The Central Govt, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following amendments in the notification of the Govt. of India in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, No. 96-2008-Customs, dated the 13th August, 2008, published vide number G.S.R. 590(E), dated the 13th August, 2008.

No: 131, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

The Central Govt, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following amendments in the notification of the Govt. of India in... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby entrusts the stretch of national highways, as specified in column (3) of the Table below, of the section as specified in column (2) of the National Highway as specified in the corresponding entry in column (1) of the said Table, to the National Highways Authority of India.

No: 514, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby entrusts the stretch of national highways, as specified in column (3) of the Table below, of the section as specified in column (2) of the National... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby makes the following further amendment in the notification of the Govt. of India, in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, sub-section (ii) vide number S.O. 689(E), dated, the 4th April, 2011.

No: 515, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby makes the following further amendment in the notification of the Govt. of India, in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways published in the Gazette of... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby directs that the National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited shall exercise the function relating to the development and maintenance of the stretch as specified in column (3) of the Table below.

No: 516, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby directs that the National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited shall exercise the function relating to the development and maintenance of the stretch as specified in... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby omits New NH No. 147 and the entries relating thereto specified against serial number 154 in the Schedule to the said Act from the Schedule.

No: 517, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby omits New NH No. 147 and the entries relating thereto specified against serial number 154 in the Schedule to the said Act from the Schedule. Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby declares each of the highways specified in the column (3) of the Table below to be a national highway, as specified in the corresponding column (2) thereof.

No: 518, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby declares each of the highways specified in the column (3) of the Table below to be a national highway, as specified in the corresponding column (2)... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby declares each of the highways specified in the column (3) of the Table below to be a national highway, as specified in the corresponding column (2) thereof.

No: 519, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby declares each of the highways specified in the column (3) of the Table below to be a national highway, as specified in the corresponding column (2)... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby directs that the functions in relation to the execution of works pertaining to each of the National Highways described in column (2) of the Table hereto annexed shall be exercisable by the State Govt. specified in column (3) of the Table.

No: 520, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby directs that the functions in relation to the execution of works pertaining to each of the National Highways described in column (2) of the Table hereto... Full Document

Land in respect of NH No. 74 in the state of Uttarakhand on the stretch from Km. 175.000 to Km. 254.820:National Highways Act, 1956

No: 521, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

Land in respect of NH No. 74 in the state of Uttarakhand on the stretch from Km. 175.000 to Km. 254.820. Full Document

notification for building (widening/four-laning etc.), maintenance, management and operation of National Highway No. 93 on the stretch of land from Km 142.220 to Km 204.660 (Aligarh-Moradabad Section) in District Bhim Nagar (Sambhal) in the State of Uttar Pradesh

No: 522, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

notification for building (widening/four-laning etc.), maintenance, management and operation of National Highway No. 93 on the stretch of land from Km 142.220 to Km 204.660 (Aligarh-Moradabad Section) in District Bhim... Full Document

Central Government declared its intention to acquire the land specified in the Schedule annexed to the said notification for building (widening/four-laning etc.), maintenance, management and operation of National Highway No. 93 on the stretch of land from Km. 204.660 to Km. 232.000 (Aligarh-Moradabad Section) in District Moradabad in the State of Uttar Pradesh

No: 523, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

Central Government declared its intention to acquire the land specified in the Schedule annexed to the said notification for building (widening/four-laning etc.), maintenance, management and operation of National Highway No.... Full Document

Land to be acquired, with or without structures, falling within the stretch of land from Km. 24.500 to Km. 58.330 (Pupanki-Mirdha) section of NH-32 in the state of Jharkhand:National Highways Act, 1956

No: 526, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

Land to be acquired, with or without structures, falling within the stretch of land from Km. 24.500 to Km. 58.330 (Pupanki-Mirdha) section of NH-32 in the state of Jharkhand. Full Document

Land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from Km. 786.000 to Km. 806.000 (Varanasi-Aurangabad Section) of the NH No. 2 in the State of Uttar-Pradesh:National Highways Act, 1956

No: 527, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

Land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from Km. 786.000 to Km. 806.000 (Varanasi-Aurangabad Section) of the NH No. 2 in the State... Full Document

Land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land Km. 270.000 to Km 307.000 (Jodhpur-Barmer Section) of the NH No. 112 in the State of Rajasthan :National Highways Act, 1956

No: 528, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

Land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land Km. 270.000 to Km 307.000 (Jodhpur-Barmer Section) of the NH No. 112 in the State of... Full Document

Land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling with in the stretch of land from Km. 239.000 to Km. 282.000 (Sambalpur-Raipur section) of NH NH.06 in the State of Chhattisgarh: National Highways Act, 1956

No: 529, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

Land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling with in the stretch of land from Km. 239.000 to Km. 282.000 (Sambalpur-Raipur section) of NH NH.06 in the State of... Full Document

The National Highways Act, 1956 (48 of 1956) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the land specified in the Schedule annexed to the said notification for building (widening two/four laning, etc).

No: 532, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

The National Highways Act, 1956 (48 of 1956) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the land specified in the Schedule annexed... Full Document

The Central Govt. hereby notifies for the purposes of the said clause, the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission, a Commission constituted under the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Reforms Act, 1999.

No: 534, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

The Central Govt. hereby notifies for the purposes of the said clause, the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission, a Commission constituted under the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Reforms Act, 1999. Full Document

Land to be acquired within the land of stretch from Km. 25.645 to 30.470 (Raigarh-Sarangarh-Saraipali Section) of the NH 216 (New NH-153) in the State of Chhattisgarh: National Highways Act, 1956

No: 535, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

Land to be acquired within the land of stretch from Km. 25.645 to 30.470 (Raigarh-Sarangarh-Saraipali Section) of the NH 216 (New NH-153) in the State of Chhattisgarh. Full Document

Central Government declared its intention to acquire the land specified in the Schedule annexed to the said notification for building (widening/four laning,etc.) maintenance, management and operation of National Highway No. 12A in the stretch of land from Km. 117/400 to Km. 184/400 (Jabalpur-Mandla-Chilpi Section) in the state of Madhya Pradesh

No: 536, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

Central Government declared its intention to acquire the land specified in the Schedule annexed to the said notification for building (widening/four laning,etc.) maintenance, management and operation of National Highway No.... Full Document

Building (widening/four laning, etc.), maintenance, management and operation of National Highway No. 63, on the stretch of land from Km. 132.000 to Km. 268.700 (Hubli Hospet Section) in the District of Dharwad, Gadag and Koppal in the State of Karnataka, hereby declares its intention to acquire such land.

No: 530, Dated: Mar 10, 2015

Building (widening/four laning, etc.), maintenance, management and operation of National Highway No. 63, on the stretch of land from Km. 132.000 to Km. 268.700 (Hubli Hospet Section) in the District... Full Document