Madhya Pradesh Niji Vishwavidyalaya (Sthapana Avam Sanchalan) Dwitiya Sanshodhan Adhiniyam, 2010

No: 696, Dated: Dec 30, 2010

Madhya Pradesh Niji Vishwavidyalaya (Sthapana Avam Sanchalan) Dwitiya Sanshodhan Adhiniyam, 2010 मध्यप्रदेश निजी विश्वविद्यालय (स्थापना एवं संचालन) द्वितीय संशोधन अधिनियम, 2010 Full Document

Sale of Madhya Pradesh Government Stock (Securities) of 10-year tenure for an aggregate amount of Rs. 1000.00 Crore (Nominal)

No: 697, Dated: Dec 30, 2010

Sale of Madhya Pradesh Government Stock (Securities) of 10-year tenure for an aggregate amount of Rs. 1000.00 Crore (Nominal) Full Document

Partial amendment in the Animal Husbandry Department's notification no. F-3-2-2001-XXXV-(2), dated March 13, 2001

No: 698, Dated: Dec 30, 2010

Partial amendment in the Animal Husbandry Department's notification no. F-3-2-2001-XXXV-(2), dated March 13, 2001  पशुपालन विभाग की अधिसूचना क्रमांक एफ-3-2-2001-पैंतीस-(2), दिनांक 13 मार्च, 2001 में आंशिक संशोधन Full Document

Annual license fees prescribed for license of Hotel Bar (FL-3) and Resort Bar (FL-3-A) for the population or category of the city/town

No: 645, Dated: Dec 29, 2010

Annual license fees prescribed for license of Hotel Bar (FL-3) and Resort Bar (FL-3-A) for the population or category of the city/town नगर/शहर की जनसंख्या या श्रेणी के लिए होटल बार... Full Document

The District Magistrate may exercise the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 3 of the National Security Act, 1980 during the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 March 2011

No: 646-695, Dated: Dec 29, 2010

The District Magistrate may exercise the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 3 of the National Security Act, 1980 during the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 March... Full Document

Increase in the period of completion of tax assessment and re-assessment proceedings which are not completed by December 31, 2010 till April 30, 2011

No: 644, Dated: Dec 28, 2010

Increase in the period of completion of tax assessment and re-assessment proceedings which are not completed by December 31, 2010 till April 30, 2011 कर निर्धारण व पुनः कर निर्धारण की ऐसी... Full Document

Prohibition of refusal to work in the essential services specified in the schedule - 2010-12-27

No: 641, Dated: Dec 27, 2010

Prohibition of refusal to work in the essential services specified in the schedule अनुसूची में निर्दिष्ट आवश्यक सेवाओं में काम करने से इंकार करने का निषेध Full Document

Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Foreign Liquor Rules, 1996

No: 642, Dated: Dec 27, 2010

Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Foreign Liquor Rules, 1996 मध्यप्रदेश विदेशी मदिरा नियम, 1996 में संशोधन Full Document

Cotton (ginned or ginned), exemption from payment of entry tax to the class of goods

No: 643, Dated: Dec 27, 2010

Cotton (ginned or ginned), exemption from payment of entry tax to the class of goods कपास (ओटी हुई या बिना ओटी हुई), माल के वर्ग को प्रवेश कर के भुगतान से... Full Document

Amendment in notification issued on 25 June 2010 for Kharif season 2010 under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme

No: 638, Dated: Dec 24, 2010

Amendment in notification issued on 25 June 2010 for Kharif season 2010 under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme राष्ट्रीय कृषि बीमा योजना अन्तर्गत मौसम खरीफ वर्ष 2010 के लिये दिनांक 25 जून... Full Document

Exemption of films produced by Children's Film Society, Mumbai

No: 639, Dated: Dec 24, 2010

Exemption of films produced by Children's Film Society, Mumbai बाल फिल्म सोसाइटी, मुम्बई द्वारा निर्मित फिल्मों के प्रदर्शन को छूट Full Document

One year increase in validity of Home (C-Section) Department's Notification No. F.-19-34-2001-C-1, dated November 24, 2009

No: 640, Dated: Dec 24, 2010

One year increase in validity of Home (C-Section) Department's Notification No. F.-19-34-2001-C-1, dated November 24, 2009 गृह विभाग (सी-अनुभाग) विभाग की अधिसूचना क्र.एफ.-19-34-2001-सी-एक, दिनांक 24 नवम्बर, 2009 की वैधता में एक... Full Document

Regarding the declaration of State Government Regional Ophthalmology Institute, Bhopal as an autonomous institution

No: 636, Dated: Dec 23, 2010

Regarding the declaration of State Government Regional Ophthalmology Institute, Bhopal as an autonomous institution राज्य सरकार क्षेत्रीय नेत्र विज्ञान संस्थान, भोपाल को स्वशासी संस्था घोषित करने के संबंध में Full Document

With regard to conferring the powers of the Tehsildar, all revenue inspectors within their respective jurisdiction under section 129 of Madhya Pradesh Land Revenue Code, 1959

No: 637, Dated: Dec 23, 2010

With regard to conferring the powers of the Tehsildar, all revenue inspectors within their respective jurisdiction under section 129 of Madhya Pradesh Land Revenue Code, 1959 मध्यप्रदेश भू-राजस्व संहिता, 1959 की... Full Document

Corrigendum - Amendment in the list of wards reserved for Municipal Mandsaur, District Mandsaur published in Madhya Pradesh Gazette Extraordinary Date 30 October, 2010

No: 635, Dated: Dec 15, 2010

Corrigendum - Amendment in the list of wards reserved for Municipal Mandsaur, District Mandsaur published in Madhya Pradesh Gazette Extraordinary Date 30 October, 2010 शुद्धिपत्र - मध्यप्रदेश राजपत्र असाधारण दिनांक 30... Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Appropriation (No. 4) Act, 2010

No: 633, Dated: Dec 14, 2010

Madhya Pradesh Appropriation (No. 4) Act, 2010 मध्यप्रदेश विनियोग (क्रमांक- 4) अधिनियम, 2010 Full Document

Formation of State Disaster Redemption Fund to deal with any eventuality or disaster

No: 634, Dated: Dec 14, 2010

Formation of State Disaster Redemption Fund to deal with any eventuality or disaster किसी आपदा की आशंका की स्थिति या आपदा से निपटने के लिये राज्य आपदा मोचन निधि का गठन Full Document

Complete exemption from payment of entry tax to the class of registered traders

No: 632, Dated: Dec 13, 2010

Complete exemption from payment of entry tax to the class of registered traders रजिस्ट्रीकृत व्यापारियों के वर्ग को प्रवेश कर के भुगतान से पूर्णत: छूट Full Document

Notification regarding number of farmers organization, irrigation system and work area

No: 631, Dated: Dec 10, 2010

Notification regarding number of farmers organization, irrigation system and work area कृषक संगठन की संख्या, सिंचाई प्रणाली एवं कार्य क्षेत्र के संबंध में अधिसूचना Full Document

Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi (Mandi Samiti Ka Nirvachan) Rule, 1997

No: 630, Dated: Dec 09, 2010

Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi (Mandi Samiti Ka Nirvachan) Rule, 1997 मध्यप्रदेश कृषि उपज मण्डी (मण्डी समितियों का निर्वाचन) नियम, 1997 में संशोधन Full Document