Officers appointed as special executive magistrates for the period from 30-9-2010 to 5-10-2010 to maintain law and order in Tikamgarh, Bhind, Seoni and Bhopal districts
No: 530 Dated: Sep, 29 2010
Officers appointed as special executive magistrates for the period from 30-9-2010 to 5-10-2010 to maintain law and order in Tikamgarh, Bhind, Seoni and Bhopal districts
टीकमगढ़, भिण्ड, सिवनी तथा भोपाल जिले में कानून व्यवस्था बनाये रखने हेतु दिनांक 30-9-2010 से 5-10-2010 तक की अवधि के लिये अधिकारियों को विशेष कार्यपालिक दण्डाधिकारी नियुक्त