राज्य पशु कल्याण सलाहकार मण्डल के नाम से ज्ञात एक मण्डल का गठन करने संबंधी

No: 255, Dated: Jun 21, 2016
राज्य पशु कल्याण सलाहकार मण्डल के नाम से ज्ञात एक मण्डल का गठन करने संबंधी Full Document

Government of India has decided to reconstitute the Jute Advisory Board as per the following composition

No: 190, Dated: Jun 15, 2016
Government of India has decided to reconstitute the Jute Advisory Board as per the following composition Full Document
State India

Government notifies the re-constitution of a Committee to be called the Central Silk-worm Seed Committee

No: 1499, Dated: Jun 14, 2016
Government notifies the re-constitution of a Committee to be called the Central Silk-worm Seed Committee Full Document
State India

Central Government hereby constitutes a Committee for the period from 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2018

No: 1479, Dated: Jun 13, 2016
State India

Appointment of the 3rd Pay Revision Committee (3rd PRC) comprising of the following

No: 182, Dated: Jun 09, 2016
State India

Government appoints a Committee of Inquiry headed by Sh. Jasbir Singh Larhga, Assistant Director, AAIB with following members

No: 1414, Dated: Jun 07, 2016
State India

Central Government hereby constitutes the National Company Law Tribunal

No: 1339, Dated: Jun 01, 2016
Central Government hereby constitutes the National Company Law Tribunal Full Document
State India

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India establishes the Central Advisory Committee

No: 208, Dated: May 19, 2016
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India establishes the Central Advisory Committee Full Document
State India

कृषि उपज मण्डी समिति निवाड़ी एवं पृथ्वीपुर, जिला टीकमगढ़ में भारसाधक समिति का गठन करने संबंधी

No: 200, Dated: May 06, 2016

The Government of India vide Notification No GSR 180 E dated 17th February 2016 defined startup under Startup India initiative

No: 283, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
The Government of India vide Notification No GSR 180 E dated 17th February 2016 defined startup under Startup India initiative Full Document
State India

Whereas the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts IGNCA was created by a Deed of Declaration of Trust dated

No: 967, Dated: Apr 22, 2016
State India

Whereas, by an order of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number S O 2260E, dated the 9th July, 2013, the Central Government constituted the Andhra Pradesh Coastal Zone Management Authority for a period up to the 8th July

No: 912, Dated: Apr 13, 2016
State India

Whereas Ms Jet Airways India Ltd B737 900 aircraft VT JGD met with an accident at Mumbai And whereas, it appears to the Central Government that it is expedient to investigate and determine the causes and contributory factors leading to the said accident and make recommendations to avoid recurrence of such accident in future

No: 874, Dated: Apr 11, 2016
Whereas Ms Jet Airways India Ltd B737 900 aircraft VT JGD met with an accident at Mumbai And whereas, it appears to the Central Government that it is expedient to investigate and determine the causes and contributory factors leading to the said accident and make recommendations to avoid recurrence of... Full Document
State India

Whereas an L 23 Super Blanik Glider aircraft VT GLK belonging to DGCA while being operated by Gliding Center Pune met with an accident at Pune on 09 03 2016

No: 880, Dated: Apr 11, 2016
State India

In partial modification of notification of the Government of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare number SO 561

No: 862, Dated: Apr 08, 2016
State India

In partial modification of this Secretariats notification No S O 1151E dated the 17th March, 2016, under subsection 2 of section 3 of the Judges Inquiry Act, 1968, the Chairman, Rajya Sabha has reconstituted

No: 871, Dated: Apr 08, 2016
In partial modification of this Secretariats notification No S O 1151E dated the 17th March, 2016, under subsection 2 of section 3 of the Judges Inquiry Act, 1968, the Chairman, Rajya Sabha has reconstituted Full Document
State India

Constitution of Chhattisgarh State Animal Welfare Board

No: 116, Dated: Mar 30, 2016

In exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 80 of the Electricity Act, 2003 36 of 2003, and in supersession of the Central Advisory Committee constituted vide Notification

No: 113, Dated: Mar 30, 2016
In exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 80 of the Electricity Act, 2003 36 of 2003, and in supersession of the Central Advisory Committee constituted vide Notification Full Document
State India

Central Government hereby appoints an Advisory Board consisting of the following Members

No: 712, Dated: Mar 22, 2016
Central Government hereby appoints an Advisory Board consisting of the following Members Full Document
State India

Whereas, by an Order of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests vide number S.O. 2507E, dated 16th October, 2012, the Central Government constituted the Gujarat Coastal

No: 692, Dated: Mar 18, 2016
Whereas, by an Order of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests vide number S.O. 2507E, dated 16th October, 2012, the Central Government constituted the Gujarat Coastal Full Document
State India