संशोधन - मध्‍यप्रदेश माल और सेवा कर अधिनियम, 2017

No: 510, Dated: Sep 21, 2017

  संशोधन - मध्‍यप्रदेश माल और सेवा कर अधिनियम, 2017 Full Document

Amendments in notification No. FA-3-42-2017-1-V (53), dated the 30th June, 2017

No: 511, Dated: Sep 21, 2017

Full Document

न्‍यूक्लियर पावर कार्पोरेशन ऑफ इण्डिया लिमिटेड को अंत: राज्‍यीय आपूर्ति पर लगने वाले संपूर्ण राज्‍य कर से छूट प्रदान करती

No: 512, Dated: Sep 21, 2017

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श्री अरूण प्रकाश सक्‍सैना (सेवानिवृत्‍त जिला एवं सत्र न्‍यायाधीश)

No: 507, Dated: Sep 20, 2017

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पर्यटन विभाग की सेवाएं

No: 508, Dated: Sep 20, 2017

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शासकीय लेखन सामग्री एवं प्रकाशन भंडार,भोपाल,ग्‍वालियर, इदौर, जबलपुर के कार्यालयों को बन्‍द किये जाने के संबंध में

No: 505, Dated: Sep 19, 2017

Full Document

Government makes the following rules further to amend the Madhya Pradesh Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017

No: 506, Dated: Sep 19, 2017

  Government makes the following rules further to amend the Madhya Pradesh Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 Full Document

Government hereby appoints the 18th day of September, 2017

No: 503, Dated: Sep 18, 2017

Full Document

Government directs that the provisions of the sub-section, 2, 3, 4 & 5 the said Act

No: 504, Dated: Sep 18, 2017

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राज्‍य राजमार्ग के रूप में घोषित तथा वर्गीकृत सडकों की सूची

No: 498, Dated: Sep 15, 2017

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संशोधन - अधिसूचना क्रमांक 25-एफ 1-14-2016-अठारह-3 दिनांक 17 अक्‍टूबर 2016

No: 499, Dated: Sep 15, 2017

Full Document

Madhya Pradesh constitutes the State Level Screening Committee of following officers

No: 500, Dated: Sep 15, 2017

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Government specifies the casual taxable persons making taxable supplies of handicraft goods

No: 501, Dated: Sep 15, 2017

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Return for the month as specified in column (2) of the Table below shall be furnished in FORM GSTR-3B electronically through the common portal

No: 502, Dated: Sep 15, 2017

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संशोधन - राज्‍य सरकार, मध्‍यप्रेदश कृषि उपज उपज मंडी (राज्‍य विपणन विकास निधि) नियम, 2000

No: 497, Dated: Sep 13, 2017

  संशोधन - राज्‍य सरकार, मध्‍यप्रेदश कृषि उपज उपज मंडी (राज्‍य विपणन विकास निधि) नियम, 2000 Full Document

No. 44/2017-Customs (ADD)

No: 769, Dated: Sep 12, 2017

Full Document

Exchange shall comply with conditions as may be prescribed by SEBI from time to time

No: 351, Dated: Sep 12, 2017

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Amendments in the notification of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways S.O. No. 1756(E), dated the 30th June 2015,

No: 2635, Dated: Sep 12, 2017

Full Document

Land to be acquired for Widening/four laning etc. from Km. 263.000 to Km. 280.250 of NH-56 in District Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh

No: 2634, Dated: Sep 12, 2017

Full Document

Amendment in the aforesaid notification

No: 2624, Dated: Sep 12, 2017

Full Document