Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Municipalities (the Conduct of Business of the Mayor-in-Council/President-in-Council and the powers and functions of the Authorities) Rules, 1998
No: 608 Dated: Nov, 25 2010
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Municipalities (the Conduct of Business of the Mayor-in-Council/President-in-Council and the powers and functions of the Authorities) Rules, 1998
मध्यप्रदेश नगरपालिका (मेयर-इन-काउंसिल/ प्रेसीडेंट-इन काउंसिल के कामकाज का संचालन तथा प्राधिकारियों की शक्तियां एवं कर्तव्य) नियम, 1998 में संशोधन