Anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Non-Woven Fabric, originating in or exported from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Saudi Arabia and China PR

No: 236, Dated: Sep 02, 2017

  Anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Non-Woven Fabric, originating in or exported from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Saudi Arabia and China PR Full Document

Sunset Review investigation of Anti-dumping duty imposed on the imports of Certain Rubber Chemicals, namely

No: 235, Dated: Sep 02, 2017

Sunset Review investigation of Anti-dumping duty imposed on the imports of Certain Rubber Chemicals, namely, TDQ & PX-13 originating in or exported from the European Union and MOR and MBTS... Full Document

Central Government, on the recommendations of the Council, waives the late fee payable under section 47 of the said Act

No: 748, Dated: Sep 01, 2017

Full Document

Appointment of Shri Ajay Kumar as Private Secretary in the National Legal Service

No: 339, Dated: Sep 01, 2017

Full Document

Amendments in Notification No. S.O. 115(E) dated 09.02.2000

No: 338, Dated: Sep 01, 2017

Full Document

Central Government, with the concurrence of the Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna

No: 2513, Dated: Sep 01, 2017

Full Document

Amendments in the notification of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway number S.O.3654 (E) Dated 6th December, 2016

No: 2511, Dated: Sep 01, 2017

Full Document

Amendments in the notification of the erstwhile Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways number S.O 1096(E), dated the 4th August, 2005

No: 2508, Dated: Sep 01, 2017

Full Document

Amendments in the notification of the erstwhile Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways number S.O.1096(E), dated the 4th August, 2005

No: 2506, Dated: Sep 01, 2017

Full Document

Government amends the notification of the Ministry of Finance vide number S.O. 831(E), dated the 15th March, 2017

No: 2505, Dated: Sep 01, 2017

Full Document

Amendments in the First Schedule to the said Act, namely

No: 2503, Dated: Sep 01, 2017

Full Document

Export of preferential quota sugar to USA under TRQ quota

No: 233, Dated: Sep 01, 2017

Full Document

न्‍यायालय फीस (मध्‍यप्रदेश संशोधन) अधिनियम, 2017

No: 477, Dated: Sep 01, 2017

  न्‍यायालय फीस (मध्‍यप्रदेश संशोधन) अधिनियम, 2017 Full Document

कृषि उपज मंडी समिति,कटनी, जिला कटनी के अन्‍तर्गत मंडी क्षेत्र के निम्‍नलिखित स्‍थान, उस पर बने समस्‍त सरंचना, अहाता, खुला स्‍थान या परिक्षेत्र को अतिरिक्‍त मंडी प्रांगण घोषित करती है

No: 475, Dated: Aug 30, 2017

Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Goods sand Services Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2017

No: 476, Dated: Aug 30, 2017

  Madhya Pradesh Goods sand Services Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2017 Full Document

संशोधन - अधिसूचना क्रमांक एफ 3-20-2003-1-पांच (43), दिनांक 30 जून 2017

No: 472, Dated: Aug 28, 2017

Full Document

एम.डी.(होम.)स्‍नातकोत्‍तर पाठ्यक्रम प्रवेश नियम-2017

No: 473, Dated: Aug 28, 2017

  एम.डी.(होम.)स्‍नातकोत्‍तर पाठ्यक्रम प्रवेश नियम-2017 Full Document

मध्‍यप्रदेश एम.डी.(आयुर्वेद)/एम.एस.(आयुर्वेद) स्‍नातकोत्‍तर पाठ्यक्रम प्रवेश नियम-2017

No: 474, Dated: Aug 28, 2017

  मध्‍यप्रदेश एम.डी.(आयुर्वेद)/एम.एस.(आयुर्वेद) स्‍नातकोत्‍तर पाठ्यक्रम प्रवेश नियम-2017 Full Document

श्री विनोद कुमार दुबे (सेवानिवृत्‍त अपर जिला एवं सत्र न्‍यायाधीश) की नियुक्ति

No: 470, Dated: Aug 26, 2017

Full Document

राज्‍य में नगरपालिका परिषद शहडोल, जिला शहडोल के माह अगस्‍त 2017 में कराये गये आम निर्वाचन में निम्‍नलिखित व्‍यक्‍ति अध्‍यक्ष/पार्षद निर्वाचित हुए है

No: 471, Dated: Aug 26, 2017

Full Document