Gazette Notification
Corrigendum - Notification No. 1083/2011/1-9, dated 31 March 2011 of Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Annual Confidential Report) Rules, 2011
Corrigendum - Notification No. 1083/2011/1-9, dated 31 March 2011 of Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Annual Confidential Report) Rules, 2011 शुद्धिपत्र - मध्यप्रदेश विद्युत नियामक आयोग (वार्षिक गोपनीय प्रतिवेदन) नियम, 2011... Full Document
Exemption from payment of tax on hand made copper and brass utensils from April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2006
Exemption from payment of tax on hand made copper and brass utensils from April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2006 हाथ से बने तांबे और पीतल के बर्तन को 1 अप्रैल,... Full Document
Amendment in Commercial Tax Department's notification no. A-3-32-94-ST-V(5), dated 28 February 1995
Amendment in Commercial Tax Department's notification no. A-3-32-94-ST-V(5), dated 28 February 1995 वाणिज्यिक कर विभाग की अधिसूचना क्रमांक ए-3-32-94-विक-पांच, दिनांक 28 फरवरी 1995 में संशोधन Full Document
Person designated as Aldermen in Municipal Vidisha
Person designated as Aldermen in Municipal Vidisha नगरपालिका विदिशा में एल्डरमेन के रूप में नामित व्यक्ति Full Document
Re-appointment of Shri Kamleshwar Prasad Tiwari as Chairperson in Divisional Vigilance Committee, Rewa
Re-appointment of Shri Kamleshwar Prasad Tiwari as Chairperson in Divisional Vigilance Committee, Rewa संभागीय सतर्कता समिति, रीवा में श्री कमलेश्वर प्रसाद तिवारी को पुनः अध्यक्ष के पद पर नियुक्ति Full Document
Appointment of Shri R.G.Agrawal as Chairman and Smt Jamuna Yadav as member in the Divisional Vigilance Committee, Jabalpur Division
Appointment of Shri R.G.Agrawal as Chairman and Smt Jamuna Yadav as member in the Divisional Vigilance Committee, Jabalpur Division जबलपुर संभाग की संभागीय सतर्कता समिति में श्री आर.जी.अग्रवाल को अध्यक्ष एवं... Full Document
Notified Area for Farmers' Organizations
Notified Area for Farmers' Organizations कृषक संगठनों के लिए कार्यक्षेत्र अधिसूचित Full Document
Mr. Dashrath Singh Lodhi Dasu Bhaiya, elected duly to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Ratnesh Salomon
Mr. Dashrath Singh Lodhi Dasu Bhaiya, elected duly to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Ratnesh Salomon श्री दशरथ सिंह लोधी दस्सू भैया, श्री रत्नेश सालोमन की मृत्यु... Full Document
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Assistance to the Multi-disabled and Mentally Undeveloped disabled Persons of Older than Six years Age Scheme, 2009
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Assistance to the Multi-disabled and Mentally Undeveloped disabled Persons of Older than Six years Age Scheme, 2009 मध्यप्रदेश के छह वर्ष से अधिक आयु के बहुविकलांग... Full Document
Madhya Pradesh Municipality Regulation of Swimming Pools Model Byelaws, 2011
Madhya Pradesh Municipality Regulation of Swimming Pools Model Byelaws, 2011 मध्यप्रदेश नगरपालिका तरण तालों का विनियमन आदर्श उपविधियां, 2011 Full Document
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Panchayat Samvida Shala Shikshak (Employment and Conditions of Contract) Rules, 2005
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Panchayat Samvida Shala Shikshak (Employment and Conditions of Contract) Rules, 2005 मध्यप्रदेश पंचायत संविदा शाला शिक्षक (नियोजन एवं संविदा की शर्ते) नियम, 2005 में संशोधन Full Document
District magistrates will be able to exercise powers to order detention in areas within local boundaries
District magistrates will be able to exercise powers to order detention in areas within local boundaries जिला मजिस्ट्रेट स्थानीय सीमाओं के भीतर के क्षेत्रों में निरोध का आदेश करने की शक्तियों का... Full Document
Amendment in the Home Department's Notification No. F-12-29-11-B-1-2, dated 10 June 2011
Amendment in the Home Department's Notification No. F-12-29-11-B-1-2, dated 10 June 2011 गृह विभाग की अधिसूचना क्र.एफ-12-29-11-बी-1-दो, दिनांक 10 जून 2011 में संशोधन Full Document
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Public Distribution System (Control) Order, 2009
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Public Distribution System (Control) Order, 2009 मध्यप्रदेश सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली (नियंत्रण) आदेश, 2009 में संशोधन Full Document
Madhya Pradesh Legal Metrology Rules, 2011
Madhya Pradesh Legal Metrology Rules, 2011 मध्यप्रदेश विधिक मापविज्ञान नियम, 2011 Full Document
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Nagreeya Nikay Samvida Shala Shikshak (Employment and conditions of contract) Rules, 2005
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Nagreeya Nikay Samvida Shala Shikshak (Employment and conditions of contract) Rules, 2005 मध्यप्रदेश नगरीय निकाय संविदा शाला शिक्षक (नियोजन एवं संविदा की शर्ते) नियम, 2005 में... Full Document
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct Legislative Assembly by-elections, 2011, in Tehsil, 56-Jabera, Damoh district, Madhya Pradesh
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates to conduct Legislative Assembly by-elections, 2011, in Tehsil, 56-Jabera, Damoh district, Madhya Pradesh मध्यप्रदेश के दमोह जिले की तहसील, 56-जबेरा में, विधान सभा उप चुनाव,... Full Document
Regarding Elector Photo ID Card
Regarding Elector Photo ID Card निर्वाचक फोटो पहचान-पत्र के संबंध में Full Document
Prohibition of conducting any exit poll or publishing the exit poll result in any way related to by-election
Prohibition of conducting any exit poll or publishing the exit poll result in any way related to by-election उप-निर्वाचन से संबंधित किसी एक्जिट पोल को संचालित करना या एक्जिट पोल केे परिणाम... Full Document