Sale of Government of India Treasury Bills by Auction

No: 115, Dated: Apr 19, 2016
Sale of Government of India Treasury Bills by Auction Full Document
State India

An application has been filed before me under Rule 5 of the Customs Tariff

No: 275, Dated: Apr 19, 2016
An application has been filed before me under Rule 5 of the Customs Tariff Full Document
State India

The following draft of the notification, which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section

No: 929, Dated: Apr 19, 2016
State India

The following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section

No: 928, Dated: Apr 19, 2016
State India

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub section 2 of Section 29 read with Section 14 of the Protection of Plant Varieties

No: 933, Dated: Apr 19, 2016
State India

In pursuance of Clause b of sub rule 1 of Rules 7 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules 1987

No: 931, Dated: Apr 19, 2016
State India

The following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section

No: 930, Dated: Apr 19, 2016
State India

The ownership of the said land will vest in and remain with the DIPP

No: 926, Dated: Apr 19, 2016
State India

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Seeds Act

No: 927, Dated: Apr 19, 2016
State India

In exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph 4 10 11 14 16 and 17 of the Drugs

No: 950, Dated: Apr 19, 2016
State India

Government of India hereby notifies sale re issue of 7 68 per cent Government Stock

No: 114, Dated: Apr 18, 2016
Government of India hereby notifies sale re issue of 7 68 per cent Government Stock Full Document
State India

केंद्रीय विक्रय कर अधिनियम, 1956 के अंतर्गत कर के भुगतान नहीं किया जावेगा

No: 154, Dated: Apr 18, 2016
केंद्रीय विक्रय कर अधिनियम, 1956 के अंतर्गत कर के भुगतान नहीं किया जावेगा Full Document

कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी आफ इंडिया (माओवादी)और उसके छः अग्र (फ्रंट)संगठनो-दंडकरन्य आदिवासी किसान मजदूर संघ, क्रन्तिकारी आदिवासी महिला संघ, क्रन्तिकारी आदिवासी बालक संघ, क्रन्तिकारी किसान कमिटी, महिला मुक्ति मंच, आर.पी.सी. अथवा जनताना सरकार को पुनः एक वर्ष की कालावधि के लिए विधि विरुद्ध संगठन के रूप में घोषित

No: 155, Dated: Apr 18, 2016
कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी आफ इंडिया (माओवादी)और उसके छः अग्र (फ्रंट)संगठनो-दंडकरन्य आदिवासी किसान मजदूर संघ, क्रन्तिकारी आदिवासी महिला संघ, क्रन्तिकारी आदिवासी बालक संघ, क्रन्तिकारी किसान कमिटी, महिला मुक्ति मंच, आर.पी.सी. अथवा जनताना सरकार को पुनः एक वर्ष की कालावधि के लिए विधि विरुद्ध संगठन के रूप में घोषित Full Document

Coupon Re-set of Postal Life Insurance Government of India Special Floating Rate Security, 2022

No: 113, Dated: Apr 13, 2016
Coupon Re-set of Postal Life Insurance Government of India Special Floating Rate Security, 2022 Full Document
State India

Updated Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure Sub-sectors

No: 112, Dated: Apr 13, 2016
Updated Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure Sub-sectors Full Document
State India

छत्तीसगढ़ मूल्य संवर्धित क्र अधिनियम, 2005 के अंतर्गत कर के भुगतान से छुट

No: 153, Dated: Apr 13, 2016
छत्तीसगढ़ मूल्य संवर्धित क्र अधिनियम, 2005 के अंतर्गत कर के भुगतान से छुट Full Document

No. 49/2016-Customs (N.T.)

No: 907, Dated: Apr 13, 2016
State India

No. 50/2016-Customs (N.T.)

No: 908, Dated: Apr 13, 2016
State India

No. 52/2016-Customs (N.T.)

No: 910, Dated: Apr 13, 2016
State India

No. 51/2016-Customs (N.T.)

No: 909, Dated: Apr 13, 2016
State India