Gazette Notification - Labour, Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Works included as building and other construction works
Works included as building and other construction works
कार्यों को भवन एवं अन्य संनिर्माण कार्यों के रूप में सम्मिलित Full Document
Reorganization of Madhya Pradesh Bhavan and other construction workers welfare board
Reorganization of Madhya Pradesh Bhavan and other construction workers welfare board
मध्यप्रदेश भवन एवं अन्य संनिर्माण कर्मकार कल्याण मंडल का पुनर्गठन Full Document
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Labour Service (Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1985
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Labour Service (Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1985
मध्यप्रदेश श्रम सेवा (राजपत्रित) भरती नियम, 1985 में संशोधन Full Document
Amendment in Notification No. F14-5-2011-A-Sixteen dated 25 November 2011 of Labor Department
Amendment in Notification No. F14-5-2011-A-Sixteen dated 25 November 2011 of Labor Department
श्रम विभाग की अधिसूचना क्रमांक एफ 14-5-2011-ए-सोलह, दिनांक 25 नवम्बर 2011 में संशोधन Full Document
The Madhya Pradesh Shops and Establishments Act, 1958 related to working hours of women between 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM shall not apply to the establishment of Information Technology
The Madhya Pradesh Shops and Establishments Act, 1958 related to working hours of women between 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM shall not apply to the establishment of Information Technology
मध्यप्रदेश दुकान तथा स्थापना अधिनियम, 1958 जो कि रात्रि 9.00 बजे से प्रातः 7.00 बजे के बीच महिलाओं के कामकाज से संबंधित... Full Document
Names of person appointed as Presiding Officer of Labour Court
Names of person appointed as Presiding Officer of Labour Court
श्रम न्यायालय के पीठासीन अधिकारी के रूप में नियुक्त व्यक्ति के नाम Full Document
The State Government, re-organizes the State Contract Labour Advisory Council
The State Government, re-organizes the State Contract Labour Advisory Council Full Document
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Labour Service (Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1985
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Labour Service (Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1985
मध्यप्रदेश श्रम सेवा (राजपत्रित) भर्ती नियम, 1985 में संशोधन Full Document
Reorganization of Madhya Pradesh Slate Pencil Workers Welfare Board
Reorganization of Madhya Pradesh Slate Pencil Workers Welfare Board
मध्यप्रदेश स्लेट पेंसिल कर्मकार कल्याण मंडल का पुनर्गठन Full Document
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Rules, 2002
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Rules, 2002
मध्यप्रदेश भवन और अन्य सन्निर्माण कर्मकार (नियोजन तथा सेवा शर्तों का विनियमन) नियम, 2002 में संशोधन Full Document
Appointment of Mr. Vallabh Kadia, Joint Director, as Chief Factory Inspector
Appointment of Mr. Vallabh Kadia, Joint Director, as Chief Factory Inspector
श्री वल्लभ कड़िया, संयुक्त संचालक, को मुख्य कारखाना निरीक्षक के रूप में नियुक्ति Full Document
Appointment the officers as the Assessing Officer for assessment of cess in relation to the cost of construction work within their respective jurisdiction
Appointment the officers as the Assessing Officer for assessment of cess in relation to the cost of construction work within their respective jurisdiction
अपने संबंधित अधिकार क्षेत्र के भीतर निर्माण कार्य की लागत के संबंध में उपकर के मूल्यांकन के लिए मूल्यांकन अधिकारी के रूप में अधिकारियों की नियुक्ति Full Document
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Labour Service (Non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1966
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Labour Service (Non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1966
मध्यप्रदेश श्रम सेवा (अराजपत्रित) भर्ती नियम, 1966 में संशोधन Full Document
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Labour Service (Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1985
Amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Labour Service (Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1985
मध्यप्रदेश श्रम सेवा (राजपत्रित) भर्ती नियम, 1985 में संशोधन Full Document
Shri Prabhat Dubey, Deputy Labor Commissioner, Bhopal appointed as Registrar of Trade Unions
Shri Prabhat Dubey, Deputy Labor Commissioner, Bhopal appointed as Registrar of Trade Unions
श्री प्रभात दुबे, उप श्रमायुक्त, भोपाल को रजिस्ट्रार ऑफ ट्रेड यूनियन नियुक्त Full Document