the properties  acquired  for  the  same  purpose,  this  court
having fixed the land value at Rs. 250/- per  square  yard  and  above,  the
appellants may also be granted the same value.

Shri Sanjay  Kumar  Tyagi,  learned  Additional  Advocate  General  for  the
respondent- State of Haryana however points out that even according  to  the
appellants, their claim was only Rs.125/- per square yard and  in  any  case
the land of the appellants does not have the same  advantage  when  compared
to other properties for which  this  court  had  fixed  the  land  value  at
Rs.250/- per square yard and above.
Learned counsel appearing for the appellants however points out that in  the
matter of fixation of just and fair compensation, the Court is not bound  by
claim  made  by  the  owner.  It  is  for  the  Court,  in  the  facts   and
circumstances of each case, to award just and fair compensation.
Prior to amendment Act 68 of 1984, the amount of compensation that could  be
awarded by the Court was limited to the amount  claimed  by  the  applicant.
Section 25 read as under -

“Section 25. Rules as to amount of compensation -

(1) When the applicant has made a claim to  compensation,  pursuant  to  any
notice given under Section 9, the amount awarded to him by the  court  shall
not exceed the amount so claimed or be less than the amount awarded  by  the
Collector under Section 11.

(2) When the applicant has  refused  to  make  such  claim  or  has  omitted
without sufficient reason (to be allowed by the Judge) to make  such  claim,
the amount awarded by the court shall in no case exceed the  amount  awarded
by the Collector.

(3) When the applicant has omitted for a sufficient reason  (to  be  allowed
by the Judge) to make such claim, the amount awarded to  him  by  the  court
shall not  be  less  than,  and  may  exceed,  the  amount  awarded  by  the

The amended Section 25 reads as under:

“Section 25. Amount of compensation awarded by Court not to  be  lower  than
the amount awarded by the Collector- The amount of compensation  awarded  by
the Court shall not be less than the amount awarded by the  Collector  under
Section 11.”

The amendment has come into effect on 24.09.1984.

The pre-amended provision put a cap on  the  maximum;  the  compensation  by
court should not be beyond the amount claimed. The  amendment  in  1984,  on
the contrary, put a cap on the minimum; compensation  cannot  be  less  that
what was awarded by the Land  Acquisition  Collector.  The  cap  on  maximum
having been expressly omitted, and the cap that is put is only  on  minimum,
it is clear that the amount of compensation that a court  can  award  is  no
longer restricted to the amount claimed by the applicant. It is the duty  of
the Court to award just and fair compensation taking into consideration  the
true market value and other relevant  factors,  irrespective  of  the  claim
made by the owner.
Although in the context of the Motor  Vehicles  Act,  1988,  this  Court  in
Sanjay Batham v. Munna Lal Parihar[1] held that -
“17. It is true that in the petition filed by him under  Section 166 of  the
Act, the Appellant had claimed compensation of Rs. 4,20,000/- only,  but  as
held in Nagappa v. Gurudayal Singh, (2003) 2 SCC 274, in the absence of  any
bar in the Act, the Tribunal and for that  reason  any  competent  Court  is
entitled to award higher compensation to the victim of an accident.”

In Bhag Singh and Others v. Union Territory  of  Chandigarh[2],  this  Court
held that there may be situations where the amount higher than  claimed  may
be awarded to the claimant. The Court observed –

“3. … It must be remembered that this was not a dispute between two  private
citizens where it  would  be  quite  just  and  legitimate  to  confine  the
claimant to the claim made by him and not to award  him  any  higher  amount
than that claimed though even in such a case there may be  situations  where
an amount higher than that claimed can be awarded to  the  claimant  as  for
instance where an amount is claimed as due at the foot of an  account.  Here
was a claim  made  by  the  appellants  against  the  State  Government  for
compensation for acquisition of their land and under the law, the State  was
bound to pay to the appellants compensation  on  the  basis  of  the  market
value of the land acquired and if according to the judgments of the  learned
single Judge and the Division Bench, the market value of the  land  acquired
was higher than that awarded  by  the  Land  Acquisition  Collector  or  the
Additional District Judge, there is no  reason  why  the  appellants  should
have been denied the benefit of payment of the market value  so  determined.
To deny this benefit to the appellants would tantamount  to  permitting  the
State Government to acquire the land of the appellants on  payment  of  less
than the true market value. There may  be  cases  where,  as  for  instance,
under' agrarian reform legislation, the holder of  land  may,  legitimately,
as a matter of social justice with a view to  eliminating  concentration  of
land in the hands of a few and bringing about  its  equitable  distribution,
be deprived of land which is not  being  personally  cultivated  by  him  or
which is in excess of the ceiling area with payment of  little  compensation
or no compensation at all,  but  where  land  is  acquired  under  the  Land
Acquisition Act, 1894, it would not be fair and just to deprive  the  holder
of his land without payment of the true market value when  the  law,  in  so
many terms, declares that he shall be paid such market value. …”

In Krishi Utpadan Mandi Samiti v. Kanhaiya  Lal[3],  this  Court  held  that
under the amended provisions of Section 25 of the Act, the Court  can  grant
a higher compensation than claimed by the applicant in his pleadings -

“17. Award being in this case between the dates 30th April,  1982  and  24th
September, 1984 and as per the Union of India and  Anr.  v.  Raghubir  Singh
(Dead) by LRs. etc. (Supra), the  amended  provisions  would  be  applicable
under which there is no restriction  that  award  could  only  be  upto  the
amount  claimed  by  the  claimant.  Hence   High   Court   order   granting
compensation more than what is claimed cannot  be  said  to  be  illegal  or
contrary to the provisions of the  Act.  Hence  the  review  itself,  as  is
confined for the aforesaid reasons, has no merit.”

Further, in Bhimasha v. Special Land Acquisition Officer  and  others[4],  a
three-Judge bench  reiterated  the  principle  in  Bhag  Singh  (supra)  and
rejected the contention that a  higher  compensation  than  claimed  by  the
owner in his pleadings cannot be awarded by the Court.  In  that  case,  the
High Court had concluded that although the market price of the land  was  Rs
66,550/- per acre, since the appellant had only claimed compensation at  the
rate of Rs. 58,500/- per acre in his pleadings, therefore he could  only  be
awarded compensation limited to his claim. This Court, while  reversing  the
decision of the High Court, awarded the petitioner the market  value,  i.e.,
Rs. 66,550/- per acre thereby holding that the award would  not  be  limited
to the claim made by him.

In the case of the appellants herein, it is an admitted  position  that  the
properties do not abut the national  highway.  Admittedly,  it  is  situated
about 375 yards away from the national highway and it appears that there  is
only  the  narrow  Nahan  Kothi  Road  connecting  the  properties  of   the
appellants to the national highway. Therefore,  it  will  not  be  just  and
proper to award land value of Rs.250/- per square yard, which is granted  to
the property in adjoining village. Having regard to the  factual  and  legal
position obtained above, we are of the considered view  that  the  just  and
fair compensation in the case of appellants would be Rs.  200/-  per  square

Therefore, these appeals are disposed off fixing the land value at Rs. 200/-
 per square yard and the appellants  shall  also  be  entitled  to  all  the
statutory benefits. The amount as above shall be paid  and  deposited  after
adjusting the deficit court fee, if any, before the Executing  Court  within
a period of three months from today.

                                                             (KURIAN JOSEPH)

                                                     (ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN)
FEBRUARY 18, 2016.
[1]    (2010) 11 SCC 665

[2]    (1985) 3 SCC 737
[3]    (2000) 7 SCC 756

[4]    (2008) 10 SCC 797


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