Whereas, in the matter of 2 Ethyl Hexanol 2EH hereinafter referred to as the subject goods, falling under tariff item 2905 16 20 of Chapter 29 of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975

No: 213, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Whereas, in the matter of 2 Ethyl Hexanol 2EH hereinafter referred to as the subject goods, falling under tariff item 2905 16 20 of Chapter 29 of the First Schedule... Full Document

Whereas in the matter of Glazed Unglazed

No: 212, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Whereas in the matter of Glazed Unglazed Full Document

Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Second Amendment Rules, 2016

No: 211, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Second Amendment Rules, 2016 Full Document

Draft rules - Drugs and Cosmetics (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2016

No: 210, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Draft rules - Drugs and Cosmetics (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2016 Full Document

Post Office Time Deposit (Amendment) Rules, 2016

No: 209, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Post Office Time Deposit (Amendment) Rules, 2016 Full Document

Post Office Recurring Deposit (Amendment) Rules, 2016

No: 208, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Post Office Recurring Deposit (Amendment) Rules, 2016 Full Document

National Savings Certificates (VIII Issue) (Amendment Rules), 2016

No: 207, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

National Savings Certificates (VIII Issue) (Amendment Rules), 2016 Full Document

Kisan Vikas Patra (Amendment Rules), 2016

No: 206, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Kisan Vikas Patra (Amendment Rules), 2016 Full Document

Sukanya Samriddhi Account (Amendment) Rules, 2016

No: 205, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Sukanya Samriddhi Account (Amendment) Rules, 2016 Full Document

Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (Amendment) Rules, 2016

No: 204, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (Amendment) Rules, 2016 Full Document

Central Government notifies that the subscriptions made to the fund on or after the 1st day of April, 2016 and the balances at the credit of the subscriber shall bear interest at the rate of 8.1 per cent. per annum

No: 203, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Central Government notifies that the subscriptions made to the fund on or after the 1st day of April, 2016 and the balances at the credit of the subscriber shall bear... Full Document

Post Office (Monthly Income Account) Amendment Rules, 2016

No: 202, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Post Office (Monthly Income Account) Amendment Rules, 2016 Full Document

In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution and in supersession of the Regional Reference

No: 200, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution and in supersession of the Regional Reference Full Document

Draft Rules - Merchant Shipping (Seafarer Accommodation) Rules, 2016

No: 199, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Draft Rules - Merchant Shipping (Seafarer Accommodation) Rules, 2016 Full Document

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority fixes the price as specified in column (6) of the table herein below

No: 768, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority fixes the price as specified in column (6) of the table herein below Full Document

Amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), number 63/94-CUSTOMS (NT), dated the 21st November, 1994

No: 767, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), number 63/94-CUSTOMS (NT), dated the 21st November, 1994 Full Document

Central Government notifies for the purposes of the said clause, the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission

No: 765, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

Central Government notifies for the purposes of the said clause, the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission Full Document

The following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers conferred by

No: 764, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

The following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers conferred by Full Document

The following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers

No: 762, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

The following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers Full Document

The following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers conferred by

No: 761, Dated: Mar 29, 2016

The following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers conferred by Full Document