Gazette Notification - Miscellaneous
Arrangement for auction of licenses for retail sale of Bhang, Bhangghota and Bhanga mithai and Tadi in Madhya Pradesh, year 2010-11
Arrangement for auction of licenses for retail sale of Bhang, Bhangghota and Bhanga mithai and Tadi in Madhya Pradesh, year 2010-11
मध्यप्रदेश में भांग, भांगघोटा, भांग मिठाई तथा ताड़ी की फुटकर बिक्री के लायसेंसों के नीलामी की व्यवस्था, वर्ष 2010-11 Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Draft Development Plan for Nowgaon Planning Area is available for inspection
Draft Development Plan for Nowgaon Planning Area is available for inspection
नौगांव निवेश क्षेत्र की विकास योजना का प्रारूप निरीक्षण के लिये उपलब्ध Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
On the occasion of Mr. Sahni's retirement, the Council of Ministers expresses respect for him through this vote of thanks
On the occasion of Mr. Sahni's retirement, the Council of Ministers expresses respect for him through this vote of thanks
श्री साहनी की सेवानिवृत्ति के अवसर पर इस कृतज्ञता प्रस्ताव के माध्यम से मंत्रिपरिषद् उनके प्रति सम्मान व्यक्त करती है Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Tender notice for the manufacturing and supply of country spirit in sealed bottles in Gwalior, Morena, Guna, Sagar, Chhatarpur, Ujjain, Mandsaur, Ratlam, Dewas, Shajapur, Indore, Khargone, Dhar, Khandwa, Bhopal, Betul, Rajgarh, Vidisha, Jabalpur, Balaghat, Chhindwara, Narsinghpur, Rewa and Shahdol supply areas of Madhya Pradesh
Tender notice for the manufacturing and supply of country spirit in sealed bottles in Gwalior, Morena, Guna, Sagar, Chhatarpur, Ujjain, Mandsaur, Ratlam, Dewas, Shajapur, Indore, Khargone, Dhar, Khandwa, Bhopal, Betul, Rajgarh, Vidisha, Jabalpur, Balaghat, Chhindwara, Narsinghpur, Rewa and Shahdol supply areas of Madhya Pradesh Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Gram Panchayat Shahganj, notified as Nagar Panchayat Shahganj
Gram Panchayat Shahganj, notified as Nagar Panchayat Shahganj
ग्राम पंचायत शाहगंज, नगर पंचायत शाहगंज के रूप में अधिसूचित Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Exemption from transportation, occupation and license of liquor to Royal Indian Rail Tours Limited, which will run the bar in Maharaja Express train passing through Madhya Pradesh
Exemption from transportation, occupation and license of liquor to Royal Indian Rail Tours Limited, which will run the bar in Maharaja Express train passing through Madhya Pradesh
रॉयल इंडियन रेल टूर्स लिमिटेड, जो मध्यप्रदेश में से होकर गुजरने वाली महाराजा एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन में बार चलाएगी, को मदिरा के परिवहन, आधिपत्य तथा... Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Prohibition of refusal to work in the essential services specified in the schedule - 01-02-2010
Prohibition of refusal to work in the essential services specified in the schedule
अनुसूची में निर्दिष्ट आवश्यक सेवाओं में काम करने से इंकार करने का निषेध Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
The system of execution of retail shops of domestic / foreign liquor year 2010-11
The system of execution of retail shops of domestic / foreign liquor year 2010-11
देशी/विदेशी मदिरा की फुटकर बिक्री की दुकानों के निष्पादन की व्यवस्था वर्ष 2010-11 Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Toll Tax levied on the newly constructed bridge over the Vagmar River in Sirpur Jamli Kohadar Marg of Khandwa district
Toll Tax levied on the newly constructed bridge over the Vagmar River in Sirpur Jamli Kohadar Marg of Khandwa district
खण्डवा जिले के सिरपुर जामली कोहदड़ मार्ग में वगमार नदी पर नवनिर्मित पुल पर पथकर उद्ग्रहित Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Fixed amount of tax payable on sale or purchase on the basis of quantity or measure of sand, ballast and flooring stone / neemuch stone, class of goods
Fixed amount of tax payable on sale or purchase on the basis of quantity or measure of sand, ballast and flooring stone / neemuch stone, class of goods
रेत, गिट्टी एवं फर्शी पत्थर/नीमच स्टोन, माल के वर्ग को मात्रा या माप के आधार पर विक्रय या क्रय पर देय कर की... Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Roads declared and classified as main district roads in Madhya Pradesh
Roads declared and classified as main district roads in Madhya Pradesh
मार्गों को मध्यप्रदेश में मुख्य जिला सड़क के रूप में घोषित तथा वर्गीकृत Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
The Governor invited the State Legislative Assembly to meet in Bhopal on Monday, 22 February 2010 at 10:30 AM
The Governor invited the State Legislative Assembly to meet in Bhopal on Monday, 22 February 2010 at 10:30 AM
राज्यपाल महोदय द्वारा राज्य की विधान सभा को सोमवार, दिनांक 22 फरवरी, 2010 को पूर्वाह्न 10:30 बजे भोपाल में समवेत् होने के लिये आमंत्रित Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
The State Council of Ministers pays a humble tribute to the late Shri Haribhau Joshi for his contribution to the development and progress of Madhya Pradesh
The State Council of Ministers pays a humble tribute to the late Shri Haribhau Joshi for his contribution to the development and progress of Madhya Pradesh
राज्य मंत्रि-परिषद् स्वर्गीय श्री हरिभाऊ जोशी को मध्यप्रदेश के विकास एवं उन्नति हेतु उनके योगदान के लिए विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करता है Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Adding additional symbols batter, double bun, cake, carrot, coat, dolly, ice cream, shuttle, tent and stick after S.No. 14 in additional symbols
Adding additional symbols batter, double bun, cake, carrot, coat, dolly, ice cream, shuttle, tent and stick after S.No. 14 in additional symbols
अतिरिक्त प्रतीकों में सरल क्रमांक 14 के पश्चात् अतिरिक्त निर्वाचन प्रतीक बल्लेबाज, डबल रोटी, केक, गाजर, कोट, डोली, आइसक्रीम, शटल, टेन्ट तथा छड़ी को जोड़ने के विषयक Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Sale of Madhya Pradesh Government Stock (Securities) of 10-year tenure for an aggregate amount of Rs. 1,300.000 Crore (Nominal)
Sale of Madhya Pradesh Government Stock (Securities) of 10-year tenure for an aggregate amount of Rs. 1,300.000 Crore (Nominal) Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)