Gazette Notification
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, Curator (Restoration) and Deputy Curator (Restoration) Recruitment Rules, 2015.
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, Curator (Restoration) and Deputy Curator (Restoration) Recruitment Rules, 2015. Full Document
CORRIGENDUM. In partial modification of the notification of the Govt. of India in the Ministry of Labour and Employment, vide number S.O. 3326(E) dated the 31st December, 2014
CORRIGENDUM. In partial modification of the notification of the Govt. of India in the Ministry of Labour and Employment, vide number S.O. 3326(E) dated the 31st December, 2014 Full Document
Central Govt, hereby makes the following amendments in the notification of the Govt. of India in Ministry of Road Transport and Highways number S.O. 2558(E) dated 30.09.2014.
Central Govt, hereby makes the following amendments in the notification of the Govt. of India in Ministry of Road Transport and Highways number S.O. 2558(E) dated 30.09.2014. Full Document
Land in respect of construction of proposed Bridge over river Shali at chainage 247.0 km of NH-60 in the District of Bankura, West Bengal.
Land in respect of construction of proposed Bridge over river Shali at chainage 247.0 km of NH-60 in the District of Bankura, West Bengal. Full Document
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from 0.000 Km to 6.000 Km of AH-48 in District Cooch Behar in the State of West Bengal.
Land to be acquired, with or without structure, falling within the stretch of land from 0.000 Km to 6.000 Km of AH-48 in District Cooch Behar in the State of... Full Document
Land to be acquired for the execution of Special Railway Project, namely, Gevra Road to Pendra Road (121.7 Km.) in Korba Distt. the State of Chhattisgarh.
Land to be acquired for the execution of Special Railway Project, namely, Gevra Road to Pendra Road (121.7 Km.) in Korba Distt. the State of Chhattisgarh. Full Document
Central Govt. hereby declares the said Industry to be a Public Utility Service for the purpose of the aforesaid Act, for a period of six months with effect from 27th April, 2015.
Central Govt. hereby declares the said Industry to be a Public Utility Service for the purpose of the aforesaid Act, for a period of six months with effect from 27th... Full Document
Central Govt. hereby notifies an additional area of 0.12 hectares as part of the Special Economic Zone, thereby making total area of the Special Economic Zone as 26.993 hectares, comprising the Survey numbers and the area given in the Table.
Central Govt. hereby notifies an additional area of 0.12 hectares as part of the Special Economic Zone, thereby making total area of the Special Economic Zone as 26.993 hectares, comprising... Full Document
Whereas, it appears to the Central Government that it is necessary in the public interest that for the transportation of petroleum crude from Salaya in the State of Gujarat to Mathura in the State of Uttar Pradesh a pipeline should be laid for implementing De-Bottlenecking Project under Salaya Mathura Pipeline by the Indian Oil Corporation Limited.
Whereas, it appears to the Central Government that it is necessary in the public interest that for the transportation of petroleum crude from Salaya in the State of Gujarat to... Full Document
Govt. of India hereby notify that in accordance with the Indian Panorama Regulations 2014 as amended from time to time the Central Govt. on the basis of recommendations made by the respective Juries has decided to present awards to the Films Persons mentioned below.
Govt. of India hereby notify that in accordance with the Indian Panorama Regulations 2014 as amended from time to time the Central Govt. on the basis of recommendations made by... Full Document
Election to the Council of States by the elected Members of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Kerala.
Election to the Council of States by the elected Members of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Kerala. Full Document
By the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs, Department of Legal Affairs (Cash Officer) Recruitment Rules, 1999 are hereby repealed.
By the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs, Department of Legal Affairs (Cash Officer) Recruitment Rules, 1999 are hereby repealed. Full Document
Central Motor Vehicles (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2015.
The Central Govt. hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, These rules may be called the Central Motor Vehicles (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2015. Full Document
Drugs and Cosmetics (Third Amendment) Rules, 2015.
Drugs and Cosmetics (Third Amendment) Rules, 2015. Full Document
Prevention of Money-laundering (Maintenance of Records) Amendment Rules, 2015
These rules may be called the Prevention of Money-laundering (Maintenance of Records) Amendment Rules, 2015 Full Document
The Central Govt. hereby notifies that any person, licensed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority to perform the functions as specified in regulation 3 or regulation 4 or regulation 5 of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Insurance Brokers) Regulations, 2002.
The Central Govt. hereby notifies that any person, licensed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority to perform the functions as specified in regulation 3 or regulation 4 or regulation... Full Document
Indian Boiler (Amendment) Regulations, 2015.
Indian Boiler (Amendment) Regulations, 2015. Full Document
DRAFT REGULATIONS. Indian Boiler (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2015.
DRAFT REGULATIONS. Indian Boiler (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2015. Full Document
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Ayush Department (Gazetted) Services Recruitment Rules, 2013
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Ayush Department (Gazetted) Services Recruitment Rules, 2013 आयुष विभाग (राजपत्रित) सेवा भर्ती नियम, 2013 में संशोधन Full Document
Chairman, Rajya Sabha has constituted, for the purpose of making an investigation into the grounds on which the removal of Shri Justice S. K. Gangele of Madhya Pradesh High Court is prayed for, a Committee consisting of the three Members: The Judges (Inquiry) Act, 1968
The Judges (Inquiry) Act, 1968, the Chairman, Rajya Sabha has constituted, for the purpose of making an investigation into the grounds on which the removal of Shri Justice S. K.... Full Document