Gazette Notification - Transport, Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Motor vehicle Rules, 1994- Assignment of specified registration mark.
Motor vehicles Act, 1988
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Motor vehicle Rules, 1994 --- For details view pdf.
राजपत्र (असाधारण) दिनांक 4 फरवरी 2014 में संशोधन --- पूरी जानकारी के लिए पी.डी.एफ. देखें. Full Document
Use of Red and Yellow light on vehicles during Lok Sabha Election, 2014
Use of Red and Yellow light on vehicles during Lok Sabha Election, 2014
निर्वाचन की प्रक्रिया सम्पन्न होने तक अस्थाई रूप से यान पर पीली बत्ती प्रयोग करने
....For complete details,please view pdf Full Document
Permission to use Red and Yellow light on government vehicles- Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989
Permission to use Red and Yellow light on government vehicles- Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989
शासकीय वाहनों के अग्रशीर्ष भाग पर लाल/पीली/नीली बत्ती लगाने के संबंध में
....For complete details,please view pdf Full Document
Amendment in Madhya Pradesh Motor Vehicle Rules,1994 in exercise of power conferred by Motor Vehicles Act 1988
Amendment in Madhya Pradesh Motor Vehicle Rules,1994 in exercise of power conferred by Motor Vehicles Act,1988 - Relating to driver and conductor.
मोटरयान अधिनियम, 1988 द्वारा प्रदत्त शक्तियों का प्रयोग करते हुए मध्य प्रदेश मोटरयान नियम,1994 में संशोधन- चालक तथा परिचालक के सम्बन्ध में. Full Document
Assignment of specified registration mark for vehicles by Web based Online Auction
Assignment of specified registration mark for vehicles by Web based Online Auction
म.प्र. मोटरयान नियम, 1994 में संशोधन का प्रारूप
....For complete details, please view pdf Full Document
Partial exemption from payment of tax to all public service vehicles
Partial exemption from payment of tax to all public service vehicles
समस्त लोक सेवा यानों को, कर के संदाय से आंशिक रूप से छूट Full Document
Amendment in The Madhya Pradesh Transport Department Sub-ordinate (Class-III Executive) Service Recruitment Rules, 2011
Amendment in The Madhya Pradesh Transport Department Sub-ordinate (Class-III Executive) Service Recruitment Rules, 2011
मध्यप्रदेश परिवहन विभाग अधीनस्थ (तृतीय श्रेणी कार्यपालिक) सेवा भर्ती नियम, 2011 में संशोधन Full Document
M/s Smart Chip Limited authorized to collect, store and appropriate consumer charges
M/s Smart Chip Limited authorized to collect, store and appropriate consumer charges
मेसर्स स्मार्ट चिप लिमिटेड को उपभोक्ता प्रभार वसूल करने, संग्रहीत करने और विनियोजित करने के लिये प्राधिकृत Full Document
Permission to use red light and yellow light temporarily on the vehicle
Permission to use red light and yellow light temporarily on the vehicle
अस्थाई रूप से यान पर लाल बत्ती एवं पीली बत्ती का प्रयोग करने की अनुज्ञा Full Document
Amendments in the Transport Department notification no F-22-23-93-Eight, dated October 6, 1993, related to setting the maximum limit of three-wheeler tempo in cities
Amendments in the Transport Department notification no F-22-23-93-Eight, dated October 6, 1993 related to setting the maximum limit of three-wheeler tempo in cities
शहरों में तिपहिया टेम्पो की अधिकतम सीमा निर्धारण से सम्बंधित परिवहन विभाग की अधिसूचना क्र. एफ-22-23-93-आठ, दिनांक 6 अक्टूबर, 1993 में संशोधन Full Document
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Transport Department Class III (Ministerial Service) Recruitment Rules, 2011
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Transport Department Class III (Ministerial Service) Recruitment Rules, 2011
मध्यप्रदेश परिवहन विभाग तृतीय श्रेणी (लिपिक वर्गीय सेवा) भर्ती नियम, 2011 में संशोधन Full Document
Administrative arrangements implemented in Interdepartmental Committee (IDC)
Administrative arrangements implemented in Interdepartmental Committee (IDC)
अन्तर्विभागीय समिति (आई.डी.सी.) में प्रशासनिक व्यवस्थाएं लागू Full Document
Amendment in the Transport Department Notification No. F-22-41-2011-Eight, dated 21 January 2013
Amendment in the Transport Department Notification No. F-22-41-2011-Eight, dated 21 January 2013
परिवहन विभाग की अधिसूचना क्रमांक एफ-22-41-2011-आठ, दिनांक 21 जनवरी 2013 में संशोधन Full Document
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh, Motor Vehicle Rules, 1994
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh, Motor Vehicle Rules, 1994
मध्यप्रदेश मोटरयान नियम, 1994 में संशोधन Full Document
Instructions regarding fixation of passenger fare for process vehicles with effect from August 5, 2013
Instructions regarding fixation of passenger fare for process vehicles with effect from August 5, 2013
5 अगस्त, 2013 से प्रक्रम वाहनों का यात्री किराया निर्धारित करने के संबंध में निर्देश Full Document
Permission to use red light and yellow light on vehicle
Permission to use red light and yellow light on vehicle
यान पर लाल बत्ती एवं पीली बत्ती का प्रयोग करने की अनुज्ञा Full Document
Permission to use red light and yellow light on vehicle
Permission to use red light and yellow light on vehicle
यान पर लाल बत्ती एवं पीली बत्ती का प्रयोग करने की अनुज्ञा Full Document
Amendment in Transport Department Notification No. F 22-41-2011-Eight dated 21 January 2013
Amendment in Transport Department Notification No. F 22-41-2011-Eight dated 21 January 2013
परिवहन विभाग की अधिसूचना क्रमांक एफ 22-41-2011-आठ, दिनांक 21 जनवरी, 2013 में संशोधन Full Document