The Central Govt, on the basis of the aforesaid final findings of the designated authority, hereby imposes on the subject goods, the description of which is specified in column (3) of the Table below.

No: 76, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

The Central Govt, on the basis of the aforesaid final findings of the designated authority, hereby imposes on the subject goods, the description of which is specified in column (3)... Full Document

Governors (Allowances and Privileges) Amendment Rules, 2015.

No: 77, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

The President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Governors (Allowances and Privileges) Rules, 1987, These rules may be called the Governors (Allowances and Privileges) Amendment Rules, 2015. Full Document

The Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby specifies that the Principal Director General or the Director General of Central Excise Intelligence shall have jurisdiction as Principal Chief Commissioner or Chief Commissioner of Central Excise over the Principal Commissioners of Central Excise or the Commissioners of Central Excise.

No: 80, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

The Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby specifies that the Principal Director General or the Director General of Central Excise Intelligence shall have jurisdiction as Principal Chief Commissioner or... Full Document

The Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby specifies that the Principal Director General of Central Excise Intelligence shall have jurisdiction over the Principal Commissioners of Service Tax.

No: 81, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

The Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby specifies that the Principal Director General of Central Excise Intelligence shall have jurisdiction over the Principal Commissioners of Service Tax. Full Document

The Delhi Development Authority Central Govt. proposes to make to the Master Plan for Delhi-2021, under Section 11-A of DD Act, 1957, is hereby published for public information.

No: 332, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

The Delhi Development Authority Central Govt. proposes to make to the Master Plan for Delhi-2021, under Section 11-A of DD Act, 1957, is hereby published for public information. Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby declares the following minerals to be minor minerals in addition to the minerals already declared by notification as minor minerals hereinbefore under the said clause.

No: 333, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby declares the following minerals to be minor minerals in addition to the minerals already declared by notification as minor minerals hereinbefore under the said clause. Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby makes the following rules to amend the Commodities Transaction Tax Rules, 2013, These rules may be called the Commodities Transaction Tax (First Amendment) Rules, 2014.

No: 334, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby makes the following rules to amend the Commodities Transaction Tax Rules, 2013, These rules may be called the Commodities Transaction Tax (First Amendment) Rules, 2014. Full Document

Land to be acquired, with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from proposed km. 9.750 of the NH-22 to km. 11.250 of NH-65 (Ambala-Kaithal Section) in the State of Punjab: National Highways Act, 1956

No: 335, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

Land to be acquired, with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from proposed km. 9.750 of the NH-22 to km. 11.250 of NH-65 (Ambala-Kaithal Section) in the... Full Document

Land to be aquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from Km. 402.000 to km. 435.000 (Rewa-Katni-Jabalpur section) on the NH No. 7 in the State of Madhya Pradesh.

No: 336, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

Land to be aquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from Km. 402.000 to km. 435.000 (Rewa-Katni-Jabalpur section) on the NH No. 7 in the State... Full Document

The Central Govt, hereby makes the following amendment in the notification of Govt. of India in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways number S.0.475 (E), dated the 24th February, 2010.

No: 337, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

The Central Govt, hereby makes the following amendment in the notification of Govt. of India in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways number S.0.475 (E), dated the 24th February,... Full Document

Extends the validity of the existing tariff for the services rendered by the Central Warehousing Corporation at the Container Freight Station in the Kandla Port Trust as in the Order appended hereto.

No: 50, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

Extends the validity of the existing tariff for the services rendered by the Central Warehousing Corporation at the Container Freight Station in the Kandla Port Trust as in the Order... Full Document

Tariff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the existing Scale of Rates of Vizag Seaport Private Limited as in the Order appended hereto.

No: 49, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

Tariff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the existing Scale of Rates of Vizag Seaport Private Limited as in the Order appended hereto. Full Document

Tariff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the existing Scale of Rates of Visakha Container Terminal Private Limited as in the Order appended hereto.

No: 48, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

Tariff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the existing Scale of Rates of Visakha Container Terminal Private Limited as in the Order appended hereto. Full Document

State India Department General Category Extraordinary Part III Section 4

Traiff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the existing Scale of Rates of the Paradip Port Trust as in the Order appended hereto.

No: 47, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

Traiff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the existing Scale of Rates of the Paradip Port Trust as in the Order appended hereto. Full Document

Traiff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the existing Scale of Rates of the Visakhapatnam Port Trust as in the Order appended hereto.

No: 46, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

Traiff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the existing Scale of Rates of the Visakhapatnam Port Trust as in the Order appended hereto. Full Document

Traiff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the existing Scale of Rates of the Kandla Port Trust as in the Order appended hereto.

No: 45, Dated: Feb 10, 2015

Traiff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the existing Scale of Rates of the Kandla Port Trust as in the Order appended hereto. Full Document

Auction for Sale (Re-issue) of 8.27 per cent Government Stock, 2020

No: 34, Dated: Feb 09, 2015

Auction for Sale (Re-issue) of 8.27 per cent Government Stock, 2020 Full Document

State India Department Finance Category Extraordinary PART I—Section 1

Central Electricity Authority hereby appoints the following Bid-Process Coordinators (BPCs) for the Transmission Schemes, as shown against the name of each Transmission Scheme

No: 329, Dated: Feb 09, 2015

Central Electricity Authority hereby appoints the following Bid-Process Coordinators (BPCs) for the Transmission Schemes, as shown against the name of each Transmission Scheme Full Document

I, Subrata Gupta, Jute Commissioner, hereby FINALLY fix Rs. 3941.83 per 100 bags as the maximum ex-factory price at which Type - A and Type - B Jute Bags: Clause-3 of the Jute and Jute Textiles Control Order, 2000

No: 330, Dated: Feb 09, 2015

Subrata Gupta, Jute Commissioner, hereby FINALLY fix Rs. 3941.83 per 100 bags as the maximum ex-factory price at which Type - A and Type - B Jute Bags. Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby notifies an area up to 2.244 kilometers from the boundary of the Thol Wild Life Sanctuary in the State of Gujarat, as Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as under.

No: 331, Dated: Feb 09, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby notifies an area up to 2.244 kilometers from the boundary of the Thol Wild Life Sanctuary in the State of Gujarat, as Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after... Full Document