Gazette Notification
Madhya Pradesh Small Hydropower Based Power Project Implementation Policy, 2011
Madhya Pradesh Small Hydropower Based Power Project Implementation Policy, 2011 मध्य प्रदेश लघु जल विद्युत् आधारित विद्युत् परियोजना क्रियान्वयन नीति, 2011 Full Document
General holidays for 2012 which will be celebrated in all government offices and institutions of Madhya Pradesh
General holidays for 2012 which will be celebrated in all government offices and institutions of Madhya Pradesh सन् 2012 हेतु सामान्य (जनरल) छुट्टियां जो मध्यप्रदेश के समस्त शासकीय कार्यालयों तथा संस्थाओं... Full Document
Regarding changing the name of village "Bhabra" district Alirajpur as "Chandra Shekhar Azad Nagar"
Regarding changing the name of village "Bhabra" district Alirajpur as "Chandra Shekhar Azad Nagar" अलीराजपुर जिले के ग्राम "भाबरा" का नाम परिवर्तित कर "चंद्र शेखर आजाद नगर" करने के सम्बन्ध में Full Document
Appointment of Director, Prosecution for the purpose of independently reviewing the evidence collected during the investigation of crimes
Appointment of Director, Prosecution for the purpose of independently reviewing the evidence collected during the investigation of crimes अपराधों के अन्वेषण के दौरान एकत्र साक्ष्य का स्वतंत्र रूप से पुनर्विलोकन करने... Full Document
Prohibition of refusal to work in the essential services specified in the schedule - 29-10-2011
Prohibition of refusal to work in the essential services specified in the schedule अनुसूची में निर्दिष्ट आवश्यक सेवाओं में काम करने से इंकार करने का निषेध Full Document
Corrigendum - Madhya Pradesh Gazette (extraordinary number 373), published on 3 August 2011
Corrigendum - Madhya Pradesh Gazette (extraordinary number 373), published on 3 August 2011 शुद्धिपत्र - मध्यप्रदेश राजपत्र (असाधारण क्रमांक 373), दिनांक 3 अगस्त 2011 में प्रकाशित Full Document
To assign the subject of the Department and / or the agenda of the Department to Mr. Kailash Vijayvargiya, Minister
To assign the subject of the Department and / or the agenda of the Department to Mr. Kailash Vijayvargiya, Minister श्री कैलाश विजयवर्गीय, मंत्री को विभाग और / या विभाग की कार्य-सूची... Full Document
Shri Ravi Shankar Patel, Additional Collector, appointed as Additional District Magistrate in place of Shri AK Mandalia, Additional Collector
Shri Ravi Shankar Patel, Additional Collector, appointed as Additional District Magistrate in place of Shri AK Mandalia, Additional Collector श्री ए.के.मांदलिया, अपर कलेक्टर, के स्थान पर श्री रविशंकर पटेल, अपर कलेक्टर,... Full Document
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Labour Service (Non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1966
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Labour Service (Non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1966 मध्यप्रदेश श्रम सेवा (अराजपत्रित) भर्ती नियम, 1966 में संशोधन Full Document
Regarding renaming of Government Hospital, Jivajiganj Ujjain as "Shri Bherulal Bhati Government Hospital, Ujjain"
Regarding renaming of Government Hospital, Jivajiganj Ujjain as "Shri Bherulal Bhati Government Hospital, Ujjain" शासकीय चिकित्सालय, जीवाजीगंज उज्जैन का नामकरण "श्री भेरूलाल भाटी शासकीय चिकित्सालय, उज्जैन" करने के सम्बन्ध में Full Document
Proposed Area Tehsils for Rabi season 2011-12 under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
Proposed Area Tehsils for Rabi season 2011-12 under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme राष्ट्रीय कृषि बीमा योजनान्तर्गत वर्ष 2011-12 मौसम रबी हेतु प्रस्तावित क्षेत्र तहसीलें Full Document
List of wards reserved for Municipal Council Ranapur, District Jhabua
List of wards reserved for Municipal Council Ranapur, District Jhabua नगर परिषद रानापुर, जिला झाबुआ के लिये आरक्षित वार्डों की सूची Full Document
Prohibition of refusal to work in the essential services specified in the schedule - 20-10-2011
Prohibition of refusal to work in the essential services specified in the schedule अनुसूची में निर्दिष्ट आवश्यक सेवाओं में काम करने से इंकार करने का निषेध Full Document
Madhya Pradesh Junior Administrative Service (recruitments and service conditions of Service) Rules, 2011
Madhya Pradesh Junior Administrative Service (recruitments and service conditions of Service) Rules, 2011 मध्यप्रदेश जूनियर प्रशासकीय सेवा (भर्ती तथा सेवा शर्ते) नियम, 2011 Full Document
The Governor invited the State Legislative Assembly to meet in Bhopal on Monday, 21 November 2011 at 10:30 AM
The Governor invited the State Legislative Assembly to meet in Bhopal on Monday, 21 November 2011 at 10:30 AM राज्यपाल महोदय द्वारा राज्य की विधान सभा को सोमवार, दिनांक 21 नवम्बर 2011 को पूर्वाह्न 10:30... Full Document
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Employment Service (Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1991
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Employment Service (Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1991 मध्य प्रदेश रोजगार सेवा (राजपत्रित) भर्ती नियम, 1991 में संशोधन Full Document
Amendment in the General Administration Department's notification no. F 24-20-2008-1-10, dated October 8, 2008
Amendment in the General Administration Department's notification no. F 24-20-2008-1-10, dated October 8, 2008 सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग की अधिसूचना क्रमांक एफ 24-20-2008-एक-10, दिनांक 8 अक्टूबर, 2008 में संशोधन Full Document
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Commercial Tax Department Sub-ordinate Taxation Service (Class III-Executive) Recruitment Rules, 2007
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Commercial Tax Department Sub-ordinate Taxation Service (Class III-Executive) Recruitment Rules, 2007 मध्यप्रदेश वाणिज्यिक कर विभाग अधीनस्थ कराधान सेवा (तृतीय श्रेणी-कार्यपालिक) भर्ती नियम, 2007 में संशोधन Full Document
The sale of Madhya Pradesh Government Stock (Securities) of 10-year tenure for an aggregate amount of Rs. 1000.00 Crore (Nominal)
The sale of Madhya Pradesh Government Stock (Securities) of 10-year tenure for an aggregate amount of Rs. 1000.00 Crore (Nominal) Full Document