Gazette Notification
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from Km. 373.800 to Km. 468.400 (Ambikapur to Pathalgaon section) of NH-78 (New NH-43), in the Tehsil Ambikapur, District Sarguja in the State of Chhatisgarh.
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from Km. 373.800 to Km. 468.400 (Ambikapur to Pathalgaon section) of NH-78 (New NH-43), in the... Full Document
The Chairperson of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has nominated Shri R.K. Jain, Secretary NDMA, as Member, National Disaster Management Authority.
The Chairperson of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has nominated Shri R.K. Jain, Secretary NDMA, as Member, National Disaster Management Authority. Full Document
Mid term Review (MTR) Anti dumping investigation concerning imports of Morpholine, originating in or exported from China PR, European Union and USA: Customs Tariff Act 1975
Mid term Review (MTR) Anti dumping investigation concerning imports of Morpholine, originating in or exported from China PR, European Union and USA. Full Document
CORRIGENDUM-II. In the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) Notification No. 2014-E(GR)I-18-1, Part-I, Section-I, dated 22.03.2014
CORRIGENDUM-II. In the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) Notification No. 2014-E(GR)I-18-1, Part-I, Section-I, dated 22.03.2014 Full Document
Department of Posts, Mail Motor Service, Senior Manager (Non-Functional Selection Grade), Senior Manager and Manager Recruitment Rules, 2015
These Rules may be called the Department of Posts, Mail Motor Service, Senior Manager (Non-Functional Selection Grade), Senior Manager and Manager Recruitment Rules, 2015 Full Document
Imposing an anti-dumping duty on Acetone originating in or exported from Korea RP: Customs Tariff Act, 1975
The Central Govt, after considering the aforesaid final findings of the designated authority, hereby imposes on the subject goods, the description of which is specified in column (3) of the... Full Document
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, for the Special Railway Project, namely, Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor in the District Mirzapur, in the state of Uttar Pradesh
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, for the Special Railway Project, namely, Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor in the District Mirzapur, in the state of Uttar Pradesh Full Document
The Central Govt. hereby constitutes the Regional Empowered Committee at the Regional Office, South-Eastern Zone, Chennai, to deal with matters relating to forest conservation, comprising of the following Members.
The Central Govt. hereby constitutes the Regional Empowered Committee at the Regional Office, South-Eastern Zone, Chennai, to deal with matters relating to forest conservation, comprising of the following Members. Full Document
Central Government declared its intention to acquire the Right of User in the land specified in the Schedule annexed to that notification for the purpose of laying pipeline by Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited for rerouting of existing 42” dia. S.B.H.T gas pipeline near Umbharat beach in the State of Gujarat.
Central Government declared its intention to acquire the Right of User in the land specified in the Schedule annexed to that notification for the purpose of laying pipeline by Oil... Full Document
The Central Govt. hereby authorizes the officer mentioned in column (2) of the Table below as the Competent Authority to perform the functions of such authority under the said Act with effect from the date of publication of this notification
The Central Govt. hereby authorizes the officer mentioned in column (2) of the Table below as the Competent Authority to perform the functions of such authority under the said Act... Full Document
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, for the Special Railway Project of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor District Raigad, in the State of Maharashtra.
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, for the Special Railway Project of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor District Raigad, in the State of Maharashtra. Full Document
Land to be Acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from Km. 72.600 to Km. 112.760 (Salasar to Nagaur Section) of NH No. 65 in the State of Rajasthan.
Land to be Acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from Km. 72.600 to Km. 112.760 (Salasar to Nagaur Section) of NH No. 65 in the... Full Document
Corrigendum in the notification No. S.O. 2705(E) dt. 20 October, 2014
Corrigendum in the notification No. S.O. 2705(E) dt. 20 October, 2014 Full Document
Corrigendum. In the Notification of Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, No. 13-2015, dated 10th February 2015 bearing S.O. 424(E).
Corrigendum. In the Notification of Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, No. 13-2015, dated 10th February 2015 bearing S.O. 424(E). Full Document
Department of Posts, Mail Motor Service, Senior Manager (Non-Functional Selection Grade), Senior Manager and Manager Recruitment Rules, 2015.
These Rules may be called the Department of Posts, Mail Motor Service, Senior Manager (Non-Functional Selection Grade), Senior Manager and Manager Recruitment Rules, 2015. Full Document
The Central Govt, after considering the aforesaid final findings of the designated authority, hereby imposes on the subject goods, the description of which is specified in column (3) of the Table below.
The Central Govt, after considering the aforesaid final findings of the designated authority, hereby imposes on the subject goods, the description of which is specified in column (3) of the... Full Document
CORRIGENDUM-II. In the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) Notification No. 2014-E(GR)I-18-1, Part-I, Section-I, dated 22.03.2014.
CORRIGENDUM-II. In the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) Notification No. 2014-E(GR)I-18-1, Part-I, Section-I, dated 22.03.2014. Full Document
These Rules may be called the Department of Posts, Mail Motor Service, Senior Manager (Non-Functional Selection Grade), Senior Manager and Manager Recruitment Rules, 2015
These Rules may be called the Department of Posts, Mail Motor Service, Senior Manager (Non-Functional Selection Grade), Senior Manager and Manager Recruitment Rules, 2015 Full Document
The Central Govt, after considering the aforesaid final findings of the designated authority, hereby imposes on the subject goods, the description of which is specified in column (3) of the Table below.
The Central Govt, after considering the aforesaid final findings of the designated authority, hereby imposes on the subject goods, the description of which is specified in column (3) of the... Full Document
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, for the Special Railway Project, namely, Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor in the District Mirzapur, in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, for the Special Railway Project, namely, Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor in the District Mirzapur, in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Full Document