Gazette Notification
The system of execution of retail shops of domestic / foreign liquor year 2010-11
The system of execution of retail shops of domestic / foreign liquor year 2010-11 देशी/विदेशी मदिरा की फुटकर बिक्री की दुकानों के निष्पादन की व्यवस्था वर्ष 2010-11 Full Document
Madhya Pradesh Medical and Dental Post Graduate Course Entrance Examination Rules, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Medical and Dental Post Graduate Course Entrance Examination Rules, 2010 मध्यप्रदेश चिकित्सा तथा दंत चिकित्सा स्नातकोत्तर पाठ्यक्रम प्रवेश परीक्षा नियम, 2010 Full Document
Toll Tax levied on the newly constructed bridge over the Vagmar River in Sirpur Jamli Kohadar Marg of Khandwa district
Toll Tax levied on the newly constructed bridge over the Vagmar River in Sirpur Jamli Kohadar Marg of Khandwa district खण्डवा जिले के सिरपुर जामली कोहदड़ मार्ग में वगमार नदी पर... Full Document
Fixed amount of tax payable on sale or purchase on the basis of quantity or measure of sand, ballast and flooring stone / neemuch stone, class of goods
Fixed amount of tax payable on sale or purchase on the basis of quantity or measure of sand, ballast and flooring stone / neemuch stone, class of goods रेत, गिट्टी एवं... Full Document
Amendment in Schedule 2 of Madhya Pradesh Vat Act, 2002
Amendment in Schedule 2 of Madhya Pradesh Vat Act, 2002 मध्यप्रदेश वेट अधिनियम, 2002 की अनुसूची 2 में संशोधन Full Document
Raja Man Singh Tomar Sangit Evam Kala Vishwavidyalya (Sanshodhan) Adhyadesh, 2010
Raja Man Singh Tomar Sangit Evam Kala Vishwavidyalya (Sanshodhan) Adhyadesh, 2010 राजा मानसिंह तोमर संगीत एवं कला विश्वविद्यालय (संशोधन) अध्यादेश, 2010 Full Document
Partial amendment in the Madhya Pradesh State Election Commission's Memorandum No. F-37-III (6)-95-2126, dated June 19, 1996
Partial amendment in the Madhya Pradesh State Election Commission's Memorandum No. F-37-III (6)-95-2126, dated June 19, 1996 मध्यप्रदेश राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग के ज्ञापन क्रमांक एफ-37-तीन (6)-95-2126, दिनांक 19 जून 1996 आदेश में... Full Document
Roads declared and classified as main district roads in Madhya Pradesh
Roads declared and classified as main district roads in Madhya Pradesh मार्गों को मध्यप्रदेश में मुख्य जिला सड़क के रूप में घोषित तथा वर्गीकृत Full Document
Persons elected as president / councilors in general elections of Nagar Panchayat, Shamshabad, District Vidisha in the month of January 2010
Persons elected as president / councilors in general elections of Nagar Panchayat, Shamshabad, District Vidisha in the month of January 2010 नगर पंचायत, शमशाबाद, जिला विदिशा के आम निर्वाचन, माह जनवरी... Full Document
Corrigendum - Madhya Pradesh State Election Commission's Notification No. 634, dated 29 December 2009
Corrigendum - Madhya Pradesh State Election Commission's Notification No. 634, dated 29 December 2009 शुद्धिपत्र - मध्यप्रदेश राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग की अधिसूचना क्रमांक 634, दिनांक 29 दिसम्बर 2009 Full Document
Madhya Pradesh Nagarpalik Vidhi (Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2009
Madhya Pradesh Nagarpalik Vidhi (Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2009 मध्यप्रदेश नगरपालिक विधि (संशोधन) अधिनियम, 2009 Full Document
Appointment of Shri Kamal Kumar Ahirwar, Drug Inspector as Licensing Authority for the purpose of Part-6 and 6-A in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945
Appointment of Shri Kamal Kumar Ahirwar, Drug Inspector as Licensing Authority for the purpose of Part-6 and 6-A in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 श्री कमल कुमार अहिरवार, औषधि निरीक्षक... Full Document
The Governor invited the State Legislative Assembly to meet in Bhopal on Monday, 22 February 2010 at 10:30 AM
The Governor invited the State Legislative Assembly to meet in Bhopal on Monday, 22 February 2010 at 10:30 AM राज्यपाल महोदय द्वारा राज्य की विधान सभा को सोमवार, दिनांक 22 फरवरी, 2010 को... Full Document
Constitution of advisory board for the purpose of Madhya Pradesh Special Area Security Act, 2000
Constitution of advisory board for the purpose of Madhya Pradesh Special Area Security Act, 2000 मध्यप्रदेश विशेष क्षेत्र सुरक्षा अधिनियम, 2000 के प्रयोजन के लिये सलाहकार बोर्ड का गठन Full Document
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct general elections 2010 of three-tier panchayats in Dhar district
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct general elections 2010 of three-tier panchayats in Dhar district धार जिले में त्रिस्तरीय पंचायतों के आम निर्वाचन 2010 सम्पन्न कराने हेतु अधिकारियों को विशेष... Full Document
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct general elections 2010 of three-tier panchayats in Barwani district
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct general elections 2010 of three-tier panchayats in Barwani district बड़वानी जिले में त्रिस्तरीय पंचायतों के आम निर्वाचन 2010 सम्पन्न कराने हेतु अधिकारियों को विशेष कार्यपालिक... Full Document
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct general elections 2010 of three-tier panchayats in Umaria district
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct general elections 2010 of three-tier panchayats in Umaria district उमरिया जिले में त्रिस्तरीय पंचायतों के आम निर्वाचन 2010 सम्पन्न कराने हेतु अधिकारियों को विशेष कार्यपालिक... Full Document
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct general elections 2010 of three-tier panchayats in Dewas district
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct general elections 2010 of three-tier panchayats in Dewas district देवास जिले में त्रिस्तरीय पंचायतों के आम निर्वाचन 2010 सम्पन्न कराने हेतु अधिकारियों को विशेष कार्यपालिक... Full Document
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct general elections 2010 of three-tier panchayats in Chhatarpur district
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct general elections 2010 of three-tier panchayats in Chhatarpur district छतरपुर जिले में त्रिस्तरीय पंचायतों के आम निर्वाचन 2010 सम्पन्न कराने हेतु अधिकारियों को विशेष कार्यपालिक... Full Document