Gazette Notification
Central Motor Vehicles (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2015.
Whereas the draft rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, were published, as required under sub-section (1) of Section 212 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59... Full Document
Tariff Authority for Major Ports hereby disposes of the proposal received from Mormugao Port Trust for fixation of Reference tariff for deepening of the inner and outer approach channel for capesize and mini capesize vessel under PPP mode, as in the Order appended hereto.
Tariff Authority for Major Ports hereby disposes of the proposal received from Mormugao Port Trust for fixation of Reference tariff for deepening of the inner and outer approach channel for... Full Document
Appointment of Shri Shivram Patna as Chairman, in the divisional vigilance Committee, Sagar division
Appointment of Shri Shivram Patna as Chairman, in the divisional vigilance Committee, Sagar division Full Document
The Appropriation (Railways) Act, 2015.
The Appropriation (Railways) Act, 2015. Full Document
The Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2015.
The Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2015. Full Document
The Appropriation Act, 2015.
The Appropriation Act, 2015. Full Document
The Appropriation (Railways) Vote on Account Act, 2015
The Appropriation (Railways) Vote on Account Act, 2015 Full Document
Madhya Pradesh Public Distribution System (Control) Order, 2015
Madhya Pradesh Public Distribution System (Control) Order, 2015 Full Document
The Central Govt. hereby authorises the authority mentioned in colurnn(2) of the Table below to perform the functions of the competent authority under the said Act in the area specified in the corresponding entry in column (3) of the said Tables.
The Central Govt. hereby authorises the authority mentioned in colurnn(2) of the Table below to perform the functions of the competent authority under the said Act in the area specified... Full Document
Period of the above said committee is hereby extended for one more year till 31.03.2016 on the same terms and conditions.
Period of the above said committee is hereby extended for one more year till 31.03.2016 on the same terms and conditions. Full Document
The Central Govt. hereby appoints following Registrars of Companies as adjudicating officers for the purposes of this Act in respect of jurisdictions indicated against each Registrar.
The Central Govt. hereby appoints following Registrars of Companies as adjudicating officers for the purposes of this Act in respect of jurisdictions indicated against each Registrar. Full Document
The Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby makes the following further amendments in the Notification of the Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 32-2015-CUSTOMS (N.T.) dated the 19th March, 2015.
The Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby makes the following further amendments in the Notification of the Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 32-2015-CUSTOMS (N.T.)... Full Document
The Central Govt. hereby authorizes the authority mentioned in column (2) of the Table below to perform the functions of the competent authority under the said Act in the area specified in the corresponding entry in column (3) of the said table.
The Central Govt. hereby authorizes the authority mentioned in column (2) of the Table below to perform the functions of the competent authority under the said Act in the area... Full Document
The Appropriation (Railways) Act, 2015.
The Appropriation (Railways) Act, 2015. Full Document
The Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2015.
The Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2015. Full Document
The Appropriation Act, 2015.
The Appropriation Act, 2015. Full Document
The Appropriation (Railways) Vote on Account Act, 2015.
The Appropriation (Railways) Vote on Account Act, 2015. Full Document
Government of India (Allocation of Business) Three Hundred and Thirteenth Amendment Rules, 2015.
The Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Govt. of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961. Full Document
Amendment to the fourth Schedule to the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha
The Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha (Fifteenth Edition), the following amendments approved by Lok Sabha Full Document
Relinquishing Shri Raosaheb Dadarao Danve from the charge of the office of the Minister of State in the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution with effect from 5th March, 2015.
The President, on the advice of the Prime Minister, has been pleased to relinquish Shri Raosaheb Dadarao Danve from the charge of the office of the Minister of State in... Full Document