Gazette Notification
laying Shahdol (Madhya Pradesh)-Jaysingh Nagar-Beohari-Gurh-Phulpur (Uttar Pradesh) gas pipeline for transportation of natural gas from the Sohagpur (East) and Sohagpur (West) C.B.M. blocks of M/s Reliance Industries Limited, situated under Shahdol district in Madhya Pradesh state by M/s Reliance Gas Pipelines Limited to the consumers in various parts of the country
laying Shahdol (Madhya Pradesh)-Jaysingh Nagar-Beohari-Gurh-Phulpur (Uttar Pradesh) gas pipeline for transportation of natural gas from the Sohagpur (East) and Sohagpur (West) C.B.M. blocks of M/s Reliance Industries Limited, situated under... Full Document
भारत निर्वाचन आयोग की अधिसूचना दिनांक 5-6-2015 का प्रकाशन
भारत निर्वाचन आयोग की अधिसूचना दिनांक 5-6-2015 का प्रकाशन Full Document
भारत निर्वाचन आयोग के निर्देश दिनांक 5-6-2015 का प्रकाशन
भारत निर्वाचन आयोग के निर्देश दिनांक 5-6-2015 का प्रकाशन Full Document
गरोठ उप चुनाव सम्पन्न कराने हेतु नियुक्त सेक्टर अधिकारियों की सूची
गरोठ उप चुनाव सम्पन्न कराने हेतु नियुक्त सेक्टर अधिकारियों की सूची Full Document
खाद्य तेल की छूट की कालावधि में वृद्धि करने संबंधी
खाद्य तेल की छूट की कालावधि में वृद्धि करने संबंधी Full Document
Central Govt, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Govt. of India, in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 12-2012- Customs, dated the 17th March, 2012.
Central Govt, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Govt. of India,... Full Document
Central Motor Vehicles (Tenth Amendment) Rules, 2015.
Central Motor Vehicles (Tenth Amendment) Rules, 2015. Full Document
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights (Amendment) Rules, 2015.
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights (Amendment) Rules, 2015. Full Document
Appoint Smt. Anu Garg as Commissioner of Payments w.e.f. 22.04.2015 and defines the local limits within which the said Commissioner of Payments shall exercise the powers conferred and perform the duties imposed on her as the whole of India.
Appoint Smt. Anu Garg as Commissioner of Payments w.e.f. 22.04.2015 and defines the local limits within which the said Commissioner of Payments shall exercise the powers conferred and perform the... Full Document
Amendment in the notification published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii), vide S.O. 2182(E) dated 26th August, 2009.
Amendment in the notification published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii), vide S.O. 2182(E) dated 26th August, 2009. Full Document
Central Government hereby appoints Shri Vinay Sheel Oberoi, Secretary, Department of Higher Education in the Ministry of Human Resource Development as Member of the University Grants Commission until further orders or till such time Shri Vinay Sheel Oberoi occupies the post of Secretary, Department of Higher Education in the Ministry of Human Resource Development, whichever is earlier, vice Shri Satyanarayan Mohanty.
Central Government hereby appoints Shri Vinay Sheel Oberoi, Secretary, Department of Higher Education in the Ministry of Human Resource Development as Member of the University Grants Commission until further orders... Full Document
Central Govt. hereby notifies an area upto two kilometres from the boundary of the protected areas of the Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, Bhitarkanika National Park and Gahirmatha (Marine) Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha as the Eco-sensitive Zone, details of which are as under.
Central Govt. hereby notifies an area upto two kilometres from the boundary of the protected areas of the Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, Bhitarkanika National Park and Gahirmatha (Marine) Wildlife Sanctuary in... Full Document
Disqualification of Shri Parasmal Saklecha, former Member of Legislative Assembly of Madhya Pradesh.
Disqualification of Shri Parasmal Saklecha, former Member of Legislative Assembly of Madhya Pradesh. Full Document
Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public.
Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration... Full Document
227-गरोठ विधान सभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र से निर्वाचन लड़ने वाले अभ्यर्थियों की सूची का प्रकाशन
227-गरोठ विधान सभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र से निर्वाचन लड़ने वाले अभ्यर्थियों की सूची का प्रकाशन Full Document
रजिस्ट्रीकरण अधिनियम, 1909 . रजिस्ट्रीकरण आगामी आदेश . ई-रजिस्ट्रीकरण द्वारा भी किये जाने संबंधी
रजिस्ट्रीकरण अधिनियम, 1909 . रजिस्ट्रीकरण आगामी आदेश . ई-रजिस्ट्रीकरण द्वारा भी किये जाने संबंधी Full Document
The Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015.
The Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015. Full Document
Central Motor Vehicles (Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2015
Central Govt. hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, These rules may be called the Central Motor Vehicles (Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2015. Full Document
भारत निर्वाचन आयोग के आदेश दिनांक 5-6-2015 का प्रकाशन
भारत निर्वाचन आयोग के आदेश दिनांक 5-6-2015 का प्रकाशन Full Document
अनुसूचित जाति राहत योजना नियम, 2015
अनुसूचित जाति राहत योजना नियम, 2015 Full Document