Price Revision as per Annual Wholesale Price Index (WPI): Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013

No: 449, Dated: Feb 26, 2015

In exercise of the powers, conferred by paragraphs 4, 6, 10, 11, 14 and 16 of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013, read with S.O. No. 1394(E), dated the 30th... Full Document

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employees Service) (Amendment) Regulations, 2015.

No: 70, Dated: Feb 26, 2015

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employees Service) (Amendment) Regulations, 2015. Full Document

Tariff Authority for Major Ports hereby disposes of the proposal filed by the New Mangalore Port Trust for the fixation lease rentals of the port lands for the year 2012-13 and 2013-14 as in the Order appended hereto.

No: 69, Dated: Feb 26, 2015

Tariff Authority for Major Ports hereby disposes of the proposal filed by the New Mangalore Port Trust for the fixation lease rentals of the port lands for the year 2012-13... Full Document

Regulations may be called the Indian Medicine Central Council (Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Siddha) Regulations, 2015.

No: 67, Dated: Feb 26, 2015

Regulations may be called the Indian Medicine Central Council (Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Siddha) Regulations, 2015. Full Document

Accordingly, this Authority hereby notifies the reasoned Speaking Order connected with disposal of the proposal of the MBPT for general revision of its Scale of Rates as in the Order appended hereto.

No: 68, Dated: Feb 26, 2015

Accordingly, this Authority hereby notifies the reasoned Speaking Order connected with disposal of the proposal of the MBPT for general revision of its Scale of Rates as in the Order... Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Directorate of Handloom and Handicrafts Non-Gazetted (Ministerial) Service Recruitment Rules, 2015

No: 86, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

Madhya Pradesh Directorate of Handloom and Handicrafts Non-Gazetted (Ministerial) Service Recruitment Rules, 2015 Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi Adhiniyam, 1972 (No. 24 of 1973), the State Government here by declare the following place including all structures, enclosure, open places or locality in the market area of Krishi Upaj Mandi, Manawar

No: 87, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi Adhiniyam, 1972 (No. 24 of 1973), the State Government here by declare the following place including all structures, enclosure, open places or locality in the... Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi Adhiniyam, 1972 (No. 24 of 1973), the State Government hereby establish a separate market at Malthon for regulating the purchase and sale of the agricultural produce mentioned in the act. Including all revenue and forest villages of the Tehsil Malthon in Sagar District.

No: 85, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi Adhiniyam, 1972 (No. 24 of 1973), the State Government hereby establish a separate market at Malthon for regulating the purchase and sale of the agricultural... Full Document

Appointing the persons-Shri Nithinkumar,Shri Sureshchandra Shetty,Shri Sathyajith Surthkal,Shri Ganesh Rao to be trustees on the Board of New Mangalore Port Trust for the term upto 31-3-2015

No: 115, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby appoints the persons mentioned against serial number 1-4 in the table below, to be trustees on the Board of New Mangalore Port Trust for the term... Full Document

Exempting Kosi Bridge in Km. 170-171 on NH No. 74 in the State of Uttarakhand from levy of user fee as the collection of user fee would not be viable as the revenue through user fee collection would be less than expenditure for collection of user fee after reducing the user fee to 40 percent as per G.S.R. 15(E), dated 12.01.2011: National Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008

No: 440, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby exempts Kosi Bridge in Km. 170-171 on NH No. 74 in the State of Uttarakhand from levy of user fee as the collection of user fee... Full Document

Declaring the ‘Industrial Establishments manufacturing or producing Nuclear Fuel and Components, Heavy Water and Allied Chemicals and Atomic Energy’ Industry to be a Public Utility Service for the purpose of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Act, for a period of six months with effect from 14th March 2015.

No: 444, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby declares the said Industry to be a Public Utility Service for the purpose of the aforesaid Act, for a period of six months with effect from... Full Document

Notifying an area with an extent of one kilometre of land or the water body, whichever is nearer to the boundary of the Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Goa, as the Eco-sensitive Zone: Section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

No: 445, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby notifies an area with an extent of one kilometre of land or the water body, whichever is nearer to the boundary of the Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary... Full Document

Notifying an area to an extent of one kilometre of land or the water body, whichever is nearer to the boundary of the Madei Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Goa, as the Eco-sensitive Zone: Section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

No: 446, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby notifies an area to an extent of one kilometre of land or the water body, whichever is nearer to the boundary of the Madei Wildlife Sanctuary... Full Document

Appointing the persons mentioned against serial number 1-4 in the table below, to be trustees on the Board of New Mangalore Port Trust for the term upto 31-3-2015.

No: 115, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby appoints the persons mentioned against serial number 1-4 in the table below, to be trustees on the Board of New Mangalore Port Trust for the term... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby appoints the persons mentioned against serial number 1-4 in the table below, to be trustees on the Board of New Mangalore Port Trust for the term upto 31-3-2015.

No: 115, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby appoints the persons mentioned against serial number 1-4 in the table below, to be trustees on the Board of New Mangalore Port Trust for the term... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby exempts Kosi Bridge in Km. 170-171 on NH No. 74 in the State of Uttarakhand from levy of user fee as the collection of user fee would not be viable as the revenue through user fee collection would be less than expenditure for collection of user fee after reducing the user fee to 40 percent as per G.S.R. 15(E), dated 12.01.2011.

No: 440, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby exempts Kosi Bridge in Km. 170-171 on NH No. 74 in the State of Uttarakhand from levy of user fee as the collection of user fee... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby makes the following rules vis-a-vis Salary, allowances and other terms and conditions applicable to the post of Director, Kalakshetra Foundation, Chennai, appointed on contract basis.

No: 441, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby makes the following rules vis-a-vis Salary, allowances and other terms and conditions applicable to the post of Director, Kalakshetra Foundation, Chennai, appointed on contract basis. Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby declares the said Industry to be a Public Utility Service for the purpose of the aforesaid Act, for a period of six months with effect from 14th March 2015.

No: 444, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby declares the said Industry to be a Public Utility Service for the purpose of the aforesaid Act, for a period of six months with effect from... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby notifies an area with an extent of one kilometre of land or the water body, whichever is nearer to the boundary of the Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Goa, as the Eco-sensitive Zone, details of which are as under.

No: 445, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby notifies an area with an extent of one kilometre of land or the water body, whichever is nearer to the boundary of the Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby notifies an area to an extent of one kilometre of land or the water body, whichever is nearer to the boundary of the Madei Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Goa, as the Eco-sensitive Zone, details of which are as under.

No: 446, Dated: Feb 25, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby notifies an area to an extent of one kilometre of land or the water body, whichever is nearer to the boundary of the Madei Wildlife Sanctuary... Full Document