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Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Crl.), 119-122 of 2017, Judgment Date: Jan 31, 2017

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                    CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS. 119-122 OF 2017

AJAY KUMAR GHOSHAL ETC.                                           …Appellant


STATE OF BIHAR & ANR.                                          ...Respondent

                               J U D G M E N T
These appeals are directed against the common final order  dated  28.08.2015
passed by the High Court of Judicature at  Patna  in  Criminal  Appeal  (SJ)
No.230 of 2015, Criminal Appeal (SJ) No.275 of 2015,  Criminal  Appeal  (SJ)
No.232 of 2015 and Criminal Appeal (SJ) No.243 of 2015   setting  aside  the
judgment of the trial court and  directing  the  retrial  of  Session  Trial
No.14 of 2008/637 of 2008 against the appellants.

2.    Briefly stated, case of the prosecution is that  on  15.05.2007,  Asim
Kumar Chatarjee (PW-5)  filed  a  complaint  before  the  Officer-in-Charge,
Tilakmanjhi, stating that his sister Bandhavi @ Bani Ghoshal was married  to
Raj Kumar son of Ajay Kumar Ghoshal on 03.02.2007 and at  the  time  of  her
marriage, the complainant gave cash and ornaments as per  his  capacity  and
all the usual gifts given in a marriage  to  the  accused-appellants.   PW-5
asserted that the husband, father-in-law and mother-in-law (Munmun  Ghoshal)
kept demanding dowry from his deceased sister  and  upon  his  inability  to
fulfill their demands, they in turn tortured Bandhavi Ghoshal  mentally  and
physically.  The  complainant  stated  that  on  15.05.2007,   he   received
information from Bhagalpur about the death of his sister  deceased  Bandhavi
@ Bani Ghoshal in her matrimonial home, in suspicious circumstances  and  he
went to Bhagalpur.  The complainant stated that he saw the dead body of  his
sister and noticed that her wrist veins were cut and her body had the  marks
of hanging, assault and electrocution.  On the basis of aforesaid,  FIR  was
registered under Section 304 (B), Section 34 IPC  at  Kotwali  (Tilkamanjhi)
P.S. Case No.281 of 2007.  After completion of  investigation,  the  charge-
sheet was filed against the appellants under Sections 302, 304B, 201,  498A,
120B IPC and Sections 3 and 4 of Dowry Prohibition Act.

3.    In order to prove guilt of the accused, the prosecution  has  examined
twelve  witnesses  and  exhibited  documents  and  material  objects.   Upon
consideration of evidence, the trial court vide judgment  dated  06.04.2015,
held that the prosecution  has  proved  the  guilt  of  the  accused  beyond
reasonable doubt  and  convicted  all  the  appellants/accused  persons,  by
judgment dated 09.04.2015.   For conviction under  Section  304B  read  with
Section 120B IPC, the trial court imposed sentence of imprisonment  for  ten
years on each of  the  appellants.   The  appellants  were  convicted  under
Section 201 IPC and were sentenced  to  undergo  rigorous  imprisonment  for
five years as well as fine of Rs.10,000/- each  with  default  sentence  and
rigorous imprisonment for two years for the conviction under  Section  4  of
Dowry Prohibition Act.

4.    Being aggrieved by the verdict of conviction and the sentence  imposed
upon them, the appellants/accused  preferred  separate  appeals  before  the
High Court.  Upon consideration of the contentions of the parties, the  High
Court in paras (29) and (30) of its judgment pointed out certain  lapses  on
the part of Investigating Officer/trial court and held that the trial  court
failed to take appropriate action on the  lapses.   After  quoting  relevant
extracts from the judgments in Mina Lalita Baruwa vs. State  of  Orissa  and
Ors. (2013) 16 SCC 173 and Nar Singh vs. State of Haryana (2015) 1 SCC  496,
 the High Court set aside  the  judgment  of  the  conviction  and  sentence
recorded by the trial court and the matter was remitted back  to  the  trial
court to proceed afresh  in  accordance  with  law.   Being  aggrieved,  the
accused-appellants have preferred these appeals.

5.    Learned counsel for the  appellants  submitted  that  the  High  Court
being the First Appellate Court should have appreciated the evidence on  its
own merits; instead it erred in remitting  the  matter  back  to  the  trial
court to proceed afresh and the order for de novo trial would cause  serious
prejudice to the accused-appellants.

6.    We have heard the learned counsel for the State  as  well  as  counsel
for the complainant i.e. brother  of  the  deceased  Asim  Kumar  Chatarjee.
Both of them submitted that the evidence available on record  is  sufficient
to sustain the conviction of the accused-appellants.

7.    We have carefully considered the rival  contentions  and  perused  the
impugned order and other materials on record.      The question falling  for
consideration  is  whether  there  was   serious   irregularities   in   the
prosecution   case   thereby   necessitating   retrial   and   whether   the
irregularities pointed out by the  High  Court  are  such  as  resulting  in
miscarriage of justice thereby constraining the High Court to set aside  the
judgment of the Sessions Court and direct for retrial.

8.     In para (29) of its judgment,  the High  Court  pointed  out  certain
lapses; but has not stated as to how such alleged  lapses  has  resulted  in
miscarriage of justice necessitating retrial.  Certain lapses either in  the
investigation or in the ‘conduct of trial’  are  not  sufficient  to  direct
retrial. The High Court being the First Appellate Court  is  duty  bound  to
examine  the  evidence  and  arrive  at  an  independent  finding  based  on
appraisal of such evidence and examine whether such lapses  actually  affect
the prosecution case; or such lapses have actually resulted  in  failure  of
justice.  The circumstances that should exist for  warranting  retrial  must
be such that whether the  trial  was  undertaken  by  the  court  having  no
jurisdiction or trial was vitiated by serious illegality or irregularity  on
account of misconception of nature of proceedings or that  irregularity  has
resulted in miscarriage of justice.

9.    The High Court copiously extracted the judgment in case of  Nar  Singh
vs. State of Haryana (2015) 1 SCC 496 to  remit  the  matter  to  the  trial
court for proceeding afresh.   In Nar Singh’s case,  some of  the  important
questions like Ballistic Report and  certain  other  incriminating  evidence
were not put to the accused and the same was not raised in the  trial  court
or in the High Court.  It  was  felt  that  the  accused  should  have  been
questioned on those incriminating evidence and circumstances;  or  otherwise
prejudice would be caused to  the  accused.   In  such  peculiar  facts  and
circumstances, Nar  Singh’s  case  was  remitted  to  the  trial  court  for
proceeding afresh from the stage of Section 313 Cr.P.C.  Be  it  noted  that
in Nar Singh’s case, this Court has referred to a catena of other  judgments
holding that omission to put certain questions to the accused under  Section
313 Cr.P.C. would not cause prejudice  to  the  accused.   It  depends  upon
facts and circumstances of each case and the nature of prejudice  caused  to
the accused.  In our view, the High Court has not properly  appreciated  Nar
Singh’s case where this Court laid down that the appellate court  can  order
for fresh trial from the stage of examination  under  Section  313  Cr.P.C.,
only  in  cases  where  failure  to  question   the   accused   on   certain
incriminating evidence has resulted in serious  prejudice  to  the  accused.
The High Court, in our view, has not properly  appreciated  the  ratio  laid
down in Nar Singh’s case and erred in  applying  the  same  to  the  present

10.   Section 386 Cr.P.C. deals with the  powers  of  the  appellate  court.
As per Section  386  (b)  Cr.P.C,  in  an  appeal  from  a  conviction,  the
appellate court may:-  (i) reverse the finding and sentence  and  acquit  or
discharge the accused, or order him to be re-tried by a Court  of  competent
jurisdiction subordinate to such Appellate Court or committed for trial,  or
(ii) alter the finding, maintaining the sentence, or (iii) with  or  without
altering the finding, alter the nature or the  extent,  or  the  nature  and
extent, of the sentence, but not so as to enhance the same.

11.   Though the word “retrial” is used  under  Section  386(b)(i)  Cr.P.C.,
the powers conferred by this clause is to be exercised only  in  exceptional
cases,  where  the  appellate  court  is  satisfied  that  the  omission  or
irregularity has occasioned in failure of justice.  The  circumstances  that
should exist for warranting a retrial must be such that where the trial  was
undertaken by the Court having no jurisdiction, or  trial  was  vitiated  by
serious illegality or  irregularity  on  account  of  the  misconception  of
nature of proceedings.  An order for retrial may be passed  in  cases  where
the original trial has not been satisfactory  for  some  particular  reasons
such as wrong admission  or  wrong  rejection  of  evidences  or  the  Court
refused to hear certain witnesses who were supposed to be heard.

12.   ‘De novo’ trial means a “new trial” ordered by an appellate  court  in
exceptional cases when the original trial failed to make a determination  in
a manner dictated by law.  The trial is conducted afresh by the court as  if
there had not been a trial in first instance.   Undoubtedly,  the  appellate
court has power to direct the lower court to hold ‘de novo’ trial.  But  the
question is when such power should be exercised.  As stated in  Pandit  Ukha
Kolhe vs. State of Maharashtra (1964) SCR 926, the Court held that:
“An order for retrial of a criminal case is made in exceptional  cases,  and
not unless the appellate court  is  satisfied  that  the  Court  trying  the
proceeding had no jurisdiction to try it or that the trial was  vitiated  by
serious illegalities or irregularities or on  account  of  misconception  of
the nature of the proceedings and on that account  in  substance  there  had
been no real trial or that the Prosecutor or an  accused  was,  for  reasons
over which he had no control, prevented from leading or  tendering  evidence
material to the charge, and in the interests of justice the appellate  Court
deems it appropriate, having regard to the circumstances of the  case,  that
the accused should be put on his trial again. An  order  of  re-trial  wipes
out from the record the earlier proceeding, and exposes the  person  accused
to another trial which affords the prosecutor an opportunity to rectify  the
infirmities disclosed in the earlier  trial,  and  will  not  ordinarily  be
countenanced when it is  made  merely  to  enable  the  prosecutor  to  lead
evidence which he could but has not cared  to  lead  either  on  account  of
insufficient appreciation of the nature of the case or for other reasons.”

13.   This Court, while dealing with the question  whether  the  High  Court
should have quashed the trial proceedings only on account of declaration  of
the legal position made by  the  Supreme  Court  concerning  the  procedural
aspect about the cases involving offences under the SC/ST  Act,  this  Court
stated, “a de novo trial should be the last resort and that  too  only  when
such a course becomes so desperately indispensable;  it  should  be  limited
to the extreme exigency to avert ‘a failure  of  justice’.   Observing  that
any omission or even the illegality in the procedure which does  not  affect
the core of the case is not a ground for ordering  a  de  novo  trial”.   In
State of M.P. vs. Bhooraji and Ors. (2001) 7 SCC 679, the Court went  on  to
say further as follows:
“8….This is because the appellate court has plenary powers  for  revaluating
and reappraising the evidence and even to take additional  evidence  by  the
appellate  court  itself  or  to  direct  such  additional  evidence  to  be
collected by the trial court.  But to replay the  whole  laborious  exercise
after erasing the bulky records relating  to  the  earlier  proceedings,  by
bringing down all the persons to the court  once  again  for  repeating  the
whole depositions would be a sheer waste of time, energy  and  costs  unless
there is miscarriage of justice otherwise. Hence, the  said  course  can  be
resorted to when it becomes unpreventable for the  purpose  of  averting  “a
failure of justice”.  The superior  court  which  orders  a  de  novo  trial
cannot afford to overlook the  realities  and  the  serious  impact  on  the
pending cases in trial courts which are crammed with dockets, and  how  much
that order would inflict hardship on many innocent  persons  who  once  took
all the trouble to reach the court and deposed their versions  in  the  very
same case.  To them and the public the  re-enactment  of  the  whole  labour
might give the impression that law is more pedantic than pragmatic.  Law  is
not an instrument to be used for inflicting sufferings  on  the  people  but
for the process of justice dispensation.”

14.   In Bhooraji’s case, the Court referred to Chapter  XXXV  of  the  Code
and,  particularly, Sections 461, 462  and  465  (1).   After  noticing  the
above provisions, the Court observed in paragraphs  (15)  and  (16)  of  the
order as follows:
“15. A reading of the section makes it clear that  the  error,  omission  or
irregularity in the proceedings held before or during the trial  or  in  any
enquiry  were  reckoned  by  the  legislature  as  possible  occurrences  in
criminal courts. Yet the legislature disfavoured axing down the  proceedings
or to  direct  repetition  of  the  whole  proceedings  afresh.  Hence,  the
legislature imposed a  prohibition  that  unless  such  error,  omission  or
irregularity has occasioned “a failure of justice” the superior court  shall
not quash the proceedings merely on the ground of such  error,  omission  or
16. What is meant by a failure of justice  occasioned  on  account  of  such
error, omission or irregularity? This Court has  observed  in Shamnsaheb  M.
Multtani vs. State of Karnataka {2001 (2) SCC 577} thus:

“23. We often hear about failure of justice and quite often  the  submission
in a criminal court is accentuated with the said expression. Perhaps  it  is
too pliable or facile an expression which could be fitted in  any  situation
of a case. The expression failure of justice would appear, sometimes, as  an
etymological chameleon (the simile is borrowed from  Lord  Diplock  in  Town
Investments Ltd. v. Deptt. of the Environment, 1977 (1) All E.R.  813).  The
criminal  court,  particularly  the  superior  court  should  make  a  close
examination to ascertain whether there was really a failure  of  justice  or
whether it is only a camouflage.”

15.    In  Gopi  Chand  vs.  Delhi  Administration  AIR  1959  SC   609,   a
Constitution Bench of this Court was concerned  with  the  criminal  appeals
wherein plea of the validity of the trial and of the  orders  of  conviction
and sentence was raised by  the  appellant.   That  was  a  case  where  the
appellant was charged for three offences which were required to be tried  as
a warrant case  by  following  the  procedure  prescribed  in  the  Code  of
Criminal Procedure, 1860 but he was tried  under  the  procedure  prescribed
for the trial of a  summons  case.   The  procedure  for  summons  case  and
warrants case was materially different.  The Constitution  Bench  held  that
having regard to the nature of the charges  framed  and  the  character  and
volume of evidence led,  the  appellant  was  prejudiced;  accordingly,  set
aside the orders of conviction and sentence and the Constitution Bench  held
as under:-
“29. ….the offences with which the Appellant stands charged are  of  a  very
serious nature; and though it is true that he has had to undergo the  ordeal
of a trial and has suffered rigorous imprisonment for some time  that  would
not justify his prayer that  we  should  not  order  his  retrial.   In  our
opinion, having regard to the gravity of the offences  charged  against  the
Appellant, the ends of justice require that we should direct that he  should
be tried for the said offences de novo according to  law.   We  also  direct
that the proceedings to be taken against the Appellant hereafter  should  be
commenced  without  delay  and  should  be  disposed  as  expeditiously   as

16.   In Zahira Habibulla H. Sheikh and Anr. vs. State of Gujarat  and  Ors.
(2004) 4 SCC 158, [Best  Bakery  case]  being  an  extraordinary  case,  the
Supreme Court was convinced that  the  witnesses  were  threatened  to  keep
themselves away from the Court and in such facts and  circumstances  of  the
case, not only the Court  directed  a  ‘de  novo’  trial  but  made  further
direction for appointment of the new prosecutor and retrial was directed  to
be held out of the State of Gujarat.  The law laid down in Best Bakery  case
for retrial was in the extraordinary circumstances  and  cannot  be  applied
for all cases.

17.   After considering the question a “speedy trial” and “fair trial” to  a
person accused of a crime and after referring to a catena of  decisions  and
observing that guiding factor for retrial must always be demand of  justice,
in Mohd. Hussain @ Julfikar Ali vs. State (Govt. of NCT of Delhi)  (2012)  9
SCC 408, this Court held as under:-

“41. ‘Speedy trial’ and ‘fair trial’ to a person  accused  of  a  crime  are
integral part of Article 21.   There  is,  however,  qualitative  difference
between the right to speedy trial and the accused’s  right  of  fair  trial.
Unlike the accused’s right of  fair  trial,  deprivation  of  the  right  to
speedy trial does not per se prejudice the  accused  in  defending  himself.
The right to speedy trial is in its very nature relative.  It  depends  upon
diverse circumstances.  Each case of  delay  in  conclusion  of  a  criminal
trial has to be seen in the facts and  circumstances  of  such  case.   Mere
lapse of several years since the commencement of prosecution by  itself  may
not justify the discontinuance of prosecution or  dismissal  of  indictment.
The factors concerning the accused’s  right  to  speedy  trial  have  to  be
weighed vis-à-vis the impact of the crime on society and the  confidence  of
the people in judicial system.  Speedy trial secures rights  to  an  accused
but it does not preclude the rights  of  public  justice.   The  nature  and
gravity of crime, persons involved, social impact and  societal  needs  must
be weighed along with the right of an accused to speedy  trial  and  if  the
balance tilts in favour of the  former  the  long  delay  in  conclusion  of
criminal trial should not operate against the  continuation  of  prosecution
and if the right of accused in the facts and circumstances of the  case  and
exigencies of situation tilts the balance in  his  favour,  the  prosecution
may be brought to an end.  These principles must  apply  as  well  when  the
appeal court is confronted with the question whether or not  retrial  of  an
accused should be ordered.

42. The appellate court  hearing  a  criminal  appeal  from  a  judgment  of
conviction has power to order the retrial of the accused under  Section  386
of the Code.  That is clear  from  the  bare  language  of  Section  386(b).
Though such power exists, it should not be exercised in  a  routine  manner.
A ‘de novo trial’ or retrial is not the second trial; it is continuation  of
the same trial and same prosecution.  The guiding factor  for  retrial  must
always be demand of justice.  Obviously, the exercise of  power  of  retrial
under  Section  386(b)  of  the  Code,  will  depend  on   the   facts   and
circumstances of each case  for  which  no  strait  jacket  formula  can  be
formulated but the appeal  court  must  closely  keep  in  view  that  while
protecting the right of an accused  to  fair  trial  and  due  process,  the
people who seek protection of law do not lose hope in legal system  and  the
interests of the society are not altogether overlooked.”

18.   As discussed earlier, the High Court has  not  shown  as  to  how  the
alleged lapses pointed out by the High Court have  resulted  in  miscarriage
of  justice.       When  the  accused  prefers  an  appeal   against   their
conviction and sentence, the appellate court is duty bound to  consider  the
evidence on record  and  independently  arrive  at  a  conclusion.   In  our
considered view, the High Court erred in remitting the matter  back  to  the
trial court for fresh trial and the impugned order cannot be sustained.

19.   In the result, the impugned judgment of the High Court  is  set  aside
and these appeals are allowed.  The matter is  remitted  back  to  the  High
Court for consideration of the matter afresh.  The High Court  shall  afford
sufficient opportunity to the accused-appellants  and  the  prosecution  and
also to the informant Asim  Kumar  Chatarjee-brother  of  the  deceased  (in
terms of Section 301  Cr.P.C.)   and  proceed  with  the  matter  afresh  in
accordance with law.  We make it  clear  that  we  have  not  expressed  any
opinion on the merits of the matter.

                                                               [DIPAK MISRA]

                                                              [R. BANUMATHI]

New Delhi;
January 31, 2017

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