Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 245 of 2014, Judgment Date: Jan 15, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                       CONTEMPT PETITION NO 245 OF 2014


                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.6736 OF 2013

Anuj  Joshi & Anr.                                             ……Petitioners


Chief Conservator of Forests & Others                          ….Respondents

                                  O R  D E R

Uday Umesh Lalit J.

This contempt petition under Sections 2(3) and 15 of the Contempt  of  Court
Act, 1971 read with  Article  129  of  the  Constitution  of  India  alleges
violation of directions contained in judgment  and  order  dated  13.08.2013
passed by this Court in Alaknanda  Hydro  Power  Company  Limited  vs.  Anuj
Joshi and others[1] (C.A. No.6736/2013 with Civil  Appeal  No.6746-6747/2013
and Transferred Case No.55 to 57 of 2013).   Four  persons  are  arrayed  as
alleged  contemnors  in  this  petition.   However,  during  the  course  of
arguments, the petitioners gave up  their  case  against  alleged  contemnor
Nos.3 and 4.  We are also satisfied that no case is made  out  against  them
and as such  the  proceedings  against  them  are  dropped.   We  therefore,
confine ourselves in respect of alleged act of contempt on part  of  alleged
contemnor Nos.1 and 2.

In the judgment and order dated 13.08.2013 this  Court  had  passed  certain
directions in paragraph 51.  We may quote said paragraph 51 :
 “51. We are also deeply  concerned  with  the  recent  tragedy,  which  has
affected the Char Dham Area of Uttarakhand.  Wadia  Institute  of  Himalayan
Geology (WIG) recorded 350mm of rain on June 15-16,  2013.   Snowfall  ahead
of the cloudburst also has contributed to the floods resulting in the  burst
on the banks of Chorabari  lake  near  Kedarnath,  leading  to  large  scale
calamity leading to loss of human lives and property.   The  adverse  effect
of the existing projects, projects under construction and proposed,  on  the
environment and ecology calls  for  a  detailed  scientific  study.   Proper
Disaster Management Plan, it is seen, is also not  in  place,  resulting  in
loss of lives and property.  In view of the above  mentioned  circumstances,
we are inclined to give following directions:

(1)   We direct the MoEF as well as State of Uttarakhand not  to  grant  any
further environmental clearance or forest clearance  for  any  hydroelectric
power project in the State of Uttarakhand, until further orders.

(2)    MoEF  is  directed  to  constitute  an  Expert  Body  consisting   of
representatives  of  the  State   Government,   WII,   Central   Electricity
Authority, Central Water Commission  and  other  expert  bodies  to  make  a
detailed study as to  whether  Hydroelectric  Power  Projects  existing  and
under construction have contributed to  the  environmental  degradation,  if
so, to what extent and also  whether  it  has  contributed  to  the  present
tragedy occurred at Uttarakhand in the month of June, 2013.

(3)   MoEF is directed to examine, as noticed by WII in its  report,  as  to
whether the proposed 24 projects  are  causing  significant  impact  on  the
biodiversity of Alaknanda and Bhagirath River basins.

(4)   The Disaster Management Authority, Uttrarakhand would submit a  Report
to this Court as to whether they had any  Disaster  Management  Plan  is  in
place in the State of Uttarakhand  and  how  effective  that  plan  was  for
combating the present unprecedented tragedy at Uttarakhand.”

It is alleged in the present petition as under:

“That it has come to petitioners’ knowledge that forest land for  Vishnugad-
Pipalkoti  Project  has  been  transferred  to   Tehri   Hydro   Development
Corporation (THDC).  The current status  of  the  project  as  displayed  on
website of THDC states that “G.O. by GoUK  for  transfer  of  80.507  ha  of
forest  land  has  been  issued  vide  letter  dated  6th  December,  2013.”
According  to  news  report  dated  23.12.2013   work   contract   for   the
construction of Vishnugad-Pipalkoti  projects  has  been  awarded  recently.
These activities can be undertaken only  after  Government  of  Uttarakahand
issues Forest Clearance.  The  petitioner  has  sent  Right  to  Information
request for copies of Forest  Clearance  regarding  Vishnugad-Pipalkoti  and
Kotlibhel 1A to  Respondents  Nos  1,2  and  3  on  26.2.2013  which  remain
unreplied on the date of filing this petition.  Though Stage 1 and  Stage  2
Forest clearances were issued  to  the  Vishnugad-Pipalkoti  project  before
13.08.2013,  however,  State  Government  appears  to  have  issued   Forest
Clearance after 13.08.2013 which is in contempt  of  the  judgment  of  this
Hon’ble Court.”

4.    Insofar  as  the  aforesaid  alleged  violations  are  concerned,  the
following persons are arrayed as alleged contemnor Nos. 1 and 2:

1.     S.S.Sharma,  Principal   Chief   Conservator   of   Forests,   Forest
Department,  State of Uttarakhand, 85, Rajpur Road, Dehradun.

2.    R.S.T.Sai, Managing Director,  Tehri  Hydro  Development  Corporation,
Pragatipuram,  Rishikesh,  Uttarakhand.

    The respondent no.1  in  his  affidavit  in  reply  submitted  that  the
concerned  Vishnugad-Pipalkoti  Project  was  cleared  as  far  back  as  on
02.06.2006, that the documents annexed to the contempt  petition  themselves
show that Stage 1 clearance in respect of  80.507  Hectare  of  forest  land
(‘forest land’ for short) was accorded by  MoEF  on  03.06.2011  subject  to
fulfillment  of  certain  conditions  and  that  upon  compliance   of   the
conditions, final approval for transfer of forest land was accorded by  MoEF
on 25.04.2013.  It was further stated that  vide  letter  dated  06.12.2013,
the approval of diversion of  forest land  was  communicated  by  Additional
Secretary,  Uttarakhand  to  Additional  Chief   Conservator   of   Forests,
Uttarakhand  and  that  actual  approval  was  accorded  much   before   the
pronouncement of the judgment and order dated 13.08.2013. It  was  submitted
as under:

“That the projects mentioned in the petition  where  forest  land  allegedly
has been transferred to Hydro Projects  were  all  cleared  by  Ministry  of
Environment and Forests (MoEF) much before  the  judgment  dated  13.08.2013
was pronounced.   The  averments  made  by  the  petitioners  are  not  only
incorrect, untrue but are totally misleading and have been  made  with  sole
purpose to prejudice this Hon’ble Court against the  State  Government.   By
making false and misleading averments,  petitioner  has  indulged  in  gross
abuse of process of Court.  By making a misleading and  false  statement  in
the Court, the Petitioner has tried to sensationalize the issue making  this
Hon’ble Court to believe that State Government is flouting the  judgment  of
this Hon’ble Court.”

We have perused the record and heard Shri Bharat Jhunjhuwala, Applicant  No.
2 in support of  the  petition  and  Mr.  Amarendran  Saran  and  Mr.  Mohan
Parasaran, learned counsel for the respondents. The letter dated  06.12.2013
from  Additional  Secretary,  Uttarakhand  has   simply   communicated   the
conditions stipulated in the approval dated  28.05.2013.  The  approval  was
well before the judgment and order dated 13.08.2013.   Plainly,  the  letter
dated 06.12.2013 has not taken any decision after 13.08.2013 but has  merely
communicated the decision taken well before 13.08.2013.  There  is  thus  no
violation of any of the directions contained in para 51 of the judgment  and
order dated 13.08.2013.  Further, the  alleged  contemnor  no.1  has  simply
received  the  communication  dated   06.12.2013,   while   copy   of   that
communication  was  marked  to  General  Manager,  Tehri  Hydro  Development
Corporation Ltd.  In our view, the alleged contemnors Nos.1 and 2 could  not
be said to have committed any  violation  of  the  directions  contained  in
judgment and order dated 13.08.2013.

7.    We, therefore, dismiss this contempt petition.

                                                               (Dipak Misra)

                                                          (Uday Umesh Lalit)

      New Delhi
January 15, 2016

1A-For Order             COURT NO.09               SECTION X

               S U P R E M E  C O U R T  O F  I N D I A
                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

 CONMT.PET.(C) No. 245/2014 In C.A. No. 6736/2013

ANUJ JOSHI & ANR                               Petitioner(s)


CHIEF CONSERVATOR OF FORESTS & ORS                 Respondent(s)

Date : 15/01/2016 This petition was called on for pronouncement of ORDER

For Petitioner(s)
                     Mrs. Santosh Singh,Adv.

For Respondent(s)       Mr. Amit Anand Tiwari, Adv.
                        Mr. Abhinav Raghuvanshi, Adv.
                        Mr. Abhinandan Banerjee, Adv.

      Hon'ble Mr. Justice Uday Umesh  Lalit  pronounced  the  order  of  the
Bench comprising Hon'ble Mr. Justice Dipak Misra and His Lordship.
      Contempt petition is dismissed in terms of the  signed  non-reportable

        (VINOD KUMAR)                    (MALA KUMARI SHARMA)
         COURT MASTER                        COURT MASTER
             (Signed Non-Reportable order is placed on the file)
[1]     (2014)1 SCC 769

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