The following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue, in exercise of the powers conferred by subsection 1 and clause v of subsection 2 of section 3 of the Environment Protection Act

No: 984, Dated: Apr 25, 2016
State India

खण्डवा जिले की पुनासा तहसील में पंजीयन उप जिला पुनासा बनाने के संबंध में

No: 188, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
खण्डवा जिले की पुनासा तहसील में पंजीयन उप जिला पुनासा बनाने के संबंध में Full Document

छत्तीसगढ़ मूल्य संवर्धित कर अधिनियम, 2005 के अंतर्गत कर के भुगतान से छूट प्रदान

No: 159, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
छत्तीसगढ़ मूल्य संवर्धित कर अधिनियम, 2005 के अंतर्गत कर के भुगतान से छूट प्रदान Full Document

छत्तीसगढ़ स्थानीय क्षेत्र में माल के प्रवेश पर कर अधिनियम, 1976 के अंतर्गत कर के भुगतान से छूट प्रदान

No: 160, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
छत्तीसगढ़ स्थानीय क्षेत्र में माल के प्रवेश पर कर अधिनियम, 1976 के अंतर्गत कर के भुगतान से छूट प्रदान Full Document

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause a of subsection 3 of section 110 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 59 of 1988, the Central Government hereby exempts the transport vehicles notified by the State Government under subrule

No: 961, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
State India

In exercise of the powers conferred by subsection 3 of section 110 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 59 of 1988, the Central Government hereby exempts agricultural trailers from the purview of rule 96C and subrule

No: 962, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
State India

Whereas the Central Government having been satisfied that the public interest so requires that in pursuance of the provisions of subclause vi of the clause n of section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

No: 968, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
State India

Whereas the Central Government having been satisfied that the public interest so requires that in pursuance of the provisions of subclause vi of the clause n of section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 14 of 1947, the services in Industry

No: 969, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
State India

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub section 1 of section 4 of the New Delhi Municipal Council Act

No: 970, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
State India

Whereas by notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways number S O 1394 E dated the 28th May 2014 issued under section 11 of the National Highways

No: 971, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
State India

Whereas, a draft notification was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change number

No: 973, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
State India

कृषि उपज मण्डी समिति खिलचीपुर मंडी क्षेत्र के संरचना, अहाता, खुला स्थान या परिक्षेत्र को उप मंडी प्रांगण घोषित करने संबंधी

No: 183, Dated: Apr 21, 2016
कृषि उपज मण्डी समिति खिलचीपुर मंडी क्षेत्र के संरचना, अहाता, खुला स्थान या परिक्षेत्र को उप मंडी प्रांगण घोषित करने संबंधी Full Document

Draft Development Plan for Hanuvantiya Planning Area

No: 184, Dated: Apr 21, 2016
Draft Development Plan for Hanuvantiya Planning Area हनुवंतिया निवेश क्षेत्र के लिए विकास योजना का प्रारूप Full Document

Implementation of the Track and Trace system for export of Pharmaceuticals and drug consignments

No: 117, Dated: Apr 21, 2016
Implementation of the Track and Trace system for export of Pharmaceuticals and drug consignments Full Document
State India

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub section 1 read with clause

No: 277, Dated: Apr 21, 2016
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub section 1 read with clause Full Document
State India

WHEREAS, M s Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd, a fully private organization in the State of Tamil Nadu, had proposed under Section 3 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 28 of 2005, hereinafter referred to as the said Act

No: 951, Dated: Apr 21, 2016
State India

Whereas M s Tata Steel Special Economic Zone Limited formerly Ms Gopalpur Special Economic Zone Limited

No: 953, Dated: Apr 21, 2016
State India

In pursuance of the powers conferred under clause 1 of Article 239 of the Constitution, the President hereby directs that powers and functions of the State Government under subsection 1 of Section 6 of the Anand Marriage Act,

No: 956, Dated: Apr 21, 2016
State India

Whereas by notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Road Transport and Highways number S O 2719 E dated 30th November, 2011 issued under section 11 of the National Highways Authority of India Act

No: 958, Dated: Apr 21, 2016
State India

Whereas M s Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation a fully owned State Industrial Promotion Organisation of the State of Maharashtra

No: 960, Dated: Apr 21, 2016
State India