Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Crl.), 533 of 2017, Judgment Date: Apr 12, 2017


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA


                       CRIMINAL APPEAL NO(S). 533/2017

ANANT SINGH @ ANANT KUMAR SINGH                                APPELLANT(S)


THE STATE OF BIHAR AND ORS                                    RESPONDENT(S)

                               J U D G M E N T


1.    The present appeal arises out of a preventive  detention  order  dated
21.9.2016 by which the appellant was preventively detained under  the  Bihar
Control of Crimes Act, 1981 (“the Act” for short) for the maximum period  of
one year.  The facts relevant to decide this appeal are as follows:

2.    The appellant  is  alleged  to  be  a  history-sheeter  who  has  been
involved in at least 31 grave crimes –  many  of  them  murder,  attempt  to
murder and kidnapping.  He has been in jail since  24.6.2015  in  connection
with these crimes.  A preventive detention order dated  5.9.2016  was  first
passed against the appellant under section 12(2) of the  aforesaid  Act.   A
representation against the aforesaid order was also made  by  the  appellant
on 12.9.2016, but for want of State  Government  approval  within  the  time
specified under the said Act,  the  order  was  rendered  ineffective  “with
effect from today”.  This was, in fact, stated to be so by  an  order  dated
17.9.2016, which  “revoked” the said detention order  As this was the  case,
the present detention order was passed on 21.9.2016.   It  is  not  disputed
that this order has been passed on the self same grounds as the order  dated
5.9.2016 with certain other grounds that  have  arisen,  all  of  which  are
prior to 17.9.2016.  This order was approved by the Under Secretary  to  the
State Government on 26.9.2016.  A representation was made  to  the  District
Magistrate dated 28.9.2016 who acts under delegated power  under  the  State
Government.  This representation was rejected  on  6.10.2016  by  the  under
Secretary  to  the  Government  of  Bihar.   On  the  very  date,  a  second
representation  was  sent,  this  time  to  the  State   Government.    This
representation has not  been  adverted  to  or  disposed  of  by  the  State
Government.  On 20.10.2016, the Advisory Board,  constituted  under  Section
18 of the Act, stated that the grounds of detention were made out under  the
Act, and finally on 25.10.2016, the second order of detention was  confirmed
by the State  Government.  A  writ  petition  was  filed  by  the  appellant
challenging the aforesaid order.  By the impugned judgment dated  18.1.2017,
it was held that the appellant was a history-sheeter with  a  long  standing
record of criminal antecedents and involved in grave  offences  even  though
he is acquitted in 18 of 31 cases.  There are at least  13  cases  including
serious offences in which, apart from other cases, he is facing  trial.   It
was further found that this is not a  case  where  the  detention  order  is
passed on stale grounds.  It was  also  held  that  this  order  was  passed
“apart from old cases other than cases in the grounds justifying  detention”
including 3 recent entries which are called “sanhas”  entries  in  different
police stations with regard to the  appellant's  conduct.   It  was  further
held that the appellant's representation made to  the  State  Government  on
6.10.2016 not having been disposed of  can make no  difference  inasmuch  as
this representation and the first representation are virtually  the  same  –
the first representation had been considered and rejected.  The  Court  held
that the first was considered by the District Magistrate who opined that  it
ought to be rejected, and this  was  considered  by  the  State  Government,
which took the same  view.   It  was  also  held  that  no  mala-fides  were
involved, and the plea that  the  appellant  was  not  informed  as  to  the
authority to whom he  should  make  the  representation,  was  dismissed  by
stating that the detention  order  itself  stated  that  it  could  be  made
through the Jail  Superintendent.   The  appellant  states  that  he  is  an
illiterate person who cannot read and write but is advised by   well-wishers
and lawyers who are well informed, and that since, through his advisors,  he
has made a representation that was rejected,  no  prejudice  was  caused  to
him.  The Division Bench found no  infirmity  or  illegality  in  the  order

3.    Mr. U.R. Lalit, learned senior counsel  appearing  on  behalf  of  the
appellant, has argued five points before us.   According  to  him  when  the
first preventive detention  order  namely,  5th  September,  2016  has  been
“revoked”, the second order can only be passed on fresh grounds which  arise
after the order of revocation, namely  after  17.9.2016.   Since  it  is  an
admitted case that the grounds on which the 21.9.2016 order passed, are  all
prior to this date, there is a direct infraction of  Section  23(2)  of  the
Act, and that therefore this itself would be sufficient to render  the  said
detention order illegal.  He raised four other points – that the order  does
not mention the authority to whom the representation  is  to  be  made,  and
that this would violate both Article 22(5) of the Constitution  and  Section
17 of the Act.  He  cited  a  number  of  authorities  in  support  of  this
proposition.  He also argued that since the appellant was  already  in  jail
for over a year before the preventive detention order was passed, the  basic
requirements of Section 12(1) of the Act were  not  met,  namely,  that  the
State Government must not only be satisfied, with respect to a person,  with
a view to prevent such person from acting in any manner prejudicial  to  the
public order, but that it must further be satisfied that there is reason  to
fear that  the  activities  of  anti-social  elements  cannot  be  prevented
otherwise than by the immediate arrest of such  person.        According  to
him, a person already having been arrested does not satisfy the second  part
of Section 12(1) of the Act, and the order  would  therefore  fail  on  this
ground also.  Two other grounds  were  raised,  namely,  that  the  District
Magistrate has acted contrary to Section 12(3) of the Act read with  Section
21 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 and that the State  Government  has  not
at all dealt with the second representation made to  it  on  6.10.2016,  and
that this would also be fatal to the impugned order.

4.    Mr. R.  Basant,  learned  senior  counsel  appearing  for  the  State,
countered each one of the aforesaid submissions.  He began by  handing  over
to us two lists – one of pending cases which were against the appellant  and
another list of 18 acquittals.  According to him both these lists show  that
the appellant is a desperate criminal who has been able to get  out  of  the
clutches of the law in that either witnesses of  the  prosecution  have  not
turned up at all, or or they invariably turned hostile.  All the  acquittals
are on this basis, and it is  reasonably  apprehended  that  even  in  other
cases, the same result will ensue.   He  also  adverted  to  the  definition
contained in Section 2(d) of  the  Act  namely,  “anti-social  element”  and
stated that even in jail, such person could be an anti-social element as  he
could be a member or leader of the gang who habitually commits  or  attempts
to commits or abets the crime of an offence punishable under Chapter XVI  or
XVII of the Penal Code.  The appellant could continue to conspire and  carry
on with his nepharious activities even when in jail.  He  further  countered
the other  submissions  as  well  stating  that  at  least  insofar  as  the
representation to the authority not being named is concerned,  no  prejudice
was caused to the appellant, inasmuch as the Jail  Superintendent,  to  whom
he was to send his representation would forward it to the  State  Government
in any case.  Also the appellant was not in any doubt as to which  authority
he has to make a representation.  In fact, he made a representation  to  the
District Magistrate and that this really is a technical ground  without  any
substance.  He also stated, relying upon  the  judgment  of  this  Court  in
Rameshwar Shaw Vs. District Magistrate Burdwan & Anr. reported in  AIR  1964
SC 334, paragraph 12 in particular, that the  detention  order  specifically
states that it is apprehended that the accused  may  be  released  from  the
jail at any time, as in fact he was so released, having been given  bail  by
a subsequent order, and may again commit such serious crimes  in  the  urban
and rural areas of Patna district, and that this ground therefore  does  not
avail the appellant. So far as the District Magistrate  acting  contrary  to
section 12(3) of the Act is concerned, according  to  the  learned  counsel,
this ground also does not obtain and has not been raised earlier.   He  also
supported the High Court  judgment  insofar  as  the  State  Government  not
dealing with the second representation is concerned.  According to  him,  it
was  almost  identical  with  the  first  representation,  and   the   first
representation has been fully  dealt  with  in  the  rejection  order  dated
6.10.2016 by the State Government.

5.    We must first set out the relevant provisions of the Act,  which  read
as follows:

“2. (d) “ Anti-Social element” means a person who –
(i)   either by himself or as a member of or leader of  a  gang,  habitually
commits or attempt to commit or abets the commission of offences  punishable
under Chapter XVI or Chapter XVII of the Indian Penal Code; or


12. Power to make order detaining certain persons.-(1) The State  Government
may, if satisfied with respect to any person that with a view to  preventing
him from acting in any manner  prejudicial  to  the  maintenance  of  public
order and there is  reason  to  fear  that  the  activities  of  anti-social
elements can not be prevented otherwise than  by  the  immediate  arrest  of
such person, make an  order  directing  that  such  anti-social  element  be

(2) If, having regard to the circumstances prevailing or likely  to  prevail
in any area within the local  limits  of  the  jurisdiction  of  a  District
Magistrate, the State Government is satisfied that it  is  necessary  so  to
do, it may by an order in writing direct, that during such period as may  be
specified in the order, such District Magistrate may also, if  satisfied  as
provided in sub-section (1) exercise the powers conferred upon by  the  said

Provided that the period specified in an order made by the State  Government
under this sub-section  shall  not,  in  the  first  instance  exceed  three
months, but the State Government may, if satisfied as aforesaid that  it  is
necessary so to do, amend such order to extend  such  period  from  time  to
time by any period not exceeding three months at any one time.

(3) When any order is  made  by  District  Magistrate,  he  shall  forthwith
report the fact to the State Government together with the grounds  on  which
the order has been made, and such other  particulars  as,  in  his  opinion,
have a bearing on the matter, and no such order shall remain  in  force  for
more than 12 days after the making thereof unless, in the meantime,  it  has
been approved by the State Government:

Provided  that  where  under  Section  17  the  grounds  of  detention   are
communicated by the officer making the order after five days but  not  later
than ten days from the date  of  detention,  this  sub-section  shall  apply
subject to the modification that, for the words  "twelve  days",  the  words
"fifteen days" shall be substituted.
17. Grounds of order of detention to be disclosed to person affected by  the
order.-(1) When a person is detained in pursuance of a detention order,  the
authority making the order shall, as soon as  may  be,  but  ordinarily  not
later than five days and in exceptional circumstances and for reasons to  be
recorded in writing, not later than ten days from  the  date  of  detention,
communicate to him the grounds on which the order has been  made  and  shall
afford him the earliest opportunity of making a representation  against  the
order to the State Government.

(2) Nothing in sub-section (1)  shall  require  the  authority  to  disclose
facts which it considers to be against the public interest to disclose.

23. Revocation of detention orders.-(1) Without prejudice to  the  provision
of Section 21 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 (10  of  1897),  a  detention
order may, at any time, be revoked or modified –

(i) notwithstanding that the order has been made by an officer mentioned  in
sub-section(2) of Section 12, or by  the  State  Government  to  which  that
officer is subordinate.

(2) The revocation or expiry of a detention order shall not bar  the  making
of a fresh detention order under Section 12 against the same person  in  any
case where fresh facts have arisen after the date of  revocation  or  expiry
on which the State Government or an officer mentioned in sub-section (2)  of
Section 12, as the case may be, is satisfied that such an  order  should  be

6.    Since, according to us, Mr. Lalit is  on  firm  ground  on  the  first
point that he has raised before us, we do not propose to go into any of  the
other points.

7.    As has been stated hereinabove, the second order  of  detention  dated
21.9.2016 is passed only on grounds  which  arose  prior  to  the  order  of
revocation dated 17.9.2016, it would fall foul of Section 23(2) of the  Act.
 Mr. Lalit relied heavily upon the judgment of this Court in Hadibandhu  Das
vs. District Magistrate, Cuttack & Another 1969 (1) SCR 227  in  support  of
the  proposition  that  the  expression  “revocation”  is  not  be  narrowly
construed, and would include any detention order, whether legal or  illegal;
and whether it has lapsed  by  time  or  has  otherwise  not  complied  with
statutory requirements, which would include technical  defects.   He  stated
that this judgment has been repeatedly followed.  On  the  other  hand,  Mr.
Basant submitted before us, relying upon a Federal  Court  judgment  and  an
earlier Constitution Bench judgment of this Court in Jagdev Singh vs.  State
of Jammu & Kashmir AIR 1968 SC 327 that if a detention order  fails  because
of technical defects, the self same grounds can always be  utilised  in  the
second detention order.

8.    In  Hadibandhu Das vs. District Magistrate,  Cuttack  &  Another  1969
(1) SCR 227 (supra) a second  order  of  detention  had  been  passed  after
revocation of the first order dated 20.1.1968.  This was  done  because  the
said order had not been valid for want of service within 5 days as  provided
in Section 7(1) of the Preventive Detention Act of  1950.   Learned  counsel
for the State of Orissa contended that, under a pari  materia  provision  to
Section 21(3) of the Bihar Act, namely,  Section  13(2)  of  the  Preventive
Detention Act, 1950 the expression “revocation” would  not  cover  detention
orders which fail because of technical defects.  The Federal Court  judgment
relied upon by Mr. Basant before us was considered by this judgment in  some
detail (at page 232 and 233).  Negativing  the  State  of  Orissa  counsel's
case, the Constitution Bench of this Court held:

“Counsel for the State of Orissa contended that the detaining  authority  is
prevented from making a fresh  order  on  the  same  grounds  on  which  the
original order which had been revoked was made, provided the  order  revoked
was a valid order initially  and  had  not  become  illegal  on  account  of
failure to  comply  with  statutory  provisions  like  s.7  or  s.9  of  the
Preventive Detention Act.  Counsel says that the order which is  illegal  or
has become illegal is not required to  be  revoked,  for  it  has  no  legal
existence, and a formal order of revocation of a previous  order  which  has
no legal existence does not fall within the terms of s.13(2).   He  strongly
relies in support of this argument upon s.13(2) as it stood  before  it  was
amended by Act 61 of 1952:

The revocation of a detention order shall not bar  the  making  of  a  fresh
detention order under section 3 against the same person”

“The phraseology of sub-s. (2) of s. 13 before it was amended  was  explicit
: there was no bar against a detaining authority making  a  fresh  order  of
detention after revoking a  previous  order  based  on  the  same  or  other
grounds. It contained no implication that a fresh order may be made only  if
it was founded on fresh grounds.

      Counsel also relied in support of his argument upon  the  decision  of
the Federal Court in Basanta Chandra Ghose v.  King  Emperor  [1945]  F.C.R.
81; Naranjan Singh Nathawan v.  The  State  of  Punjab  [1952]  S.C.R.  395;
Shibban Lal Saksena v. The State of Uttar Pradesh and others  [1954]  S.C.R.
418. In Basanta Chandra Ghose’s case (supra) an order was made under  r.  26
of the Defence of India Rules on March 19, 1942. The order  was  revoked  on
July 3, 1944, and a fresh order for detention of the detenue was  passed  on
that very date under Ordinance III of 1944. It was urged on  behalf  of  the
detenue that the authority was  debarred,  except  on  fresh  grounds,  from
passing a fresh order of detention after cancellation of an  earlier  order,
and the High Court was not justified in presuming that fresh materials  must
have existed when the order of July 1944 was  made.  Spens,  C.J.,  rejected
the contention. He observed in dealing with that ground:

"It may be that in cases in which it is open to the  Court  to  examine  the
validity of the  grounds  of  detention  a  decision  that  certain  alleged
grounds did not warrant a detention will preclude further detention  on  the
same grounds. But where the earlier order of  detention  is  held  defective
merely on formal grounds there is nothing to  preclude  a  proper  order  of
detention being based on the pre-existing grounds themselves, especially  in
cases in which the sufficiency of the  grounds  is  not  examinable  by  the

      That case arose from an order of  detention  under  Ordinance  III  of

      In two latter judgments of this Court  in  Naranjan  Singh  Nathawan’s
case (supra) and Shibban  Lal  Saksena’s  case  (surpa)  decided  under  the
Preventive Detention Act, 1950, it was ruled that where the  previous  order
was  revoked  on  grounds  of  irregularity  in  the  order,  the  detaining
authority was not debarred from making a  fresh  order  complying  with  the
requirements of law in that behalf.

      Relying upon these cases the Solicitor-General contended that  it  was
settled law before s.13(2) was amended by Act 61 of 1952  that  a  detaining
authority may issue a fresh order after revocation of an  earlier  order  of
detention if the previous order was  defective  in  point  of  form  or  had
become unenforceable in consequence of failure to comply with the  statutory
provisions of the Act, and that by the Amending Act it was  intended  merely
to affirm the existing state of law, and not to enact  by  implication  that
revocation of a defective or invalid  order  attracts  the  bar  imposed  by
s.13(2).  There is, in our judgment, nothing in the  language  used  by  the
Parliament which supports that  contention.   The  power  of  the  detaining
authority must be determined by  reference  to  the  language  used  in  the
statute and not be reference to  any  predilections  about  the  legislative
intent.  There is nothing in s.13(2) which  indicates  that  the  expression
“revocation” means only revocation of an order which is otherwise valid  and
operative : apparently it includes cancellation  of  all  orders-invalid  as
well as valid.  The Act authorises the executive to put severe  restrictions
upon the personal liberty of the citizens without even the  semblance  of  a
trial, and makes the subjective satisfaction of an  executive  authority  in
the first instance the sole test of competent exercise  of  power.   We  are
not concerned with the wisdom of the Parliament in enacting the Act;  or  to
determine whether circumstances exist which  necessitate  the  retention  on
the statute book of the Act which confers upon the  executive  extraordinary
power of detention for long period without trial.  But we would be loath  to
attribute to the plain words used by the Parliament a restricted meaning  so
as to make the power more harsh and its operation more stringent.  The  word
“revocation”  is  not,  in   our   judgment,   capable   of   a   restricted
interpretation  without  any  indication  by  the  Parliament  of  such   an

      Negligence or inaptitude  of  the  detaining  authority  in  making  a
defective order or in failing to comply with  the  mandatory  provisions  of
the Act may in some cases enure for the benefit of the detenue to  which  he
is not entitled.  But it must be remembered that the Act  confers  power  to
make a serious invasion upon the liberty of the citizens by  the  subjective
determination of facts by an executive authority,  and  the  Parliament  has
provided several safeguards against misuse of  the  power.   The  very  fact
that a defective order has been  passed,  or  that  it  has  become  invalid
because of default in strictly complying with the  mandatory  provisions  of
the law bespeaks negligence on the part of the detaining authority, and  the
principle underlying s.13(2) is, in our view, the outcome of  insistence  by
the Parliament that the detaining authority shall fully apply  its  mind  to
and comply with the requirements of  the  statute  and  of  insistence  upon
refusal to countenance slipshod exercise of power.

      Without, therefore, expressing any opinion  on  the  question  whether
the  order  passed  by  the  State  Government  on  January  28,  1968,  was
justified, we are  of  the  view  that  it  was  incompetent  by  virtue  of
sub.s.(2) of s.13 of the Preventive Detention Act, 1950.”

9.    This judgment has been followed repeatedly. In Har Jas Dev  Singh  Vs.
State of Punjab & Ors., 1973 (2) SCC 575 (paragraph 4) was a case  like  the
present of the detention order failing because of technical defects, and  in
Chhagan Bhagwan Kahar Vs. N.L. Kalna & Ors. reported in 1989 (2) SCC 318  at
paragraphs 7 and 12, this Court  went  even  further  and  stated  that  the
quashing of an order of detention by a court  would  also  fall  within  the
meaning of “revocation”.

10.   However, not to be deterred by this line  of  precedent,  Mr.  Basant,
learned senior counsel for the respondent stated that a  Constitution  Bench
judgment of this Court reported in AIR 1968 SC 327 (supra) which  was  under
the Defence of India Rules specifically stated as follows:

“(6). These cases certainly show that a fresh  order  of  detention  can  be
passed on the same facts, if for any reason the earlier order  of  detention
has to be revoked by the Government. Further we do not find anything in  the
Defence of India Act (hereinafter referred to as  the  Act)  and  the  Rules
which forbids the State Government to cancel  one  order  of  detention  and
pass another in its place. Equally we do not find anything  in  the  Act  or
the Rules which will bar the  Government  from  passing  a  fresh  order  of
detention on the same facts in case the earlier order of  detention  or  its
continuance is held to be defective  for  any  reason.  This  is  of  course
subject to the fact that the fresh order of detention  is  not  vitiated  by
mala fides. So normally a fresh order of detention  can  be  passed  on  the
same facts provided it is not mala fide, if  for  any  reason  the  previous
order of detention or its continuance  is  not  legal  on  account  of  some
technical defect as in the present cases.”

11.   According to Mr. Basant, this would directly cover his case,  and  not
being considered by the Constitution Bench judgment  in  1969  (1)  SCR  227
(supra), the ratio of this case ought to govern.  We find  it  difficult  to
agree with this contention.  First and foremost, the Defence of India  Rules
1962 did not have a pari materia provision to Section 23(2) of  the  Act  as
in the present case.  It was  in  this  context  that  it  was  stated  that
nothing barred the Government from passing a fresh  order  of  detention  on
the same facts, regard being had to the language of  the  Defence  of  India
Rules which did not contain any bar to the passing  of  a  second  detention
order on the same facts.  In any case  we  find  that  the  direct  judgment
which covers this case is the judgment of this Court in Hadibandhu Das  case
(supra) which, as has been stated earlier,  has  repeatedly  been  followed,
and, is therefore, the law declared by this Court  on  this  subject.   Shri
Basant then referred us to  the  language  of  Section  23(2),  namely,  the
expression “where fresh facts have arisen...”.  According to learned  senior
counsel, this expression would show that  these  facts  should  have  arisen
after the date of the first order of detention, and since facts have  arisen
after 5th September, 2016, the provisions of Section  23(2)  are  satisfied.
We are afraid that this submission goes contrary to the express language  of
Section  23(2).   The  expression  “where  fresh  facts  have  arisen..”  is
followed  by  “the  date  of  revocation  or  expiry....”.   Accepting  Shri
Basant's  submission  would  mean  that  we  have  to  substitute  the  last
expression with the words “the date of the detention  order”.   This  cannot
be done for two very good reasons.  First and foremost, the 1981  Act  being
a statute which provides for preventive detention, it has  to  be  construed
keeping the subject's liberty in mind, that  is,  it  has  to  be  construed
keeping Articles 21 and 22 of the Constitution in mind.   Here  no  supposed
object of the Act can be looked at to defeat the aforesaid Articles  of  the
Constitution particularly when the literal language of Section  23(2)  leads
only to the conclusion that it is the date of the revocation order  and  not
the  date  of  the  original  order  of  detention  that  is  referred   to.
Accordingly, even this contention is without substance.

12.   Accordingly, we set aside the judgment of the  High  Court  and  allow
the appeal of the appellant.  This  necessarily  means  that  the  detention
order dated 21.9.2016 is set aside.  The passing of this judgment  will  not
stand in the way of the State Government taking  any  other  action  against
the appellant which they can take in accordance with law.

                                                   [ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN]

                                                [MOHAN M. SHANTANAGOUDAR]
DATED; APRIL 12, 2017

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