Gazette Notification
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from Km. 32.050 to Km. 48.700 (Vijayawada-Machilipatnam Section) of the NH No. 9 in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from Km. 32.050 to Km. 48.700 (Vijayawada-Machilipatnam Section) of the NH No. 9 in the State... Full Document
Lands to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from Km 0.000 to Km 81.600 (Tiruttani-Chennai Section) of the NH No. 205 in the State of Tamil Nadu.
Lands to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from Km 0.000 to Km 81.600 (Tiruttani-Chennai Section) of the NH No. 205 in the State... Full Document
Land to be Acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of Land from km. 115.000 to km. 169.600 (Raebareilly to Jaunpur Section) on the NH No. 231 in the State of Uttar Pradesh.
Land to be Acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of Land from km. 115.000 to km. 169.600 (Raebareilly to Jaunpur Section) on the NH No. 231 in... Full Document
Land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km. 232.200 to km. 263.000 (Gir Somnath section) of NH No.-8E in the State of Gujarat.
Land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km. 232.200 to km. 263.000 (Gir Somnath section) of NH No.-8E in the State of... Full Document
Land to be acquired, with or without structures, falling within the stretch of land from Km.130.000 to Km155.000 for proposed (Bhilwara to Ladpura Road Highway) NH No. 758 District Bhilwara in the State of Rajasthan.
Land to be acquired, with or without structures, falling within the stretch of land from Km.130.000 to Km155.000 for proposed (Bhilwara to Ladpura Road Highway) NH No. 758 District Bhilwara... Full Document
The land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from km. 15.000 to km. 21.000 and km. 26.000 to km. 89.000 (Muzaffarpur-Sonbarsa-Section) of NH No. 77 in the state of Bihar.
The land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from km. 15.000 to km. 21.000 and km. 26.000 to km. 89.000 (Muzaffarpur-Sonbarsa-Section) of NH... Full Document
Land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km 65.670 to km 112.330 (Part of Bhavnagar section) of NH No. 8E in the State of Gujarat.
Land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km 65.670 to km 112.330 (Part of Bhavnagar section) of NH No. 8E in the... Full Document
Lands to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km. 20.200 to km. 80.400 (Vikravandi-Kumbakonam-Thanjavur Section) on the NH No. 45C in Cuddalore District in the State of Tamil Nadu.
Lands to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km. 20.200 to km. 80.400 (Vikravandi-Kumbakonam-Thanjavur Section) on the NH No. 45C in Cuddalore District... Full Document
Land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km 7.000 to km 34.100 (Part of Bhavnagar section) of NH No. 8E in the State of Gujarat.
Land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km 7.000 to km 34.100 (Part of Bhavnagar section) of NH No. 8E in the... Full Document
Land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km. 10.700 to km. 30.000 (Varanasi Section) of the NH No. 29 in the District Varanasi, State of Uttar Pradesh:National Highways Act, 1956
Land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km. 10.700 to km. 30.000 (Varanasi Section) of the NH No. 29 in the District... Full Document
The Central Govt. hereby makes the following amendments in the notification of Govt. of India in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways No. S.O. 2375(E), dated the 6th August, 2013.
The Central Govt. hereby makes the following amendments in the notification of Govt. of India in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways No. S.O. 2375(E), dated the 6th August,... Full Document
Anti dumping investigation concerning imports of Electrical Insulators originating in or exported from China PR- Final Findings: Customs Tariff Act, 1975
Anti dumping investigation concerning imports of Electrical Insulators originating in or exported from China PR Final Findings. Full Document
And whereas the substance of the said notification has been published in Hindustan times dated 14th September, 2014 and Aaj smaj dated the 15th September, 2014 under sub section (3) of section 3A of the said Act.
And whereas the substance of the said notification has been published in Hindustan times dated 14th September, 2014 and Aaj smaj dated the 15th September, 2014 under sub section (3)... Full Document
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Point of Presence) Regulations, 2015.
Powers conferred by sub section (1) read with clauses (e), (l), (n), (o) and (p) of sub section (2) of Section 52 of the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority... Full Document
CORRIGENDUM. This Authority had passed an Order on 2 January, 2015, notifying the Scale of Rates in case No.TAMP-23-2013-MBPT relating to the proposal received from the Mumbai Port Trust (MBPT) for general revision of its Scale of Rates (SOR).
CORRIGENDUM. This Authority had passed an Order on 2 January, 2015, notifying the Scale of Rates in case No.TAMP-23-2013-MBPT relating to the proposal received from the Mumbai Port Trust (MBPT)... Full Document
Tariff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the rate structure for Gandhidham Township Land of Kandla Port Trust as in the Order appended hereto.
Tariff Authority for Major Ports hereby extends the validity of the rate structure for Gandhidham Township Land of Kandla Port Trust as in the Order appended hereto. Full Document
मोटरयान अधिनियम, 1988 .अधिसूचना राजपत्र दिनांक 2-7-2013 में संशोधन
मोटरयान अधिनियम, 1988 .अधिसूचना राजपत्र दिनांक 2-7-2013 में संशोधन Full Document
Central Motor Vehicles (Third Amendment) Rules, 2015
The Central Govt hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, These rules may be called the Central Motor Vehicles (Third Amendment) Rules, 2015 Full Document
Amendment in the notification of the Govt. of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 01-2010-Customs, dated the 8th January 2010
The Central Govt. hereby makes the following further amendment in the notification of the Govt. of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 01-2010-Customs, dated the 8th... Full Document
Land to be acquired within the stretch of land from km. 268.345 to km. 316.075 (MP Border Chilpi to Simga Section) of the NH 12A in the State of CHHATTISGARH: Section 3A of the National Highways Act, 1956
Land to be acquired within the stretch of land from km. 268.345 to km. 316.075 (MP Border Chilpi to Simga Section) of the NH 12A in the State of CHHATTISGARH. Full Document