Gazette Notification - Governor Secretariat, Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Appointment of Members to the rank of Minister
Appointment of Members to the rank of Minister
सदस्यों की मंत्री पद पर नियुक्ति Full Document
Dr. R. K. Singh, Director, National Research Center on Economic, Sirsa Road, Hisar, Haryana nominated as member of the Board of Management of the University
Dr. R. K. Singh, Director, National Research Center on Economic, Sirsa Road, Hisar, Haryana nominated as member of the Board of Management of the University
डॉ. आर. के. सिंह, डायरेक्टर, नेशनल रिसर्च सेन्टर ऑन इक्यूनिस, सिरसा रोड, हिसार, हरियाणा को विश्वविद्यालय के प्रबंध बोर्ड में सदस्य मनोनीत Full Document
Recommendation submitted by the Central Board of Studies constituted for Aadhaar curriculum to include "moral education" in "Aadhaar syllabus"
Recommendation submitted by the Central Board of Studies constituted for Aadhaar curriculum to include "moral education" in "Aadhaar syllabus"
आधार पाठ्यक्रम के लिए गठित केन्द्रीय अध्ययन मण्डल द्वारा "नैतिक शिक्षा" को "आधार पाठ्यक्रम" में शामिल करने के हेतु प्रस्तुत अनुशंसा Full Document
Nominee to the Board of Management of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Agricultural University, Gwalior
Nominee to the Board of Management of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Agricultural University, Gwalior
राजमाता विजयाराजे सिंधिया कृषि विश्वविद्यालय, ग्वालियर के प्रबंध बोर्ड में नामांकित सदस्य Full Document
Person nominated as a member of the management board of Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, Jabalpur
Person nominated as a member of the management board of Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, Jabalpur
नानाजी देशमुख पशु चिकित्सा विज्ञान विश्वविद्यालय, जबलपुर के प्रबंध मण्डल में सदस्य के रूप में मनोनीत व्यक्ति Full Document
Dr. Mahadevappa, Former Vice Chancellor, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad nominated as member of the Board of the University
Dr. Mahadevappa, Former Vice Chancellor, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad nominated as member of the Board of the University
डॉ. महादेवप्पा, पूर्व कुलपति, कृषि विज्ञान विश्वविद्यालय, धारवाड़ को विश्वविद्यालय के प्रबंध बोर्ड में सदस्य नामांकित Full Document
Nominated as an elected member of the State Legislative Assembly in the Board of Management of Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur
Nominated as an elected member of the State Legislative Assembly in the Board of Management of Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur
राज्य विधान सभा के निर्वाचित सदस्य के रूप में जवाहर लाल नेहरू कृषि विश्वविद्यालय, जबलपुर के प्रबंध मण्डल में सदस्य मनोनीत Full Document
Nominated a member on the board of Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur
Nominated a member on the board of Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur Full Document
Nominated a member on the board of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia, Agricultural University, Gwalior
Nominated a member on the board of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia, Agricultural University, Gwalior Full Document
M.P. Legislative Assembly Members Appointed as Ministers
M.P. Legislative Assembly Members Appointed as Ministers
म.प्र. विधान सभा सदस्यों को मंत्री पद पर नियुक्ति Full Document
His Excellency the Chancellor, Mrs. Asha Arun Yadav, nominated as a member of the board of Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur
His Excellency the Chancellor, Mrs. Asha Arun Yadav, nominated as a member of the board of Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur
महामहिम कुलाधिपति, श्रीमती आशा अरूण यादव, को जवाहरलाल नेहरू कृषि विश्वविद्यालय, जबलपुर के प्रमण्डल में सदस्य मनोनीत Full Document
Person nominated as a member of the board of Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur
Person nominated as a member of the board of Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur
जवाहर लाल नेहरू कृषि विश्वविद्यालय, जबलपुर के प्रमण्डल में सदस्य के रुप में मनोनीत व्यक्ति Full Document
Recommending courses for graduate level subjects sent by the Central Board of Studies for the approval of His Excellency the Chancellor
Recommending courses for graduate level subjects sent by the Central Board of Studies for the approval of His Excellency the Chancellor
केन्द्रीय अध्ययन मंडलों के द्वारा स्नातक स्तर के विषयों के पाठ्यक्रम अनुशंसित कर महामहिम कुलाधिपति के अनुमोदन हेतु प्रेषित Full Document
Animal Husbandry Diploma course Admission rules, 2011
Animal Husbandry Diploma course Admission rules, 2011
पशुपालन पत्रोपाधि पाठयक्रम प्रवेश नियम, 2011 Full Document
Member nominated in the management board of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Agricultural University, Gwalior
Member nominated in the management board of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Agricultural University, Gwalior
राजमाता विजयाराजे सिंधिया कृषि विश्वविद्यालय, ग्वालियर के प्रबंध मण्डल में सदस्य मनोनीत Full Document
Dr. Lal Krishna, nominated as a member of the Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur
Dr. Lal Krishna, nominated as a member of the Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur
डॉ.लालकृष्णा को जवाहरलाल नेहरू कृषि विश्वविद्यालय, जबलपुर के प्रमण्डल में सदस्य मनोनीत Full Document
Mei Charudatta Digambarao nominated as member of the Board of Management of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Agricultural University
Mei Charudatta Digambarao nominated as member of the Board of Management of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Agricultural University
मेयी चारूदत्त दिगम्बरराव को राजमाता विजयाराजे सिंधिया कृषि विश्वविद्यालय के प्रबंध बोर्ड में सदस्य नामांकित Full Document
Formation of Madhya Pradesh Veterinary Science Board
Formation of Madhya Pradesh Veterinary Science Board
मध्यप्रदेश पशु चिकित्सा विज्ञान बोर्ड का गठन Full Document